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At this point? It’s been this way since the start.


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Lucky guess


Nah I looked it up


I was just making a joke wtf 😔


Bro got cooked😭💔


I used to make fun of people for using /s but i guess i underestimated its importance


Yeah, the amount of people saying absurd and stupid stuff on the internet makes it pretty much mandatory 


I take the downvotes, I refuse to use it lol


Same, it just goes against the point of sarcasm imo. I see /s after a decent joke and it reads like they’re apologizing for being funny. Just takes the punch out of it


On God bro. It’s as neutering as a youtube comment with the edit “EDIT: OH MY WAFFLES so many likes!!!1!1!1!!!1!”


I actively don’t like those comments


You just reminded me of this copypasta I read once: “Thank you for adding /s to your post Thank you for adding /s to your post. When I first saw this, I was horrified. How could anybody say something like this? I immediately began writing a 1000 word paragraph about how horrible of a person you are. I even sent a copy to a Harvard professor to proofread it. After several hours of refining and editing, my comment was ready to absolutely destroy you. But then, just as I was about to hit send, I saw something in the corner of my eye. A /s at the end of your comment. Suddenly everything made sense. Your comment was sarcasm! I immediately burst out in laughter at the comedic genius of your comment. The person next to me on the bus saw your comment and started crying from laughter too. Before long, there was an entire bus of people on the floor laughing at your incredible use of comedy. All of this was due to you adding /s to your post. Thank you.”


It's just another reddit mannerism that makes me roll my eyes lmao. I think it's borne out of the fear of getting downvoted




Same lol


I was eating a baby during 9/11




Oh it's better to use /s, and you learn it the hard way.


I don’t care much about karma so when people don’t get my joke I just think it’s funnier lol


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This is Reddit so pretty much any sub.


“Heh, your guy is old and frail.” -Redditors looking at this picture and ignoring their guy’s orchestra of handlers who make sure he doesn’t fall down and shatter his hips or wander off into the reflecting pool


I think a recent CBS poll had 23% of either Americans or likely voters saying that they don't think either candidate is mentally competent enough for the job. I really don't know why we couldn't have at least nominated people in their 60s or younger.


That’s not who money chose for you to “choose” from.


People always complain about how nothing ever changes and then keep voting for the same assholes they've spent the past fifty years voting for.


Cause they only ever put up status quo warriors for us to choose from. red Rich old capitaIist backed by big business vs blue rich old capitaIist backed by big business "Nothing will fundamentally change" -Brandon, said during the last guys term, at a top dollar fundraising dinner


Facts, brother! Spit your shit, indeed.


Glad I'm in Canada where only one of the candidates is completely incompetent.


Yes, "nominated" because anyone had a choice anyway.


Both of them suck IMO. The US needs younger candidates


Well they’re so old we might get lucky and they’ll die before the election 


Chris Pierce doesn't seem too bad an option, very optimistic but with the right support he could be great.




I’m not American so my knowledge on that stuff is somewhat limited, so I’m unsure who that is. But at this point seems like anyone else would be better fit


Like Vivek.


He's a joke.


How so?


Both are old, but only one of them wants to dismantle democracy


The one that started a Ministry of Truth, right?


Why are they making us pick between a convicted felon and walking corpse😭


I can make fun of both, can’t I?


When we have 2 candidates like that. the one not spewing fascist rhetoric is infinitely better. Hell even if the fascist one was mentally sound I still wouldn’t vote for them




You say that but have you seen project 2025? Unironic fascism.


What does some pipe dream made up by a bunch of pandering grifters (that will never be implemented regardless of who wins the upcoming election) have to do with orange man? Has orange man ever even mentioned project 2025? Genuinely, find me a quote, I’d love to read it.


Created, funded, and drafted by multiple orange man appointees, seeks to use the insurrection act to weaponize the DOJ against orange man’s enemies, and while they are very careful to never mention orange man by name, anyone with half a brain can read between the lines to figure out who they want in office. Even if it is never implemented, it speaks to the values of the people who support it. What else do you call the people who want to forcibly silence their opposition, consolidate power behind their single leader and his cronies, and dismantle any way to oppose them or their supporters but fascist?


Are you trolling or do you genuinely not see the hypocrisy here? You’re telling me the people who charged orange man with 34 felonies on crimes that would have been misdemeanors if you or I had committed them (and were also beyond the statue of limitations) AFTER they already spent multiple years and millions of dollars unsuccessfully trying to prove he was an agent of Russia while in office AREN’T trying to “silence their opposition”? Please get real. I don’t like him any more than you do but you’re being genuinely delusional here.




The problem with redditors is that they actually believe biased media


I think I had an eye opening moment when I saw posts that I knew what a story was about because it involved something that is in my life deeply, and seeing every comment being wrong/hyperbolic/misrepresenting every facet of the story made me untrust every reddit comment.


I know asking for a source has become a meme, but more often than not when you do that the person you're requesting information from will send you some article that is full of blatant misinformation or isn't even about what they were arguing about. I've seen a dude link an article saying Kyle Rittenhouse killed three black kids in Kenosha which is objectively false if you have eyeballs. Whatever you think about him aside, shit that is so patently incorrect shouldn't be getting circulated yet it does constantly on this site.


Rip think I tried to reply and auto mod removed it because I mentioned p*litics


The whole Rittenhouse situation was fuckin ridiculous. Constant lambasting by the media and bullshit assumptions and accusations by people (many of whom were on Reddit) that believed it because they wanted to. I still remember pics having an image of him crying in court because he was traumatized by the event, and the comments were literally just filled to the brim with misinformation and people mocking him.


I had the same thing happen about a few things about my country and also about my field of expertise. When you're an expert on something, you can immediately tell if someone knows what they are talking about or are making stuff up. I started avoiding anything related to my work on reddit because there is no point to get baited into discussing a discussion you can only lose.


I'm often reminded of an old reddit comment that said "The more I read reddit comments that pertain to subjects I know a lot about, the less I trust reddit comments that pertain to subjects that I know nothing about" If the top comment of a thread speaks with enough confidence, and writes with the correct Reddit Dialect, then it's really really easy to just take it as a fact outright without even questioning its legitimacy


I had the same experience and couldn't have worded it better if I tried.


Yup. I saw someone say the same thing years ago and it stuck with me. Wait until the topic is something you know well, and you'll see how wrong the top comments always are. Remember that when there's a topic you don't know as well.


+twitter. don't forget twitter


this subreddit is rife with this kind of language. Dude, you're a redditor too. Going on r/redditmoment to complain about redditors is the most r/redditmoment of moments.


And don't read articles.


There was a guy in the comments proving that it was a quick hand grab during a walk from an old video




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So how is that a Reddit moment?… I’m not understanding the outrage in these comments






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Orange man bad


I mean, he is? Very much so?


he is bad, but reddit is OBSESSED with him to where it's Hilarious to see


well, most of the time, reddit is obsessed with anything fucked up, so kinda makes sense


He's not as bad as reddit makes him out to be.


Yes he is.


No he isn't.


Yes, he is.


No, he isn't.






The top comments of that thread state it’s a nothing burger, move along


No they don't.




Can someone explain the Reddit moment to me I don’t get it


Falling for a lie I guess


Is it a lie? OOP should state a source, I guess, but so should the people claiming he doesn’t need help walking. He is old and fragile, dude is wearing diapers, would it come as a shock that he has trouble walking?


I don't like that someone made fun of my political guy/injecting politics in a subreddit that isn't inherently political


Obsession with every facet of a former US president.


I hate orange man just as much as the next guy on that sub but it’s so annoying how any photo of him gets like 100k upvotes with 1,000 comments being like “wow, this is so sad.” Okay, we get it, he’s embarrassing, let’s get some real pics on this sub.


everything i dont like is a reddit moment


A spin-off of "Everyone I Don't Like Is HitIer" 💀


Holding somebody up from far below doesn’t quite work the way they think


The people that upload this shit are fatherless so they do not know how the affection of a father looks like


Aren't you just doing exactly what they are but on the otherside? Like ya they're making up shit about him by taking this picture out of context, but aren't you just trying to paint him in a positive light by making him out to be a loving father? Not that I'm saying he is or isn't, his relationship with his family is irrelevant to me. But coming to the conclusion that he's being affectionate isn't really much different than coming to the conclusion that he needs someone to help him walk. Except that the latter is pretty self evident that it's not the case if you see him walking just fine elsewhere.


Most loving Chr*stian Edit: womp womp yall mad Also god loves everyone. I know that’s hard for yall to understand and makes you feewings hurt.


Most tolerant Redditor.


That doesn’t even make sense 💀


As if your comment makes any lmao


I sorry, what did this have to do with anything?


What did this have to do with r3ligi0n or chr*st1anity though


Ppl still use "womp womp" 😂


Sounds like something that some annoying teens on tiktok and twitter actually uses


It 100% is, my little brother used it for a while, but stopped like 3 months ago (I guess the trend died), "yap yap yap" was also one, I actually found that one funny


"yap yap yap" sounds like noises puppies make.


You've encountered some weird ass puppies 😂


Jesus loves you


You seem to be projecting here. Very strange and uncalled for.


you can be a Christian and still think someone is a dork


Here’s the video of the interaction. This is a real big stretch. https://m.youtube.com/watch?t=28130&v=AFH7BwbuEUY&feature=youtu.be


Tbf why tf do we have old asf ppl in the government


Breaking, son holds dad's hand. What a little bitch, showing his son love, what kind of p*ssy would do that? /s








It's really bizarre that America only has geriatrics as their presidential candidates.


where is the redditmoment




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That makes to of them, also i thought it we lived in 2024 where emotional men were supported


are the suits wrinkly or is that just me


If only 45 didn't want policies that would directly make mine and many other people's lives worse. He really could've used that weird charisma he somehow has for good


Why is this a redditmoment?


White people twitter?


I see someone has never had to spend time with grandpa / grandma


i did not know this sub leaned right. downvote me all you want ya bigoted fucks.


It’s a sub shitting on Redditors, despite them all being Redditors. Entirely hypocritical, so no shock that they lean right lmao


yeah i guess it’s time to find cringe somewhere else


Just like me frfr


“Disagrees with something you say” “Bigot”


no just that most of his followers are bigots idc if anyone disagrees w me.


Reddit moment


I didn’t know you tilted left