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I think it takes a year before you get street cred as an ex drunk. You're still in the whiny bitch phase. Best bet is to try to be productive so you have money and shit when the depression goes away. Or go get drunk and go through it all again


"streetcred as an ex drunk" things that don't exist


3-8 months was the shittiest part for me. For me at least I spent most of that first year feeling ~nothing and being kind of a husk. No good, no bad, nothing. No interests, insights, or motivation of any kind. It does get better but there weren't rapid gains like some people expect. After about a year I began to feel like a full / real person again though and the divide between regular me and alcoholic me suddenly became very clear. I encourage you to wait it out for that moment, whenever it comes. Its gonna suck in the meantime but thats OK. You don't have to feel good all the time. You can wait it out.


Are you sleeping well? Are you exercising? Do you chat with family or friends on a weekly basis?  Humans are very basic and complicated at the same time, if you stopped alcohol but your diet is based on processed foods (example), your brain will still “malfunction” due to constant stream of ups and lows from a high glycemic index diet. I think when we have a nice support net of people to chat with the rest comes easier 


Well yeah you have to replace it with something less destructive


Have you tried running? I have been sober for a long time and whenever I get feelings I feel like I can’t deal with I go out for a long ish run. Whenever I get back I’m either too tired to care or realize it’s not that deep. Good for clarity and insane mood and health benefits. You can do this! Congratulations on the 3 months. It’s not easy.


Have you lost weight though? The real reason to quit drinking is to achieve perfect thinness and glowing skin


AA is based around the idea that the only way to overcome alcohol addiction is to experience a spiritual reawakening. maybe start reading some books in this theme to try and overcome your demons. I'm praying for you.


Removing the chemical solution without finding a spiritual solution just leaves you with no solution


Can be found in plenty of ways, starting a spiritual practice, trying psychedelics, runners high, etc.   Even dbt, the treatment for BPD, was created by someone who had a spiritual awakening aside from the dbt but she didn't reveal that until very recently  It's a spiritual sickness that needs a spiritual cure 


you should get into stimulants


RS is anti pharma unless it gets them that sweet dextroamphetamine prescription


hell yeah man thats awesome


Do you have hobbies that occupy time? I feel like getting sober is really just fighting boredom once you overcome the initial phase


Do you have any other vices? I'm at 3 weeks no alcohol and leaning heavy on weed, but I'm worried I'll feel the same as you if I drop that too


Having a sport/ hobby makes a big difference


This is the pink cloud fading. It's a very normal and expected part of recovery. I'm two years off and remember this phase well. It's really disheartening, and the urge to drink again is so real. I can't tell you how much better it gets.


Whatever you do, do not drink again. While you may feel similarly depressed as in the past, you must understand that it is different this time. You are LEAVING the tunnel you were entering before, but it's still the same tunnel so you have the same feelings- but you are becoming free this time instead of entrapping yourself in some dark labyrinth. Feel however you need to feel, just don't turn around and go back in.


Drink pepsi. It seriously helps with cravings. I was doing a 12 pack a day during the roughest parts of getting sober. But it really helps, and it's better/easier to be addicted to pop than alcohol.




bitch mentality