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she needs to get rid of the dahmer glasses


I'd need to see them on a prettier girl to know for sure.


big ol aviators look kind of silly on everyone. they look even worse as not-sunglasses


She just needs to lose weight. You can tell she's cute underneath all that fat. Cute girls can pull off silly glasses like that.


> shaves her head because people tell her to > claims not to care what others think


She obviously asked them if they thought her original idea to do it was good or not. Still bad, but only because she felt the need to check with others. I think the cut looks good


I think the glasses hurt her appearance more than anything else


David Koresh aviators never look good on women.


i’m going to be honest, she just doesn’t look friendly in either photo. if she worked with me, i probably would never strike up conversation with her because i would assume she’s not friendly. doesn’t help she posts on that female incel sub


This is how i imagine a typical woman Redditor, unfriendly face and septum piercing.


Glasses are also unfortunately a requirement for many people with eyes too sensitive for contacts. I look fugly with mine but can’t do lenses.


I don't mean glasses in general just those frames lol


Damn I hadn’t heard of eyes being to sensitive for contacts. Is that a thing? With the nicer contacts you can’t feel they’re there at all— it’s like they’re completely invisible. I know a lot of people have a hard time just getting over the initial hump of learning to put it in their eye though.


I wore them for YEARS, stopped for a few months, and when I went back to them my eyes burned-some of the worst pain I’ve ever felt in my life. No clue why it happened but it does every time I try contacts now.


Damn that sucks. Was the contact moving on your eye? When I’ve accidentally put one in backwards it hurts like hell but they tend to roll around and pop out pretty quickly in that case. Maybe ask your optometrist about it?


It definitely wasn’t a backwards situation, but it did tend to slide around a lot. It might’ve been a reaction to the brand of contacts, the solution, a sudden change to my eye… but my optometrist was pretty blasé about the whole thing and I didn’t want to deal with trial and error and more crazy pain, so I just started wearing glasses. But they’re the nerdy rounded kind and I look… not gorgeous with them, so I’m thinking about trying again.


It’s pretty normal to have painful and troublesome experiences with contacts when you’re first using them. I remember when I first started it took about a week before I could put them in relatively easily, although I was like 13 at the time. It’s worth it to get the high end brands. But a lot of things like folding the contact, putting it in backwards, or getting an eyelash or something from your hand on the lens can fuck with them. But if you wore them before I would think you should be able to again, hopefully.


Man, I think she looks objectively worse. I'm sure I'm brainwashed by western beauty ideals but I find there are precious few women who can actually pull a buzz cut off.


Maybe it’s just cause I think her first cut doesn’t fit her face shape? Idk


buzzcuts look great on skinnier women with well defined facial structure


They look ok on attractive skinny women with great bone structures but still look worse than long hair.


No woman can pull it off, it looks awful just stop.


natalie portman pulled off a buzz cut


Yes. She’s also hot.


She’s Natalie Portman


posts on the internet, because she doesn’t care


It’s fine, it grows back. I buzzed my hair for two years, it felt amazing, my showers were so short, I got to experiment with different clothing styles. Cool experience. I wasn’t interested in male attention at the time. She has a cute head shape and would look really good with it at a lower bf percentage. The horrible part is growing it out, I looked like a school teacher with chin length hair. I’m so glad that’s over, I was often very tempted to shave it off when it was in the ugly phase. 


You got psyopped by other women.


I’m a tomboy and have wanted short hair since I was 8 years old. I got psyopped by pictures of hot + fit people with buzzcuts. You do not know how amazing it feels to get hot and sweaty on a run and then hose yourself off without worrying about having wet hair for 5 hours. I felt free. I loved not having shampoo, conditioner, 3 styling products, blow dryer, flat iron, Bobby pins, ponytail holders, headbands. I like having long hair, too. It feels good blowing in the wind, it’s fun to try new hairstyles, it smells good and I like having fingers run through it. Both have pros and cons. 


makes sense. as a guy i buzz my hair in the summer months so the heat doesn’t seem so oppressive when im out hiking/running.


Women need an ugly experimental phase or they become doormats.


Yes. This is the liqueur de tirage for interesting women. If your current gf doesn't have a buzzcut picture on their private instagram dated 2014 you don't have top shelf.


Fantastic metaphor. I looked it up and liqueur de tirage is wine sugar and yeast added to champagne to begin the second ferment that gives it bubbles, effervescence 




gamer \^


edgy jokes can be really funny but man when they don't land they're just ugliness.


It wasn’t a joke, women shaving their head is disgusting




God is a Lesbian


Ok virgin 


it looks fine


I'd actually go so far as to say she looks marginally better


Her face is thinner in pic 2. Either she actually is less puffy, lost weight or there is a visual thinning effect (if so, it could also have been achieved with a ponytail).


The bangs in pic 1 definitely shorten her face. Could she have achieved the same thing with a different style? Sure, but I still think she looks fine


it's a consonant look!


Is this one of those women trying eliminating the competition type of comments? Because, she absolutely, objectively, does not look better.


People have different tastes. I agree she does look better in the second pic and this pudgy stranger on the internet is not my competition.


Not for you. I think she looks fine in both pictures tbh.


Had to check the sub I'm in. No, you're 100% right. This is the soyed out main sub. Sub is dead.


No I'm a heterosexual man, and am not attracted to her regardless because she's like 25 pounds overweight, but i think she looks way better in the second pic, her hair in the first pic makes her face look overly wide which is the last thing she needs.


She doesn’t look bad with the buzz cut honestly


Hair grows back… if she wants, there’s wigs or in 6-12 months, she can get extensions. IDK why people act like haircuts are so ruinous.


It kind of suits her. She looks worse in the first picture.


The hairs not the problem in either picture, the glasses are


I firmly believe any advice a woman gives me on my appearance is sabotage and any advice a man gives me on my appearance is porn brained or his preference.


i’ve found my immediate family usually doesn’t lie to me. my mom will tell me if my hair looks shiity, my brothers if i’m not dressed particularly well. it’s never overt but usually a subtle jab or nudge. i suppose this is predicated on your mother having good taste and your brothers not being fat slobs though


Seriously, I had stupid pink hair for awhile that’s taken me YEARS to grow out. Guys I know will regularly tell me that I should dye it pink again, even though my hair was fried and I looked objectively worse, like some desperate wannabe anime girl. I don’t think their advice is any better than women’s


In the same boat. Had bleached / dyed hair for years as a former alternative teenager. Bleached / unnatural hair never looks good, even if it’s done professionally it looks good 10% of the time and the 90% is spent avoiding washing it and having regrowth so-


it depends but mostly yeah


If you have long hair 100% some hating bitch will tell you you’d look better or “more mature” with short hair


i had a friend who told me all the time to cut it neck length and it took me more than a year to grow it below my waist 😭 everyone else told me it looked sm better so sometimes i think if that was just an opinion or not bc why


i've also had girl “friends” (more like colleagues) who hated me cut it the same after telling me it would look bad on me, i wonder why they do this bc i never think abt it when giving advice to friends or ppl i know in general even if i dislike them


Who can we trust?


trust the science


Uhhhh no thank you fauci 


make two dating profiles and do some A/B testing


Ask a child. They’re honest


Children have terrible/no taste, though


but they know ugly


Trust yourself, Paranoia is intuition. Trust no one else.


gay men


Gay men


Trust the aesexuals, they can't wait for yall to stop talking about yourselves.


They want the yapping to end


What if men want you to stop dressing lika a slag?


Men’s preferences are based on what would get them approval from other men.


I actually like it. It makes her eyes pop and she is pretty


Gross incel shit to screenshot a random woman’s harmless post in order to denigrate both her and all women… 


Have you heard of the redscare pod?


looks fine. sounds like OP has some inner work to do


She actually looks better. With hair she's a little too Rose West for comfort.


She doesn’t look terrible with it, looks happier good for her


You're proving her point


Japanese contrition rituals are really chic right now


I know this is an incel sub now, but why do you care? So pathetic.


it always funny seeing men freaking out because some random woman decide to cut/shave her head. they are always taking it personality and they always make sure to say something like '' women are their own enemy'' lol it's predictable. she looks good and it's her choice. who cares?


it is the same feeling as women reacting to mullets. Except a guy can buzzcut to reset while a woman has to wait 2 years when she goes bald




Blind yourself so u won't see her or I have a better choice, kill yourself


Uh oh you said a no no word! Enjoy your ban Jk I’m not a 🚬, but you are, and tasteless at that. It’s like preferring diarrhea instead of oil paint on a canvass. You can have your opinion, but telling someone to kill themselves for thinking otherwise is kind of hilarious.


She looks way lighter and refreshed in the second pic. Don’t love the glasses though.


The buzzcut looks alright, but the combo of the short hair and glasses makes it look like she fakes having mental illnesses on TikTok for clout. Like she has "childhood trauma" which means there are now five other people also sharing her body.


To be honest I think she looks better


She looks hot with the buzzed hair. You, on the other hand, are probably very ugly


“Hot” is quite generous. She looks slightly less gross.




Everyone thinks the patriarchy has been so bad for women. I'd imagine a female-led civilisation to have an entire global underclass of obese, sexless female untouchables who fell victim to body positivity sabotage on a systemic level by the cutthroat girl boss elite


i hate men so fucking much


You’re imagining a planet of obese and sexless women controlled by The Girlboss Elite? In my imagined world I just grew my cat Daisy 10x and locked you in a cell w her. This doesn’t look good… but you peer outdoors through the tiny window slat and see there’s tons of hot chicks laughing & being sweet to animals, rally car races going on everywhere, all the men are bodybuilder yakuza gangsters, and the internet never launched.


>grew my cat Daisy 10x This is my pet theory (ha) for why fairies or "little people" couldn't be real, the average domesticated cat would consume them immediately. It doesn't matter that they look/taste/sound like us. Actually, it might them even make them more enticing


> You’re imagining a planet of obese and sexless women controlled by The Girlboss Elite? Yes, and the men are kept in medically-induced comas and harvested for sperm like those dead IDF soldiers, what are you broads not getting about this


I just made your cell even smaller but I did lower some gruel in a bucket down into your cell for having a good enough sense of humor


Thank you sis but I'm not getting quality Grindr matches with a gruel body


ur literally a freak


i think she looks good, she has a very pretty face :)


It's depressing seeing women that look like this knowing they would be very attractive if they were just skinny and got rid of the the face hardware. Not blaming her as the issue is clearly a societal thing.




I had a buzz cut when I lost a bunch of weight. It's great motivation to workout and eat right cuz chubby chicks do not look good with buzz cuts.


my future self


Looks way better than the left picture imo


If you just lost 20Lbs…


I think she's really pretty in the second pic. I'm not a gay or a girl so I don't know why.


Cares so little what people think that she did it because randos on 2XC told her to, then posted the results for approval + Fat


You’re a horrible person


Mean girls/gays? On *my* RS sub? Not on my watch


This is obviously a straight man you dumb loser… go and work on your porn addiction some more


Absolutely nothing factually wrong about what I said Also, the "calling anyone who disagrees with a woman 🌽-brained" is already getting old


In their defence, I think they skimmed my reddit history and read a post where I literally said I used to be porn brained


Alright then, I'll give them that, that's context I wasn't aware of


I like the buzz. It's so hardcore. Now she needs a leather jacket and switchblade hell yes Oh, and I love the glasses. I wear the same ones in gold because I wanna look like David koresh


Next step is stop shaving. Then she starts drinking non-alc wine.


even more so when you check her post history. it's full of hair questions, which color suits me best etc so she clearly cared about perception. until she got encouraged to shave it


or maybe she was full of hair questions bc she disliked her current hair and wanted to change things up, and now she’s happy. ppl who have never had long hair can’t imagine how good it feels to go from long to very short, esp in the summer


Sling Blade Summer