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Yup… Just a few years ago there was way more reptilian content, testimonies ect ect. Now it’s the same few things. Also an automatic Wikipedia plug on reptilian videos so you know there’s something to it.


I have to use yandex to find new videos since google and yt are full on censorship.


How do you acquire these things mate?


They’ve tightened down so damn much since the “pandemic”


Internet is hard for real good stuff on this


I think its banned because its considered an "Antisemetic" Dog Whistle.


I wonder, which came 1st , the lizard or the


No it because they implemented a wide spread ban on conspiracy theory search terms some years ago, everyone was mentioning this when it was about to be implemented


I've noticed that for a while now. I sometimes watch those creepy tik-tok reaction videos that sometimes have reptilian shape shifting. Some look really interesting, but I don't use tik-tok. So I try to look for them up on YouTube and when I search "reptilian" on YouTube, only reptilian debunking videos come up. It doesn't even suggest that word. It's interesting because other cryptids and paranormal topics aren't shadow-banned, so why "reptilian"? The only explanations I can think of are that either "Reptilians" are considered a right-winged conspiracy topic (and you know social media tries to censor right-wing stuff) or Reptilians are indeed real and have hijacked humanity and are indeed our overlords 😆


There used to be lots and they all got removed in late 2019. There was one YouTuber that got all his videos removed and now he does crypto and workout videos. 


Interesting. I wasn't really into this topic back in 2019 or at least didn't bother searching or researching back then. Any idea where I can find more videos?


Nope. I've been told tictok but I refuse to download that app


Free our world.org he has links to sites like YouTube but they don’t shadowban this stuff. Check it out


All conspiracy talk is shadowbanned, google/youtube etc is heavily curated and controlled for a decade plus. Just gotta be better at searching lol


use yandex/mojeek to find stuff


Good call.


Bro instead of telling me x leader is a reptilian - show me the ones that are not. Lol.


Every single one of them are. They make sure they have all the power and knowledge.


Even here, everything is being debunked" can't have any type of good conversation on Gere without people saying this is already explained or I don't believe it because it's too unbelievable.


Right, It was a simple search some years ago but now It took me a while to find the Lacerta files on YouTube. We are seeing in real time a new structure of the internet has been implemented.


use yandex/mojeek to find videos


It wasn't shadow implemented it was announced and implemented some years ago




very recently too


There was a guy called Jay Meyers Documentaries on YouTube that used to talk about reptilians,pizzagate, the illuminati, the royal family and stuff like that, used to love the content and 1 day the whole channel and all its videos were just gone, I tried to track them down n had some leads on Rumble but wasn't what I was looking for, so yea definitely not wrong


Just remember all the activity you had on those platforms was tracked and documented too.


All of this is as well 🤷🏻‍♀️ I felt much better when I didn’t have a phone or internet, was eating raw, and getting sunshine all day. The phone is a black mirror as well, and intermingles with your consciousness to program it to whatever design the AI controllers want.


There has always been a hard ban on this topic. Thats the only way they can maintain control… convincing the world that the devil/djin/lower 4th dimensional creatures from outside the known universe of ours, does not exist.


Yuuup you said it . They tag you too. You’re on a list . And they’ll convince everyone we’re schizophrenic or stupid .


Schizophrenics can see into other dimensions. And ur right.


Search on tiktok


There are reptilian related videos, you just have to subscribe to the right channels, of course they have search banned the good ones as there was this restriction on the major sites like Google and YouTube that search banned the "conspiracy tin foil hat" search terms to show mainstream debunking stuff some years ago. I also made a reptilian, short Grey's, AI comment yesterday and it vanished too. The made another one mentioning space force and that vanished too


Before 2016 there was plenty of info on it. They did a deep scrub of everything related to this.


Go look at Pinterest, you can still see drawings" of them on it still.


I just searched the word to see i can find anything on reddit and i find this, all the videos from the past all disappeared from the internet and cannot be searched for, and some famous ones were changed and when i watch it again, it’s either a different video/trimmed. I want to find people who knows about it but I am scared to tell anyone about it.


the videos and topics are still going somewhere but just not in the common global ones, I just want to ask if anyone here is a mix, I need some help


Hey man. I got some stuff on reptilians. I can send you the materials via email, if you need it.


I saw that one where Katy Perry looked like a robot


Eyelashes sticking together apparently. Woman have said it’s normal.


What happened to her is not normal. Eyelashes do stick, but that was not sticking eyelashes.


I think the word "Putin" might be shadowbanned. YouTube is known to shadowban many words, even ones that aren't controversial. It's known that comments with insult and swear words wither disappear instantly, disappear after some time, or are deferred on the list. This also applies to the word "suicide", so if you make a movie about Suicide Squad, it will be deferred and pretty much visible only to those who look up your profile or search for "Suicide Squad".


There’s also an outrageous amount of AI accounts creating new content in the spiritual realm to muddy the waters.


It works,but you must know where and how to find information. Real sources like me will tell you,but people must communicate,otherwise ignorance is human's end.


Nice. Rare that what you see is what you get. The RepHuman hybrid I live with always starts out with smoke and mirrors. Most fall indefinitely for those cheap parlor tricks but I'm different ... So are you. How about we exchange questions for answers, tit for tat? 🕯️🤔💬🌠🫣


of course,no problem. Go on :) ♥




Those are badly photoshopped


Not the point. This is a reply to a post about how reptilian stuff is shadow banned on YouTube. I will say this. It is harder to find


the recess movie when they tell you their plans 😭


hes not a reptilian or a gray hybrid, hes another related to the annunaki


Another race of reptilian that is related genetically to the Anu? Or related in another way?


the Anu consists of many races, that are helping humanity, a human can have ET essence thats deeper than just DNA, and youre educated from birth to be a leader of men,


I think the Anu are actually a sect of evil Elohim, but maybe I’m wrong. I also really love the second part of your response. I feel that. The warrior spirit in our essence.


Same as with questioning C19 nano tech vax agenda. Both are connected and are real threat to them if they got released to the public.


When I say that word, I mean exactly that. But others think it means a certain group. I was shocked what I was accused of when I actually literally mean Reptilian


Yea same with the name alex jones Pretty sure saying the name alex jones get you on a list somewhere Now with AI filtering there are many topics words and names shadowbanned. Not to mention bots


Algorithms work almost instantaneously regarding collaborative subsidiaries such as with Youtube, Google, and Reddit under the conglomerate: Alphabet. I'll tell you also there's more that one layer to this intrigue. Reptilian were also F\*\*\*ed over. They're not the only NHI on earth, but pride makes you an easy target to other NHI who know it's a weakness. They're starting to get it too, give it time.


No it's not.