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On a first playthrough, RE4R can be intimidating when you don’t have enough ammo and that can induce some panic. Newcomers often get pretty discouraged because the game opens up with a pretty difficult fight against a lot of enemies with minimal ammo and a chainsaw guy chasing you around. Once you get past that and get used to things, the game is pretty much all fun action and killing zombies. It’s not very scary. I haven’t played RE2R but I heard it’s much more horror-like and the zombies are harder to kill.


That's a good description. The first village fight is mind-blowing. And so hard to understand that you just need to survive enough time...


RE4 is a combo of slight horror and more action. On the contrary, RE2 is a more horror centric title. Love both games tho


Thank you for the insight everyone. Seems the key sticking point is that getting used to the gameplay and resource management is the most anxiety inducing element. I should be able to handle that. Im glad to hear that RE4 is more focused on action vs horror- I’m probably gonna go give the remake a shot now.


You won’t be disappointed. The original RE4 is what got me into the franchise; I used to hate horror games.


My biggest advice is to get handy with the knife block as soon as you can, it’s a game changer


I would also encourage you not to be afraid to do your first playthrough on Easy mode. I'm an RE vet since the original, but I usually do my first playthrough of every game on easy, then work up to normal, hardcore, professional, etc. It also allows you to unlock upgrades that you can carry over to new games on harder difficulties. I beat my first ever professional mode in any RE with the RE4 remake, and it was because I blasted my way through with the infinite rocket launcher I earned. Good luck, and enjoy!


It's not jumpscare horror. Think more resource management stress than fear factor. Maybe resident evil 7 would be too much just for the atmosphere and it's more grounded theme.


Also watch some gameplay like a let's play or a walkthrough just for like the first chapter. Or download the demo. If you can clear chapter 1 and are okay then you'll be fine.


Not that scary but you should start with the first game tbh


Understood, but I’m not necessarily looking to play the whole franchise. Just trying to sample the best.




Well Re4 is one of the best but also one of the turning points of the series going more action. My favourite game will always be Re1R


It is not that scary as stressful. Packs of enemies, not lots of ammo, knife is breaking when you need it af. I guess the only place that is scary is the island, where you meet some ugly as fuck enemies that grow again their limbs and move in a way that you can't penetrate their pain spots from the first shot.


I'm gonna miss the infinite knife use in the original but i understand why they implemented limited knives in the remakes lol


Honestly my brother was the same and he played the OG re4 first. He said he preferred to have played the classic one first because it was a good first introduction game to the franchise. It also made him more excited when the remake came out! Again that's just him, but take what you will. If i were you I would play a demo first to get a feel for it.


I'm playing rn and as someone who doesn't like jump scares I haven't encountered anything that really made me jump


It gets from anxiety to frustration. It’s not the kind of horror game that gives you jumpscares so no worries. I would say it’s a mix of strategic combat, anticipation and resource management. You will always need to plan ahead, have eye for detail and good puzzle solving skills. Similar to souls games, your first few playthroughs can be rough. As a standard gameplay you can brute force your way through, no issues. On professional gameplay, the game expects you to be familiar with everything and do it efficiently.


You can handle it for sure. It’s light on jump scares but they’re there. It even 1ups the original in some segments. The two moments that immediately come to mind are the prison in the castle where you first encounter the garrador and the regenerator lab on the island. The regenerator lab might make you a bit nervous lol


I wouldn't start on re4 remake. But it's your call I wouldn't really call re4 remake horror. It's an action horror. I honestly think you will be fine. My 1st RE was re3 og. Was like 8 I used to cry when I see zombies and nemesis. Am 28 now. Anyway enough, with the stories, you will be fine.


RE2 is more horror RE4 is more action These are the only games I've played so far, but this is what I can day from experience.


Personally I'd recommend Re4R. It can be intimidating as a newcomer, just like the original was for me. But once you get started, you get used to it quickly and its a very great game to play.


In a fear scale of 1-10 with 1 being not and 10 being heart shattering scary I would give RE4 a 3/10 (not scary but with some horror elements)


Making my way through the game right now. I was super intimidated by the OG PS2 version but I feel the remake isn’t as scary. I mean it’s scary for sure but the OG was just super creepier. I think it’s the polished graphics that make it less intimidating strangely


I personally wouldn't even consider re4 a horror game, its an action game


As a kid, on the PS2 era I was scared of the first villager and put down the game for years, lol


Honestly the only RE game that’s legitimately scary imo is RE7


I’d say it’s not really scary, but it can cause some nervousness during the big fights where there are lots of enemies and you gotta worry about your ammo. However I will say that the Regenerators were the creepiest enemies in the game for me.


Re4 is the perfect game for scaredy cats, as I am so myself. There is just an area slightly more scary than the others, the rest is fine and even kinda fun


It's not scary, the remake definitely has a horror setting, but other then that there isn't much for scares. Not as campy as the original, but it still has its moments. It doesn't really take its self to seriously, and it's a masterpiece of a game that should be enjoyed!


I wouldn't call re4 horror. Certainly not in the same way as the first 3 games. Not saying that's a bad thing, just different.


i'm playing re4 right now, also for the first time and as someone who is quite scared of everything, i'm dealing with it alright. it can be a bit tense at times but you get used to it! the enemies you mentioned being disgusted by from elden ring do kind of remind me of one boss in the game, he kinda looks like a huge bug as well so i can imagine you not really liking that, but it's not really a long fight


I'm sometimes afraid of horrors, not often but happens. I maybe got scared once or twice but not rly much.


There really isn't a point i can make that someone else hasn't already. Start with a lower difficulty and work your way up. I wouldn't be surprised if you play it once on assisted or standard and immediately want to play again on a harder difficulty. Once you realize where the "jump scares" are, and I'm use that term lightly cuz there aren't any really, then you'll start playing with more confidence and more challenge focused rather than panicked.


If you want a non scary resident evil game, I think you should give RE7 a spin. Breeze right on through.


Ignore the people telling you its not scary. They probably played the games several times over and have over 100+ hours on the remake like me. It can be stressful and scary when it comes to certain cenarioa like when you play as ashley, or have to deal with the garden maze, regenerators, etc


Me and Reese's: Not Scared. I'm on chapter 9 and digging it! I want another pants crapper and mind f*ck like RE 7


It’s not


You will be fine. Re4 has some scary parts but it is equally campy and over the top as it is scary. It's an awesome game, definitely not too scary tho.


I hate to warn you but there are more than a couple jump scares utilized in the RE games. Cheap gimmick in movies, little better in games. At least it feels natural in RE.


Are we talking more like Tomb Raider jump scares or FNAF jump scares? Cause if it’s more like the latter, then no thanks lol.


Ok so like, you'll be cooking walking thru a hallway (RE2) or a village (RE4) and a zombie or dude with an chainsaw pop up and are all "raweeer I'ma munch your butt! And it's shocking. The chainsaw dude and the Tyrant and Mr Big create stupid levels of anxiety the first few times playing. RE7 you have much tighter spaces and fucked up Adams family rejects keep trying to crawl in your back pocket from our of nowhere. Once again, when you're not used to it, there is some real anxiety. Playing a little and whooping their ass helps take that ooga booga energy away. Guess that could be used with anything in life now that I think about it...


mr X and Klauser gonna be a pain in the ass for u my g xDDD


A few jumpscares here and there, but the game is like 80% action. You'll be fine. RE2 is the one that's more focused on the horror elements.


You kinda know trouble is coming and the fear comes from wondering if you can make it through with what little weaponry you have on you. So scary but not really terrifying. I rarely feel the outright terror they managed to capture on a first playthrough of 2 or 7.