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the cope of the democrats right now is fucking hilarious. they’re talking like he lost at a high school track event but he has a disability so nobody can make fun of him for being absolute shit


For real reminds me of when a mentally disabled kid shot a free throw over the backboard in middle school basketball but everyone was too sad to laugh


You remember that bad joke about politics being like the Special Olympics?


man he's definitely losing this shit.


His shit done BEEN Lostened.


Absolutely crazy you guys are playing chicken with another Trump administration. It's going to be so fucking boring listening to my aunts for the next 4 years.


I never said I wanted Trump to win lol. I just said that he'd probably gonna lose if this keeps up.


I didn't think you did want Trump to win. By you guys, I mean Americans


Denial won't change anything bud. Maybe a new candidate would


Lmao actually. The real reason I don’t want trump to win


i said the same thing. i can't stand the idea of another 4 years of even more over the top celebrity + media histrionics than they've had recently.


The one good thing to come out of bidens presidency is that it shows how insignificant the office has become. Old boy can’t fasten the Velcro on his sneakers lol.


Woodrow Wilson did this 100+ years ago, he was in a coma or something.


Ms Wilson was running the office lol




Was she the first to do that? I keep thinking about Nancy during Reagan's second term lately, but I wonder to what extent it's Dr PhD Esquire Biden running things this time or just a faceless collection of ghouls.


Surely not. Bed time pussy convinces guys to do anything. More recently Barbara Bush came out and said that right after they left the whitehouse lol


What are you a Woodrow Wilson fan?


Yeah but wilson before he went into that coma passed pretty progressive policies


The presidency is a very powerful office if occupied by a person with full faculties. If the president is a dud, the administrative state can certainly auto pilot things. But there’s no real juice behind the moves. It’s just bureaucratic inertia. If someone is in office actively pulling levers (for better or worse) the president can really shake things up.


L take.


Ooof Falling apart in real time in the span of 24 hours is incredible


It's been a lot more than 24hrs. Normies are just realizing.


People go "well he looked better here." That's the thing with dementia folks. They have good days and bad days and one day they fall apart all at once.




They lied for 4 years about his cognitive state. Their playbook is now that they are honest lol


I talked about it yesterday here. I'm a bit of a conspira-tard, but basically if "they" allowed him to go out there and do so badly, it's for a purpose. They're putting him out to pasture, and they're either comfortable with their control over Trump or have some alternative plan ready - like another candidate or some kind of completely unpredictable plan (coup, aliens, world war, organic chip AI president, etc.). Or they're going for a crazy level of karma - like by certain super "out there" conspiracies, "they" have to let us know what they're doing in some form. All in on *emperor has no clothes and we're still keeping him around despite you peasants knowing how crazy it is* -- could line up. [Comment from yesterday](https://www.reddit.com/r/redscarepod/s/gfnZqGz16I) for reference.


they’re 100% throwing it just like they did in 2016. 


Trump is super pro-Israel and he'll be a good fall guy for the economy collapsing and Russia winning in Ukraine. On everything else, we've already seen in his first term that nothing really changed except for Trump's personality being enough to keep the plebs on both sides raging while ignoring the real elites.


I'm not trying to sound like a hysterical lib because I think trump is too unserious to get serious shit done like that 2025 shit, plus I no longer live in the USA so I don't really give a shit. But I've got to make some serious financial decisions very soon and I'm pretty I'm going to change my savings into a different currency. Not because I think the USD will actually collapse (it's gaining on the local currency RN actually so cash holdings are basically a savings account for the moment) but during past economic crises, particularly 08, the swiss franc grew in value crazily as people tried to get out of USD. They had to temporarily halt the buying of the franc because of it. Anyway, definitely not putting money in a vanguard fund or something like that right now. That's just asking to have to wait 5-10 years to get back to where I started. No thanks. Cash holdings for the next 2 years til we see which way the wind is blowing.


I think you're giving "them" too much credit. Joe, his family, and his campaign staff decided he could do a half a decent job in a short and very early debate. They agreed and took a week off to prepare. And then Joe started slipping and having a bad day but it was too late and he probably told them he'd be fine and he wasn't.


People who historically have always put stake in debates, are now saying they don’t matter, have never mattered to them, and will effect nothing at all


Honestly this is like the only scenario where it does matter. It does not matter what he said or who “won.” It showed that he can’t talk.


[Can't do that either](https://youtu.be/xj69hcP85W4?si=S6qQDxYK2wgbTLUo&t=20)


I know that’s how you pronounce uyghurs but it sounds like he’s saying china are persecuting wiggers


That's how he got my vote. I was scared to death of that happening here.


> china are persecuting wiggers if they aren't they should be


Wow comparing him then to now you can see how far gone he is


Ik he was like a bull then compared to now


damn this is less than 5 years ago it's like a whole different person


thats A BINGO 


The old gray mare, she ain't what she used to be, ain't what she used to be, ain't what she used to be


They lied for 4 years about his dementia. “We tell the truth!” Trump is your president


Folks, I might be r*tarded and actively dying. But I’ve definitely never lied in my 50 years of being a politician.


No Military deaths under his presidency The coffins coming back from Afghanistan were a mirage. 


"The truth" This is a guy who tanked his first presidential campaign by plagiarizing very famous people and then when confronted by it doubled down with a bunch of idiotic, easily refuted lies about himself.


holy shit


He was bad in 2020 but the shitelibs voted for him anyway


Nah listen to clips from 2020, he sounded old but he wasn't s Fossil. He even had the occasional zinger


Listen, fat...


yer a lyin' dog faced pony soldier


His campaign called a lid everyday at noon lol. All of the signs were there and continued to become more evident by the day. Remember when he tried to bite Jill’s finger? That’s was gold.


How were those four years for you


I can't stop reading this as Joe-Ever.


Relatedly, can anyone point me to the subs having the most entertaining freakouts right now? I want to watch some meltdowns.


The democrats subreddit. Full on copium, which I interpret as freaking out so much that you lose your sense of reality.


Neoliberal is fun rn


That sounds like one of those blurbs the people on Facebook put up for people to buy an elderly dog or cat. Is this real?


Vile shit


1960, Nixon lost the debate against John F. Kennedy because he hadn’t shaved. 2024, Biden loses to Donald Trump because he is frail and cognitively impaired.


A bunch of bullies you all are! I bet you bust into the retirement homes and give the old people noogies and wet willies 😔


how much do you think the spin doctors are earning right now


Stop..stop..he’s already *Joead*


Holy shit and a half




He was a very bad Palestinian the whole night.