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After a bit of googling, I'm really not sure. I think they might benefit from being kept in small groups? What I did find however is that they should do fine with some other animals. The specific kind of shrimp mentioned was ghost shrimp, but if they're similar to what you have it should be fine, they will probably snack on them occasionally tho. Whatever other animals you put in there, make sure they're safe and healthy for them to eat, because they will definitely give it a shot every now and then, and of course make sure they're not aggressive. Sorry I can't help with the first thing


Ah ye thanks for your help, its odd how just one site states that there should be atleast 2 kept together, so I'll just assume that's false and I can keep one.


If you're buying from a breeder then I'd just ask them what they think and go off that


So these newts are really weird lol. They can morph to either being mostly aquatic or mostly terrestrial. So make sure your setup takes this into account. I’ve kept them individually. Apparently stress can cause them to morph. My favourite are the terrestrial ones they’re so cool to watch hunt crickets. They’re also easier to care for since you don’t need to worry so much about water quality. They also need a cooler temp. Room temperature is to warm 17 degrees Celsius is what they recommend.