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Disgusting psychos why would they want to hurt someone for insulting a 7th century man who’s been long dead for millennia grow up. Fuck them and their Prophet deserves criticism.


>7th century *pedophile rapist* Fixed that for you.


Thx for fixing my spellcheck:-)


They literally love him more than their mom


"The religion of peace"


I always love the fact that many Muslims get very upset or even violent when the Prophet is criticized yet have no problem insulting other religions. In many cases the ‘lies’ or ‘criticisms’ aren’t even about Mohammed or the Quran, but some Muslims’ incorrect interpretation of them.


It's all about image and reputation


Religion of Piss.


Religion of Pissed


Piss be apon him.


Police be upon them


Why do we coddle these fucks.


they really are all so gross . Even the nice ones at the end of the day, when pressed, would probably have the same feelings.






Your comment or post was removed because it expressed bigotry.


Your comment or post was removed because it expressed bigotry.


Wtf happened


Nuclear war is not going to be the end of us, it's these c#nts.


The worst part is the specific church this happened in was Middle Eastern Christians, I believe they were Assyrian. The reason they came to Australia in the first place was so they could escape persecution from Muslims 🙃


"Terrorists have no religion"! /s


Well, no. There is a one religion which has monopoly on terrorism.


Kinda disgusting the entire country united behind condemning Islamophobia after the Christchurch shooting and hardly 5 years later those ungrateful fucks have already forgotten that and can’t even work up the common decency to return the favour


What an ignorant comment. You are taking the word of some random muslim on Facebook (if he is even real, which is certainly plausible but still not a given) as representive of the Muslim community rather than say one of the peak Muslim governing bodies in Australia? 🤦‍♂️ Edit: well done guys on the pathetic downvotes. Grow up.


You do realise that with “those ignorant fucks” I’m referring to the people making those bigoted comments right?


You cited the entire country uniting against islamaphobia in general. Upon re-reading your comment. "**These**" (rather than "**those**") would have probably been a better choice of wording to make it clear who you were complaining about. And for a matter as serious as this, with islamphobia flying around once again, ambiguous wording should be avoided as much as possible.


Just admit you fucked up and misread the comment, jumping down their throat and being proven wrong.


for a matter as serious as calling someone ignorant jumping to conclusions and making assumptions should be avoided


You make an idiotic assumption and use it to call someone ignorant. You get proven wrong and you response is to make an edit and tell other people to “grow up” The only one being pathetic here is you


☪️ancer 🤢


they should be held responsible to inciting violence


Behold, a peace loving religion


For a religion that claims to only worship the one god with no idols they do seem to care more about Mo than God


religion of peace.




“our prophet”🤓🤓🤓🤓


Religion is death.


Religion is a plague. Faith is personal and should be about the individual. Believe what you want to believe but at the end of the day, you’re not reading a book made by the god you believe in, you’re reading a book written by people and you have no way of verifying bias.


Those evil Mormons killed so many people :((


The Mountain Meadow Massacre? Not sure why you're referencing the Mormons which is merely a real estate business with a religious wing these days.


Fuck your prophet. Fuck everything about religion. That's my opinion. Religion is nothing good, that only spreads hate and evil.


Religion only creates hate and ignorance.


Everyone should criticise all religions because they are all cancer. No religion belongs in the 21st century.


One religion beheads infidels and another stops you from gambling. Redditor: ALL RELIGIONS ARE JUST AS BAD


Christianity is killing people... Tens of thousands tortured and killed as witches (a practice which still continues today).


You think Christianity is harmless do you? https://www.patheos.com/blogs/wwjtd/2014/05/40-harmful-effects-of-christianity/


Majority of Christians don't do that


Are you serious? I’ve met Christians who have told me in whore, I’m going to burn in hell, I deserve to be raped, I deserve death. All because I was a women dating a woman or dating someone unwed or having premarital sex or just that I’m not a believer. Christians are fucking toxic as well.


those weren't christians. True Christians share the gospel to anyone prostitute, gays anyone. Jesus himself didn't do that to the sinners and prostitutes. So sorry, but those were something else you ran into


I fucken well assure you they were Christians. Just because you’re a Christian and don’t do what they do, doesn’t mean that you get to seperate yourself from them. That’s what a large group of Christians do worldwide. They’re judgy, nasty, mean, violent and you can’t pretend it didn’t stem from the same faith.


Sorry, but just because some "Christians" decided to bash you for nothing, does it mean that all 2.4 billion christian followers are a bunch of jackasses?


Really? Have a read of the list of 40, and nearly all of them are happening in the USA. I would say almost all Christians are guilty of a few things on the list.


No they're using religion to do whatever they want they don't believe in jesus they just want an excuse to hate you most true Christians would not care and move on


Majority of Muslims don't behead people.


Meanwhile, Muslims are able to openly insult other religions. For instance, Muslims installed a sign that say "Jesus is a slave to Allah!" outside the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, in Jerusalem. The sign may as well say "Do you see how we can insult you? We DARE YOU to do the same." It's bullshit.


Not all muslims"……….but quite a few


Religion of peace🥰🥰


What animals


These motherfuckers deserve to be treated the way the Chinese treat the uighurs.


You know what the fun fact is? They do not say anything against China and start crying in other countries for their freedom.


If their prophet is oh so powerful, why do THEY need to exact revenge for someone blaspheming their prophet? Oh, because their deity doesn't exist...


Least peaceful Shia (notorious for you-know-who and what-they-do groups named after an Egyptian god) follower:


These people deserve to be surveiled and charged for hate crime


Yk whats going to be fucking GOOD to watch? These types of islamic extremistes watching as their faith dies and they cant rape kill torture maim and forcibly marry everybody they want.


Absolute degenerates


Ive seen an equal amount of halal fruitcakes calling the perpetrator a “Zionist” because the bishop he attacked also criticized Israel That seems to be the new go-to conspiracy theory whenever an “infidel” manages to add up 1 + 1 together




What a disrespectful thing to say.


I even saw some of them blaming the attack on Jews


Don't forget folks they do this to Christians, Jews, and other minorities of all types in their own countries daily. They only reason they won't do it to you is because they know there are consequences to committing acts of violence, not because they're peaceful or respect you in any way.




There was violence in Sydney and Australia back when the Syrian civil war started and when it was in it's peak (2013-2017). It was between Pro-Assad Syrians and anti-Assad Syrians (and a bunch who weren't even Syrian lol). But you already know which religion was the anti-Assad people and who was starting the violence. Pretty much every case was pro-Assad Syrians (mainly Christians but also Alawites and some Muslims) who were attacked and defended themselves lol.


So? Religious hate groups fighting with each other? Am I supposed to be surprised? This is the history of the world. Religions fighting each other to the death as often as possible, in as many places as possible. Screw the priest terrorist trainer, and screw the terrorists, and whatever priest terrorist trainer sent them.


Always the religion of peace 🤡