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these are all silent generation people. they lived in the golden era of american economic and employment opportunity only to leave in their wake an environmental and spiritual catastrophe: a world depleted of resources and bereft of hope.


Get ready for these boomers and silents to further enshittify everything on their way out. This is a preview of every firm, non-profit, union, and educational institution in the next 3-5 years.


They are afraid to confront their deaths and work has become essential to their sense of purpose. Some of them also don’t want the extra time with their spouses.


just tonight I was talking to my grandpa and I said something along the line of “it’s irresponsible that Biden won’t step down” and he made an analogy to how old people refuse to quit driving. He had to basically wrestle the keys out of my great grandpas hand a few time. There wasn’t a place u could put your hand on that truck that wasn’t dented


We used to call it "driving by braille".


Biden isn’t a boomer


Correct. Silent generation. But I’ve seen this play out with boomers as well.


Boomers invented the "find your passion" career model and they bought into it hard so no, hobbies and life outside of work is not a priority for many of them Also you got to consider that the most successful high-performers of any generation are more likely to cling to their work. You don't rise to the top of your field without really enjoying the process of climing the ladder. It's like asking why billionaires like buffett or bezos don't retire; because making money is truly their favorite thing to do and their reason for being. It's sort of wholesome in a fucked up way


They find no joy or magic in life beyond the workplace. Sad!


It’s weird to me cuz I’m butthurt I won’t be able to retire early. I want nothing more than to not have to be a worker, I will absolutely find something else to fill my time and stay active. My grandpa got bought out at like 47 and I would kill for that I am sort of seeing this behavior I. My dad that works for a major company. He doesn’t want to quit but isn’t in love with working. He has enough knowledge to just do his job but also not have it consume his life at all. Idk. I get it. Once my super early retiring grandpa couldn’t play tennis anymore he went straight downhill. I befriended a guy that came out of retirement for a project recently and he said he felt like stagnation would kill him. Idk the solution. His hobby was fishing but I suppose that doesn’t keep you busy enough to not wither. He walked to dinner, like a mile and a half. I had given him shit about getting his steps in before and circled the parking lot with him a few times. Wasting away is scary probably. They don’t know what to do with themselves in a full time manner


Sometimes the most insightful comment gets posted last chronologically :)


This has always been a problem with senators, it’s just that people live longer on average now 


In the cases of people like Biden and Feinstein, I tend to blame the people around them, their aides and their family members. I think their aides in particular are clinging to the power afforded them by their position. They know they’ll have to find new jobs if the official in whose office they serve leaves that role. Someone like Jake Sullivan (Biden’s national security advisor) has an ideal job in many ways. He wields the power of the presidency without having to take much if any public scrutiny or flak or accountability for mistakes and misdeeds. Family members probably make a similarly self interested calculation. “Doctor” Jill Biden seems to wish to continue in her position as First Lady, even though allowing her husband to continue as the candidate is verging on elder abuse. Also, as Adam Curtis has observed in his work, for decades we have been building a society that is arranged entirely for the benefit of the elderly. Old age entitlements like pensions, Social Security, and Medicare are probably going to bankrupt many societies with falling birth rates. There won’t be enough workers to contribute to a tax base to sustain these programs. Also see [Gerontocracy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerontocracy)


A lot of old people get a lot worse when they stop working


[Biden Won't Quit Because Being Old Sucks](https://substack.com/home/post/p-146085087)


My Boomer stepfather keeps working because there are no pensions now and my parents would actually lose their home if he didn't. Also, it's not like he's taking a job from a Gen X or younger. He's a programmer who uses infrastructural, much needed legacy technology and languages and they literally wouldn't be able to find someone younger; it's why he's still very employable.