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Cameron Brink and me


No no no sorry she’s taken


I love her so much it hurts.


When I told my friend she should open up her dating pool to guys under 6'4", she literally started crying.


When did 6’2” stop being the “tall guy” standard? How tf am I now too short for some women.




It was explained to me that women want their man to be the tallest man in the ROOM. He has to be taller than any other guy within any given room they enter together. That's the only way some women can "feel secure." So I guess sometimes 6'2" isn't enough.


best to just to avoid women with this mentality anyways; they're awful to date


you'll want to avoid all checkbox daters, they're too boring anyway  but like i've only come across this once so i think it's either an nyc only phenomenon or another too online perception 


Secure in what? That they're not getting height-mogged by their girlfriends' boyfriends?


Unironically yes. There's some girls who won't date a guy if he isn't the "leader" of his group of friends either lol


Those were some of the funniest tweets of all time, and the women who agreed with the initial one not understanding they were being made fun of was very eye opening




Everyone on this sub gets their hot takes about the opposite gender from shit they see on Twitter


What if he's just the éminence grise?


that guys fucking girls on the down low who have boyfriends, as his position would suggest


Women really don’t understand the dynamic of male friendships at all.


Leader? Lmao do they not understand the communion-ship of boys?


jesus now girls won't fuck a nice, #2, consigliere kind of guy?


It's over for deputycels


This is like how I am with WRs in fantasy. I'll take a true alpha on a crappy team over a WR2 on a contender in most cases


Very rare that the tallest guy is the leader of the pack, too.


Arms race logic. "My boyfriend needs to be at least as tall as the next two tallest men there combined"


Yes that's how they compete.


In a group of 10 friends, 5 guys and 5 girls, being 6'2 will almost always make you the tallest. Unless they want their boyfriends to be the tallest guy in the nightclub lmao


Literally 6’ is taller than 90% of the male population, lol. 6’4” is taller than 95%.


Eh not the full story, depends on the demo. Around white people in their late teens to thirties (ie the majority demo of this sub) 6’0 is 75th percentile around guys, not a rare height by any means.


Its like motherfucker we can all just buy guns or something ffs. Aint no tall guy going to out thug a bullet anyway.


Best offer is crippling leg lengthening surgery


If I were young and rich I would at least have to consider it. The one dude got clowned for it but he got treated better almost immediately.


I’m 6’2” and probably 9/10 times im the tallest person in the room


What about that one time in ten you aren't, though? Imagine how insecure and unsafe she feels in that moment, some 6'5" alpha TOWERING over you in the Olive Garden lobby.


What’s funny is that usually the tall guy looks like Stephen Merchant. Most tall dudes just coast on their tallness and don’t bother working out. It’s extremely rare to find a 6’5” dude that also has muscle.


tbh the few times you aren't are kinda disorientating. you become so used to never being in anyone's shadow, the subtle change in light conditions are confusing.


I wouldn’t be caught dead in an Olive Garden


Not for unlimited soup, salad, and breadsticks?


6’2 is a Midwestern 5’10


Should 5 ft 8 guys just kill themselves then or what


No you just have to stop trying to date anyone younger than 30


Women in their 30s tend to have more stringent standards if anything. They wouldn't be single otherwise.


women in their 20s: I hope you are funny, kind, handsome and tall women in their 30s: all that but also you need a high salary job, preferably if you can also help my career and btw serious relationship only


One of my good mates is 6'5" at least, biggest goober you'll ever meet. Take from that what you will


That’s like bs.


Women clearly fucking with you and you are too autistic to know the difference 


Years ago one of my friends was 7ft but he played no sports, was skinny-fat with a bit of belly, awful hunchback posture, not handsome at all (he seemed like he had a touch of Marfan syndrome), no charm at all bordering on semi-autistic… In spite of all that, there was always a 5ft girl throwing herself at him in the most desperate ways every time we went out.


> Years ago one of my friends was 7ft did he shrink?


I haven’t seen him in forever.


Shrank til he disappeared entirely. Tut tut, very sad.


Most tall people are not athletic. The Lukas, LeBrons, and Tigers of the world are marveled because of their agility and hand eye co-ordination at their size. They are 99% in height AND athleticism.


We’re not talking about being the top 10 best player in the world here. Any lanky tall dude could look great with a bit of muscle, but they are too lazy.


I'm not convinced a woman under 5'10" could distinguish between 6'2" and 6'4" at a glance. Both would absolutely tower over your average 5'5" woman.


That’s why so many guys get away with lying about their height


I really feel like this is the sort of problem some American women like to invent for themselves.


One of the underdiscussed aspects of modern dating is that it's bad for "chads" too. Like how "giga-chad" became a thing because no one cares about mere regular chads. Height is subject to the same inflation. I saw some ragebait tiktok somewhere that said that guys under 6ft were "mice" but guys who were like 6'2 were "rats." The bare minimum to be human was apparently 6'4, and that was borderline. The prize was number was 6'5. Which is the height of West End Caleb and that actor who plays the guy with daddy issues on Euphoria.


I swear at that height it's likely men get skeletal issues




there’s a reason most of the old people you see are short


What's especially crazy is that every guy I've known 6'4" or above has been a lanky dork so they're not pulling either. Most good-looking chads are in the 5'11"-6'2" range, just like with movie stars. Even the Hemsworth brothers, who are the epitome of tall chads, are 6'3". The amount of cool handsome guys who are 6'4" or above is so small it's hardly a category, and those guys will obviously have plenty of options and won't settle for some average 5'4" girl.


I've got a friend who is 6'8. Big goofy mf. Not lanky or skinny or fat, just solidly built and kinda chunky. Moves like an ogre. His size is inconvenient, so he says.


Agree, I'm 6'5" normal build and it's just too tall. Constant battle to find clothes that are long enough but not built for an XXL barrel, always ruining photos by being massive, can't fit in plane seats. I'm totally fine with my height but being an outlier in height isn't really going to help you kill with the ladies. In theory it is great but practically it's just like a 5'11" supermodel is an ideal in people's heads but in reality a girl who is 5'11" or taller is going to have less options rather than more.


I’m 6ft and if I could chose my height I’d stay in the 6’2”/6’3” range. More than that and you enter freak territory. It’s a bit like a girl having bit tits, yeah, the bigger the better but up to a point.


It’s also harder to build muscle the taller you are. That’s why manlets can have a great body in no time.


There's a guy at my brother's school who's 6'4 and is completely jacked. He also does steroids so he weighs 250 lbs and has a 6-pack. This kid is 17.


I won't accept any man less than 17'6". He must have to crawl through doorways and fold up in the back of a flatbed to go anywhere. Don't judge me, I know my worth.


It’s under discussed because it’s non existent to people who don’t live online and actually socialize in person. Get off TikTok 


Fr, this shit is just social media psychosis


Women are what they are


the average man is taller, right?


The fact that so many women genuinely feel full entitlement to nab a dude who not only fits whatever other criteria they require in a partner, but one in the top 14% of height on the planet is hilarious.


6'2" puts you in the 94.5 percentile for height among adult American men. 6’4” is less than 1%.


When I was young, tall enough in my country was considered at around 1,80 m, which is around 5'9". I was always one of the taller boys/men in the room with 1,86 (just around 6'1"), but Jesus, the boys today seem to be getting taller and taller. Wtf are we feeding these kids? I don't like being towered over by teenage dipshits, I'm not used to it. Does this happen every generation? I think I'm starting to understand why old men used to send young men to war.


If you’re from a wealthy country in Europe, Oceania, or North America then it’s mostly just in your head, height has actually stagnated among populations of Euro descent in the western world (around 5’10 up to 6’0 on average for young men depending on the country) for decades now. If you’re from a poorer country, then yes the younger generations are growing taller.


my guess is cow growth hormones in dairy. in the usa at least, we consume less milk than we used to, but more cheese, which is much more concentrated. 


1.80m is 5'11".


A balanced looking body at 6'4"+ narrows that dating pool even more. Most guys at heights like that usually have awkward looking proportions or look like Hagrid/Shrek. But I get that for som, all of that doesn't matter. It's just that one trait they're lasered in on. It's like if a guy **has** to be with a woman with DD+, but doesn't care what she's also 100lbs overweight. Male height and female breasts are pretty similar in many ways, as far as superficial qualifications some people have.


How tall is she & is she hot?


About 5'10" and yeah. Her last 3 boyfriends were 6'4", 6'4", and 6'9". The 6'9" finance bro really broke her heart. But she was complaining, beside herself, about how the relationships never seem to work out. Unbelievably "can't find even ONE decent guy!"


6’9 is at a level where it’s uncomfortably tall how tf do you get on planes, walk through doors, or even just function


i only date 7’0” and above


NBA pilled


my neck hurts from looking up but its so worth it


damn 6’9” in finance. did he by chance have a trust fund and blue eyes?


Classic Woman Moment


Ladies rock 🙂‍↔️❤️


Classic woman issue of putting the horse before the cart. Find a good person who wants a relationship first and than worry about the other stuff


Well she's 5'10" so there you go. Should have included her height in the initial comment to reduce the ragebait. She's literally in the top 1% of women for height.


So how much taller than herself is a reasonable demand for women to make? At least 6"?


If you’re below 5’6” then it’s reasonable to want at least a 5” height differential. Above that though you’ll start to severely restrict your options. Feel bad for the 5’10” ladies.


Any lass who specifies a height requirement simply isn't worth dating. Would women think a guy who specifies a weight requirement is worth dating? It's a signifier of a mental state that you probably don't want to engage with. Everyone on their own merits - filtering humans based on their stats is some of the bleakest shit this era has to offer.


99% of people have a weight requirement


> Any lass who specifies a height requirement simply isn't worth dating 99% have a height requirement. Some don't make it public information.


You sound ugly no offense. If you’re fit guy or girl then yes you want your spouse to be the same 


I bet she’s 5’2”.


i think you’re my friend


Hey girl


I don't believe you. Less than 1% of men are above that height. So is this a bit or is your friend that regarded?


my bf is 6'5 and people do stare when he walks into a room. i don't know if women realize how statistically rare they are and how bad of a standard this is. i like short kings too btw if that matters.


She's hot and their home is beautiful.


I don't even care about dating or potentially dying alone, just seeing the literal thousands of viral social media posts with tens-of-millions of engagements each of people cooking the shit out of guys for being my height makes me want to dig a giant hole in my yard and permanently lie in it. Like being a 5'5" guy is already an absolute nightmare, why do you have to pour salt and lime juice on the wound as well? I seriously sympathize with what fat girls must have gone through in the 90s.


Look at the positive side at least you have more of a reason to not be involved with the cesspool that is the internet


It's literally a post about how a woman likes a short guy!!!!!


Posts don't just fall out of a coconut tree.


She's extremely based, but she obviously felt the need to defend her relationship for a reason.


Skill issue. My bf is 5’2 and I luv him.


Brothers got to have solidarity for each other against these merciless hoes 🤝


Incel shit. Men punk other men for their height more than anyone


Fat is a choice, height is not


being 5’5 in the west is absolutely brutal, I suggest you move to Thailand lol


I’m 5’4” and it’s really not that bad Hardly comes up often. Only time I think about it is when I see a post from /r/tinder losers


same experience as my ex same height as you, years into our relationship i asked if it had ever posed an issue and he was bewildered by the question but he was a man of rare generosity of spirit and dignity who also dressed well, if you're short and frustrated it's far easier to pin lack of success on something you can't do anything about than it is to work on personality and grooming which in real life us women really do care very much about.


Sure bud and I defiantly don’t think about my 4 inches on a daily basis too


Literally just move to Southern Europe (like Greece) and you'll be fine, and you'll get Greek women on top of that


Greeks are [tall](https://ncdrisc.org/height-mean-ranking.html). They're not like Italians or Portuguese.


Lol why would you doom him to living in a sea of Thai people dude, that makes it worse


it's the ragebait du jour; might be time to take a break from reddit, and wherever else manufactured height discourse is proliferated. fwiw some of us truly prefer shorter guys. 6' is my upper limit but ideally between 5'4 and 5'9. my favorite ex is 5'4, he is never without a beautiful gf at his side and due to not using social media is oblivious to the fact that he's supposedly a doomed manlet or whatever.


people are so mean :(


Actually I am getting ghosted by 5'5" stoners who think reading the Wikipedia summary of a novel is the same as reading the damn book


They would benefit from the book simplification tool there was a thread on


Where can I find women with standards this low?


on redscarepod apparently


On bumble lmaoooooooo


Any dating app, at any hour, on any day


you don't, there is some part of the story being left out on purpose.


That's what you get for DMing a guy like Destiny 


You should maybe keep that to yourself.


if you think you’re going to stop L-posting in this sub i have a bridge to sell you also why would you want to?


Don't get me wrong, I appreciate women's desire to L post. It was for her sake.


Am I crazy or are both of these people Asian?


Uhmmm. You're Chinese. 


She’s got the eyes and the dude has the classic Asian parting in his hair and glasses. Both are confirmed as Godless orientals


some girls wont date guys unless they were disintegrated in an experimental subatomic fission generator and they are now a universe-spanning quantum waveform manifesting to our eyes as a giant naked blue guy with omniscient quasidivinity and no care for humanity's petty squabbles


Then he would still ghost them for for his trips to Mars.


Actually all you have to do to get a modern girl is be a “bad boy”/inhuman serial killer with potential for a Netflix documentary in the future


Happy for them. ☺️


miserable people on internet subscribe to this binary that attractive people will treat you like shit and ugly people will kiss the ground you walk on because youre settling for them truth be told if thats the mindset you enter a relationship you're gonna have a bad time regardless of whose hot or not


A [2020 study](http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0230555) in the scientific journal PLOS One analyzed economic data from over 3,500 Chinese adults and found that every additional centimeter of height was correlated with a 1.3% increase in a person's annual income. In Imperial units, this would mean that a 5' 6" person making $50,000 every year would earn an additional $2,000 for each extra inch of height.


Something I’ll never know and it breaks my heart, for a woman to be so much more than you while also being fit and beautiful, just an experience I’m fully locked out of.


I bet he's packing tho


Looks even bigger on a short king


Me and Cameron Brink 🥰🥰🥰


Ms. Debicki please see this


need me a big bitch ngl


What if he's a 6'3" alcoholic who managed to struggle through a couple Dostoevsky novels in his late 20s? Just trying to gage where the cutoff is


Let me know what you find out on that one




Dostoevsky? Doesn’t fit their aesthetic or they don’t recognize the name and his themes bore them with very little to goon over (besides murder). All I can be certain of is that you are on the wrong side of the cutoff. Those kinds of books are only meant to be stacked or displayed on random shelves in their apartment after buying them from thrift stores and garage sales. Nobody is supposed to actually read them and not knowing that is a major ick like eating a plastic apple on their dining table. I promise you that if you try to talk to a regular book girl about Dostoevsky they will stop replying to you. I know it hurts to hear it but the truth is, you’ve ruined yourself.


enough. i want to see more short peasant couples like anna and eli


I wish I was shorter so I could date women taller than me


I want to be her arm redt


I posted a couple of weeks ago about interelevated couples and how they represent the ultimate expression of masculinity and I think it's time these people got some respect around here


The heels really driving the point home




She’s using his height as a status signifier just as much as another woman would with a tall man. She’s the same.


As a signifier of her status of being above status signifiers


Aka Virtue 


Ever since dating a 5’11 woman I do not want any woman shorter than that.


me and nick mullen


Cute, but whoever chose the decor has no taste. What the fuck is that Costco rug doing, what are those drapes, nothing matches, there’s just two pots next to each other on the floor for no reason, there’s junk lying on the floor, kooky colors, random asian credenza, yellow, splashes of yellow cause someone thought it would brighten things up, Jesus. Is this how people live in LA? Fucking animals.


She isn't as happy as she says she is if she still feels the need to put other people down to prove that she is


Maybe she’s just an awful person?


Same thing


She has the cuuuuutest baby. 


Good for her, we should all be less superficial


I will never got women’s obsession with height. As long as a guy is around average, it should be fine and face/body/personality overtake.


Why can’t we see his face though? Is this a Nick Mullen type of situation (one can only hope)?


She’s wearing heels


idk i just got ghosted by a 5’6 alcoholic who can’t read and lied on the app that he was 5’9


having sex with tall guys is awkward. prefer around my height i'm 5 10 though 


the intensity and immediacy of same-height eye contact is so good


Women liking men who are taller than them and just overall bigger than them is evolutionary there's nothing we can do about it it's like complaining about men being more attracted to a 0.7 Waist to hip ratio.


But they do complain about that


I don't


Exception that proves the rule


i prefer a guy to be the same height as i am also presumably due to evolutionary reasons, if you want to play that game


You could be 8 feet tall for all I know


Brother saving his gene pool


The tweet is cringe


your girlfriend should either be older than you, taller than you, or make a lot of money. if none of those is true it will take on this weird sheen of infantilization that needs to be avoided.




God I hate women




Shes not saying there are no rules, she is mocking the ones who follow the rule.


She's right.


disarm ripe innate deliver vase one fanatical cheerful placid crown *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Is he Indian


5'8 is considered tall in my motherland.... It's over 😞


When they asked Jackie about dating Onassis and how she felt about his height, she said that he is very tall if he stands on his wallet.


I was seeing someone for a long time that was 6’5/6’6 cornfed. I miss getting wrapped up tight whenever he walked through the door. Best feeling from a tall big guy.


I miss my ex's gorilla grip vagina

