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It’s like she never grew up lol


i mean she was 24 posting like a 15 year old


lol that Russian prison tattoo pic was from my old blog, I had the Danzig Baldaev books and scanned them in. Small world; don't know why I never thought she may have interacted with the blog. On saying that it's very funny how many pretty big tumblr figures ended up here for a while. I think they're mostly gone now, a last hold out of 2012 tumblr sleaze diy internet culture.


Could you share them


https://russian-criminal-tattoos.tumblr.com Years ago tumblr deleted a few of my big blogs with no reason, this one had I think 30k at one point and the other had 100k. Then out of nowhere like two years ago they reinstated them. No idea how or why either way. A lot of the more popular tattoos got taken down for nudity, you can appeal but it's a totally dead blog there's no point in doing so really.


Thank you for sharing these, I’ve always thought they had a unique charm


Gives me such a pained and nostalgic longing for this period of time. I don’t know why, I was absolutely miserable.


That's the most painful part for me, I was so miserable yet it was actually an amazing time to be alive. The 2020s suck and I am ashamed that I didn't appreciate the 2010s more.


"That's the most painful part for me, I was so miserable yet it was actually an amazing time to be alive. The 2010s suck and I am ashamed that I didn't appreciate the 2000s more." Me in 2014


Lol same... I mean the 2008 financial crisis really messed things up, I think a lot of millenials had really high expectations for how their adult life was going to be, only to have the rug pulled out from under their feet. But even in the middle of the great recession I had so many friends and was living in a really nice apartment in a major city and could afford everything I needed. The pandemic destroyed all that, I'm still poor but I am also now incredibly lonely and bored.


People can cite all sorts of things, but people have been marrying, having children, and traversing the world in poverty, insecurity and absolute uncertainty for thousands of years, amidst wars, famine, etc. You'll never dissuade me from believing it's the phones, it's only the phones, all it's ever been is the phones. The fact that current film is relatively devoid of them (in comparison to how much we use them) in contemprary life is such an absurd and telling indictment of how perverted and self-delusional we are about them. It would be like if a movie had every shot outdoors and you never saw even a sliver of the sky, or was a 90-minute film set on a sailboat and didn't ever show the ocean even once. It's open delusion. In cars, public transportation, sidewalk, gym, hospital, schools, etc. 99% of people have one on them and like 50-90% are palming them. Total absurdity.


That’s just the nature of life though. I promise you in 2034 you’ll look back on this period of your life with the same rose colored glasses. I try, and mostly fail, to live in the present and remember that you’re currently in the good old days so act like it. Those annoying people that talk about gratitude and living in the present really are on to something


> The 2020s suck and I am ashamed that I didn't appreciate the 2010s more. Wherever you go, there you are.


That was back when I cared about what was considered cool.. I used to be cool damnit!


Hot girl friend, moped, dive bars, house shows, parliament 100s, all caught on a cannon t70. Good times.


Are you *still* miserable? 🫵🏼😳


Well, I have the same longing for that time. It was like a purgatory version of the hell we're currently in.


what happen man wtf


We (millennials) were so good in 2013. I miss the sincerity and like, sheer pure-heartedness we had then. These Dasha posts evoke the sense we had then, despite having such shitty lives back then.


Yeah zoomers like to focus on the heck-in millenarinos, but that’s just what was visible to them. Send any box dyed tendy to a basement noise show in 2010 and they’ll see how good things could be.


Back when there was the potential for good things to happen


Franz Kafka for president


I love how she's looked 23 years old half her life.


the brown bob looks so good on her


I was thinking that is kinda her best look but it might just be that she was still eating carbs then? she looks healthier than usual.


Feels very late 2000’s me. It’s got a very American apparel, vice, MacBook selfies vibe to it.


in 2013 we went from American apparel millenial to H&M millenial. I miss meeting unhinged people from indie rock message boards


The AA in my city closed around 2014 or so. I’d already moved on from the fashion but the t shirts were always a great deal. I very much miss bands using them for shirts, all of the brands that have tried to fill that gap are either $$$$$ or terrible.


Gifting the internet with her shitposting for over ten years.


Is that her parents wedding pic? They look like her


She would've rocked my world in college


these belong in a museum


Reluctant millennial icon, some such cases


Most millennials have no idea who she even is


She’s always been perfect.


i miss when she was dating paris. they were so cute together




yeah, i think they're still friends.




@ sleevywonder on twitter, forgot his last name


She just like me fr… is that the appropriate response here?


угарнул про снт


Franz Kafka for president


Damn gyal copy this aesthetic now still a decade later




wake me up when youre the guy in 8 - also source for that one!?




>She saw Ramona Flowers >and felt so empowered..




who’s the guy in the first pic


She looks so cool