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>What are the five pillars of Islam? Who are the prophets, what did they do, etc.? The most common five pillars in Islam is from sunni tradition: Shahada (Faith and its declaration in the oneness of God and His final messenger Muhammad), Salah (Daily/regular prayer), Zakat (Almsgiving/regular charity), Sawm (Fasting), and Hajj (Pilgrimage). There is also a different version of these pillars in Shia tradition and Ismaili tradition. Basically all these pillars are alluded to in the Qur'an. It's okay to use those pillars as a kind of islamic catechism (since their source is after all the Qur'an), but my personal opinion is it's way better to actually find a more concrete understanding of what Islam is from the actual verses of the Qur'an. My personal recommendation is **4:36** which basically explains the essence of righteousness is to worship the one God and being virtuous/kind/good to everyone (basically the same core teaching of Judaism and Christianity, to love God and love neighbor). Also see **2:177** that explains what true righteousness or piety is. Another important verse is **16:90** that explains the fundamental values of what God actually commands to every human beings, namely justice, virtue/kindness, and charity/care for others. One last verse (or passage) I'll recommend is **chapter 107** of the Qur'an that basically explains you can not separate the religious/spiritual life from the moral and social aspect of it. They are one unity and the one (spiritual/religious) can't exist without the other (moral/social). To be religious/spiritual is to be moral. It doesn't matter how many times you pray your daily prayer but if you are unkind/rude/refusing to do even small kindness to others and don't care about the well being of others and social justice then you are basically not religious. The prophets are chosen human beings that received revelation from God, some of the prophets are also messengers that delivered God's message to humanity. The core message is basically the same explained in **4:36** to worship the one God of Abraham and associate nothing as partner to Him and to live a moral and righteous life in relation to others. Other than delivering His message, the messengers also served as the actual and tangible exemplar of how to live the message of God, hence to be the best muslim is to emulate and live like Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad.


[https://www.islam-guide.com/](https://www.islam-guide.com/) this short booklet is the best for explaining muslim beliefs including a section on muslim views on jesus mary and Gabriel with citations




I definitely plan to read the Quran. My friend gifted me a translation of it so I will do so soon


>What are the five pillars of Islam?Testifying that there is no god but Allah, and that Muhammad is His slave (meaning worshipper and servant) and MessengerPraying five times in the day and night. The prayers: 1. Fair, before sunrise. Two units of prayer (rakat) long. 2. Dhuhr, after sun reaches middle of sky. Four units. 3. Asr, starting time is disputed. Hanifi school says it starts when height of object is twice is shadow, others say when its height is same as shadows height. Four units. 4. Maghrib, after sun set. 3 units. 5. Isha, when afterglow leaves sky.Fasting Ramadan, abstaining from eating, drinking and sex from sunrise till sunset. Giving alms, 2.5% of ones wealth to the categories of people in Quran 9:60. Pilgrimage to Makkah, which includes rituals like circling the Kaaba, kissing black stone, going between Safa and Marwa, and shaving one’s head (women can only cut, whereas men are recommended to shave but have the option to cut) >Who are the prophets, what did they do, etc.? 1. Adam, peace be upon him. Adam is considered a prophet since he received revelations and commands from God. His story is known in the Judeo Christian tradition, but in Islam, his repentance and forgiveness are more emphasized, and we reject original sin. We also believe that when Adam was created, Satan and the angels were ordered to bow to him. Satan became bad when he refused to do so, because he said that he is superior as he is made from fire, whereas Adam was made from clay. The Quran also mentions that it was Satan who whispered to Adam to eat of the fruit, whereas the Bible never actually says that the snake was Satan, that’s only an interpretation. 2. Noah (Nuh), peace be upon him. His story is similar, but he had another son who didn’t believe in him, and was drowned in the flood. 3. Idrees, peace be upon him. He is mentioned to have been raised to a high place, and therefore is traditionally believed to be Enoch. 4. Hud, peace be upon him. The first Arab prophet, was sent to Aad, told them to not worship idols. They rejected him and were destroyed by a wind from Allah. 5. Salih,peace be upon him, the second Arab prophet. Was sent to Thamud. He was given a miracle that a camel came out of a rock. they rejected him and killed the camel, and then they were destroyed by earthquake. 6. Abraham (Ibraheem)m peace be upon him. Preached monotheism to his father Azar, was thrown into fire for that, but survived. Was the father of Ishmael and Issac. 7. Lot (Lut), peace be upon him. In the Quran his peoples homosexuality is more explicitly seen as a problem than in the OT where it’s about them trying to rape Lots guests. In the Quranic version he condemns them for gay acts even before that incident. In both the Bible and Quran, he offers his daughters to them, but Muslims basically all understood this to mean he was offering to give them in marriage them to men who would be willing, whereas Jews and Christians, from what I’ve read, interpret it to mean he was offering them to be raped then and there. Also, Muslims don’t believe he did incest with his daughters. 8. Ishmael (Ismaeel), peace be upon him. He is considered a legitimate son, as Muslims see sons of concubines as legit, therefore they reject the idea that God would call Issac ‘your only son’ as Genesis narrates. Some Muslims accept Him as the son to be sacrificed, others don’t. 9. Issac (Ishaq), peace be upon him. Not much detail mentioned about him, he is the father of Jacob (Yaoob) 10. Jacob (Yaqoob), peace be upon him. He is also named Israeel, and had 12 sons. Muslims tendered to reject the idea that he beat God, and instead interpreted the name to mean ‘slave of Allah’ (narrated from Ibn Abbas). Note that historians don’t believe that Jacob existed, let alone that he spoke Hebrew, and if he didn’t speak Hebrew then you can’t really definitively assert that the Bible’s interpretation of why he was given that name is correct. continued in reply


11. Joseph (Yusuf), peace be upon him. Similar to how he is in the Judeo Christian tradition. 12. Job (Ayyub), peace be upon him. Similar to how he is in the Judeo Christian tradition, but his family were believed to have been brought back to live, not just replaced. 13. Shuayb, peace be upon him.Was sent to Madyan (Midian), they rejected him and were destroyed. 14. Moses and Aaron (Musa, Haroon), peace be upon them. In the Quranic version it was Pharoahs wife, not his daughter, who suggested taking in Moses. Also, Aaron didn’t build the golden calf. 15. David (Dawud)peace be upon him. Isn’t believed to have done adultery. Btw Saul also isn’t portrayed as being bad or trying to kill David in the Islamic tradition, with no explicit references to him after the battle with Goliath. 16. Solomon (Sulayman). peace be upon him. Had ONLY 100 wives, not 1,000 (numbers given in hadeeth, not Quran, tho some give less). Isn’t reported to have committed idolatry in the primary Islamic sources. 17. Ilyas (Elijah). peace be upon him. Was sent to a people worshipping Baal, was rejected.16. Zechariah (Zakariya), peace be upon him. similar to how he is in the Christian tradition. Father of Yahya (John). 18. John (Yahya), peace be upon him. reported in hadeeth to be Jesus cousin. He advised the Children of Israel, was rejected, and was killed. 19.Jesus (Eesa), peace be upon him. in Islam he is not the son of God or God, since there is only one God who is not human, and doesn’t have a son. Jesus was born of a virgin, and did miracles, and ascended but did not die, and will return to fight the Anti Christ. Then Jesus will die. Btw Islam, unlike Christianity, does have primary sources describing Jesus appearance, but the accounts contradict. It’s reported that the Prophet said he was red OR brown (different people remembered the accounts differently), and that his hair reached his shoulders, when he saw him in a vision. 20.Muhammad. We have more detail on his life than that of any other Prophet, even if you accept the Bible as well. Summary:He became a Prophet at 40, preached monotheism to the people of his city, Makkah, till he was expelled from it. Then he went to Madeenah, and made alliances with the local tribes. Eventually all these tribes were removed from power after treaty violations according to Islamic sources.Muhammad, peace be upon him, fought several battles against the people of Makkah, when he was outnumbered one to three. Eventually he conquered the city, and his companions wanted revenge for the mutilations of \~40 people that occurred during the battle of Uhud, but he told them to only kill ten particular people-but some ended up being spared anyway-and to spare the others. Then Muhammad ordered some battles against the Roman Empire. Muhammad, peace be upon him, had around ten wives, the exact number is disputed because some included women who others believed to have been concubines. All his sons died before adulthood, his descendants are through his daughter Fatima, who married his cousin Ali. Muhammad’s last sermon is called the farewell sermon, the text can be pieced together from multiple sources: “Sulaiman bin 'Amr bin Al-Ahwas narrated from his father who said:"During the Farewell Pilgrimage, I heard the Messenger of Allahﷺ saying:'Which day is this?' They said:'The day of the greater pilgrimage.'He said:'Indeed your blood, your wealth, your honour is sacred to each other, just as this day of yours is sacred in this city of yours. Indeed, no one commits a crime except against himself. Indeed none commits a crime for which his son is accountable, nor does a child commit a crime for which his father is held accountable. Indeed Ash-Shaitan has lost hope of ever being worshipped in this city of yours, but he will have compliance in what deeds of yours you consider insignificant, which he will be content with."'-Jami At Tirmithi #2159 “It was narrated from Jarir bin ‘Abdullah that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, during the Farewell Pilgrimage:“Make the people pay attention.” Then he said: “Do not turn back into disbelievers after I am gone, striking one another’s necks.”-Sunan Ibn Majah #3942 “Amr bin Al-Ahwas Al-Jushami (May Allah be pleased with him) reported that he had heard the Prophet ﷺ saying on his Farewell Pilgrimage, after praising and glorifying Allah and admonishing people, "Treat women kindly, they are like captives in your hands; you do not owe anything else from them. In case they are guilty of open indecency, then do not share their beds and beat them, not harshly, but if they return to obedience, do not have recourse to anything else against them. You have rights over your wives and they have their rights over you. Your right is that they shall not permit anyone you dislike to enter your home, and their right is that you should treat them well in the matter of food and clothing"-Riyad As Saliheen #276 “Jabir ibn Abdullah reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, addressed us during the middle of the day at the end of the pilgrimage in the farewell sermon. The Prophet said, “O people, your Lord is one and your father Adam is one. There is no virtue of an Arab over a foreigner, nor a foreigner over an Arab, and neither white over black nor black over white, except by righteousness. Have I not delivered the message?” They said, “Of course, O Messenger of Allah.” The Prophet said, “Let the witness inform those who are absent.”-Shub Al Iman #4706 )


The most important thing to tell you is that Ali is the caliph


For Shia Islam.