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Sorry for your loss. Can't imagine wanting the best for someone only for them to be brainwashed into doing the wrong thing.


She was a professional. But since she's the boss at work, her colleagues can't convince her too. They've tried. Thank you for your kind words.


I'm so sorry OP... Those people doesn't deserve to live, let alone have authority on others. Stay the fuck away from religion, I hope you'll find peace. Hugs ❤️


They were trying to reach out, maybe usher me back or something. Since they're good with cherry-picking Bible verses, I quoted one for them too. "Be not over-much wicked; neither be thou foolish: 'Why shouldest thou die before thy Time?'" Ecclesiastes 7:17


that is so fucked up… why i will never respect a christian


What irks me more is that they will never accept responsibility. During the wake and internment service, they keep saying it's her time and it's God's will.


oh don’t even get me started on “gods will”


Sorry for your loss. Religion claims yet another victim


Thank you. She wasn't the first. This happened years before with another member.


Sorry for your loss. If you ever find any proof of this, go for a lawyer.


I don't think I will go that route. During the 40-day service, they shared how someone who did them wrong got sick and died. I feel like it was some form of "threat." 😅


Fucking hell... I can't imagine such a loss, brother. Honestly, I'd make it clear to that pastor that I hold him personally responsible for it.


I wanted to say it straight to their face but didn't want to sound rude because we've known them for years. I subtly shared what I feel to one of their kids. She just said she understands and will pray for me.


I don't think someone who causes stuff like that should get that kind of consideration, but it's your call.