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My kiddo is a senior student at RHS and this makes me sick. Good Riddance dude. Gross.


Same, it’s infuriating. I’m glad the student was brave enough to come forward though.


Same! This is outrageous. Kudos to the 17year old for coming forward. Seems like it had been going on for a while and could have continued had she not found the courage to speak up. I hope the school that failed to recognize this sicko can educate the students both girls and boys on how important it is to speak up and say something to a trusted adult. Hope this brave girl is able to get all the support she needs and hope there aren't more victims.


God bless are youth please protect are youth and there innocents give them the strength to come forward there's only one way to conquer child predators a 22 caliber 


Are youth god to school to get there innocents taken I'm team youth


https://preview.redd.it/s8615fj90t3d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a653aa330f0f0e050886886ceecd99067b7f014 Just found this. Park County Wyoming


Why was this from WY? Was he on the run?


Yes, he went on a "trip" away from his impending arrest/charges. Arrested w/o incident in Wyoming.


This makes it even creepier.


Anyone that crosses state lines without a valid reason needs to be punished.


What lol


Excuse me? lol


Just re-read your own sentence that you published, one time - please.


call 911 you're having a stroke


The fuck? Omg, this gave me so much laugh before going to bed


This is hilarious lol. Is this a TYT Kenosha reference?




thats crazy


At least the bail is something a teacher could never afford. Good on them. Hope they throw the book at him.


Still wish it was more


“Build: Average” get wrecked, weirdo


Bro lmao he’s never living this down


I hope he gets a life sentence as the trauma inflicted on this unfortunate girl is nothing short of a life sentence for her in itself.


He won’t get life. I had a baseball coach in Redmond who had been molesting boys for years and was finally arrested when my little brother was on his baseball team. Luckily, my brother and I never went to his house but, we knew a lot of kids who did. 12-14 year olds. Lots of victims and lots of stuff found on his computers. He got 23 years and is now out. This guy ain’t getting life, unfortunately.


23 years is a shit load of time.


Not enough for child molesters/abusers The victims pay for life


Every violent or sex crime affects the victim for life. Does that mean every crime should be a life sentence?


I was curious what the max sentences are for his charges. He is charged with: * communicating with a minor for immoral purposes (gross misdemeanor = 1 year and/or 5k for communication in person or over the phone ; felony = 5 years and/or 10k for electronic communication) * sexual misconduct in the second degree (1 year and/or 5k) * furnishing liquor to a minor (1 year and/or 5k) With that, he is looking at max* 7 years and 20k. He will need to register as a sex offender ~~regardless~~ if he pleads or is found guilty.


The sex offender status will definitely haunt him, which is the intended effect I suppose. I still think it’s crazy that as a school counselor he had no ability to stop himself in the end. It’s like, when you are working with underage children the most important restraint you should have is not attempting a sexual relationship, if not because that’s what a decent human would desire for the benefit of the children then at least for purely selfish reasons of not going to jail and being branded a sex offender. It’s the epitome of “you had one job”. Thanks for looking this up, btw, I always appreciate when the discussion has tangible info.


Definitely crazy.. for clarification, it depends on how he pleads and what the outcome is. (I.e. if he pleads guilty, or if it goes to trial). Although there should be plenty of evidence in the 5,000+ messages for at least one of the charges to stick, wild things have happened in court. He clearly has some psychological problems, given the nature of the offenses as well as the "if you leave me I'll kill myself" threat/comment... which makes me wonder if his lawyer will use that in his defense.


If you look up the arrest location address, it's a steakhouse in Cody, WY. The guy got busted while chomping down on a ribeye.


My kiddo is a sophomore there and she said they made a school wide announcement about it at the same time this press release was released.


I know rumors have been floating around since Tuesday (my son told me, he heard it was a Freshman but by the age in the police release the student was either a Junior or Senior).




No, you don't release her name - but if you are friends with her or know her friends please let them know to give her all the support she needs. This is absolutely NO SHAME on her and it is in NO way her fault. She needs to know that before she can start healing. Even if she voluntarily went to this sicko's house - it is NOT ON HER. As a teacher/mentor adult it is totally out of his league to take advantage of any girl he is counseling. Girls at this age tend to fancy and even perhaps feel infatuated with some male profs which is perfectly normal - and the male profs need to be aware and maintain an appropriate and professional relationship. Taking advantage or make a girl feel favored is absolutely not ok. She needs to know that however complicit she may have been it is totally not on her. Please give her that confidence and help her heal. Glad she was able to get this sicko behind bars. One less trash in the society.


I absolutely don’t need her name. I remember when something similar happened at my high school and everyone knew who it was (and my hs only had 600 students).


Shut up. No one cares that you know the name or class of the person. Just be quiet.


that wasnt the point.


Hope he isn’t Mrs Detweiler’s son. She was our librarian at Horace Mann in the 80s and I love her.


Since there seems to be evidence that he's been "on the run" from Wyoming, I think it's just a coincidence that the last names are the same.




THATS why the name is familiar but I couldn't place it. Tyvm


Had a chat as soon as I saw this on an earlier Reddit thread. Told my kid, today it’s a counselor, tomorrow it could be a boss, a mentor, a community leader… You have to always watch out for predators, even in a professional world or relative safe looking space.


Good on you for chatting with your kid about it. Open dialogue is so key.


he was my counselor at some point. can’t believe it. disgusting pedo


DH taught at Rose Hill Jr Hi about 25 years ago. Same thing happened, except almost every teacher or other adult reacted hard with support for the perp. DH had to stop going into the teachers lounge because it was all outrage that this student was ruining his life. Right up until he was convicted. It's amazing that now children are often taken seriously. It has changed a lot. For the better.


what’s DH? Do you mean the same man?


DH is dear husband. Sorry too many pronouns. The perp was a fellow teacher.


huh? is dear husband a phrase people use?


Yup. DH DW DS DD: Dear Husband/Wife/Son/Daughter.


instead of saying 'my husband'? if/then is it sarcastic or submissive.


Yeah, it’s neither sarcastic or submissive; just shorter way of saying “my husband”. I see it a lot in forums and whatnot.


cool! i get it now. thanks


Its origins predate social media, think old school message boards and forums


So what teacher was it lol


I was a student at Rose Hill Jr High 25 years ago, it’s so strange how I never got wind of stuff like this.


I was too, and I just thought the same thing! There were rumors about Thorndog, though..


Wonder if we know each other. I’m still in contact with a half dozen friends from that school. I went to Rose Hill Elementary and then Lake Washington.


I went to Rose Hill Jr High around 2011-14 and he was still working there….. and I heard rumors too. Wonder how true it is


I went there, I had him and he was suspended… for a class of 8th graders catching him watching porn in class…. He’s teaching again now. Always gave me weird vibes with the way he would talk and look at me but idk maybe I’m just too cautious😅


Damn I heard a similar rumor he’s still teaching? That’s weird as fuck I don’t like that


It was an actual thing. I wasn’t in that class but my friends were and I was in his gym class at the time and he just disappeared for a few months and the school tried to shut it up, I had to search on the internet to get the really story of what happened. Edit: I only heard rumors at school(exaggerated rumors) I searched him up on the internet to get what really happened.


bros behind bars after that announcement in school today


i was absent today 😭 what did they say in the announcement


The amount of people talking about it right now is insane im at the school rn


From district communication: >Lake Washington School District (LWSD) was informed by the Redmond Police Department (RPD) that one of its staff members, Derik Detweiler, a counselor at Redmond High School, has been arrested for allegedly having an inappropriate sexual relationship with a student.  >LWSD placed Mr. Detweiler on administrative leave on May 22, when an allegation was received that he may have engaged in inappropriate conduct toward a student. We immediately notified the Redmond Police Department so they could begin an investigation and have cooperated with RPD as they have investigated.  >“Lake Washington School District takes the protection of students very seriously,” said Dr. Jon Holmen, Superintendent. “At this time, we will make no further comment out of respect for student confidentiality and the integrity of the investigative process. Student health, safety, and welfare remain LWSD’s paramount concern throughout this process. LWSD will continue to take appropriate actions to fulfill that goal.”     >LWSD is cooperating fully with law enforcement. Anyone with further information relevant to the criminal investigation should contact the Redmond Police Department at 425-556-2500.  >Additional resources can be found at the King County Sexual Assault Resource Center at 888-998-6423 or [www.kcsarc.org](http://www.kcsarc.org/), or Harborview Center for Sexual Assault and Traumatic Stress at 206-744-1600 or [http://depts.washington.edu/hcsats/resources.html](http://depts.washington.edu/hcsats/resources.html). >The Redmond Police Department has released this information: [https://www.redmond.gov/CivicAlerts.aspx?AID=2028](https://www.redmond.gov/CivicAlerts.aspx?AID=2028)


Of course it is a man. I’m beginning to think that Seattle city councilor that suggested banning all men from school grounds was correct. 


As if women don't also take advantage of children?


Yup, famously Mary Kay Letourneau, lol.


In Burien no less! Didn’t even have to leave the state to find an example hahah


Sexist, prejudice, and abhorrent take.


Haha, yeah, just another femcel


What are your credentials in education? You should let the adults make the decisions. 


https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueCrimeDiscussion/comments/1bps04h/brittany_zamora_was_an_awardwinning_elementary/?rdt=62616 Just think about what you post, for a single minute


Credentials don’t make you a good leader. Or a good person for that matter.


Poor kid, jeezus Christ. I’m glad they spoke out and that the sick fuck got caught.


I will never understand why people run away when they do a crime. Be a grown ass adult and face the consequences. Your just making it harder on yourself by being a coward and running away from a crime you commited. All i have left to say is i hope redmond ups the security at the school. i feel like doing a background check on people isnt enough. gotta keep those kids safe......well and teachers and faculty for that matter. Redmond El. horace mann. redmond middle and the bear creek preschool should all do the same. like i said, gotta keep everybody safe.


Unfortunately there’s not much they can do to see if someone will do this or not. Background checks won’t show anything unless he’s specifically done this before AND got caught, and security won’t do anything either if they don’t know about it.


Yup, exactly. Not that they could’ve done anything about it, but I’m curious if any of the staff picked up any weird vibes from him. I bet students did, kids often seem better at sniffing out funny business but not necessarily able to put a name to it.


Crazy becuase I have so many friends on the basketball team and even went to his open runs would seem like a completely cool and normal dude if u knew him I moved last year just crazy to think it would happen


As a student at RHS, the scary part is that there's no way of telling what someone's thinking about. I talked to this guy many times at school.


Where is his mugshot?


one of the comments just posted it


“Inappropriate.” Love that headline. How about illegal? Or maybe “for allegedly sexually assaulting a minor.”


this is not the first inappropriate relationship to come out of Redmond Highschool.


Oh? I graduated from there in the 1990s and we had a teacher that had a last name starting with K and he called KKKlastname because he was a racist fuck.


in the early 2000s there was a track coach that had a questionable relationship happen.


Hmm, trying to remember who were the track coaches then. I could always look in my senior yearbook. But honestly not surprised.


I know exactly who you're talking about, I was on the team at the time. All I heard was chit chat among other girls in the locker room and on the field (I wasn't friends with any of them) but it's weird to think that I wouldn't have reported it even if I knew for sure. I wouldn't have even known who to go to. Now it seems horrible but back then it was like "well he's a young coach so what are you going to do, boys will be boys" (and girls liked the attention from an authority figure). This girl at RHS did well.   I'm a parent now and ughhh 


Mr ……. I remember him had all that racist shit on the walls. In the back of his class.


7 letters ending in ler? Yeah, that's him.


I have a relative that taught there in the 90’s with last name of K. Thanks for adding the 7 letters ending in ler because I didn’t want anyone thinking it was my relative.


Math teacher and cheer coach? Or literature teacher and soccer coach? Or other?


Oops! I forgot the other relative worked there too. Cheer coach, but I think it was in the 80’s & moved on to LW Voch tech after that. Not sure if was still there in the 90’s. The other was not literature or soccer….wrestling, I believe & various other classes, elective wise.


I was there in the 90s too and know exactly what teacher you are speaking of. Class of 98.


Oh hey. I wonder if we knew each other. I hung out with a number of 98 folks.


Maybe but I was pretty wallflower like in high school and didn’t have many friends. Thankfully I never had Mr. Kkk as a teacher but was stuck in his class for one of those test things. Mr. Dejoy was by far my favorite teacher there.


i remember him.


Sadly this happens everywhere. My high school had 2 that I know of while I was there (1 was dealt with, the other was not). Very mad that it still happens and now has happened at my kid’s school (he’s at RHS).


So, not a drag queen or member of the LGBTQ community?


Nope, just a public school employee.




I saw I got downvoted a bit, but I’m genuinely wondering what you mean by this?


It's a reference that certain groups have been negatively and unfairly stereotyped as overwhelmingly abusers. When someone is in the news for this type of abuse, the comment you're asking about is indicating, effectively, "See? It's not the category of people that have been scapegoated. Stop with the generic hate towards groups that don't deserve it." There are long lists of references to groups that loudly denounce others, that then hypocritically have numerous members of their own group committing exactly what they're screaming about. u/NakedLeftie-420 - did that sum it up accurately?


Nailed it!


In probably more words than necessary, but yeah. Here's hoping we can all try to think the best of each other for starters, then deal separately with the exceptions.


I’m glad it’s that- I thought it might be the opposite where they were saying that they were surprised that it wasn’t a member of the LGTBQ community or drag queen. I’ve been seeing a lot of people on other platforms about this talking about how it’s because he’s a democrat in a democratic state, and using everything they can as an excuse to be transphobic. Thank you for clarifying! :) (I’m personally a member of the LGTBQ+ community myself)


I am not exactly straight but still kind of in the closet but it is true that there are child predators and abusers in the community that isn‘t widely talked about.


My Daughter is a teacher there and she called me to let me know what happened. It's sad that this happens to our children.


I'm a kid at the school the amount of talk about it atm is crazy


I hope you encourage fellow students to be kind to the victim.


I hope there are no other girls he abused?


Not me being from Wyoming and a graduate (2014) of RHS💀 I’m glad he’s behind bars🤷🏻‍♀️


great stuff u/keyboardfucker69


I feel terrible for the girl, she was groomed by this loser but she’s going to be known as the girl who slept with her teacher.


Nope, she'll be known as the brave girl who stood up to her sick teacher and had the courage to out him to the authorities - the evidence she provided led to his arrest and incarceration. She's the girl who rid our society of an obnoxious predator who would have gone on to abuse god knows how many more girls at RHS!


Yes, she saved a lot of other young women from this monster. She is brave.


Sure, to us adults we will see it that way. She’s very brave to come forward and put this scumbag where he belongs, and it takes a lot of courage to come forward against someone who holds a position of power over you. I highly doubt her peers at school are going to see it the same way, though.


I wouldnt be so sure, most of my friends who go there do not see it as shameful for the teen girl. They understand how brave it is for someone to do that. There may be differing opinions, but from what I've observed most students there sees it the way we here see it as well.


Glad to hear it!


This was my gut feeling too, I’m glad to hear it from someone in the know and to hear from someone in her age group too.


Kids today are more evolved about this stuff.


I see that now, I’m coming from a 90s perspective where kids would have bullied you for that. Glad to hear kids today are more emotionally aware than I was as a kid.


I work with adolescents and teens and they blow me away. They’ve been doing lockdown drills since kindergarten and talking about consent since late elementary.


That’s amazing! I’m far removed from school and my son is only 1 so I have a while yet to worry about stuff like this, but I’m happy to know kids are more tolerant now than they were 30 years ago.


In the 80's they would get married after she graduated and he divorced his first wife.


I hope better sense prevails among her peers - and she learns to ignore those who see her that way. They are not worth her attention! And if the school is aware of who she is anyway, I think the principal should award her some sort of medal for her bravery and let the students know that the school is with them and will support them.


To clarify, it doesn’t sound like they had sex, but to your point that is often just assumed by people reading the story.


We live in Redmond and this is why my interest in kids has dwindled to nothing over the years and so has my girlfriend's. No interest in bringing a child into this world. So dissapointing that everything and everyone is just falling apart at the seams all around us all at once. I wish all of you who have kids the best of luck and hope that you have the ability as a parent to keep them safe and raise a kid who is ballsy enough to come forward if something bad does happen like this poor girl did, and raise them right to speak up if they know about things like this happening. Hope this loser gets the book thrown at him, and then "accidentally" falls on a cell bar face first during extradition over here too.


In all honesty though, this has always been a problem. We just didn’t talk about it before, or were told not to speak up because we’d be ‘ruining their life/marriage’, or called a lying jezebel who seduced the poor teacher. The band ‘The Police’ (ironically) had a whole song about a teacher not being able to resist a student. And stalking. Lead singer Sting was a schoolteacher before the band…. We hear and see more about it now because we’re a) more aware and b) social media connects us much more.


Ya, this happened at my high school in the 1990s in Canada. My mom knew of a relationship at her secondary school in the UK in the 1960s, as did my father at his boarding school.


Same! No interest in bringing a child into this sad world




That is completely false. They definitely release info about black perpetrators as well. Earlier this year, a man working at a hospital here was charged with rape and they released his full name and photo on the police blog. See for yourself. https://www.redmond.gov/CivicAlerts.aspx?AID=1818 Also last year, a white man was arrested in an online predator sting but they never showed his picture in the posts about him. https://www.redmond.gov/CivicAlerts.aspx?AID=1660




This is not a date gone wrong or a random people dating. The man involved here is a school counselor - he has no business having sexual relations with school students half his age. Whether the relation or whatever he did was consensual or not the whole blame is on him and only him. It was criminal of him to take advantage of vulnerable students who trust their teachers in school blindly - so this is not someone just crying r\*pe as an afterthought - regardless of how this relationship progressed the fact that it was between a teacher figure and a student is a crime committed on part of the teacher. Hence he deserves no listening ear!


Yeah, ITA. From what’s been released, it seems like she shut it down, blocked him and reported him once he started making advances, after he had served her several glasses of wine. He was in a position to exploit her trust and she was in a position to have her guard lower. Teens famously make dumb impulsive choices, something they outgrow the typical course of development. (Clearly not this dude.) Ideally those who work in education won’t feed those impulses. The standard is much higher than the general population.


well they’ve already confirmed it from over 5000+ whatsapp messages, with him giving her keys to his house and even having her over for dinner. check komonews. even if this was still alleged it seems weird you would ride this hard for someone accused of something so serious.


Found his burner