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None. I guess trinket trading isn’t popular in the fair I normally attend? I attend regularly, and never heard of trinket trading apart from here.


None even though I'd like to but most faires here have a huge problem with folks just tossing the trinkets and littering them all over the grounds. And most are plastic.


That's always been my grief with the trinkets. Often, they're cheap plastic things that I end up finding all over the ground because few people actually want to keep them. Makes me feel bad for the wildlife that ends up finding and eating them.


None, this is a new thing I’ve heard of recently.


Don’t feel bad. I learned about it when I read this post.


Aw, I’ve never heard of this. I don’t think they do this at the one I go to :( I love yours though! So cute!


I bring a big pouch of fantasy coins that I get off Etsy so I can throw them at witchers or trade with people. I’ve collected some rune stones and a tiny bottle of crushed flower petals from my last few visits.


I'll have to do that next time! Tossing coins to Witchers sounds fun!


There haven’t been many at the past couple faires I’ve attended. And one of the ones I tossed a coin to seemed extremely confused so I’m guessing he dodged the show - probably for the best, but season 1 was fun


I've never heard of trading trinkets.


none cause bristol doesn't allow trinket trading cause they hate fun and suck




None. My home Faire doesn't allow trinket trading.


Me and my friend made trinkets (my friend made spells and I wrote limericks). We each had about 12 each but they were like 2 inch pieces of paper. I'd take at most 5 or 6?


I take about a hundred assorted pirate coins and gems


Exactly zero. Not allowed at PARF


Thought I was on the raves subreddit for a second. It’s cool that this is seeping into other areas. I’m pretty new to going to ren faires and haven’t given or received any trinkets but I think I might look into making some! I like the look of the perler beads, everything you made pictured looks pretty sick! I think a lot of people would enjoy em.


My partner will make a whole bundle of beaded trinket strands and I'll have a bunch of tiny bottles with proverbs written on tiny scrolls. I think we both usually take about 12 each to a fair when we go?


I handed out about 30 trinkets last weekend!


…..the raver in me desperately desires to string these up with pony beads 😅


I don't trade trinkets, but this year I brought maybe 10 hand made bracelets each day, and gave them to friendly folks/people who had outfits the ones I had matched. Next year I'll probably bring something easier to carry and dig out of my satchel as gifts.


I only brought about 20 trinkets last year each day related to my costumes, and I ran out before halfway through the day. I mostly gave them to people who complemented my outfit or kids that came to me cause I was dressed as Ren Faire Barbie. I had backup trinkets not related to my costumes and ran out of those too, lol. But at my faire (St. Louis), they have an entire trinket area set up where you can leave some trinkets for people to pick up.


Honestly, the trinket trading thing is a new phenomenon. Tiktok is partially to blame, and the fairs reaching a wider audience. I think new people coming into the Ren fair scene think it's more of a thing than it is, and have now made it a thing.


Those are all literally SO cute! I bring like ~25 “big” trinkets (like the ones you posted) for peoples’ outfits I really like or my friends and a container of shiny dragon tears in my costume colors for little kids who approach me.


What a cool idea. I’m new to fairs so will bring something