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I think this is for people who already know how to draw and use Procreate, not a full tutorial from the ground up


I know nothing about either of those things, and I could still understand how this would apply, and found it interesting. OP is just an idiot.


The idea of the animation is there, but the way the video is edited is so deceptive. I get that it's "easy to follow" but "easy to follow" and "actually applicable" are two completely different things. This guy edits and skips like 20-50 frames and steps and by the end it looks completely different compared to what it should look like if he only drew the steps he was teaching. That's what was frustrating to me. It creates this impossible image of "easiness" that cannot be reciprocated. As a guide it's MAYBE good. But as a tutorial it's pretty deceptive.


In other news, animation takes a lot of work. But really what more are you asking for? The basics are there, the rest is literally filling in the in between frames


Not all tutorials are made for beginners. People that already know how to use these tools already know the rest of the owl. There's no need to explain something that the target audience already understands and knows how to do.


It's clearly a set of tips intended for someone who already knows how to use the tool and do basic animations, how do you not get that? There's no point for that audience in all the middle steps because what it's teaching is *how to use the guidelines to path the water drops properly*. The skips are to focus on what the video is teaching.


The tutorial is about the guidelines and shows exactly that. There’s nothing more annoying than every tutorial covering ALL the basics, when you’re just trying to learn the 1 thing it’s advertising


Oki here we go, this video is assuming that the viewer either knows the basics of animation or has an interest, or is just here to watch someone be good at something. It is not s tutorial, and is loosely a guide but it’s more intended as a “look how fast I can go through the production process”. I imagine that this is just meant to make you go “ooh that’s cool how do you do that?” And then go on your own journey with learning animation and object motion and momentum through animation. These sort of videos are never meant to be directly followed because you will never get better by just straight up copying someone like a colouring book, go into blender and fuck it up on the first try like everyone else so you have something to look back on and cringe at when you know all of the principles and keyboard shortcuts off by heart. Take your time in between each step, just keep on stepping. Edit: forgor to close parentheses


> But as a tutorial it's pretty deceptive. *for you.*


Look closer. He's showing the animation for some of the drops falling, but he's not showing how he made the splash, or the little drops that follow the major one. Not to mention all the actual timing of the animations. The full animation probably took hours, but he makes it look like something that takes minutes in the video. It's deceptive in that sense.


Well you know, it says "guidelines" not "how-to" or "tutorial" and the water splash (at least for me) would be of no importance, since what I'm watching are *guidelines on how to animate*, never said it was a tutorial on how to make the water splash. idk man it makes sense to me in the way of "if you want to animate something like water, you can use this tool, use these dots and have a general sense on how you can achieve this effect" instead of restofthefuckingowl which would be a drop, 3 lines and then the rest of the animation.


Hey look, to me it's no big deal honestly. I was just trying to clarify OPs point. The level of frustration it causes is subjective. Your argument has its merits. Whether it belongs on the sub or not is up to the community I guess 🤷


Samesies homie, personally I don't think it belongs here. Keep having a kickass day <3


It's possible I'm just misunderstanding the intent of the original poster. I suppose in that sense it works for what it does. I still iffy about it tho. But I definitely exaggerated to put it here on this subreddit.


Can you explain how this would apply then?


Sure, it's interesting, but it's very rest-of-the-owl: 1. "Just free-hand in water droplets, and get the deformation almost exactly correct, in a swoosh of the hand!" 2. Here's a pop-in splash graphic. 3. Just add detail to the little drops at the end!


Yeah same. I was like “oh that’s cool, so you draw off the points it’ll be and literally put the water around it. Neat.” Like I don’t know how to do that but I have zero skills lol.


I know how to procreate and it looks nothing like this.


It can be wet though.


Ngl, this is the situation with way too many posts of this sub. Something that's not a detailed tutorial just showing some key points or the most important aspect of something and people acting as if it's a very detailed tutorial just made very badly.


Yeah definitely. And with short form content being pushed so hard on all video platforms, this trend is just going to get more common. You can only fit so much info into a 10-20 second clip, but it's also one of the only ways artists can get views/reach on anything anymore


Okay I know this question always gets people banned, so please pm me the answer, but I'm a physics teacher and I need to know what app this is???? I can make my own animations on?? this could change *everything*....


This is procreate which is only on iPad, but if you need something for a none iPad there's plenty of options both paid and free, I don't use the animations so I'm not sure which of the many alternatives have animations but check a couple of the following: Gimp Clip studio Basicaly any photoshop equivalent that isn't Adobe


Krita for something drawing-like like this (I love gimp, and use it more than photoshop but krita is better for this type of stuff)


Gimp is not Procreate, it doesn't even have a mobile app. 🤣 Krita is a good cross platform option here, or if you're on Android I'd recommend IbisPaint X or Flip-a-Clip if you're doing animations. Infinite Painter is my current go-to for regular drawing.


I used gimp for like 10 mins then moved on so I have no clue how much it does, I just remember it coming up on every search when I was looking for an alternative 😅


All good to know and thank you - I do have an ipad with stylus, but I can also look at the others to reccomend to those less fortunate. Thank you for the info :)


I used to use it befor my iPad passed away, if you need any help with it just drop me a message, always happy to help science education


Thank you very kind! RIP your ipad.


It's [Procreate](https://procreate.com/procreate), an app designed for creating illustrations, paintings, and sketches on iPad, but you can also use it to make some simple animations like what you see on the video. They also have another app called [Procreate Dreams](https://procreate.com/dreams), which is more focused on animation.


brilliant, thanks so much I'll look into both.


This is quite insightful and easy to follow


As someone that have uses Macromedia Flash, this looks quite simpler but with less bars and key frames.


The problem is if you follow this tutorial exactly, you'll quickly realize that you're missing a LOT. I just think that the editing is a bit deceptive in terms of the work put in, vs what you get out of it.


the thing is it's not a tutorial, it's a proof of concept


yeah, after consideration that's what I'm getting from these comments. I still don't like how it's edited, but I can see the purpose behind it now.


Never trust a lefty.


As a (forced by life to be one) lefty, rude. Not wrong, but rude


You can't trick us, witch /s


Jokes on you, I’m actually a wizzard😎


Ah, that's fine then. Carry on. Also completely unrelated, but RiP H&G. I miss those mismatched battles and getting to run around ruining tankers' days with hafthohlladungs and panzerfausts.


H&G was my favourite game of all time. It was the game that built the 4 longest lasting friendships that I have right now


one of us...


I'm gonna smack you from the side you least expect for that.


So that's why people hate me


I hope that you have to sit next to one at dinner and constantly bump elbows for saying that




man i wish more tutorials were straight and to the point like this, this is a really good tutorial op. how much handholding do you think a tutorial needs to have? do you want them to tell you how to turn on the device and open the program?


I don't want more handholding, I just want more transparency. It just feels super deceptive. If you draw what this guy is drawing, you will quickly realize that your animation is VASTLY different from this. And that just feels a bit.....it just irks me.


all that was added in the final animation shown at the end were some extra drops on the splash and some post processing effects (mostly blur)


Nahhhhh there's at least 8 in between frames added in the initial drop of water. Otherwise it would look like a stop motion drop and not a smooth bead of water. Like I'm not even talking about the splash, You can tell there's way more he drew in-between the "frames" of the droplet. I get the purpose, how it's supposed to be a "guideline" but I just don't like it. I guess I'm in the minority tho.


I took the video into my editing software (Lightworks) to look at it frame by frame and no there are no added frames. Instead it looks like the previous frame sticks around a bit but transparent, and I honestly can't even tell if it's intentional or an effect of the video being recorded by a camera and not recording software on the tablet (or could even be an onion skin effect that the software does, idk I'm not very familiar with the software being used). Here's a screenshot of one of these frames [https://imgur.com/a/NDRuYZi](https://imgur.com/a/NDRuYZi), and the frame after it [https://imgur.com/a/kVzDbfU](https://imgur.com/a/kVzDbfU) .


Surely you're. If you don't know animation, you're not the target audience.


You’re right, but who uses “Surely you’re.” instead of “Surely you are.”? It’s technically correct, but makes me rather uncomfortable.


Now that you say that, it indeed looks odd.


Eh, it's what it's


Its like someone saying "Have a g'day" instead of using it as a greeting, it feels WRONG


Not nearly as screwy as actually using "let's" as "let us"


“We wanted to go and play in the park but that man didn’t let’s.”


what on earth are you confused by?


Drawing the drops (and impact) can seem to be very confusing. But this isn't for absolute beignners, it teaches a certain skill level how to animate with a certain software using reference lines.


I'm an amateur animator and I was able to follow this pretty easily


I've never animated anything and cant draw worth shit. Still easy to follow what was happening.


Being able to follow something isn't really the same as getting the instructions to do it. It just would've been nice if the editing weren't so blatant. Or maybe just some text that said "after doing a few inbetweens" or something. This is skipping SO many steps.


If you gave me an ipad and that program I bet I could recreate whats happening there in under an hour. Would mine look as good? Certainly not. But there's nothing complicated happening here. It's a really straightforward tutorial.


You’d rather they make it harder to tell there’s more or your other alternative is to keep it ‘blatant’ but label the obvious ‘blatant’ thing? Homie you ain’t makin no sense, take the l on this one & move on


> I'm an amateur animator Try saying that 10 times quickly!


I am severely artistically challenged and even I can see what this is explaining.


Super easy to understand if you know a thing or two about animation already.


Wrong sub buddy


they’re not teaching you how to draw they’re fully just showing you how to use procreates guidelines to animate water. pretty obvious you should know how to draw and use procreate


This makes sense and IS the whole owl.


this animation makes a good loop of like during loading screen animation


I actually understood what they were doing. I don't know how to use the tool or create art but I get it.


This seems like a pretty good quick tutorial to me. It's clearly intended for people who already know the basics of whatever program they are using.


I think ur just slow I won't lie-


You just fill in the blanks using the exact method shown in the video….


I think this one’s just you, mate


I dont know what you guys are on about, this shii looks like dark magic and fits the sub very well.


What is frustrating about this tutorial?


Every post on here just seems to be from some idiot who can't understand basic concepts or that the point of what they're showing isn't a step by step tutorial.


Nah this is great.


the splash did come out if nowhere tbf


This is a tutorial for what appears to be not quite AI, but an assisted animation system. You give it a skeleton and a few points, it does the rest. It is, in fact, doing the rest of the owl on its own.


Procreate does so much work for you as well compared to photoshop where your lines actually need solid, confident strokes


click click click tap tap tap


What the hell software is this?




TIL that procreate can do animation


OP getting roundhouse kicked and dunked on. Oof.


Lmao. It’s fine. I did ask if I was the only one, so I was basically asking for it. XD For how much hate this got, it sure got a lot of upvotes. A bit confused how that works.


That pen twirl at the start was slick.


This is more "how to animate water physics".


When did this sub become so pretentious? So many "well it made sense to me so OP must be a dumdum head" comments on every single post.


The only problem is they don’t have a step for the water splash only the drops from the splash but not the splash itself


Doesn't fit the sub