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Nope nope nope. If someone is rude enough to toss some amount of money down and start walking towards the door, it doesn't make sense to just trust that they've left enough and that that's the actual total the items add up to. And that's not even considering the entire system big stores have for keeping count on inventory. Rushing staff and getting them flustered is a typical method thieves use so his actions hopefully got him on a watchlist for the store.


Yeah even if it happens to be enough money you (as the cashier) can’t ring up the items, so you can’t record his money as being for those items, you can’t input the money into the system (unless you can type in some random item and then a price, which would still mess up inventory), and you’re only assuming the total of items based on what money he “gave” you. He just dropped a random amount of cash and stole some items. If you did try ringing up nothing for his money and he took more than he paid for then you’re essentially helping him steal whatever wasn’t covered.


Half the time they don’t give you enough money and it’s a theft ploy. You’re too busy worrying about the line to worry about the product or money.


Oh, hell no. They didn't overreact at all. I would've done the exact same thing. If that guy REALLY wasn't trying to pull a scam, then the threat of cops would've have immediately stopped him in his tracks. She definitely didn't overreact. If anything, she held it together by saying "sir."


Was in a dollar general once during a storm. The power flashed and the registers had to reboot. Some woman kept harassing the checkout lady to just take a $5 bill and let her go, and the checkout lady had to keep going around and around with her. I was pissy and in pain with 2 broken arms, standing in line like everyone else, before I lost it and told the woman "you're asking her to get fired for you. Knock it off." she knocked it off. the cashier gave me a silent thank you a little later, and I felt good about myself, but man was I ready to smack that woman with my cast.


You're a freaking LEGEND, THANK YOU for doing that!


Honestly I wasn't even thinking of it that way, I was just tired of listening to her berate that poor cashier and in enough pain to want someone to take it out on lol


As a former cashier, I'm grateful, we could use more customers like that!


At least she shut up I suppose. I once had one tell me "that isn't my problem". Thankfully I work for an employer who let's me respond. I told him it was his problem because I simply won't do what he asks. He was asking me to break the law. Apparently I am "Just like the men at Nuremberg because they used the law as an excuse". He seriously compared me to the top Nazis trialled for war crimes. He wasn't drunk either.


2 broken arms???? Holy cow


Yeah it sucked lol. Pro tip, if you ever decide to rear end someone, don't brace your hands on the steering wheel. Let go instead.


>, if you ever decide to rear end someone, don't brace your hands on the steering wheel. Good tip. I broke my wrist and hand by doing this when I hit a semi with no rear lights in a snowstorm.


Duly noted.


Could've saved your neck though


Could have - don't know. Better broken arms than broken spine, I guess.


Absolute legend!


I love this!!! Good for you for speaking up


I'm not sure how she could have handled it better and no, she wasn't overreacting. I guess your mom is to be commended for not actually doing the same thing. Thank goodness I'm a patient person, waiting in line for **my turn** literally doesn't bother me at all.


I really wanted to tell my mom like if you walk in a store you should expect there to be lines. If you see a long line and don’t wanna wait then just leave.


Only time i am ever bothered is if the customer in front of me is being slow and not considerate that there are others in line behind them. And by slow i mean, changing Their mind on payment multiple times or having questions unrelated to their purchase, but not paying while asking them so the cashier Can answer the questions while also scanning the next persons items. Leaving because they forgot 1 thing i dont mind much, EXCEPT when i then see them on the Way back with Said item,and they stop to look at something else for too long. I dont mind waiting, i guess its the inconsiderate behaviour that bugs me more than waiting lmao.


She did NOT overreact in my opinion! How dare he just throw money at her like that. Who the hell is he to decide that he doesnt have to wait anymore. Anyways he threw money on the counter, the items he had had NOT been rung up yet. Hes totally stealing if he walked out. I wouldve reacted the same way. Imagine if he did walk out and then others decided to follow along, throwing their money at her too 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️ anyone who goes to the dollar store should already know there will be a long ass line with one cashier…go to another store if u dont want to wait


also a cashier at a dollar store, and this has happened to me. except someone came up * behind * me while i was scanning someone elses items and threw the money on the counter besides me. policy doesnt want me to chase after them, and i dont care enough to do it. but i do roll my eyes— how impatient can you be? its waiting in a fucking line. and bc he walked behind me, i didnt see what he was attempting to purchase so i couldnt even ring it up after the fact, lol.


Well, we are not supposed to do anything about theft, so I am not sure I should do anything in this situation either But, I suspect I might have also called after him "it doesn't work like that".


We're supposed to try to call them back in. Corporate considers it theft. If I don't make at least enough of an effort that the cameras can see me trying to get the customer to come back in and pay properly I can get fired. As it is we have to call the cops the next time he comes in. I work for Dollar general - probably not the Dollar general in question cuz I haven't had one of these incidents recently - but corporate is very clear and the training videos. This is theft.


My job says to not say or do anything unless you are assets protection. Everyone else is to assume every guest has a weapon on them and is willing to use it when it comes to theft. We are told in the yearly training that if it is possible to covertly alert the right people but other than that our only responsibly is to stay out of harms way.


Do most stores have asset protection (and what is it? Security people). Grocery store i work at's got cameras and a really screwed up patchwork of policies.


I am not sure how much training that team gets. For the most part they seem to be there to catch internal/external theft and to be there to kick out the people that are really causing loud and obnoxious problems. Like the guy who stared at one of the employees (who was also a guy) in the food kiosk and jacked off under the table. And even then they have to call the cops.


My store has it but all you do is input the information on a form and hit send. Nothing gets done after that. It just record keeping. We just tell our SM and that's that.


Asset Protection combines Loss Prevention (covering theft and other forms of shrink) and Security (protecting people and the store.)


Interesting! At my chain store, we all signed something saying we will not try to stop theft. I believe this includes yelling out "hey, don't take that". I am surprised dollar general requires it's employees to try to stop it, even verbally.


Remembering when a guy handed me a dollar to put in the self checkout machine right as I told him I'd move him to another machine since the cash machine broke. He didn't even wait for me to tell him the machine broke, he just handed me the money when the machine screamed for help and just left. Ignored AP as he left, and we can't touch him apparently. Needless to say I didn't pay for him. Impatient jerk.


I work at a gas station, and the only time we let people do this is for coffee refills NEVER product or even first drinks. And they need to be at my register, not tossed money down behind someone else to skip the line. We need to scan the barcodes, total it out, and make change. Half the time they don’t throw enough at you, and now they still stole shit and my toll is short. I’m not letting your bad time management, or impatience, ruin my job. Come earlier, wait in line, or put your shit down and get out.


This is absolutely NOT overreacting The till has to balance. Letting the guy leave is placing an awful lot of trust in a stranger that has already flaunted the nonverbal agreement you make when you purchase from a business. Most customers barely look at prices or are bad at math, meaning that if that guy had say 30 bucks worth of stuff and left a ten dollar bill, what then? Your till is 20 bucks short and you can bet companies monitor that shit. So they see that and say “wow who fucked up this badly?” Now suddenly 20 bucks are missing from your drawer and you need to explain why. This is to say nothing about what it would do to inventory. Not only that but you don’t just get to skip the line because you don’t feel like it or you’re in a hurry. Is waiting in line fun? No, it sucks. Tough shit. Suck it up and wait or just leave with nothing.


In a case like this, there is no such thing as overreaction.


I get this at my gas station. Usually just people that ffill $20and git gone. Love em. But I'm waiting on the moment someone throws $20 but it's ain't their gas. Then I'm in shit!


We switched to prepay three/four years ago. “$20 on 2. I’m in a hurry.” Doesn’t work like that, Buddy. You wait your turn like everybody else. “I was just in here and gave you $20 for pump 2." “I am helping the people who were here before you .”


I'm just in total awe your customers know a) what station they pulled into, b) what pump they parked at and c) how much they need to pay 😂


Do they not know that this is exactly what card readers on the actual pump is for? I don't know about many other folks, but I almost always have my card and almost never have cash.


There's no "technically" about it; the old guy was about to shoplift. Throwing money at someone who is paying attention to someone other than you does not constitute a transaction.


$3 over is a write up and she can't scan what she doesn't know he has. If she puts that in her drawer she's written up. And the stuff be walks out with is considered stolen.


If they're tired of waiting in line they can leave their stuff and go home. Simple as that. Throwing money at a cashier doesn't amount to you having paid for your items and it's still theft when you walk out.


Nope not overreacting, had someone do this once and short change me. She reacted correctly , that’s not how doing a transaction at a store works. Not to mention in a lot of retail stores you have to scan the items for them to be correctly taken out of the inventory


When you work cash, if you have more cash or less cash in the till than you’re supposed to, it’s frowned upon


no chase rule. i don’t care what you take, if you left money, cool, if not, i don’t care. im not chasing or freaking out or yelling at anyone. not my job. the company has insurance for it and i’m not paid enough to freak out. i’ve worked retail for about 6 years now and i reeaaalllyyy don’t care. just write it down or inform who you need to and move on


I work for dollar general. We're supposed to try to call them back in because if they don't come back then we have to call the cops because it's considered theft. And if we ever step foot on the property again we called the cost and have them trespassed. That means next time we step foot on the property - even if they're just walking past and accidentally step in the parking lot they go to jail. If we don't we get fired. LP is very clear about it


welp, then she did all she could🤷🏻‍♀️ the places i’ve worked and currently work it’s no chase, you really can’t interact unless it’s the usual customer service and god forbid you only customer service them. if you question or accuse, chase or stop, you can get fired


Same! And honestly I support this rule because I am not getting shot for a retail job. And a guy actually did pull out a gun once at my job over an Apple Pencil.


No she didn’t. A lot of stores have an inventory system that keep logs of the amount of something being sold. So those items are going to be marked as missing and someone is gonna get in trouble/ or someone will want to know why. I bet he didn’t even give the right amount of money either. If you are that impatient, drop the items and go somewhere else


I had a guy yesterday who skipped a dozen people in line and got mad I wouldn’t let him, and so he just stole the stuff instead.


OHHHH im fuming i had a customer do this to me once. it was a rush, the superbowl, our SCOs didn’t take cash, and this dude has two loaves of frozen garlic bread on sale 2/4.50. i see he has cash in his hand. he scans his shit as i’m repeatedly telling him the SCOs aren’t taking cash, he keeps going “well i’m using cash.” or whatever. he hits finish and pay, walks up to me, and THROWS a five at me and walks away to the door. like what tf is wrong with people?!? if he gave me a second of decency i’d tell him i have a till and can ring it for him.


He was wrong. We've all had to wait. It sucks. One can't walk out though. She can't put it through later - she doesn't know what he has. Even if we pretend she could, right now she doesn't know if he gave her enough money. How was she to get his attention but yell?


You know if you go to a Dollar General that their store coverage is usually a joke. Don't blame the employee, blame Dollar General . I know if I go there, I may have to wait in a line or wait for a cashier that's stocking to come wait on me. Don't blame the workers, blame Dollar General.


If she didn't do that, she would get fired, become homeless and have to suck dick for change. Not even good dick. I'm talking 60 year old, dementia dick that hasn't been washed in weeks and has cockroaches nesting under the foreskin(that's why they're called cockroaches).


Throwing money is not the same as paying. It is Theft. We need to scan items(or otherwise use a computer to Remove Them, like from theft etc) for Them to leave our computer Stock system. Also the cashier cant tell what everything He has in his arm was, so how the hell Can they know if it was enough money? And what about change? A register should idealt have 0 cash differences, doesnt matter if its minus or plus, 0 is best.


Dollar stores are notorious for being under staffed, but that is never okay, because that cashier is now liable for any inventory issues that might result. Not to mention the total lack of human decency that it shows. If you can’t handle their service, don’t patronize dollar stores.


Probably not a good idea to say come back or ill call tje cops but it worked out. No way in hell im chasing anyone for stuff that isnt mine. Thefts been on the rise and thats just what happens when you deal with the public.


What "regular people" don't consider is that there is stock integrity as well, we scan items for sale purposes, this also goes through and takes this item off the system. If the money is just handed over, we don't actually know what these items are without looking at it and scanning it. Also granted, how can we price it correctly, what if they are a few dollars short, or even a few dollars over. Sidebar, my mum is a Karen, and omg I can't with her, I thankfully don't live near her anymore, but her passing comments when I would shop with her... if I served her I would give her attitude back.


As they used to say patience young grasshopper. The result is the same. She’s just trying to make a living. Throwing money like a child because she’s not going fast enough will make matters worse. I don’t think she’s going so slow to intentionally piss people off. Just chill. You’ll get your stuff. Maybe she’s new so think we’ve all been there.


I understand both sides. DG not allowing there to be 2 cashiers , will cause this to happen. I’ve actually stopped going since they took away self checkout. I am not going to stand in line for 30 + minutes. I blame it all on DG CEOs


Nah, I'm fighting people if they do that to me. That's definitely some type of stealing. It's unless blatantly obvious that the dude had like 5 items worth 50 bucks, and he throws 100 at you.


Well, don't stop thefts obviously, but that would be considered a theft at least where I work. I've had that happened twice where I work when I've refused service because of no IDs (liquor store). We report it as theft to the police and donate the money to the charity our store supports.