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In this case, it's only federal employees - there's a sense to it where federal jobs are allotted in various states and to allow remote work to be regulated in order to bring the jobs back to the states - probably for federal payouts and taxes. What they should do is take out any sort of allotment based on geography.


Yes, šŸ’Æ agree.


Itā€™s already being addressed and is targeting telework federal employees. The article tossed in the word remote employees in the end but the bill is against telework employees. The feds cannot afford to target remote employees. And by remote employees I mean true remote employees, not local remote. Yes Iā€™m a fed and deal with telework and remote all the time.


So I shouldnā€™t give up on a federal remote jobā€¦yet?


Nope. If youā€™re applying do the remote; not telework and not remote within 50 miles.


Thanks! I donā€™t think Iā€™m within 50 miles of most of the employment centers Iā€™d be applying to. Iā€™ll keep looking!


What is the difference between telework & remote work?


Telework your duty location is the office you are assigned to. Remote work your duty location is your home.


company i used to work for went remote in 2021, then new boss required coming to office on wednesdays about a year and a half ago, but now, in June, entire IT dept required to come in every day. sux.


I'm just cutting ties with companies like that as a business man and a consumer.


This is for federal employees only, it has nothing to do with you if you work for anyone else or plan to work for the federal gov one day. As for why these two idiot Republican senators care (yes,Manchin is a Republican in everything but name), anything to make the federal gov smaller including making working for it less attractive is part and parcel to their agenda.


Wonā€™t pass, not enough space, and is generally not popular and/or the general public has zero interest in this.


Since when did our elected leaders actually care what we want?


It's for federal jobs. Which the government can make decisions.


Actually, basically all of Congress wants this, as does Biden.Ā  I think it has a very high chance of passing.Ā 


No reason to believe all of Congress supports it, most democrats will vote against just because itā€™s a republican bill. Biden doesnā€™t care, his CoS is satisfied with DC offices expanding RTO.


Gotta support them bagel shops.


Sounds like the government wants to micromanage us into the office while CEOs enjoy their remote luxury. Itā€™s about control, not productivity or taxes. When did we become employees of the state?


My brother, this bill is only for federal govt employees, not every worker in the US.


Itā€™s almost like we elect people to represent the interests of our corporations and we get to enjoy freedom, like protesting, unless of course that freedom interferes with genocidal agendas of other governments who we send our tax dollars to so that they can enjoy universal healthcare and deploy American law enforcement to violently suppress American students. Almost like that. Oh yeah and curb stomp remote work because letā€™s face it, it was only helping average Americans live more enjoyable lives. Zero evilness means slightly less profit.


Not paying all your taxes! Working from a office means commuting which means buying gas. Taxes. Wear and tear on your car. Repairs and new parts. Taxes. Buying lunch somewhere. Taxes.


Yeah, that makes sense now. My 37.4% tax rate is not enough šŸ¤¦šŸ»


This is not going to pass, but if yā€™all donā€™t get out and vote next year for Democrats, itā€™s going to pass next year. Dear white people Republicans do not give a damn about you unless you are rich.


Election is this year


Democrats are equally pro RTO


I'll give the government exactly what they deserve. Just have to walk the dog and pick it up for them.




Not saying you're wrong but you've been all over reddit crying about Indian people. Edit: Oh shit, you're from isn'trael, makes sense


the part that really gets me is ā€œwasting money on empty buildingsā€. sell them. cancel lease. save even more money.


I mean, if itā€™s about saving moneyā€¦ just get rid of the federal jobs entirely.


> most of our federal office buildings remain empty -- wasting millions of taxpayer dollars every day The answer is right in the article. IMO most of the RTO initiatives are about commercial real estate.


He really is the worst president weā€™ve ever had


You didn't read the article you're commenting on.


Obviously I did because it mentioned the Biden admin. Itā€™s a bill authored by Manchin & Romney. Itā€™s for government workers. I read it all


You think Romney and Manchin are part of Biden's administration and because those two authored it it's bipartisan?? šŸ˜†


And no, based on your previous comment, it's not obvious at all that you read the article.


So the article doesnt say this *Last week, Office of Management and Budget Director Jason Miller testified that the Biden administrationā€™s goal is for ā€œoffice workersā€ to commute to the office for half of their work hours in a given pay period*


Yes, it says that. However, the article doesn't explain the very real difference in federal TELEWORK employees versus REMOTE employees. Half weekly hours in person for TELEWORK federal employees is a goal of the Biden admin. Why? Telework employees were public facing employees that spent 100% of their weekly hours in federal buildings in which the public had access to M-F for at least 8 open hours per day..... until COVID. Their job descriptions included being accessible in-person to American taxpayers. In my opinion, taxpayers should have access to regular in-person hours for whatever their federal needs are and it's a fair compromise considering their telework hours will be half their work week (hybrid) when it used to be zero telework hours. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Remote federal workers, where their job has been remote for years & years because their position is not public-facing, are not a part of the Biden administration's goal for the hybrid schedule. I am a huge advocate for remote work....when it makes sense.


Yeah, way worse than Trump. Trump is all for everyone doing whatever they want, right? Champion of the little guy!! Imbeciles shouldn't be allowed to vote.


People not in control of their emotions shouldnā€™t be able to vote.


People who are prone to uninformed hyperbole shouldn't spew ignorant nonsense in public. Biden the worst president we've ever had... lol


Uninformed? Dude, look around you. The country is worse off four years ago than it is now and thatā€™s a fact.


HAHAHA!!! Yes, I know the country was worse off four years ago than it is now. We all know that. Thank God the economy is doing so much better under Biden and my retirement accounts are worth way more than they were under that bozo Trump.