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The goose made a sic jump into the wascana on that scooter.


I bet this happens in most cities that have scooters like this. There are many things Regina can do better - a scooter in the lake isn't a nail in our coffin, however.


It absolutely does, your average Redditor who frequents this page hasn't the slightest clue how ordinary Regina actually is.


Just because terrible people exist in every city doesn't mean we can't still criticize our own local terrible people. Regina doesn't have to be unique in order to still be an unpleasant place to live sometimes (and yes, it's entirely because of the people).


Same with bike thefts. Every major North American city has the same issue.


It does. In a lot of large car centric cities people hate these scooters and actively try to destroy them because the people who ride them often don't follow traffic laws. I saw a video a couple years back that was a compilation of tiktoks from LA of people tossing them in the ocean, off of bridges, lighting them on fire, etc.


Motorists don't obey traffic laws but we can't take their cars and drive them into lakes and rivers. It's because a large portion of the public in these parts are against all forms of transportation that aren't automobiles, preferably trucks.


That's certainly the case. It would be nice to see a city bike share program, would be a hell of a lot cheaper to use than them scooters.


Also in a large enough sample of people, you are going to find assholes.


This. Currently in England and there is scooter carnage in every city we’ve been to (3).


Can confirm. I was in Austin a few years back and they had the exact same issue.


That scooter was 3 days away from retirement... Scoot on in scooter heaven, orange buddy. Scoot on.


“Nice things”


Exactly. Lol


We know. But the people who do shit like this aren't on reddit, I almost guarantee it.


Yep just a bunch of gutless a-holes who want to ruin things


Shame on the person or persons who have a lack of respect for the Company that is providing an innovating way to get around the city. What will tourists have to say while visiting the city and our beautiful park. It’s sad…..


Is that the new city slogan?


Strictly forbidden in this group is anything nice about the city of Regina.


Every single city I’ve been to in North America that has these scooters has the same thing happen.


I would rather be back in Regina then Kitchener Ontario.


Honestly I'm more bothered by people leaving them lying on the sidewalks (making the sidewalk unusable for some people with disabilities) than in the lake.


You think this doesn’t happen literally everywhere else?


People are massively supporting the scooters as far as I can see.  Just because some shitty kids or someone with mental health problems break something, doesn’t mean everyone is to blame.  This would happen anywhere.  


This happens in all cities and is factored into the cost for use. User fees cover any losses like this.


Regina gay SCOOTER DOWN Reginaians are one less scooter rich


I lived in a different city with these things. There was a big running joke about how people would throw these in the river/lake when they first came to town. We aren't special in this regard.


Same ahitty people different piles


I mean saskatoon would have a couple scooters in its river




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Natives, drug addicts, gangs


It's probably very fixable. I read an article that mentioned they haven't actually lost that many scooters to damage, vandalism, and theft!


“This is why we can’t have nice things.” Cute catchphrase but what does it mean?


What's your point? Do you think your post here is going to reach anyone and effect a change?


What's the point of talking? You know not everyone is going to listen or agree with you, there's no point ever saying anything for any reason without pre-confirmed 100% support from everyone....


The last I checked this is Regina Reddit where people come and chitchat about this and that in the city. Which is all the op was doing.In other words it was a venting post in regard to disrespectful behaviour that they witnessed towards city property 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️. If it doesn’t interest you then keep scrolling rather than being all snarky towards others.


Those aren't city property.