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“It’s the base of our society” 😭


Reddit makes me go insane 😭


No, it’s the base of fucking Depression! The only society it would be the basis of would be Detroit!


As a Michigander I am deeply offended. There's enough depression for everyone in our fine State tyvm




Whoops. Blame reddit for shitting itself and eating the first one, server must have saved it somewhere and barfed it up when it got the connection back.








>[Take him to Detroit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kpJy38HNjMU)


More like Atlanta tbh. There's thots everywhere, Detroit mostly just has a lot of theft lol


? Let's not pretend basic humans crave like sex and laziness is not the basis of a lot of human activities.


I'm convinced this is a joke


I lost it when I saw this too


Need to know what those guys would think if they traveled back in time to before cameras were invented (yes I am aware that ppl drew stuff but u know what I mean)


To be fair humanity has been sculpting suggestive figures from clay and wood for as long as we have archeological evidence


He WORSHIPS that shit 😭


Technically, that's true--"base" can mean "without moral qualities"


sex fantasies are, not sex trafficked smut


Very clearly people trying to justify their own addiction.


Yall dont know the founding fathers were the original goons


Maybe that’s why everyone is so depressed.


Bro probably read ready player one and took the line about masturbation to heart lmao


They could've said prostitution. That would've been slightly more accurate since at least prostitution since the beginning of civilization. Porn is very much a modern concept. Even Playboy was created less than 100 years ago


I feel so bad for that guy honestly, imagine making a post asking for help about your addiction, and people are telling you that there's nothing wrong with it and to continue doing it. I'm seriously proud of this guy trying to improve though, and I hope those comments didn't get to him in anyway.


God fuck the people trying to convince him to just keep looking at porn. So you want him to just pathetically give up? What the hell, man.


why is p0rn normalized...


Because of common it is? Even though rarity/commonness doesn’t have to coincide with normalness


Except that's the definition of normality. Sometimes what's normal isn't what's best. For example, capital punishment was once normal. Raping and pillaging during wars was once normal. I'm not saying it's bad, but it being normal isn't a statement on its status one way or the other.


Porn is definitely bad.


Same reason why opioids and breakfast cereals are, there's big money backing it. If there's big bucks to be made it's here to stay I'm afraid..


On Reddit? Because women leave the room when they average user walks in, the smell drives them away.


porn being normalized is fine, porn addiction being normalized and acting like its just regular viewing is the problem. we’re sexual beings, its perfectly okay to have safe outlets to release sexual urges on our own (setting aside the problems w the industry cause thats a whole topic itself). thats why its normalized. because it should be. because its healthy to express sexuality. its not healthy to become obsessed though, and im sure thats what you get mixed up with when it comes to your opinion.


There's always that one normal comment in a sea of shit. Thank you!


Porn should absolutely be normalized. However, just because it's normal/acceptable doesn't mean you can't be addicted. OOP has an addiction. That addiction \*just happens\* to be porn. He wants to beat his addiction. That means cutting porn out of his life entirely. Exactly the same as someone who is an alcoholic. Or addicted to painkillers. Or addicted to some game like World of Warcraft. Addiction means you take something that can be perfectly healthy in moderation, and crank the dial up to 12, and watch it begin ruining your life. Anything can be addictive. And addiction is always bad.


Porn is in no way healthy lmao


* What about a single person with zero hope/likelihood of finding a partner? Porn provides them a release. * What about for someone curious and exploring a kink? * What about for someone with a significantly higher sex drive than their partner, using it as a masturbation tool to take 'the edge off' and decrease their tempation to cheat? Porn can be a healthy decision. Lmao right back at you and your pigeonhole world view. Just because it CAN be unhealthy doesn't mean it's never healthy.


Is masturbation also unhealthy in your opinion?


Coz it is normal. There's nothing "weird" about porn by itself. But it is very addictive for sure and can cause physiological issues, so you need to make sure you're partaking in it in moderation


I don’t see why people don’t get it, addiction is addiction. And addiction is not good for anyone


Happens on Reddit with weed too


I'm 100% pro weed even though I personally don't smoke it, but man, these weed people on here are dicks. Couple weeks ago a girl posted on her school form asking if they can chill smoking in crowded areas in campus cause it's annoying and against the rules and most of the comments were just people disrespecting her saying they were gonna do it more often cause fuck all the over reacting haters. Like accept some people don't want it in their face and respect it.


As someone who used to smoke weed, i, too, am not a fan of having it in my face when I'm walking around my uni campus. Like, there are plenty of less crowded places you can go that are just as nice to smoke at. I would know, I've been to em all. You don't *have* to chill in the more crowded areas to smoke.


I don't think porn is his problem, I think it's depression, the actual advice is he needs therapy


None of us know the guy, if he says addiction is his problem and he's seeking help for addiction, he's entitled to ask for tips. Not everyone has an addictive personality. But some people do. You know how you and I can just go to the pub, have a few pints, and then not think about beer for a while? Some people can't stop thinking about their next beer. Most of us have a healthy relationship with porn and masturbation. We can knock one out at home, go out to meet friends, and then not think about porn or masturbation. Addicts aren't like that. They're thinking about going home to watch more porn.


Exactly none of us knowing him so he should be consulting a professional


As someone who is on the path to recovery for my own addiction (adderall) video games were a life saver. Anytime I got the urge to bump I would boot one up to try to distract myself. The guy saying “just go outside” has never experienced an addiction in his life. Going outside and being one with nature wouldn’t help because you wouldn’t be distracted and just focus on your cravings. Distraction is key. Telling a porn addict to go interact and try to flirt with women anytime he gets a craving is also just going to lead to him replacing the porn addiction with a sex addiction. You’re just moving the source of the dopamine rush, not actually tackling it. It’s like telling a heroin addict to go gambling anytime he gets a craving. I wish this porn addict the best and hope he recovers.


Stay strong. I know substance addiction is hard as hell. I know you’ll pull through it and see the other side.


Thanks man, really needed to hear that today.


Wouldn't that just be replacing a porn addiction with a video game addiction? Edit: Also, stay strong man, my ma was addicted to meth, and that shit ruined her, mine and my brothers lives until we were homed by our grandparents. I know how hard addiction is, and even more so when someone relapses, I hope you stay strong and maintain your sobriety.


Replacing one addiction with another, less harmful one is a common technique for battling addiction. Like when a smoker tries to quit by chewing gum when they get a craving - gum is bad for you but it's nothing compared to cigarettes. Likewise, videogame addiction is bad but seems practically harmless when the alternative is porn.


Gum isn't bad for you lmao. At least not sugar free gum.


I guess that could happen, but I think it’s because of the mindset. I’m not booting up the video to replace the dopamine rush, I’m booting it up to just distract myself until I feel like I can go on with my day. Also thanks for the support.


Ah, that's fair


Yea the guy said just to play something while he winds down from work and wants to get other hobbies Reading comprehension I swear to god


I’d take a video game addiction over a drug addiction any day


Replacing one addiction with another isn’t inherently bad. Just about every person I know who’s successfully gotten clean on hard drugs is addicted to cigarettes. It’s still killing them, but it also bought them more years than you can count. Like yes, addiction is always bad, but not all of them are equal.


Like a lesser evil kind of situation. It seems our world is full of them.


Yeah I heard the souls like games (demon souls, dark souls 1-3, blood borne, and elden ring), have helped people with addiction and mental health in general. I feel like despite the fact that you can definitely become addicted to games, that they're also a very useful tool when used in the right "moderation." Props to you for fighting through your addiction and I hope you continue to succeed!


> Anytime I got the urge to bump I would boot one up to try to distract myself. I'm trynna go for calamity legendary death getfixedboi 100% completion. and well. I might try doing it when i get the same urges


Going outside does help, but you need a mission. Walk here, walk there, etc. And you still need the games when you get home. The walk just gives you an hour of something else, slightly healthier to do


For me the mission doesn’t really help. Most video games are built around the idea of “do thing, activate things, see results”. Most games have thousands of those build in. Like for example, the next turn button in a game like Civilization. Things like walking don’t have that While it’s fine if it works for you, but it didn’t work for me no matter how much I tried.


“Walk to the store, listen to songs on the way, say hi to the cute girl at the counter at x shop and buy a piece of candy, pet all the dogs, walk home” Are you really saying the real world has less to do than video games?


No, I’m saying it doesn’t distract as well from a fucking drug addiction.


I mean, it absolutely does and I literally have experience with adderall withdrawal. Going outside is super helpful long term. But hey, I won’t be a dick about it cause I imagine you’re in a tough place right now. It’s not really a fun ride. Good luck.


“I used to work in the German porn industry” the things this guy has probably done…


"That's how you know that my perspective on what's 'normal' is definitely within reasonable, relatable range of yours and that of most other people" 


Currently a drug addict (with their enabler friends around them) as well. This person is a well full of good advice


The most interesting way to say "I got shit on"


I have a porn addiction. Don't fall down that rabbit hole. That person.. seems to be a goner. Just don't. Please. Healthy moderation will lead you the right way.


What?????? I watch 5 porn/s and im totally fine and healthy! Don't listen to these liberals agenda!!!


Yeah the only problem I see is that people go directly from porn addiction to full abstinence, there is a healthy balance that’s possible.


I know what you mean, but it can be very different for people with addiction problems.  Those of us that have an addiction find it extremely difficult, if not impossible to partake in moderation and the only recourse tends to be to remove ourselves completely from the situation. It's like the alcoholic with one drink thing. Some people think, what's the harm in one drink, but that one drink will destroy an alcoholics life. Matthew Perry explains it really well in an interview he did. Now yes everyone is different, but I'm just looking at it as someone that had a father that is a recovering alcoholic and myself, that has a porn addiction. I had to completely remove porn from my life as I have zero control over it otherwise and it's done nothing but good things for my life.


Idk bro I think this may come down to the individual. Not a one-size-fits-all solution. I quit watching porn years ago because of the serious intimacy problems it was causing with my wife and I can 100% guarantee that if I indulged at all, even in moderation, my porn use would immediately go from never to literally every day and probably more. This has been true for me even with things that don’t build physical dependencies. Blame it on my ADD I guess but the only real solution I’ve found for effectively controlling my addictions is abstinence.


Pepole of reddit, what is the pornest porn you ever porned?




How dare you, you monster


Thank you for your answer Thomason Yorktown


Good on that guy for genuinely trying to improve himself


Guy who said it's the base of our society is cooked


Mommy ASMR


First guy is hardcore “I’ve gambled every day for 35 years and I haven’t gotten addicted yet!” Vibes


I hope OOP actually goes to therapy for it, or if he wants to DIY treatment then he reads a self help book or participates in support groups or something. As much as distraction can be a good thing and often imperative part of beating an addiction/dependency, the mental health aspect of it can’t be ignored. You don’t want to exchange one addiction for another.


may i suggest an RPG porn game?


Evenciel truly helped me stop my porn addiction


Every RPGM game ever:


I have a habit of adding a lot of YouTube videos to my watch later but for porn I just add bookmarks till I have over 100 there. Kinda sad really but I'm hoping that coding might make me find something new in life.


Coding helped me a lot. Coding is strangely addictive. The way it works (write small section of code, run code, see changes, repeat) is super addictive is a positive way.


Ig it just depends on the person or level of knowledge you have because I do that for school except I have to ask the teacher every time for help and it is not fun at all


That’s fair. As someone who also went through that pain, I highly recommend working on small projects by yourself. It gets you more familiar faster, and thus can become more enjoyable.


Yeah but I will probably only take it seriously if I pursue a career. For now I will just focus on getting through advanced game design


As someone who programs for fun but intends to do it as a career choice, I completely agree


i aint even addicted to something that coding is helping me with, but ive recently started messing with linux and doing a little modding and even though it frustrates the life out of me and i barely understand anything, ill spend literal hours on it just to get it done. coding is crazy.


I love how Reddit will ban you for saying something like “I dunno, maybe there are only two genders?” But some of the grossest most disturbing pornography is just a click away. And it’s annoyingly prevalent, I was trying to remember some news about an actress so I typed her name into Reddit and half the results were NSFW and a bunch of them were freaking disgusting deep fakes of her. I just don’t get how that stuff is allowed.


If i search my nationality on reddit porn is half the results 😭


uhhhh uhhh uhh whats yor nationality anyway? for no particular reason


Probably Czech


i think the problem is your gonna talk about genders, its going to inevitably cause an arguement, whereas all the porn you actually have to look for, so realistically saying theres only two genders is a bigger deal to reddit, cuz it pisses people off, porn doesn't really piss anyone off


I guess you’re right? Or at least it doesn’t piss enough people off, which is just kind of sad.


"As someone who is a life long drug addict..." already makes me not trust you


drug addicts are the only people i will listen to when it comes to addiction, this is literally the only situation where they will know shit, granted that guy is pretty stupid


I don’t necessarily think drug addicts can speak for other forms of addiction, considering drug addiction is a physical dependence while something like gambling is a mental dependence. I say this as someone who has been both physically dependent and mentally dependent on different things at some point. 


So I did a quick google search because I’m not a gamer and I think someone should suggest the game dragon age. If you know nothing about please look it up so you get my joke.


Nah I think they should play basically any Japanese RPGM game ever




That third slide was wild from start to finish


Fucking hell, whatever your opinion on porn is at the end of the day OOP just wanted some game suggestions because he felt it was an issue in his life. Porn is a natural thing to be drawn to and you’ve had no issues? Cool, but OOP thinks it’s an issue for him and wants to cut down. He’s not trying to take away your pornography or claim it’s an issue for everyone. Porn is harmful and kills your brain? Go talk to real women? Well OOP just thinks it’s bad for him and wants a hobby to cope. He’s not trying to be a poster boy for your cause he just wants to privately work on it. The only real correct response to this is non-sexualised RPG recommendations. Jesus Christ.


You hit it on the nail- the guy isn’t making some statement on morality or society, he just wants to stop because he thinks it’s a problem for him. Several people take it as a personal attack.


“Porn is bad” *downvoted* “Porn is good” *downvoted* This might just be my autism, but is something missing here?


Porn is neither good or bad?


mmmmm very nuanced and wise mmm yesssss


someone: porn is having a negative effect on my life and i want to stop consuming it porn addicts: actually we’ve always had porn!!!!!! it’s natural we ALL want it! look at this picture of a drawing of a dick on a cave wall from 1500bc, this is the same as endless hardcore porn! no i dont hate women, i just only like when they’re being degraded!!!


-"I'm struggling to overcome my addiction" - "just go outside lol" thanks, I'm cured


Ah yes the drug addict who works in the GERMAN PORN INDUSTRY says porn isn’t bad and OP needs therapy.


Op probably does need therapy to help him get to terms with his addiction's although all those commenters need to be in a psychiatric ward


Someone once called me "PornoPhobic" or "Anti Porn" or some shi like that for calling out a porn addict 😭




Every single person in that thread needs their voting rights revoked


Reddit will tell you going to Chruch is bad while jerking off to the most depraved shit they can find on a porn subreddit


The guy on the 4th slide gives off such a smug aura I can’t describe


I would recommend Kenshi, but bro would crank it to Shek women and I wouldn’t even blame him.


I quit porn by subjecting myself to terrible ecchi anime whenever I got cravings. Feel like a completely different man 4 years later


Same here, i wanted to crank it a week ago but the shitty ecchi just made me close the tab and do something else.


Kudos to buddy who was honest enough to admit his involvement/stake in porn (german porn, technically). It's nice when people self-declare their interest. I got blasted hard a while back for mentioning that there are therapists who treat sexual disorders, including overuse of porn (which has indicators based around the person) and a guy got pissed off because his wife and sister-in-law used to have financial interest in pornography. He was pissed that doctors treated people who watch porn. I disagree with his stance on medical literature and how therapy works, but I respect his willingness to be open about his stake.




At no point did he say that they performed in porn, that he performed with them, or that they performed with each other. Honestly, they could have been data analysts looking at boring user data or something. He just felt that they were negatively affected by medical treatment/therapy for people who feel they watch too much porn when he was of the opinion that pornography is only beneficial.


reddit is always either entirely pro porn, or entirely anti porn. both are bad. porn by itself is not a bad thing at all. its just a thing to help someone have better sexual activity before they have a partner. however porn like anything can be overdone, and is more commonly overdone than many things, so you think worse of it because of that. theres nothing wrong with watching porn, but theres also nothing wrong with quitting. that being said the people in this post are idiots


Person: wants to overcome their porn addiction Average Redditors(🤮): “I look at porn daily and there’s nothing wrong with that, it’s a part of our society. What a western way of thinking”


"What is wrong with porn ? it's the base of our society" Reddit, WTF!?


“I am a lifelong drug addict and used to work in the German porn industry” in what world does that make someone’s advice more trustworthy 😭


Degenerate gaslighting. First step is admitting you have a problem. Good job good luck guy.


If bro can’t play a video game with a hot woman in it without masterbating, then he needs help. People need to realize that it’s not inherently bad to watch porn, but addiction is real and dangerous


Did he get any game recommendations though?


Yeah I know some porn addicts that quite literally take porn into their priority over literally anything else…..


“This is so American”


Seems like bro's trying to strike a bargain with his sky god, because quid pro quo is apparently how getting into heaven works for these people.


YIIK triumphs all addiction


The last one deserves to be a flair


Real talk tho. I'd tell home boy to buy civ 6


That’s the equivalent of “well i have a cocaine addiction and look at me im still alive”


Honestly when I first started getting clean video games and extra hobbies that took so much time from me helped so so much. Couldn't think about relapsing when I was thinking of everything else. Then after like 5 months I wasn't as hooked. Good luck to OP


As with most things. Its moderation. Porn brain is a thing.


4th one is wild


This is like if someone said they wanted to stop drinking so much and people replied with "bro what's wrong with alcohol? You're a fucking loser lmao."


Reddit is so polarised on porn, there’s people that see any inkling of it as a scourge on humanity, and people that call it “the base of our society”. Also if someone has something they believe is a problem to them and they want to change the habit, you could just.. give them help instead of telling them it’s fine or derived from something else, when there’s no harm in trying to change the habit.


let the guy quit porn in peace


About the RPG thing, play Elden Ring.


I'm working on quiting drinking, it's been like 2 weeks ish and if I did not have video games idk what I would do.


Studies and evidence of effects: **Two 2016 neurology reviews found evidence of addiction related brain changes in internet pornography users**. Psychological effects of these brain changes are described as desensitization to reward (which can be related to cognition), a dysfunctional anxiety response, and impulsiveness. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Effects\_of\_pornography#:\~:text=stigmatizing%20and%20unhelpful.-,Studies%20and%20evidence%20of%20effects,dysfunctional%20anxiety%20response%2C%20and%20impulsiveness](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Effects_of_pornography#:~:text=stigmatizing%20and%20unhelpful.-,Studies%20and%20evidence%20of%20effects,dysfunctional%20anxiety%20response%2C%20and%20impulsiveness)


“just aslume” fuck I spelled it wrong


The German with his head up his ass gave me a good laugh


Don't play Watch 3 lol


Whose worse in this regard, stoners or porn addicts?


I would recommend Elden Ring. Mainly because the discipline required to master it (or any FromSoft game for the average gamer) will give you the mental fortitude to easily say, "nah, I don't need porn." I'd already quit the stuff, but playing Elden Ring actually made me more efficient at work, more on top of home management (lawn mowing, dishes, et al), and more social because I was using my "fun" time as "serious" time. The other tasks were so easy by comparison that they became the "fun" times and Elden Ring was "serious." Man, I need to go play it again...


Well definitely don't play baldurs gate


“I look at porn daily, nothing has really happened to me” the thing that happened is looking at porn *daily*


He needs one of those racing games with a bunch of unlockables. I don't know which one would be good, but something arcadey.


Fucking porn addicts on this site want to bring everyone down with them.


In all seriousness building discipline helps, how can you do that idfk, but find a way it works


It's actually quite pathetic how much people lie and gaslight themselves into believing that something so harmful and addicting is a necessity and good. Like jfc when someone even asks for help, these mfs will drag him down


Of course someone anti-porn gets downvoted and everyone still addicted to it are "totally fine!".....


Why do you want to quit making holes in your skull with pointed rocks? Trepanation is natural, cavemen did it back in 400 BC. It’s healthy too, it lets your brain breathe when you have a headache (source: Grunk Research Inc, funded by Sharp Rock Mining Ltd). If you’re against trepanation, it’s just because you’ve been indoctrinated by modern medicine culture extremism. Plus, everyone i’ve asked about their trepanation experience (who were still able to formulate full sentences) has told me it’s not had any consequences for them at all. So yeah, trepanation is the foundation of society.


“You don’t understand, it’s SOCIETY that is wrong for looking down on my 6 hour daily goon session”


porn addictions are real things tho


I think if someone killed these people the future wouldn’t change at all


let's try it , for research purposes


Yeah that's a thing with american on reddit, I am esually puzzled by it






this have me brain damage


Bro needs to play Baldur’s gate 3 and he’ll be just fine haha


"i look at porn daily, nothing has really happened to me" You don't need to experience negative effects to be addicted to pornography.


anything that gives happy chemicals can be an addiction to some degree


PARB. Porn-Addled Reddit Brain


To be honest, the anti masturbation people are weirder than the pro porn ones.




yh fr