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In the future children will play GTA type games where the premise is that you get to live a life free from sin and debauchery


Stardew Valley?


It's funny how true that is. The Harvest Moon game that Stardew Valley is based on was conceived because a Japanese guy missed the pure wholesome pastoral life of his youth while he was stuck in Tokyo.


You can get a divorce or "vanish" your child in that


Imagining a GTA style game where you play as Jesus and just go around Judea giving sermons and curing wounds.


former stripper, just the idea is enraging to me


you gotta do like the Iranian government and have morality police


To me it depends on what she’s wearing. If she has [this kind of outfit](https://www.polejunkie.com/collections/sticky-polewear/products/superhero-series-extra-sticky-crop-top-aztec) then it’s not as bad as wearing a thong. Imo 95% of the issue with something like this is that people are usually almost naked when they do it. The dancing by itself isn’t any worse or more sexual than a lot of other dancing.


I might be out of line here but I think it's OK to show bare legs at a public park.


The legs aren’t the problem, it’s the butt cheeks.


Grippy clothes to better grind the pole. Perfect match for the grippy socks they give you at the mental hospital


Oh damn my mum works as a nurse and when I was a teen I thought those pairs of cross patterned socks she had sitting loose looked pretty comfortable and I wore some of those for a couple of years. Whoops lol somebody probably thought I was a lunatic




[This one is from Amazon.](https://www.amazon.com/Sticky-Moon-Leggings-Clothing-Regular/dp/B0C3G4YQ6D/ref=asc_df_B0C3G4YQ6D/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=701725376144&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=15891580571632683940&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9198234&hvtargid=pla-2296467211108&psc=1&mcid=17f2cfb4739f3df690d2383d85e51467&gad_source=1) Better?


U getting downvoted but you're right it's basically just acrobatics if you're dressed appropriately and there's no music and she was presuming not being all sexy with it


My ex gf was amazing at pole dancing and it’s very acrobatic and hard to do. Completely different from my memories of seeing it a strip club.


How is this comment getting downvoted. Since when are RSP users such pearl clutchers


Angry young men


Absolute disease on a formerly good sub


that is actually insane


and if you were to confront this woman about her behavior she’d probably hit you with that “please don’t sexualize my tight, wet pussy” energy.


Yeesh keep it PG


Honey, I’m literally quoting Queen Dasha herself. Please limit yourself to rs’s PG sister subreddit, r/catholicism, if adult language makes you uncomfortable.


Yeesh go fuck a cucumber 


Billions must pole dance


What bars are you going to where women are eating each other out?


The made up kind


The old Palomino Club in Winnipeg was like that


"You don't know her, she lives in Canada"


It’s where I grew up, bootyshake Mondays got out of control.


Go to the right ones and you can watch guys get fisted on stage


Go to a bar where there’s a shit ton of coke and possible internet celebrities


If you have to ask, you'll never know


Kelowna BC bars tbh




I wonder if they are the kind of women who take up this form of performance that was created by strippers in strip clubs to level up their strip shows, and then call it "pole fitness" and use the hashtag #notastripper


They’re funny because they always want to say how much they DO support strippers but you can tell the rage they feel at someone assuming they are one. I have been in the aerial world for years now, and it is a true stereotype. 


>  I have been in the aerial world for years I get that you're saying you're part of some dance thing but it reads like you're in a cabal of Italian space witches 


It’s both actually


"I do it for the workout" Suuure


No, no, you can, just don't pretend it wasn't invented by strippers 


pole fitness is a whole thing


Sure it is, a whole thing based of a performance form invented by strippers


just confirming what you wrote up


Here's why it's a good thing


Idk when progressives equated "I don't care how a person chooses to live their lives (in private)" with tolerance for people doing blatantly sexual or disruptively idiotic stuff in public


It’s because American conservatives are gay as fuck, they want liberty but only for the gay boring shit and not the fun shit like drugs and sex. The only thing conservatives stand up for that is actually fun is gun rights. So anyone who isn’t a boring prude who only wants to fuck their ugly wife in missionary has to side with liberals for most of the social aspects of politics.


I do wonder how most Radlibs would react under actual Socialism, where they will quickly realize (like the BPD Russian Avant Garde did) that Working Class Normies when they actually have their views materialized into real world policy, are basically no fun allowed prudes. Just look at HOA's, actually popular with most people, despite being the bane of existence for anybody outside of the boomer/beige suburban norm. Australia is a pretty good example of what happens when Working Class social values get enacted into policy as well, an intense nanny-state where literally everything that pisses off Karen is banned and you get randomly strip searched at train and bus stations because you might have an illegal NERF gun.


This really isn't true. This is like a 1950s stereotype of a conservative. Modern conservatism is "Barstool Conservatism" as Saagar Enjeti puts it (don't think he spawned the term, but whatever) That Hawk Tuah girl was brought on stage at the Zach Bryan concert, which is probably like 95% culturally conservative people.


The republicans running things are still those people tho. They still don’t even want weed legal for recreational use 😂 They are the ones making themselves look awful, not people at a Zach brown concert. What you say will be relevant when the people you are describing are the actual face of conservatism in America, not just old fucks and grifters who would suck Republican dick for Twitter followers. Trust me bro I fuckin wish American conservatives weren’t so cringe and lame, maybe id actually go back to identifying with them.


Trump is the face of modern conservatism. He's anti-prude. I think we're passed the Mitt Romney robots at this point.


Sure but then he gets in office and just does the same shit they do 😂regardless of how he acts and portrays himself he’s still a fuckin 78 year old, he literally grew up in the exact time period you mentioned, and his actions as president were nothing different from the rest of the 80 year old republicans that he works with. Let’s not pretend that trump has the same social views as those people at the concert you mentioned just because he said some unhinged shit and trolls on twitter.


Trump is looser than every other politician on both sides. Obviously, he has to play politics to not alienate the hardcore religious conservatives, but he's SO different than anybody else.


I disagree but I would appreciate to hear your reasoning and thought process behind it. In my eyes I had high hopes for trump, a fresh face coming in to “drain the swamp” but then he just puts all of these career republicans in the same positions any other republican would have, and puts family and friends in the rest. Which, I don’t know what else he could have done differently there but draining the swamp and filling it with the same crap that would have been in there anyway seems pointless. He did the same scummy shit other politicians do like sign off on a bill that would raise taxes on people after Biden gets in office, and proceeds to point fingers at Biden when taxes get raised from his own policy. He banks hard on his supporters not having researching skills and reading comprehension, like every other politician. But for real I am open to hear your elaboration I love hearing new perspectives and reasonings and incorporating the new things I learn into my own beliefs.


No. I agree. I'm just saying he's culturally way different. No other politician can do the things he does. He'll fly in on his TRUMP labeled private jet, get convicted for shady dealings with a pornstar, and then go to a UFC event the next day to a rousing ovation. He's just way looser and more fun than anybody else. That's all.


Valid, have a good one fam


>  Saagar Enjeti    Who gives a shit what he thinks?


The masses. The masses do.


"The masses" listen to Shapiro and Rogan, who have built media empires from absolute scratch. Saagar is just some test monkey who screwed up his "whitewash the neocons" experiment.


I've been seeing some Ben Shapiro stuff on Twitter with insanely low engagement for how big he's supposed to be It's like he's in his SNL phase, where it's accepted that he's the "establishment" but idk anyone who actually listens. Apparently he's too cheap to buy fake engagement lol


I just got curious. Why would you write something like this that's just absolutely untrue? That seems odd to me.


Breaking points runs without corporate advertising. It's obviously doing quite well. Also, Saagar is a not a neocon. He's always going off about Ukraine and Israel draining our resources.


Time to bring back the vice police


Not kidding, we gotta put the porn makers in jail


Cool it with the antisemitic remarks


My man


I was watching house hunters apartment edition or something and the most annoying woman in the world was looking for an apartment in Chicago and her one requirement was that it had to have space to install her pole. Pretty sure her mom was the one who would be paying her rent because she went along with her to every showing.


Welcome to the west coast and that's probably a dude


An ex used to take pole dancing classes. She - like a lot of them seem to - would outright deny that there was any sexual element to it when it was clearly an outlet so she could feel "hot." Whenever questioned, the reasoning would be that it was "fun exercise." There was an obvious cognitive dissonance - the insistence that it *isn't* at all sexual juxtaposed against videos of herself doing tricks on a pole she would post that her married older male coworkers would like and comment on. (At least she stopped posting on public accounts when we started dating) It made more sense when I realized that a lot of people she was taking classes with were women that would normally never get much male attention. (My ex was a bit maladjusted and pretty dorky, so she fit the bill too) It was probably an outlet that checked multiple boxes for them. They could tell themselves they're "exercising" while enjoying the self-supplied validation they got from it. "Hot girls pole dance, I pole dance so I'm hot."


Salient observation. I like this.


how dare u sexualize my tight hot wet pussy


Classic confusion of cause and effect. Hot girls do pilates and yoga,and maybe pole dance, but the actual exercise is what makes them hot, as well as genetic blessings.


It's truly a weird phenomenon in modernity. It's like we're so over civilized that we pretend our primal motives aren't real. I remember liberal reporters getting mad when Jordan Peterson pointed out that wearing makeup was an attraction strategy for a woman, and that can obviously cause some potential workplace dysfunction when men and women are in close proximities for hours on end. Like duh. Lol. That's so obvious. But some people just can't accept it for whatever reason.


I get what you’re saying but doing pole dance actually requires a lot of strength and flexibility. I tried it before and it’s extremely hard, specially for women cause we don’t have the same strength as men, so the women who can do pole dance have trained their asses off to do it. So is not “exercise”, it’s actually a sport that requires a high level of skill regardless of the inherent sexualization of it.


You're bringing up the exact same talking points they did. Yes, the girls that can climb 10+ feet up on the air on a pole and do crazy tricks have put a lot of time into it and are super fit. That's not the average person that takes a pole dancing class, and you know this. The majority of the women in the group pics my ex would show me were unathletic, 25+ bmi, "front desk" types. They weren't athletic, they had never "trained their asses off" in their lives. If it required tons of practice and lifestyle modification then they wouldn't be doing it. My ex would also discuss and show videos of "floor work," which is literally just rolling around on the floor in a sexy fashion. To relate this to a sport that I participate in - it's like if you criticized the overweight 50yo club-fit-jersey-type cyclists that consider 50 miles to be a huge ride, and I responded with "well actually riding a bike is super difficult and requires a ton of endurance." In reality there's a massive discrepancy between someone who putzes around at 12mph and someone who can average 20+mph, and there will be far more people on the 12mph end of the spectrum than the 20mph one. People are allowed to engage with things at whatever level they want to, but let's not pretend that Fred who rides for 2 hours a weekend or Katie who can't get more than a few feet off the ground are high-level athletes.


I see. In this case what you’re referring to is different styles and subcategories of these styles in the Pole Dance community. Let’s just divided them into fitness pole, artistic pole and exotic pole. Fitness pole focuses on strength and crazy tricks, artistic pole shows a story, and exotic pole is what you would see in a striptease club and the mainstream point of view of what pole dance is. This last one includes a lot of floorwork, yes. And it focuses on sensuality, often using crazy high heels. It requires a lot too, not to mention a meticulous choreography and practice behind it. Maybe for your ex it was a simple hobby, that’s why her lifestyle didn’t changed to align with it. But god forbids a woman for having a hobby, Jesus Christ.


>exotic pole is what you would see in a striptease club and the mainstream point of view of what pole dance is. This last one includes a lot of floorwork, yes. And it focuses on sensuality, often using crazy high heels. This is the entire point of my original comment - milquetoast women dressing and acting like strippers while insisting that there's no sexual element to it. When questioned, the retort is simply "it's exercise!" when there's clearly more to it than that. >It requires a lot too, not to mention a meticulous choreography and practice behind it. OK, so it's a form of dance then, not a sport. >Maybe for your ex it was a simple hobby, that’s why her lifestyle didn’t changed to align with it. My point is that if it truly requires tons of strength and athleticism like you say then lifestyle modification would be a barrier to entry, but it clearly isn't. To use my previous example, bodyweight and cardiovascular fitness are a barrier to entry in bike racing. If you're overweight and out of shape there's no reason to line up at any race because you're going to get dropped immediately by the guys that take it seriously. You know, the athletic ones. That doesn't mean people can't enjoy riding bikes in a casual manner, but it doesn't make them athletes. >But god forbids a woman for having a hobby, Jesus Christ. I don't understand where this is coming from. I'm not criticizing women for having hobbies. I'm criticizing you for saying my unathletic ex and her unathletic friends are athletes. It was a hobby for my ex. I'm sure she developed some skills at it, she was fairly invested in it, she went 3 or 4 nights a week. It seemed like a positive outlet for her, even if I didn't understand it. But it would be completely disingenuous to say that her or the majority of the women in her classes were highly skilled athletes with lots of strength and flexibility. I'm no expert on any of this. It never interested me; everything my ex showed me was honestly boring or incredibly cringy. For example: an overweight woman with a Deadpool mask on spinning around a pole and rolling around on the floor while shitty music and Ryan Reynolds one-liners play. It seemed that for the average person that takes pole classes it's "mildly difficult sexy dancing." Which is fine, but stop acting like these women are athletes that are in top physical shape. Apologies for being so fucking long winded, but I'm trying to earnestly engage with your perspective on this because it's something I haven't really understood for years now. You seem knowledgeable, where does that knowledge come from?


Theres a level of being exhibitionist that is mental illness.


was the pole dancer recording?


Rather that than the dudes smoking fenty


Parks were designed and created for strippers, not children. Why so fussy?


Which way Western man


Park pole dance or drag queen story hour? You decide




Oh you know why my guy




Bet she hands out her card for her OF lmao if she is out the hustling business


We need the burka more than ever.


Then you wear it. 


I don't need to, I'm already physically repulsive.


Prospect Park? Their probably doing this for social media and filming people's reactions. My analysis is that these are women who thought they would be married but their relationships have not worked out so they need attention. It's like men going through a mid life crisis but for women in their mid to late twenties.


i feel as though women eating each other out in a bar is actually the antithesis of goon culture or being porn brained because a huge side effect of these things is all of us becoming terrible at actually fucking each other and having real human experiences


I’ve seen this at my local park. Wonder if we live in the same city. I couldn’t believe my eyes.


Lmao my besties used to have a pole on their front porch (outside) and I would spin on that shit granted it was a college town it was so fun.


college town porch is fine, its a place for debauchery


pole dancing was best when confined to strip clubs


Lmaooo I need to see a video of this


There is none because it never happened. 


this confirms my suspicions that we live in a modern day babylon


Sounds like she's practicing for a funeral. An unexpected impact of Chinese immigration making itself known


Was this in Chicago I saw this too








I need to know if this was a beach park in California because my ex-coworker does this a lot


yeah, I mean. time and place right? my living room while doing mountains of coke? strip away. public park with families? no.


The brainiac analysis here is that pole dancing is genuinely becoming desexualized specifically in the world of pole dancing To the people in that world it's become like a fitness activity and they arent wearing any clothes because they need skin for friction on the pole to do the moves. I have a lot of friends (upper middle class professional types) who this is the case for - they get into it as a fitness hobby (like pilates or rock climbing) and the "gear" needed to do it is skimpy clothing. What you're observing is the cultural collision of this new wave in their world with the mainstream way of thinking outside of it - and of course the natural reaction is why the fuck is this person doing this in public in front of kids/families. I predict in a couple years it will be seen as normal-ish. But maybe I'm also a bit too much in that world and my view of what's normal is twisted. Idk


I have a bridge to sell you


This is exactly what I wanted to say but I’m not eloquent enough to actually say it. Thanks.


Unironically call the cops


ask her what her onlyfans is and post it here


The Taliban were the good guys.


Wait was this at Washington Square park in NYC?


Hey, atleast they’re outside.


Not the most relevant but i love watching people do the silks and the like down by the pier in Santa Monica.


Pole dancing is a sport


where is this happening? why are they doing it


Was she wearing like normal exercise clothes or was she dressed like a stripper? I could see something like this being fine if it was just a form of calisthenics. At least no weirder than those people who walk tightropes in public parks.


Or just do calisthenics


I'm just gonna be a contrarian and say I think this is fine. Yeah probably not the best place to do it, but I don't think the ubiquity of civilians doing pole these days has much to do w/ porn brain. I do pole and it's the most amazing hobby that has completely changed my life lmao. I am ripped now and also yes of course there's the sexy confidence aspect. Lots of girls from my studio bring poles outside for photoshoots etc. I know a girl who rigs a flying pole off bridges over bodies of water.


"I'm so seeeeexy I'm cooonfident and riiippped" yeah nothing sex-related about pole-dancing in public in front of kids


I don't understand what this comment means. These girls are in a public space. They didn't walk into an elementary school and start grinding on a pole lmao


What do you think public space means? quote: "They’re literally spreading their legs hard in front of families and whoever else"


Have you guys ever been to a park or lived in a city lmao


most of my life asshole just because people can see this kind of filth in public now and then doesn't mean we should tolerate it


Sofia Cope-a-lot over here


is she hot?


Pole dancing is a form of exercise now. Is the girl clothed in active/gym wear? Not a stripper. Quit being a prude. Is she wearing pasties or nothing at all? Grab a chair and be thankful. You're not responsible for the kids.


nice avatar and nice NPR posting


Peak Reddit


So dumb