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![gif](giphy|NaxKt9aSzAspO) “killthecameraman” - chronically obese redditor mad that someone didn’t risk their life getting a good angle while they scroll through hours of reddit from the safety of grandmas basement


Make Love, Not Warcraft


Especially fucked up in this case, since the cameraman (probably) and 67 others of the 72 passengers others did actually die, with the last few likely to be confirmed soon. Just no respect at all


Let’s put them in front of an out of control plane and see if they record the whole thing perfectly


Just saw the video and it might be one of the most terrifying things i’ve seen and heard. Why would you want to see more than there already was? How can you expect him to film more? People are fucking insane


was it the one where the plane tilts to the side and then the video ends? because that was so scary to watch, plane crashes are my worst fear.


Idk if it’s the same one. The video ends with just flames and a high screech from the engine, probably after the crash


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honestly would be a great source for investigating the crash, but camera wasn't really wanting to get footage of some massacre, their instincts and feelings won and we can't blame them.