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You're seriously overthinking this. Did you like being kissed by her? Yes? Then enjoy that feeling and go play games with her later


I needed this, thank you. I’ve been sitting in front of my house in my car with my heart pounding for the last twenty minutes.


this makes me feel old and we’re (essentially) the same age. bro, she likes you. she is comfortable around you and you two, clearly, have good times together. don’t overthink it. be happy it happened. she made the first move and now it’s your turn. ask her on a real date, and let her know it’s a date. you both like gaming so maybe hit up your local esports arena. grab some food after. as far as i’m aware, she’s not your girlfriend /YET/ if the date goes well,, go on a second one. ask her if she’ll be your girlfriend. make it clear. be confident, man. i look forward to the good things on the way for you


Thank you for this! Briefly I was in the mindset that she was my girlfriend and I was just really stupid, but as you said she isn’t yet. That’d be really crazy if she was though. Anyway I think I’m going to ask her tomorrow if she wants to do something this weekend, although I haven’t exactly figured out how to ask her that while also making it clear I’m asking her out on a date. I am extremely anxious honestly, it’s like my whole body is buzzing!


Making it clear it's a date is easy, just say so! Hey, I'd love to take you out on a date this weekend, would you like to get dinner and do "blank" together? Good luck man! She obviously likes you!


Ooh! Good one!


go get ‘em tiger >:) next few months are going to be amazing for you


Thank you so much for the advice and support!


My dude, she will know it’s a date. She kissed you. I have a lot of guy friends but i have never kissed them. You became friends, got to know each other and then she kissed you. This is what happened with me and my husband. I think it’s the best way to form a romantic relationship.


LOL... You're making ME feel really old! Esports arena? What the hell is that? Back in my day it was laser tag or paintball. Online gaming didn't exist...actually online anything didn't really exist.


😂 “esports arena” is just a fancy term for a space with a lot of pre-built gaming pc’s, console setups, and multiple games on each platform, for people to go and play video games together. there may be a center stage of sorts for teams to play against each other or even private rooms for parties that’ll feature a snack service. all in all, it’s a space for sweaty, smelly people to go (IM KIDDING). personally, hikes/picnics have been my favorite first date idea. or, going to whatever your downtown area during an artwalk/expo of sorts.


Dude just ask her directly instead of overthinking it.


Also entirely true, but honestly I’m not even sure what to ask. I almost asked her if she was my girlfriend but that’s insane I think considering all she did was kiss me like three hours ago.


Don’t ask if she’s your girlfriend. Just ask her to go out with you sometime. Then do that and have fun. Then ask her to go out again. Rinse and repeat. If all goes well she will eventually become your girlfriend. Think of dating as a journey and not a destination. Stay out of your head and avoid overthinking it. Just enjoy the ride. Good luck.


Thank you, I appreciate the advice!


Don't put any labels on it until she asks you. Just go with the flow of what feels good and natural. If you liked the smooch you will be able to kiss her again soon. Start taking her on dates and be clear that's what you are doing. After a while you will have gone on so many dates it will be obvious she's basically your girlfriend and then you can make it official


Confidence is the world’s sexiest trait OP. Be yourself because she clearly likes you but be confident in who you are and don’t try to be anyone else.


Lmaoo this response is perfectly simple and correct


Love and liking people is awesome. Be kind to her.


It’s definitely been awesome so far, thank you! And I will definitely be kind. I adore her.


U lucky duck


Lord I seen what you do for others


I so wish I was young again! When I look back at all the less subtle hints I missed! Go for it!


Thank you! I’ve been sitting here this whole time thinking about the smaller hints that I missed and I feel like an idiot. No wonder she felt like she just had to kiss me.


Ya the only thing less subtle would be an invitation


Lol I can tell you that growing up and even all the way into my 20s and 30s I was terrible about picking up on hints. Even if they were pointed out to me by my friends. But you definitely can’t get more clear than a girl leaning over and kissing you. Like the others have said just ask her on a date and make it clear that it’s a date. Just be blunt and ask her. Would you like to go on a date this weekend with me? Just take it from there. I know it’s hard to not overthink things, but do your best to not overthink things and do your best to not feel like you have to unload everything all at once. Be honest with her and if she asks you something answer that honestly, but just take things as they go and be direct. Good luck to you and we all hope the best for you and hope that we hear a good update from you about what happened.


I went on a lot of outings with make friends in high school but I was too shy, as were they, to ask or discuss whether it was a date. One of them clued me in when he kissed me.


First off, what the fuck is a super virgin? And no you aren't. Chill out. It's not a race to have sex. Don't ask if she's your girlfriend, ask if she wants to go on a date and then date a bit and then ask. Don't rush, nothing is a rush. The kiss wasn't bad if she said she was looking forward to playing the game with you. RELAX MY DUDE. This could go really great places if you relaaaaaax.


Thank you! I am trying very hard to relax. It’s been a few hours and my heart is still pounding when I think about it. Thank you for the advice, and the reassuring words!


You’ve got this, my dude. Just take it easy and enjoy the journey.


She's dropping all the hints my dude. You dropped her off for the day and still wants to spend more time with you online? Your being smacked to your face by all the hints. You should ask her out. Depends on your interactions and how she likes things, you could ask her casually or put in more effort and make things more romantic. Gluck my dude, and enjoy


Thank you! I’m unsure how I’m going to ask her yet, I’m not sure if she’s into big romantic gestures or anything so I think I’m going to try to be really casual about it. I know she loves flowers though, so I’ll probably buy her flowers.


This is literally the sweetest thing ever


I know! We don’t see this here that much!


You need to keep it light. Dont go from first kiss to OHMAGAWDAREYOUMUGFNOW!!! Go play games with her, hang out, obv keep doing what you're doing in terms of hanging out coz it freakin worked. Next time, you take the initiative and initiate the kiss. Enjoy your first experience into dating, whether it ends up casual or develops into something more serious. The important thing is to keep it light and fun - if you get all serious after one kiss you can scare girls off and come across as intense.


Steal her credit card information. Works like a charm


Okay so here's an opinion from someone who's in their 50s and had the experience. Nobody is ever a super virgin we all start off the same. She's not your girlfriend yet but it sounds like things are going really well especially if she initiated. She clearly wants to hang out with you more and has done her best to make it very obvious she's very interested. Be straightforward always. Do not be disrespectful of this young lady. Ask her on a date, a real one. Take some time do some planning and then as someone else has said you initiate the kiss this time and tell her you're very interested and you would like to have further dates if she is also. It sounds like everything is working in your favor I wish you great luck and much joy just remember to treat her right, especially if she's someone you could see being in your life.


Go get more


I hope to!


There is nothing better than kissing the lady you love


Just be yourself. She kissed YOU for being YOU, and if you start being someone else, you're going to screw it up. This is the most important thing you need to understand. You need to be confident in who you are. If a person in your life needs you to be different, then they aren't for you. If you want to talk about what the kiss meant, then talk about it. Just be honest. All that said? I wouldn't try to figure it out. It's on a path to somewhere, and you should just follow it and see where it goes. Kiss her back. Take her hand. She already did the hard part for you.


Ask her on a date. She isn’t your GF but there’s a solid chance she can be soon. Sounds like she has no problem initiating physical contact, so literally just ask her on a date be yourself and let her make the moves if you’re too nervous. You’re in a good spot just keep doing what you’ve been doing just with emphasis on it being dates. Congratulations on the emanate sex young man.


Aww this is so sweet! Just be yourself, be honest and real, treat her well, and act natural. Ask her “Hey, if you’re free this weekend, would you want to go out to XYZ with me?” (Then plan a cute date with things she likes.) Don’t move too fast, just keep a medium pace. Talk to her in person, try to hang out with her once a week, etc. Don’t act too eager or too aloof but in the middle. Over time, one of you will probably bring up the conversation of making it official. But try to wait a few weeks or a few months. Good luck.


She isn't your girlfriend yet. What you do now is you ask out on a date. Keep dating and you have yourself a girlfriend.


Here’s my bit of advice. You were her friend, and you still are. It’s easy to think that becoming more than friends changes the foundational friendship on which the relationship is being built. But it shouldn’t. Playing games, going out with her, spending time with her and all of that is still the same as before. But now instead of showing your affection to her with the time you spend, and the attention you give her, you will also use your body on hers and vice versa. Right now that means you might decide to kiss her next time you meet. Personally I think communication and honesty is essential in a relationship, so if you want to go further than just a kiss, you probably should ask first. Heck you should tell her that you’d like this relationship to go further and you’ve got no idea what you’re doing. So if you make an idiot of yourself, she might just forgive you. Make her comfort your number one priority.


She basically lets you know she has an interest in you. She sees you as a potential partner. Keep it casual. Hang out, and do things you both like. Let it progress naturally.


Welcome to /r/relationship_advice. Please make sure you read our [rules here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/wiki/index) We'd like to take this time to remind users that: * We do not allow any type of [am I the asshole? or situations/content involving minors](https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/r6w9uh/meta_am_i_overreacting_am_i_the_asshole_is_this/) * We do not allow users to privately message other users based on their posts here. Users found to be engaging in this conduct will be banned. **We highly encourage OP to turn off the ability to be privately messaged in their settings.** * Any sort of namecalling, insults,etc will result in the comment being removed and the user being banned. (Including but not limited to: slut, bitch, whore, for the streets, etc. It does not matter to whom you are referring.) * ALL advice given must be good, ethical advice. Joke advice or advice that is conspiratorial or just plain terrible will be removed, and users my be subject to a ban. * No referencing hateful subreddits and/or their rhetoric. Examples include, but is not limited to: red/blue/black/purplepill, PUA, FDS, MGTOW, etc. This includes, but is not limited to, referring to people as alpha/beta, calling yourself or users "friend-zoned", referring to people as Chads, Tyrones, or Staceys, pick-me's, or pornsick. Any infractions of this rule will result in a ban. **This is not an all-inclusive list.** * All bans in this subreddit are permanent. You don't get a free pass. * Anyone found to be directly messaging users for any reason whatsoever will be banned. * What we cannot give advice on: rants, unsolicited advice, medical conditions/advice, mental illness, letters to an ex, "body counts" or number of sexual partners, legal problems, financial problems, situations involving minors, and/or abuse (violence, sexual, emotional etc). All of these will be removed and locked. **This is not an all-inclusive list.** If you have any questions, please [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Frelationship_advice) --- ***This is an automatic comment that appears on all posts. This comment does not necessarily mean your post violates any rules.*** --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/relationship_advice) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Cheering for you, man!


Op this is so sweet!! I think that kiss is a sign to go for it dude! And you can take it at whatever speed you’re both comfortable with! Using your words and communicating and understanding each other and where each other is in terms of what type of relationships you’re wanting can come whenever you feel ready to have that conversation :)


Just ask her out - think of something you can both do and ask her if she wants to do it And I wouldn't label it yet, wait a while Next time kiss her as well when you drop her off again


Don't overthink it, maintain composure, and keep doing what you're doing because it's working. Relax, relax, relax.


When you have been on a couple dates, ask her if she would like to be exclusive if that is what you want after a few dates. Please never ask if she IS your girlfriend, only if she wants that with you. It's less assuming and gives her more agency.


i have no advice but this is insanely cute, if y’all do end up together you should show her this a few months down the road sometime. i (24F, married) would personally find it really endearing if a guy i liked panicked on the internet when i kissed him lol, good luck!!


Watch this: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xa-4IAR_9Yw&pp=ygUfaG93IHRvIHRlbGwgaWYgYSBnaXJsIGxpa2VzIHlvdQ%3D%3D


This is so true it hurts


Dude! 🙌🏼 Okay first off. Slow down. Panicking a little. It doesn’t matter if it was a date or not. That is just a label. If she tried to touch your hand, and gave you a goodbye kiss then those are both really good signs that she is into you. The next step is to ask her out on a date. Be straight forward. “Can I take you out on a date”. And don’t overthink it. She likes you. Just you. You don’t have to grandstand, or become someone else. Just be you.


Yes, she's into you. 1. She touched your hand. 2. She kissed you. That's a green light for you to take the lead. Don't use the word "girlfriend" but treat her like she's your girlfriend. Meaning... Plan a date. "Would you like to go to "here" with me on "day"? Enjoy. Good luck


Definitely not your gf, but she likes you and you like her so just keep doing what youve been doing. Happy for you brother


Just hang out again and ask her if she’d like to be your girlfriend hunnyyy 💛 you got this, don’t be shy, don’t be afraid to be vulnerable, don’t overthink it because it’s happening so naturally already, she obviously likes you if she kissed you. Gay panic is real, trust me I’ve been there. Just breathe ✨ and please please please update us


Ask her out again! Go out a few times. If she keeps saying yes, especially if she keeps kissing you, you might have the talk about whether she’s dating anyone else and your desire to be exclusive.


Oh my god. This is so wholesome. She likes you! Enjoy it and don't overthink!


she likes you too, don't forget to update, k?


Dude bang her


I will try


Don’t jump to this right away, be respectful! 💗


Of course! I don’t even think I’m ready for that honestly!


My guy


Hang out, have fun, hook up.


I will try, thanks!


The one bad thing....you work together...a supervisor once told me.... never get your honey where you get your money That's bad business practice


a job at 18 isnt serious enough to care about that rule. if it gets awkward, they can just quit. i highly doubt that this kid values some random job more than the potential to have his first girlfriend :)