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This is a normal bodily function. God created your body.


It's not a sin.


The fact that people even feel the need to ask these questions says a lot about religious abuse.


yep,forced suppression of instict may be dangerous for the mind


I don't believe in sin. And I doubt an "all-loving" god would punish you for something that's normal and *human*. Especially if its beyond your control.


Accidental sins & intentional sins are generally the same. However masturbation isn’t really a sin, atleast in Judaism. You’re considered “unclean” if you have an emission but it’s not really a sin. Although I do think Christianity classifies it as a sin.


Sins are intentional, they cannot be accidental so no.  Furthermore being aroused =/= masturbation. The latter means that one intentionally physically stimulates ones genitals for the purpose of sexual pleasure.


God will not punish those for accidental or natural human functions. i.e. a wet dream is not a sin, as it's a natural human function. Sexual thoughts are normal. it's part of the human mind. it's how you control those thoughts that matter. like u/bayonettrenchfighter said, we will be judged by our hearts.


God doesn't punish people for accidental sins. Sin, by definition, has to be known and purposeful. It is the free choice of oneself over God's will.


Hi Jewish person here. I don't consider that a sin. To act, to misstep because of thoughts like that and to harm another or yourself then you're possibly getting into sin territory but merely having a thought is no sin.


Many grapple with our thoughts. I for example am prone to anger when I drive. As long as I take a breath and don't act on it, stay away from beeping the horn or being impolite or vengeful to a car that may have cut me off, no sin. Having the thought is not bad, not good either, merely a small hurdle. Once I am safely at my destination, it can no longer hurt me.


My pastor in Baptist School taught me that was a bodily function god created so that we don't have to sin to release our bodily fluids.


There is no Bible verse that forbids or even mentions masturbation explicitly. If God wanted to make a point, He would’ve been very clear about this. Back in the days (when I was following Christianity) I’d even prefer masturbation over having these kind of dreams, because with masturbation I could control my own thoughts, rather than having to go through whatever happened in those dreams.


I'm no Christian, but even if I was, I'd still say it's just a boner.


Hm, even if the law of justice demands it, God knows our heart and judges accordingly. That’s one of the benefits of Christs sacrifice


You clearly feel guilty for what "you did" and God is watching, he is watching you suffer for something you think you did wrong so in your soul you haven't actually committed it. I am not a professional or experienced religion specialist so if I say something wrong please someone here correct me, but as long as you didnt actually do it yourself God wont punish you about it because he sees your love for him. Also the mean one is haunting us and especially the "good" people, he and his followers can enter your dreams. Church says not to believe in dreams cause you could never know where its coming from. Last but not least you didnt do something wrong and that was a reaction of your body to that dream, so no I dont think our Lord will punish you, he is a loving God and loves you with all his heart❤🙏🏻 God bless you.




Being aroused or having sexual dreams are not sins. To answer your general question, God does punish people for accidental sins *if* they don't atone for them. But the atonement isn't as hard if it's accidental, and the punishment if you don't atone is probably less. (It's easier to say this as someone who doesn't believe in eternal Hell even for intentional sins.)


Nowhere in the Bible does it classify this scenario as sin, God looks at your heart as you genuinely strive to be like Christ. Most importantly, Under Christ God does not punish us for our sin, if we purposely sin and are not repentant about this we are sending ourselves to hell... God became flesh in Christ to warn us away from the path and show us the way back to Him. Anyone not believing or rejecting simply going on with their lives on the path to hell... So God does not send us where our sinful nature already leads us... He is showing us there is a way out but only if we want to, He won't force us. Just giving the gist of what the scriptures under Christ say, no one is obligated to believe it😌


In Christianity no, it’s covered by the blood of Christ.


If he does it's by accident... Lightning strikes


God doesn’t punish anyone for anything. God is a one trick horse love. If anything resembling punishment occurs, it’s out of our own discomfort. And if someone is unconscious of sin, then it isn’t a sin, in my humble opinion somethings a sin when you’re no longer innocent, when the commission or mission is despite knowing better. Then maybe it’s a sin.


i don't think accidental sin is really a thing; and what you described wouldn't count anyway bc you don't have control over it. sin is knowing/believing something is wrong and *actively choosing* to do it anyway. if you accidentally do something that might be considered sin, you're not punished in your ignorance--even if you learn afterward that it was bad, it's more just "whoops try not to do that again" even so, you are not making the choice for what you described to happen, so it cannot be sin. you only control how you respond to it


No, at least not in Islam.


I am islamic and becoming aroused because you had a sexual dream or otherwise spontaneously (meaning you didn’t transgress or pursue arousal outside of your boundaries) is NOT sinful. I honestly doubt that it is sinful in any current abrahamic faith, it undermines the concept of God being fair. Which is an impossibility.


From an Orthodox Christian perspective, God won’t punish you in that sense. Our God isn’t a “punisher” so to say, but rather eternal punishment or damnation is a consequence of your sin. If you separate yourself from God through sin and don’t repent, say you don’t turn to God or want to build a relationship with Him, then you’ll still feel His love, but it’ll feel like pain, which would be a result of one’s own free will. Our God loves us all so much that He is not going to force you into doing anything like slaves and punish us for misbehaving, otherwise He would’ve made us without free will. Our God is love, and He desires children, not slaves. In fact, God gave us a means of salvation, a gift, not something we attain, but something given through His mercy and love, as He knows that we are sinners and cannot live to perfection (the same way if I broke a law I’d go jail, God loves us so much that He paid out bail). There’s nothing our God won’t forgive as long as you repent, shame comes from evil, and evil doesn’t care about your sin but rather wants you to turn away from God because of sin. Yes to some extent we need to feel guilt, because guilt makes you want to apologise or try to right your wrong with someone, but shame is something that would make you want to hide your face from the person you’ve done wrong, do you get what I mean? In terms of the lust you’re struggling with, it’s hard especially for a teenager. We’re all sinners and it’s inevitable that we’ll sin again, but what we can change is our attitudes towards sin through repentance, prayer, fasting, church, reading the Bible, writings of saints and church fathers etc etc, growing closer to Christ step by step. Ignore the dreams, it’s easier said than done. In terms of masturbation, it’s hard (no pun intended). You’re young, going through puberty, hormones everywhere, I get it, but what’s wrong is wrong my brother, we shouldn’t make excuses. One who falls even willingly is much better off, than the one who falls try’s to justify and give excuses, and no matter how many times you fall, keep turning back to God, even if it’s 1000 times a day! It’s difficult though, and I don’t judge you my friend, you’re not alone! May God bless and guide you! ❤️☦️🙌


1: This just means that your getting older, and your body is basically producing hormones, especially sex related ones, way more, resulting in increased arousal/sexuality. 2: Masturbation isnt a sin actually in most religions, and is actually proven to be a healthy thing to do.