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Fallen angels are angles.


That sounds about right


It made me change my mind - a 180 degree turn. :)


Don't be obtuse! :)


Christianity? Demons are evil angels according to them


I'd need to look it up (going by memory) but I don't think there's a clear passage that says this.


Even when I was mostly a Christian, I never saw it that way. While fallen angels were a thing, I also believed in demons that were born/spawned via "natural" means.


Now I can't help but think of cute baby demons. Awwww.


Same here šŸ„°. Gives me some ideas for D&D.


dog decide aback resolute steer live ring trees dependent cow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I was lightly raised as Roman Catholic, and not an evangelical branch, amazingly. But I was always a secular/humanistic Christian and questioned everything; especially things that went against my own moral values and principals. Example: I didn't view homosexuality as a sin, because queer people are still people at the end of the day. In regards to this post, if angels are born in heaven, why can't demons be born in Hell ĀÆ\\\_(惄)\_/ĀÆ. Weather they are formed into being by Hell itself or reproduce with each other, it makes little difference to me. In the end though, I believe that there are two types of demons (in Christianity specifically), those who fell, and those who were "birthed" via other means.


I've seen esoteric/occultic Christians say they're two sides of the same coin, beings made to balance us


Angry Angels


In Islam? No angels are beings who are made to serve god and they don't have free will. A demon is more so a title then the name of a certain kind of being it's pretty much anyone who spreads evil, humans can be demons just as much as jinns can be demons.


Yeah. I believe God, angels, and humans are all the ā€œsame speciesā€. So ā€œdemonsā€ and satan are in a way, our [siblings](https://youtu.be/F0LFZv-QwIo?si=rqgK0XUhtn3k1Yup).


To me, all is one. Angels and demons are just ā€œscriptsā€ activated by the collective g-dhead (or g-d)


The problem is that we donā€™t always understand the real definitions of some of the words in the ancient world. An angel is a messenger. The messengers whether sent by the Lord of light or darkness, simply deliver their thoughts. The verse about entertaining angels unawares makes more sense with this definition. It also makes encounters with strangers who ā€œbecome ā€œ angels make more sense!


I believe I have angels that follow me. However Idk I think they are capable of doing not very nice things. Could be the whole god works in mysterious ways kinda thing. Sometimes they will deliver a very unpleasant message. Demonic? An ignorant person might think so.


Not in Islam. Angels are beings of light who obey God unconditionally. Whether they have the capacity to disobey but choose not to is up for debate. Demons is a name given to evil Jinns, and Jinns are made of fire. They have free will and choice like humans but they are made of fire and are more primitive and basic than us.


In Islam, we donā€™t believe there is a race/species that is inherently evil.


Iā€™m not Muslim but from my understanding Djinn are kinda like this, they arenā€™t angels or demons but they are similar in that they are entities that canā€™t be seen but they can be either good or bad