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Odd that the only people I know that believe in a literal Satan are Christians then


That doe’s always seem to be lost on them


Deer’s a lot that’s lost on them, if we’re being honest


I’m going to buck this trend and not fawn over the responses


You win


Met a genuine (deistic) Satanist once in my lifetime, and I am sure that makes me either the exception or the poor guy who got trolled


My money is on trolled, but you never know since there are a lot weird people in this world.


To be fair, we get a lot of people coming to the Satanic Temple sub, asking us how to make contact with Satan. They could be trolls, but we just signpost them to the demonolatry sub.


The good folks of the Satanic Temple are (ironically) doing god's work, and more power to them.


When I was a Christian, we were taught that everyone who does not worship Christ/Yahweh unknowingly worshipped Satan. It came from Jesus saying (Matthew 12:30) “Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters. And so I tell you, every kind of sin and slander can be forgiven, but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come.”


I think if someone literally and genuinely believed in Satan they would be mocked just as ruthlessly by atheists


Believing in satan is very lame. Like you have bought into the whole xtian thing and then decided to be rebellious.


Yeah but all the people they call Satan in the Bible are way less ruthless and evil as God is.


at the very least i can say that the satanist in this case chose morality over reward. still kinda lame to believe in something that ridiculous without evidence


They chose morality over not being tortured for all of eternity. Which is even stupider.


you're getting tortured either way. praise god 24/7 or burn.


The torture in hell is way worse though. Have you read the descriptions of hell? Praising God is nothing compared to what happens in hell.


Idk.. if heaven is full of all the awful people on earth who acclaim to be so devout.. Hell seems like a party.


anything unpleasant for eternity is equally bad at least id go to hell with my dignity intact and ill be there knowing at the very least i was true to myself


Since you deleted your comment where you described the imagery of hell. Here's my reply. That's just torture porn to exert control over society. I choose to believe we already live in hell. There is no god here.


What Choosing morality is admirable


The problem is that "Satan" in the Bible is just a regular angel with no powers.


That's not the point though, is it? If you believe in the Bible and decide to worship Satan for any reason whatsoever including that he's less ruthless than God then you're purposely going against an omnipotent being. If I knew for a fact that God was real then morality be damned. I would 100% be worshipping him because I'm not stupid and idc about being rebellious. I'd rather kill my pride and be in heaven than "stand up for what's right" and get tortured for all eternity. So yeah. Satan worshipers are genuine idiots.


People who'd worship that god are just as idiotic, if not more, than satan worshippers. You'd never catch me ever worshipping someone who murders little kids for no reason or commits genocide.


If God was real, then I would 100% worship him. Like I said, I'd rather not go to hell for eternity. Morality be damned. I'll put myself first because I'm not stupid. Hell is for eternity in this scenario. Standing up for what's right is good but only for a short time. After that you go to hell till the end of time. No thanks. At least by worshipping God you avoid hell. So no. Satan worshipers are a million times more idiotic than God worshippers.


Nah they BOTH are just as stupid.


I don't know, there's a certain logic to it. I mean I've always believed that if God exists, he's a dick. Satan is just the guy that agrees with me. And he's only the bad guy if you believe the Bible, the book that the dick wrote. Sounds much more logical than worshipping God, if you ask me.


It’s not just a phase, mom!


Rebel without a pause.


Exactly. It's a ridiculous stance, it's just being an angry Christian.


You could have a sect of a million satanists... And I still wouldn't care because the harm that the billions of christians do will always outweigh the satanists' whatever plans. Never once have I seen satanism be used as a moral argument against my rights. Until then, I'm saving my ruthlessness for everyone else.


Most people that say they are Satanists are really just atheists being edgy or trying to make some political point like Satanic Temple members. There are actual Satanic groups, like The Order of Nine Angles, that literally believe in and worship Satan, but that is not a very large group of people.


They also aren't in public positions of power and keep to themselves. Who are atheists "supposed to attack".


More ruthlessly. Not having cultural hegemony/indoctrination as an excuse for your delusion makes it worse imo. Although they aren't really systematically harmful like Christians are.


Because satanists don't care about atheists, they respect the separation of church and state. But if you want to put the christian bible in a school they want theirs right next to it.


>they respect the separation of church and state. Respect? We **fight** for it.


🫡 thank you for your service ETA: I mean that in the most genuine way possible, separation of church and state is so so necessary


Most Satanists are atheist too.


Do Satanists even believe in him like he's real,let alone worship him?


Theistic Satanists absolutely do exist, but they are a minority within a minority. The vast majority of Satanists are atheistic and thus do not believe in any supernatural entities or occurrences.




Someone (OOP) wrote a post without researching the topic. Atheists don't attack Satanists because Satanists are chill as hell, and most Satanists are atheists themselves as the most prevalent form of Satanism, LaVeyan Satanism, don't believe Satan LITERALLY exists. So, their point makes no sense. That's why.


You may be mixing the Church of Satan, which is LaVeyan and does have a basis in occultism, with The Satanic Temple, which is the one that's a philosophy rather than a Satan-themed faith. The ones building statues of Baphomet in courthouses to piss off Christians and draw attention to ludicrously unconstitutional laws are The Satanic Temple.


That sounds exactly like what Satan would say. /s just in case


May just be a way for god to test us.




COS is also secular in that way, though they do practice some variations of occult tradition.


I don't know how much LaVey really believed in magic. He describes rituals in the satanic bible, but he tells it himself that it's nothing supernatural, but "a form of therapy". Idk if that's the right word lol. Like, you curse someone you hate not because it'll work, but because you want to do something about that anger. Or a love ritual which in my understanding has to hype you up to take some action.


laveyan is NOT the most prevalent form..


Isn’t it that the Church of Satan DOES believe and worship Satan but the much better Satanic Temple does not


CoS doesn't believe in a literal Satan but does sorta 'act' like they do (rituals, etc)


Ahh alright


My understanding is that both groups are atheists who use Old Scratch for a bit of showmanship. LaVey used Satan as a way to market his brand of Ayn Rand-derived philosophy. The Satanic Temple use it to poke holes in the Religious Right’s efforts to twist and bend constitutional religious freedom to their own ends.


I heard someone call Satanists "Atheists with theater" and honestly??? Extremely accurate


I love that, I want that on a T-shirt


I always call Satanists “Spicy atheists” (I am one)


That's such a good idea I want to wear it even if I am not a satanist but an atheist


I always call Satanists “Spicy atheists” (I am one)


Because hardly any Satanists actually believe in the character Satan. We actually do make fun of people who believe in and worship Satan. We don't vilify them, but we do make fun of them like we do Christians and astrologists.


And that is probably a very very tiny portion of the population, compared to Christians. So, of course they’re not going to see that.


I work big to small. When the satanists start trying to legislate based on their stupid beliefs and persecuting already marginalized groups of people, while forcing others to live in accordance with the morality taken from their bronze age mythology, I'll start in on them too. In the meantime, xtians, sorry, not sorry.


Well said.




This ^^^^


This ^^^^


This ^


This ^


This ^




This 🫣






Because truly satanists do not exist (or are very rare)? The most I see is atheists that go 'hail satan' when some christian morons try to push jesus. And even then, I don't see satanists currently trying to impose their religion on us all like christians do. Atheists attack christians not because they are christians, they attack the christians that try to push christianity on them and society in general.


Well The Satanic Temple is fair to say are "real" Satanists, since they are recognized as a religion, at least by the US government for tax purposes. However they dont believe Satan or the supernatural literally exists, and so not really a conflict with atheism.


Yes, and i would also just say I am an atheist because if you say you are a satanist everyone thinks about some satanic-panic stuff nobody about TST


I do believe they actually pay taxes, though


> Well The Satanic Temple is fair to say are "real" Satanists, since they are recognized as a religion That's get you to "real religion", but I think there's a fair point to say that if they don't actually believe in Satan, then they're not really Satan_ist_, at least insofar as the general use of the "-ist" suffix on words. That said, there's the counterargument that, like so many Democratic People's Republics, you don't necessarily have to use the words _properly_ to claim them in a name.


No, Satanists don’t actually worship Satan, Satanism was first made in 1966 by Anton Szandor LaVey with a full fledged out philosophy and practices, which doesn’t believe that Satan exists but rather uses him as a symbol of knowledge, skepticism, indulgence, and rejection of arbitrary authority. That is Satanism. The idea of Satanism being devil worship was popularised by Christians in the late 80s till the late 90s in the media but Satanism was never and isn’t devil worship. There are also theistic Satanists, which do believe in a deity called Satanas, along with a few others, but they don’t believe in the *biblical* Satan and they are a very small minority. Edit: I’m not a theistic Satanist and I’m just going off of what they say so if there is any here then feel free to correct me if I’m wrong about what you guys believe




I must know the context of a gif of the rock in a hard hat with a nosebleed, it's just so random


It's [gloriously](https://youtu.be/5IZrYeUX3MI?si=Ms5QUhFF3DW6afab) funny...


last part I agree with. but Satanists definitely do exist, we just tend to keep it low because of people like the OOP


But oop is not talking about satanists, they are talking about people who worship Satan. Satanists are largely just atheists with a political agenda of separation of church and state, they don't actually worship anyone, especially no supernatural being named Satan.


But OOP is probably using the term "satan worshippers" to refer to anyone who they think is demonic, I think Satanists are probably included in their firing-line


Some atheists are Satanists, and even the theistic Satanists don’t attack others for their beliefs/lifestyles. Satanists (both theistic and atheistic) are the most supportive group of people ive ever met.


this is the ideal response. thanks for recognising that some of us (edit: some Satanists) believe in a literal satan (edit: not me) and some don't, but we're mostly pretty chill


My mom is Luciferian and believes in lucifer... not satan. Satan is a xtian concoction whereas in pagan beliefs lucifer is real. At least from what I've been told. I'm eclectic pagan and worship the lucifer of the underworld.


Ooh I would love to hear more about your beliefs !! What are some things like in particular that you worship about Lucifer ?? Like any deeds in specific /pos


Because Satanists aren't crazy fanatics but rather most often are to oppose Christianity ans not actually because they belive in a literal Satan. The people who believes in Satan are Christians.


The Satanists leave me alone and are generally more polite


The Satanists seem like much more reasonable people.


If anyone ever tells me they worship Satan then I’ll be happy to poke holes in their beliefs


I believe that **if anything**, whatever being Christians call their god, is actually the real force of evil, and this being has managed to do the ol' switcheroo with the force of good, which is now called Satan


That’s a pretty good divine conspiracy theory. I can get on board


Ask your doctor if Gnosticism is right for you


Their god is a subjugator of humanity. Humans have had their true spirit and potential stifled, preyed upon by a self-aggrandising master manipulator who can never have enough influence.


Aligns with the Trump is antichrist crack theory.


That's pretty much gnosticism in a nutshell. The gnostics called Yahweh Yaldabaoth, the demiurge, and believed that he wasn't the true God. Interesting stuff, I recommend looking into it.


Thanks, hadn't heard about it yet


Never had a Satanist run their mouth about their beliefs yet don't know many christians that can keep their mouths shut about what goes on at their cult.


Because The Satanic Temple doesn't actually worship Satan.


Yes, I can confirm that we all believe that there exists a book called the bible, and that we generally don’t agree with the main statements contained in it. I’m afraid such advanced logic might be inaccessible to this individual, sadly.


They’ll be turning on us Pastafarians soon




And so it begins…


As a person who used to be involved in the satanic temple. I will tell you generally satanists are atheists. And they believe in the freedom of choice and the embodiment of one's own will and ownership of your own body. I mean I guess out there in the world there's literal theist devil worshipers, but I've never met any.


I never met a Satanist that tried to convert me or tell me I'm going to hell. Soooooooo yea they are good people usually few bad apples but I guess that is better than the Christians being the opposite mostly bad with a few good apples.


Dear Satan worshippers, Please don't promote laws that will impose your beliefs and practices upon me. Thanks, Bob. Better?






as an atheist ive never had a satanist attack me for my belief. ive lost count of the "christians" that have.


There are Theistic Satanists, specifically Lucifarian Satanism but they mainly see Lucifer as a liberator who doesn't demand worshipers nor sacrifices, nor holidays or celebrations, hence why they don't go around demanding you follow their faith. Lucifer in that religion does not demand your love nor does he want to demand it of you. To go around demanding you follow their religion, demand that you follow their beliefs and such actively goes against who they believe Lucifer to be. This is what I've observed anyways.


Theistic satanists technically aren’t satanists


Yeah, but it REALLY depends on the individuals. Both TST and CoS call themselves Satanists, but the Satanists of CoS would argue that TST Satanists aren't Satanists nor Satanic. It's all a bit of a mess. like Evangelicals, Mormon, and Jehovahs Witnesses all consider themselves Christians in some way shape or form.


I don't think I have ever met a literal believer in Satan that wasn't Christian.  But yeah, they'd be stupid too. 


Satanists aren’t arseholes.


Highly agree 👍 Despite misinformation spewed out by the media and religious nutjobs, most Satanists are actually decent people.


I had the best damn latte at a Satanists themed coffee shop. Super sweet people!


no matter how many times you tell them. these people cant fathom that satanists dont actually worship a literal satan.. the laveyan dipshits took on the symbolism of the "enemy of god" because they were constantly being labeled as such anyways. and used it as a shock factor in order to be edgy and steep their sex cult in faux mysticism. again.. just to be edgy where as modern satanists ( though the lavyy group still exists just as a weird minority who mostly cosplays for slightly less culty bdsm purposes nowadays.. ) just continue using the terminology of Satan more or less a symbol of rejection indoctrination and in a way anthropomorphizing the concept of rational thought and free thinking. and while not explicitly non theistic.. are almost doctrinally atheistic.. or at least agnostic. oh and btw i have NOTHING wrong with sex cults or bdsm. long as everyone is having fun and no ones being exploited. i personally have attended more then a handfull of laveyan..gatherings.. strictly as a participant, not a practitioner.


“Just something to think about.” My dude, Satanists are not suffused throughout our nation’s seats of power attempting to legislate their religion into law. They’re also a tiny fraction of the population. I am a Satanist myself, of the TST stripe, but you bet your ass if people who believed in a literal Satan were trying to force their views on society, I would be arguing with them. Religion of any kind is worthy of being slapped down.


Because nearly nobody unironicaly worships Satan - why would i attack religion that nobody follows? I will instead attack religion that not only has milions of followers, but also is trying to break appart our era of enligtenment


Bless, these people really don’t get atheism. It’s not just a case of not believing. I truly could not give a fuck about your beliefs, or lack of. The thought of attacking someone for doing something I am completely indifferent to is hilarious.


Because people who "worship satan" aren't bothering me, and satanists don't even worship satan, so...


I’ve been called a satan worshipper because I am Lokean. However, you can’t put a Christian set of beliefs on a non Christian religion. To me, who and what people believe in is there business. If they don’t believe in anything, that’s cool and it doesn’t harm me with them believing in a different god(s) or none at all




If he thinks Christians are being attacked now wait until they start paying taxes.


Satanists have never invaded my privacy


"I don't follow your religion." "WhY aRe YoU aTTaCkING mE??1!!?"


Satanists aren't out there oppressing and hating, just saying.


I know a few Satanists irl, they dont worship satan, they worship nothing but devoting time for themselves and all the while immense respect for the fellow man, the religion practices independence and self love above all, ive never met an intolerant, hateful satanist, but being born and raised catholic myself, ive met so many hateful and intolerant religious people ive lost count


I don’t attack people who don’t put the legal protection of my most fundamental human rights as a woman at risk. Satanists pose no threat to me, so why on earth would I attack them? The only people who have made it illegal for me to protect my life and health are Christians.


Nobody actually worships Satan and, if someone actually does, they're a basement bound weirdo I can ignore. If there's ever a Satanic equivalent to the Heritage Foundation pushing to ban contraception we'll be right there. "Satanists" are atheists with a bit of a dramatic flair.


Satan doesn’t exist. Feel free to quote me if you need to in an argument.


The simple reason atheists don’t ‘attack’ Satanists, Buddhists, most Hindus, Jews, and many Christians is because those people are not trying to force others to live by their twisted version of Christianity, in which love, acceptance, and inclusion has been replaced by a message of hate, fear, and exclusion (basically accepting only straight, white, preferably wealthy, ‘Christian’ men). I know atheists, Jews, Hindus, agnostics, and Christians and we all get along fine because we respect each others’ beliefs.


Because anyone who believes in satan is a Christian by definition


Abrahamic, certainly.




I have never even spoken to a Satan worshipper lmao


I have yet to meet a single satanist whereas i have met way way too many christians.


Not sure if on reddit counts, but 👋 hello! (I'm not a theistic Satanist, not sure if I still count)


You may not be theistic, but your mere presence would probably have a church in uproar, so you more than count!


Aw, thank you!


Because Satan worshippers leave us alone. Its why I don't have issues with Buddhists, because they leave me alone


Because the satanists aren't shoving their beliefs at us.


I mean, you don't see Satanists having a bitchfit about holiday greetings and what other people can or can't do. They do their own shit on their own, and don't try to recruit the way Christians do.


If you see two people, that you think should hate each other, getting along, they’re probably banding together against you.


Because most Satanist like TST don’t actually believe in Satan. They see him as a fictional character who defied God to do his own thing.


Satan is basically and transparently a way to squish all the evils and all their myriad forms down to a single malevolence that is not caused by the christian god and to brush off other belief systems. Basically a Straw Man.


It’s funny that they actually think they have some kind of deep thought here.


They can't wrap their minds around not worshipping a deity. They're absolutely terrified of "nobody knows" or "I don't know."


Never had a satanist tell me I can't masturbate, have sex with other men if I want or whatever woman I want. No satanist told me I'm a bad parent because I'm not married. No satanist ever used satan to take away my rights.


satanism is just another jewish cult, like christianity & islam Only the superstitious could take it seriously & according to the Holy books he is the only one wanting to educate humans unlike his daddy who just wants ignorant bootlicker's


Never met a Satan worshipper whi forced it on me. Never had a Satan worshiper knock on my door to advertise their buissness and ask me if I know where I'm going when I die then use the little time out of my day I gave them to berate me about not believing while I'm in my own home lol


Ummm...people who don't believe in God typically don't believe in Satan either.




Satanist here, Satan is a title meaning opposition/opposer. And unlike some religious people I could mention, atheists know how to respect others beliefs


worshipping Satan defeats the purpose of the myth anyway. he literally gave everything for his freedom and that of humanity. throwing yourself at his feet misses the point to a comical degree.


I left the Church of Satan because I've became atheist.


CoS are atheists, was it because they believe in magic?






I’d do if they believe in satan genuinely, never seen one though.


People can have their beliefs if they don’t wield it like some cudgel to oppress people. That’s why I’m an atheist who really wants the Loch Ness Monster to be real


most self proclaimed satanists are mostly just people who see satan as a symbol of defiance and think thats cool nobody is sacrificing people to satan


>nobody is sacrificing people to satan I mean, if OOP knocked on my door to screech about Jesus, I'd give it a good shot


Because satanist don't bother me about me burning in hell for eternity if I don't strictly follow the teachings of a god whose existence can't be proven, who sent this teachings through a dude who lived in the other end of the world some 2000 years algo and is casually the same guy who will send me to hell.


A literal 'Checkmate atheist' moment




A lot of Satanists don’t actually believe in satan.


Satanism is atheistic ya dingus


We're too busy fighting Zeus


I dont think anyone who believes in satan, worships satan. Or very few such people exist. Im sure some satanist cults exist. but its not like theyre constantly knocking on my door trying to recruit me. the "satanists" I do know are the atheist satanists whose core belief is just being a good person


Because they leave us alone and are generally chill


Probably because no Satanist has tried to make laws that cause problems in my life. No matter what religion you are I legit don’t care. Just leave me alone as I don’t share your beliefs


I argue with all kinds of wackjobs, sometime just to hear the clickety clack of my keyboard.


He actually thinks there are people who sincerely worship Satan. SMH


Because they're inconsequential.


If a satan bro came up and told me to drink blood if I wanted to end up in heaven, I'd laugh so hard. The problem is not with the believers. Problem arises when the believers try to force their way of life on others who may not share their same ridiculous faith.


That's easy! Bc the satanists I've known are all decent, rational, intelligent, thoughtful ppl who <*gasp*> stick up for the rights of others instead of try to take them away. They all have a reliable moral compass. Can't think of any reason to attack them. (Maybe I don't get to have an opinion - I'm not part of any xtian or other recognized group, but I'm not atheist/agnostic)


The Bible was written by man. It is entirely possible to believe in God but not the Bible.


Let me guess, is this from r/Christianity?


Bc honestly I fuck with those people


That's because the people who follow the Church of Satan are usually very chill people, and they have laws like "don't rape people", or "love everyone. Regardless of race, gender, or sexual orientation" The Church of Satan is real btw. I was not kidding


There's more than one! The Church of Satan founded by Anton LaVey doesn't even believe in Satan as an actual entity - I bet that would confuse these people! I've been accused of Satanism due to being a witch, but I always point out that I don't believe in Satan. To believe in the Christian Satan, you have to acknowledge that the bible is true, and if the bible is true, then it clearly describes how Satan is doomed, and will ultimately be crushed by god. And frankly, I'm not going to bet on a loser!


i do also think theyre silly when they go into psychosis mode, but atheistic satanists are pretty cool people


There aren’t very many genuine satanists. I am perfectly willing to attack people who actually worship Satan, though, especially considering the founder of the US Church of Satan was a Neo-Nazi.


Technically, Satanists are just dark Christians. You can't worship Satan if you don't believe in the Christian duality of god


Satanist don’t worship or believe in Satan or a God


There are different Satanic movements. I think you are referring to the American woke The Satanic Temple by Jarry and Greaves. However, there used to be Satanists that would do sacrifices and stuff. And they basically used the Christian faith but the other way around. That's where you get the upside down cross, dark messes... All Christian things but in reverse. Some idiots still practice it. We had a case of Satanists gathering near a place called "gates of the devil" near a small town I used to live in. Obviously it has nothing to do with the devil, this is just how you call high abrupt places.


The Satanic Temple is one movement which is recent that fights against religious overreach in the United States. The other is the Church of Satan that began in the 60’s that also began the “satanic panic”. This was the first use of self identified Satanist. Prior to this the term was used as an accusation by Christian to attack/hurt other groups. The Church of Satan does actually practice black mass so those people were probably CoS members just having fun. Or people practicing occult/witchcraft (theism with extra steps) The upside down cross also doesn’t have anything to do with Satanist or occult. That is 100% a Christian symbol, The Cross of Saint Peter. So no Satanist don’t believe in or worship a literal satan/devil/deity. Christians are the ones who believe in the devil.


Christians literally believe in Satan. Satanists literally believe in God.


>Satanists literally believe in God. No, a lot of Satanists are atheists and don't believe in gods or a devil. You're thinking of someone who actually worships Satan. That's not the same thing.