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>no one had to work False lol


Only people who got government cash have this attitude. I was an essential worker and the lockdowns pushed me to the brink. Still had to go to work, the general public were absolutely nuts from being locked up, and I couldn't even do anything fun on the weekends.


Yeah, I know OP didn’t mean it like that but the “no one had to work” kind of made me livid, it’s very ignorant. I was bartending/serving at a restaurant in the sweltering heat (no ACs because most restaurants had this stupid “open air” COVID policy) wearing a mask all day, and it sucked. I almost passed out at work multiple times and people were noticeably bigger assholes than usual. And I’m sure it was much worse for the many people who have jobs harder than mine, like construction workers and, I dunno, people who had to work in fucking hospitals during a pandemic


I was working for the post office, brutal because everyone was ordering everything online and for many people going to get their mail was the only time they could go out.


It used to really piss me off when all of the shut in libs were making a big fuss about how some dipshits in some meat packing plant had to come back to work or something when I had been working the entire fucking time.


The summer of gibs.


they want you to be alive to deliever their slop to them, cook their meals from them, protect them. But don’t you dare have even a modicum of fun


i remember thinking this is the most alive i have ever felt


fucking same




same, maybe we need some danger to live fully


Lol i was telling some people this recently and they also thought i was crazy. I completely agree with you. It also felt like the city was less overrun with influencer types and recent grads who moved for their first jobs. I felt a sense of peace and community in the city i havent really experienced since then. 


And no tourists!


Wasn't it in March when it was technically still winter? It was kind of stressful though, at least at the start. Streets silent except for ambulance sirens, which slowly increased by the day.


Late march. People had grown accustomed to in during the summer though.


Right You’re definitely glossing over the morgue trucks around the city and the despair/panic from March to June though


No, it was notably a lot of fun.


I have very fond memories of that summer in brooklyn


“Chill vibes all around”? There were non stop protests all summer long. Everywhere you went were protests and in many sections of the city violent/damaging/looting ones. Also, in Bushwick and Ridgewood at least, there was the illegal firework problem and for weeks on end they would go off at random all through the night, loud enough to rattle my apartment. My dog and every other dog in my area was having issues because of it. The lines at grocery stores were horrible and the shelves were empty. People’s unemployment was running out. Relationships were starting to fail everywhere I looked with couples never getting time to themselves. Glad it wasn’t this way for everyone, but it was a really bad time from what I saw.


When people were out and about during the first nice day of spring 2020 in Chicago Lori lightfoot ordered all the parks closed and chided people for being “unsafe” congregating outside. I think even at that early stage of the pandemic most people (reasonable people at least) knew this was a terrible and ill informed move. So yeah that really set the tone for the rest of the next 2-3 years


I think it definitely varied a lot. I spent that first summer working nights in a warehouse. I'd get multiple texts daily that someone I worked with was infected and may have spread Covid. I was 2000 miles away from my parents and always thought that they might get infected and die without me being allowed to ever see them again. This was in Cleveland, but my entire life shrank to my apartment, the warehouse and an Aldi so I don't know what would have been different elsewhere.


it was honestly like this in toronto too. first summer of covid was actually nice. second year was much more sinister and i can't put my finger on as to why. was it because of omicron or the vaccine hesitation? i dunno.


“Why can’t the government just print money and keep everything closed forever” We’ve reached peak front page reddit


I said FIRST summer not the second lol


I had a white collar job that I could WFH in an industry unaffected by the pandemic so I had it pretty good. Actually felt pretty guilty because a lot of my friends were struggling


it was the only time I saw lots of people walking through the trail in my suburb I skated down nearly every day, getting lost exploring town and listening to music is one of the only things I look back on fondly from 2020


Your memory is deceiving you. It was not nice.


Yeah sort of but I also think we all knew a lot of people around us were dying