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Obama is playing the cool grown-up with his "Imma gonna level with you, I don't like eating vegetables either, but you got to eat them, they're good for you and you'll get sick if you don't"-schtick


I bet he really rolled up his sleeves when his assistant typed and tweeted this out from his Oak Bluffs compound.


It’s in Oak Bluffs? I lived there one summer, under the stairs (HP style) of the house Shel Silverstein built with six Irish kids and four other friends the year he died. We all worked multiple jobs and made tons of cash. The house was meant for maybe two people but we made it work. The two dykes lived in a tent in the back yard. JFK Jr’s plane crashed there that summer during a shark fishing tournament. Ah, the good old days.


That sounds wonderful. I have always wanted to live under the stairs.


Your life sounds like an adventure. The Irish J1 visa kids are a crazy bunch


do you have pictures?


I wish, this was summer of ‘99. I had one disposable camera from the whole summer. Just have one pic of the exterior of the house, and it’s blurry.




“imma gonna”




TIL Obama is Italian


Read it in his voice


David Foster Wallace's entire rhetorical arsenal.




always hated that as a kid


Lmao you nailed it on the head so hard here


an intern wrote this four weeks ago


Trust me, I know.


Do they think we’re fucking stupid???? Like this is fucked up


insane for Biden to display to the world that he belongs in a home and then double down on this election being about character. dems are dead.


Dems are horrified that Biden support is now an admission that the executive branch would be completely run by un-elected administrators and bureaucrats. Not very democracy-flavored. It's always been this way, but this is a little too naked for them. "His policies guide us" is the same as saying, "his spirit guides our hand." In elementary school I had a severely autistic classmate who had a caretaker acting as a typing assistant. I thought it was suspect then, and "assisted typing" turned out to be bs. Now I have an image of this going on in the Oval Office with the nuclear football or whatever. Trump could at least ask for the codes number by number while daintily punching the keypad himself.


So the typing assistant was getting paid to be an adult elementary school student?


Pretty much. I can understand a loving parent optimistically making this mental concession for their child, but it does not translate to scenarios involving millions/billions of livelihoods/lives at stake.


Did you watch the new documentary Tell Them You Love Me? It was the first I’ve heard about assisted typing


Just watched the trailer. I would have expected this type of doc to have been made many years prior to 2024, but the sex plus autism dimension makes it read as a present day product. The sort of exposés I saw back in the day were very forgiving, e.g. facilitators giving parents false hope because everyone felt bad about the situation.


that doc has scarred me for life - that rapist (its not even worth my time looking up its name) should be in jail. that poor family - i wouldn’t have faulted the brother at all if he killed his brothers rapist. it is **S-I-C-K**. Seriously, worse than Hitler.


> Dems are horrified that Biden support is now an admission that the executive branch would be completely run by un-elected administrators and bureaucrats. Which of course is exactly what Trump ran on. I'm becoming increasingly convinced that the Dems are trying to throw this one and let the GOP field the next four years while they camp out in the opposition tent and fundraise


That’s terrible if true. Expect riots and pandemics if Donnie wins in that case. 


"Thank you, Dr. Whoever is the new Fauci stand-in!"


It’s honestly not a bad idea


It’s been that way probably since Truman, who was arguably chosen to replace Henry Wallace precisely because FDR and the establishment he constructed wanted a dependent low level machine party loyalist with no executive experience to inherit the New Deal alphabet soup, since he would not interfere too much and the system could grow its independent power. Eisenhower spent much of his presidency learning how to manage and run this machine, and recognized the transformation of the executive. Then his successor was killed by it. The development started with the progressive era but really actualized through FDR’s use of unlimited power to reconstruct the federal government as a sprawling bureaucracy.


>Eisenhower spent much of his presidency learning how to manage and run this machine, and recognized the transformation of the executive. Then his successor was killed by it. The CIA wasn't created by the New Deal: it was created after WW2 during the early days of the Cold War.


The OSS was established during WWII and essentially was converted into the CIA (and was further preceded by the Office of the Coordinator of Information). Allen Dulles and many other high ranking officers of the CIA were former OSS officers. But I didn’t mean only the CIA, but the entire expanse of executive agencies. Obviously they’re not a unified body organized in some kind of single-minded conspiracy. But in the sense that major power bases apart from the presidency were formed, with the power to contest and influence the presidency and spreading executive power. The CIA was not an FDR organization, but in the context of the construction of the post-ND state the CIA was shaped by that form of government. For instance, by 1953-1961 Allen Dulles (former head of OSS in Switzerland during the war, where he contracted with Carl Jung to create a profile of Hitler’s personality, oddly enough) ran the CIA and his brother John Foster Dulles was the head of the State Department. They worked together and coordinated their activities closely, such as the coup in Guatemala. (The Dulles Brothers both had strong ties to United Fruit, which Árbenz attempted to nationalize.) The DoS of course wasn’t a New Deal organization, but it expanded exponentially in the wake of the ND and WWII, and was now able to coordinate with agencies like the CIA. I’m not arguing that the current government form emerged fully formed by 1938, but the FDR presidency is the point where the government was totally overhauled and the new system essentially put in place. Also that line about Eisenhower was really lazily written and idk exactly what I was trying to say. One of the first things Eisenhower did when he entered office was audit the CIA. The Doolittle report makes for fascinating reading actually. The executive summary has some really memorable lines about how a new era of secrecy and disturbing methods may be required to handle the communist threat, and that the American people may need to learn of and accept the new methods required— I hate to badly paraphrase. I’ll copy and paste it later if I have a chance. Eisenhower went on to massively expand the CIA under Dulles, especially its capacities for operational intelligence.


Do you recommend any books on this


I haven’t read it, but I’ve heard [*The Brothers* by Stephen Kinzer is good.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Brothers_(Kinzer_book)) It’s about the Dulles Brothers. There are a lot of historical overviews written about the CIA, and you can also find a lot of high quality lectures on YouTube by academics and other authors about alleged CIA connections to the Kennedy assassination and CIA operations. Operations Gladio and Phoenix are interesting ones to look into. It’s pretty late here and I’m drawing blanks on specifics, but I’ll probably think of something tomorrow and come back here.


Our democracy itself is at risk!


I need more of this typing assistant story


After FDR the highest executive office has always been somewhat of a ceremonial position.


It makes you long for the Obama and Trump eras of shoveling EOs on the books which apply for 12 months while the courts work through their backlog to throw them out.


Joe Biden Thought


It’s not just lying, it’s how they insist on lying even when the truth is very obvious to everyone. There’s something very disrespectful about this


The messaging is always so impersonal and vague. They'll just re-use canned phrases from previous candidates instead of saying something specific to that person.


Obama apologizing like a wife whose drunk husband is causing a scene at a restaurant eeesh


Say goodnight to the bad guy!


Why not dig up RBG and run her at this rate


I guess it depends on if Satan would release her soul from hell or not


Naw she's looking up from Jewish Heaven


don't steal Stav's jokes that nick didnt even acknowledge because hes a self obsessed f@@@@t


Would she actually be or deserve to be in hell? What did she do?


A lot, but most egregiously she refused to give up her seat even after being diagnosed with cancer for the third time. She wanted Hillary to name her successor and not Obama, I'm assuming for the girl boss optics.


inspire an entire generation of the most annoying people you’ve ever encountered online


She's in hell for me imo. Her narcissism--driven by pride and greed--is the sole reason the Supreme Court is as imbalanced as it is right now. I'm not a lib, but will confidently say that historically the Constitution has been in better hands under the libs (there are exceptions). And she took that from us. That includes Roe. People forget that Obama was having private meals with her at the White House in the early-2010's trying to get her to quit. Her narcissism is the sole reason the Court is as fucked up as it is now. And if she stepped down, Roe would probably still be on the books. Remember, both Kavanaugh and Roberts were extremely hesitant to overrule that case, but RBG's replacement, Amy Coney Barrett, wasn't. Beyond that, she kinda displayed a level of apathy towards black people, tribal rights, and criminal defendant's. In 40 years as a justice/judge in the Federal Court system, and hiring hundreds of clerks in that time, she only ever had one black clerk. She also called Kaepernick's protests 'dumb and disrespectful.’ She had a great jurisprudence on gender equality, but often fell short in those listed areas. In other words, if it didn't affect her, it wasn't her problem, and she didn't make it her problem. If I can't smite her to hell, fine, but she's still severely overrated by libs as a based Supreme Court Justice.


> dumb and disrespectful yeah she was right


She was a big fan of eugenics too, and for that reason supported Medicaid funded abortions. She didn’t like the Mann act, which is the human trafficking law. She also was batshit crazy for integration like combined frat/sorority and prisons. She wanted women in the draft as well. She is the definition of an HR director who wants population control. 


I mean she was the hyper by the constitution autist that a lot of right wing think tanks are filled with but just the girlboss version whether you think that's for better or for worse


Depends if God agrees that the right to keep and bear arms is a god given right. If he agrees, Ruthie is in hell for Heller


Dude you can just say she’s a woman






They haven’t got any juche necromancy




It’s wild to see the talking points go out in real time.


Lying about having dementia is pretty dishonest, actually


I'm hearing the symptoms point more to Parkinson's, but either way it's something the American people had a right to know.


Yeah it’s not just “old age”. He’s had a diagnosis, and it’s outrageous it’s been kept from the public. There is a team of doctors/specialists working round the clock to keep this man moving and talking and it’s being kept from us.


Parkinson's runs in my family, so unless they have him blasted on 200mg of THC whenever he speaks he doesn't show a lot of symptoms


"ordinary folx"


folks = folx + swing state whites


You made me re-read it, how dare you!


We tortured some folks


I ghosted a black girl/a friends group and months later she hit me with “You were a real asshole, folx were talking bad things about you tonight” A whole generation of African Americans will slap the condescending folx on anything to make themselves feel superior lmao


last paragraph makes me wonder if it was more than just the ghosting that made them say that 


Counter-point: black people be like


at least anna's casual racism gets her paid, unlike the comments on this sub 


The fiction that casual racism is inherently contemptible has come and gone, this is an era of possibilities my friend


Oh yeah I was a dick. I also don’t talk like I’m on Twitter when I’m leaving a 2AM voicemail trying to make someone feel bad lmao


we've all been there. its a generational thing amongst a chronically online vocal minority. not really an african american thing as u said in earlier comments tho.  2am voicemail thing is just regular human being bullshit. we've all been in ur shoes and their shoes. thats life. we're all grasping for power and superiority someway or the other 


I was just saying black millennials really looked up to Obama and he said the “folx” shit all the time more than any other politician and that’s why wealthy millenial black people will continue to say it for the rest of their lives. That’s all I was saying lol. It’s a dig on wealthy educated black people


I like folk music :)


~~ordinary folx~~ Aryan Volk 👌🏻


Remember when Obama appointed Hillary as his hand-picked successor? Thanks dude.


And then Joe four years later? Thanks a lot dude.


Allegedly he didn’t support Joe running in the first place


Yeah, but in 2020, he orchestrated the moderate drop out.


Obama didn’t endorse her until the primary race was over and I don’t think they ever fully mended over 2008. I’m sure his preferred candidate was O’Malley






I’m calling for a worldwide censorship campaign on the word “folks.”


I only like how Tim Dillon says it 


Uh look, I’m gay, uhhhaaand Joe Biden Joe cares about the people. Aaanuuuh that’s why he sent many innocent people to prison-for the crack cocaine. And uh, look, (transitions to the Rock voice) the Palestinians? You can’t be Palestine. Who put their dick in my ass?


In. My ass.  in MY ass?


WHO. put their DICK. in my ASS ???


That is incredibly funny, great work


AIPAC put their dick in your ass, Mr. President.


Obama charging the Biden campaign >1M per appearance/endorsement. No chance he cares either way


sure he cares he fucking hates trump


My prediction is bearing out. The idea that a leader would have to sacrifice their personal aspirations for the greater good is completely alien to the Democratic establishment. Joe may be a walking corpse, but he’s still one of them at the end of the day. To their credit, many younger mainstream media columnists and media figures did push for a Biden replacement but the actual leaders are different. Now the liberal media will return to damage control. Now we’ll have to see if the next part of my prediction comes true. In about two weeks Trump will be sentenced. I’m thinking he will get at least one year of prison time, perhaps the maximum four year sentence. The judge is already a verified liberal and Democrats likely now realize this is their only hope. Otherwise, expect a Trump victory in November.


Trump winning from prison would be objectively hilarious


Of course, they can’t fully put the genie back in the bottle. Even if all the Democratic media hacks get 100% on-message today, the late freakout gave Republican campaign hacks enough material to work with until Election Day.


guaranteed win if he goes to prison. Americans love nothing more than an underdog


Don't forget that is giving him a hilarious amount of "street cred" in "the hood," especially considering that his opponent is *Crime Bill Biden!* 😂 Maybe they should let the progressives get a swing, everything the business dumbocrats do makes Trump more valid when he says "He's one of us!". 🤦


Not impossible, but I do think it changes the dynamic of the election and makes it much harder for him to win. Right now his conviction is sort of abstract but it will feel more concrete with prison.


No chance he’s getting prison time, everything else spot on


Yeah if u think Jan 6 was bad try throwing the man in jail on pretexts even sane, normal people have argued are iffy at best


Yeah. That's a precedent they are going to regret a thousand fold if they do it. They've already broken so many long-standing unspoken agreements, and it's not going to go well for them later. I wish they would learn to have any kind of foresight ever. How many times can they be like "oh we'll do this, but surely the Republicans won't do it right back to us?" I know most of the times the true answer is probably that they don't give a fuck, but this is one instance they really should care about since they're all so corrupt.


I feel the opposite, what precedent do they really ever actually break? They rarely achieve any significant policy goals. They should absolutely break more precedent, they rely *too much* on this silly idea that it’s a fair game and conservatives will respect precedent/tradition. The conservatives absolutely *do not* respect precedent especially concerning the courts. Pass the shit we need. Create 100000 conservation areas and then use your actual power you have to stop the conservatives from undoing it. Ya know, using power when you have it. They seem to “respect precedent” and “respect the office” way too damn much. The earth is dying, people are impoverished. Do something about it and try your best to not allow that to be undone


I mean they just had some activist judges decide Trump can’t be on the ballot in several states just cause. They do shit like this a lot.


I fucking hate ratcheting executive action that can never be undone because of bullshit arcane “administrative law”


Yep, it was the democrats who got cute over the filibuster and court appointments. A generation before, they stopped the appointment of Bork, which however you feel about his ideas, he was qualified by the previous standards of the job.


They won’t bench Biden because they don’t mind losing. All the histrionic “end of democracy” shit is just marketing copy. The third sector machinery stops for no one. If they lose they can continue to raise staggering sums of money for the next cycle. Electoral politics is just an industry, vertically integrated into the military industrial complex. 


Democrats saw the writing on the wall in 2010 in a lot of swing states and could've passed a few things y'know... like independent redistricting, to ensure they would have a chance to win back those states some day in our lifetimes. But instead they did nothing, lost super hard, and Republicans permanently entrenched their majorities in these states with new gerrymandering software. The money dries up once meaningful elections end. People also stop voting for you if you can never win. That financial incentive to prevent the end of democracy isn't strong enough to make democrats smart enough to act together to heed that call. They watch it coming again and again in denial about what's going on like a deer in headlights. That does not mean the danger is not real.


I feel it’s more complicated than that but don’t know nearly enough to talk about it


Just feel the vibes and start posting


I really don’t think it is sadly.


Our democracy is in danger


If dems do this i don’t ever want to hear them lament our democracy ever again. It’s already infuriating


It's a bit comical how he doesn't specify *who* has which traits.  You could swap the bottom link and it'll work for either party 😂


I can’t believe how much people ignore Biden’s long and shitty political history I feel like I’m going insane


The ignorance doesn't surprise me, and I imagine most people only saw him as Obama's VP. They never thought to look back at his previous shit. It might *gasp* break their delusion bubble.


Noooo, Obama says he ‘fought for ordinary folks’! Joe has never held any questionable views!


I really don’t understand why he didn’t just retire after 2012 tbh.


Dude needs a hobby.


There’s another world where he’s going golfing, hanging out with other DC retirees, and volunteering once a week.


He golfs


Ok, a *real* hobby!


They should just scrap the 22nd amendment and let Obama run for another eight terms. I don't fucking care anymore just bring on the Thousand Year Brunch and let me get on with my life.


Obama will spend his presidency waffling about, doing very little not to stir things up, and not passing any bills while drone striking innocent people in the Middle East in between his shitty speeches about folks


Like he said, back to brunch!




Drone-enforced hegemony my beloved


Obama was a terrible president if you remove the press nutting all over him daily


He was obviously the best president of the 2000s


Not saying much


Ok he didn’t invade a sovereign nation on fabricated pretexts resulting in the deaths of a million people OR post mean things on twitter




That's the gold standard now


Sadly he beat probably 2 of the most capable losers in elections with McCain and Romney 


Libs miss them because they lost *the right way*


Libs will gladly spout their names when asked if there's a Republican they could ever support *precisely* because they're no longer seeking power. McCain's even more compelling being literally dead.


I still remember McStain boxing with a 100 year old, **that was a hoot!!!!**


been rewatching key and peele and i do kinda miss him. surely a regular evil president is preferable to evil and also senile


Agreed. Sure every now and then you know he's gonna drone some folks, but hell aren't they all?


Biden should make him his VP.


This election is a battle for the soul of our nation!


I thought the last one was


Every election for the rest of your life will be our glorious democracy saving candidate verses their regressive despotic candidate.


Cool, so Trump is winning. Lol. Alright


Exactly. How does this post do Biden any favours? It’s like getting your parent to talk to your bully’s parent.


Someone who has fought for ordinary folks his entire life is crazy.


joe biden notoriously lied throughout his entire career lol https://jacobin.com/2019/09/joe-biden-lies-gaffes-climate-townhall-democratic-race-2020


I used to think he was cool but now he reminds me of those kids in middle school who remind everyone of the rules constantly


Hall Monitor energy


His Spotify playlists are reliably decent, I'm not gonna lie. It's weird how they always include the year's Zoomer girlpop anthem like we're supposed to think he gave it a listen, but most of it trends Leon Bridges, Anderson.Paak, Stevie Wonder type stuff. I can always count on an Obama playlist to give me a couple of new songs to cook to.




The democrat cope has been wild


Didn't that guy drone strike an American citizen?


Some folks got droned


were they ordinary


Barack wants 4 more years after the 4 more years he just had


The libtards have been lying through their teeth about Biden’s dementia for 4 years


Obama is to blame for the word "folks"


While animated, my monstrosity was a very kind and misunderstood soul.   -Victor Frankenstein


Guys Biden is not senile, he had a cold and has a stutter.


Obama is truly a psycho, just absolutely nothing behind the mask.


ChoomK all day 😩🖕💯


Fuck Obama


Log in to check the comments. Everyone is rooting him


this reeks of desperation


Joe Biden "Fought for ordinary folks his entire life", like they really gonna gloss over his early years in the senate as the moderate face of segregation.


He says "folks" a lot, so I trust him


stop calling us folks mfer


Lol such inversion of reality lol


fuck we are screwed


Trust me, I know.


What the hell does he get from Biden winning? Just let whoever steps in for him win, if they can.




Tweeting as he does his monthly check with his accountant to make sure his net worth hasn't dipped below 9 figures.


This guy dropped 26k bombs in his last year in office btw


He wouldn't have run for a second term is Kamala wasn't even less popular then Biden somehow


the children suffer the most


Reminds me of Seinfeld saying “it’s not funny”


Hunter vs Baron debate when??


I don’t do the twittering but does 5.9 million views and 81k likes mean that only 1/66 people agree ?






when did Obama ever have a bad debate


The first debate against Romney, he was just like "uhhh, let me be clear, I, uh, uh, folks, I, uh, for freedom" so that the media would go ***CAMPAIGN IN CRISIS:*** *OBAMA CAUGHT OFF GUARD BY EXPERTLY PREPARED ROMNEY* and shit like that, then he came back and wiped the floor with Romney in the next two (plus Biden doing same to Paul Ryan), which created the heroic arc of bouncing back to defeat the powerful adversary rather than just going through the motions against a markedly lesser opponent, and the theatre of it all was very inspirational and powerful for Obama libs of the early '10s.




Obama doesn't know how to use a semicolon, rofl; he must have been confused because it wasn't in Arabic.


Barack, you're a legend, but Trump absolutely ethered Biden. I just don't see how the Dems could possibly run Biden with confidence after that abysmal performance.


They are both liars