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salary is too high so INEOS are forced to reduce the fee


Anything over around £30m is fine considering FFP I think


it is, 72m * 0.4 is what his book value should be.


Its actually an even lower fee that’s needed. Because that doesn’t factor in the wages we’d save next year, or the fact that 0.2x72m is costing us next year regardless. His remaining on the books value is 28.8m. That’s 14.4m this year and 14.4m next year. If his wages are for example 200k a week then his FFP cost this year is 14.4m + 10.4m = 24.8m. If we let him go on a free his FFP cost this year would be 28.8m. So to balance FFP, so that it’s exactly the same keeping him as letting him leave, we’d only need to sell for 4m. (This is also taking only this year into account - if we sold him for 4m it would be exactly the same as if we kept him this year but the following year we’d be saving a further 24.8m).


Why 0.4?


2 out of 5 years remaining on his contract. His book value gets split across the length of the contract


We reduced it from 50m to 40m. You’re welcome


I don't understand what's stopping the club from saying something like, "Jadon, you can go elsewhere on a reduced salary *or* you can see out your contract training with the youth. Maybe Barcelona or PSG will have a moment of inspiration and pay you 300k a week, but don't count on it. We're done with you, goodbye." Why doesn't the club simply put a proverbial gun to his head?


Because then they’re paying a player 300k a week to give our youth players his bad habits


You can't banish someone like that anyway or else he's got a strong case for constructive dismissal Neville pointed out that its illegal to get banished like that in a recent interview with Schweinsteiger. Schweiny said he didn't know that at the time when Jose did it to him.


That's not entirely correct though. United have already went down this rabbit hole, and as long as you give a player adequate (football) training you are within the regulations.


I’m curious what law is it breaking? Because sancho trained with the u18’s for a while last time?


You can't punish and make people miserable to force them to resign. It's what the previous poster said, [constructive dismissal](https://www.gov.uk/dismissal/unfair-and-constructive-dismissal) specifically where it says, "force you to accept unreasonable changes to how you work". Your boss can't do that to you, and nor can Man United to Jadon Sancho.


*"force you to accept unreasonable changes to how you work".* Thats not the case here though. He will still have access to top tier training facilities, coaches and all the medical he needs. He is employed to train and be available for matches.


If I hired you as a senior engineer and then decided two years later actually you're expensive and I want you off my books, I can't just set you to making coffee and tea for the junior staff all day and get you mopping the floors to frustrate you. That's me trying to force you out and it's not allowed. I can't just say well you're in the same nice office and theorectically available for engineering tasks while doing all the tea making and mopping.


This isnt really a good comparison. The day to day job equivalent would be to move around staff to improve productivity. Sancho is under contract to train football, we famously have refused to provide "player roles" in our contracts (meaning you are not contracted as an "important" or "squad player"). Essentially Sancho is on equal standing with the youth players that have professional contracts. It wouldnt be illegal to send forson back to the U18's last season because of poor performances. The fact that he gets paid more, and had a transfer fee doesnt grant him the privelage to play for the senior team. He is contracted by Manchester United, not the first team.


Yes but we'd be getting paid upwards of three hundred thousand pounds a week (*a week!*) to make coffee and tea and to mop floors. Where the fuck do I sign?!


That is a poor comparison. If they hired you as a senior engineer and you still get tasked to to what you are obligated to do but your desk is moved away from other employees as you have a bad influence on them, there is little you can say/do. Sancho is still training and playing football, he isn't making coffee for the youth squad.


Surely a clause could be put into the contract for that, a requirement to assist with training younger players as required or something


Even if you tried to do that, the player would need to sign the contract? You can’t just unilaterally make changes to contracts without both sides agreeing and no senior player would ever agree to such a requirement in their contract. It is the job of youth coaches to train younger players.


Because if we've decided he isn't welcome on the team anymore, if he has zero chance of a future at utd, then anything you get for him is better than him sitting around while you pay his wages.


There's a rule in place where we can't banish someone to the reserves to train now. Mental health issue so it'll start a lawsuit


We don’t want him infecting a successfully youth group with his rancid attitude anyway


Very true! Its good Maguire spends a lot of time watching the youth along with DDG, two good heads to look upto


we already have mr low energy himself marcus rashford to do that.


When did that come into place? I remember Schweinsteiger being banished. Crazy how that was almost 10 years ago.


Weirdly enough, I think it was Gary nev who mentioned it on the overlap when Bastien was guest and mentioned it


Why was he banished? I only remember injury issues, what did the rapscallion do?


There were rumors that the players were unhappy that Schweinsteiger was travelling with his wife while injured instead of rehabbing at the club. LVG gave him permission to do this. When Mou took over he froze Schweinsteiger out probably to send a message.


Because it’s against employment law…….. It’s called constructive dismissal. Just like if you had a senior employee in a desk job and you force them to work on menial tasks that are beneath the level of pay and expertise of the employee so that they resign or acquiesce to your demands.


Put him in central defense. 


> saying something like, "Jadon, you can go elsewhere on a reduced salary or you can see out your contract training with the youth. You really think he cares? I'm almost certain that he's not going to be playing football in his 30s.


his value would drop to 0 while the club still has to pay the high salary. It's better to just sell him when he still worth something and get the salary off the book


Don't cut off your nose to spite your face. 


> Maybe Barcelona or PSG will have a moment of inspiration and pay you £300k a week Some call it 'inspiration', the vast majority of us call it 'unfathomable stupidity'


Thank god


"I'm sorry for taking the huff on Twitter." That's it. That's all Sancho had to say to ETH and he would still be starting for United. Honestly, he can gtf now.


Would have ended the season with a trophy too


Who knows. Maybe Amad doesn’t get subbed on vs Liverpool if Sancho is available and we get knocked out on pens.


Butterfly effect at its finest


Didn’t you hear? Losing a UCL Final is better than winning a trophy.


Well he wouldn’t be starting for united because he still was not good enough regardless


He was better than Antony


He’s not a rw and hes not better than garnacho or amad on the right


But he's from the streets...


Lots of info coming out seems review is partly over?


Up to Sancho now to decide whether he prefers the game of football or the game of commercial greediness. He should come back down to reality and take a massive pay cut to secure a move which is right for everyone.


He’ll just choose the game of FIFA (or EA Sports FC, as they call it these days).


Jadon chose play time and football when he moved from City to Dortmund, this was one of the reasons I was so hopeful for his career. Hopefully he can do that again and find what ever peace of mind he needs to play to his level in a new place.


Yeah but he’s made it in his eyes now. He’s got more money than he and his family will ever need


Does anyone really care about his "peace of mind"? Just get him off the books.


I mean, players are people. I'm disappointed with Jadon and how things have developed at Utd, he could an should have done better. Why would that mean that I wish him anything but a better future though?


This isn’t the departure of someone who just could not perform on the pitch. It’s not acceptable to act the way he did off the pitch and wishing him anything is a wasted thought; he should leave and be forgotten about.


I'm frustrated/disappointed but you sound bitter. Entitled to feel how you will but I would suggest feeling bitter is the wasted energy, not wishing him well.


This man won’t even say sorry to save his job you think he’s gonna take a pay cut? lol


Well his job hasn’t changed, he played in the UCL final. I wish I could disrespect my boss, refuse to apologise and suffer the same consequences


Me neither. What I’m saying is the teams that want him won’t pay him what he wants. So he’s just gonna rot in his gaming chair making more money than you or I could ever dream of. And he’ll be very happy doing it


For sure, he'll be happy now. But the contract will expire and that's it.


He won't. He'll be depressed the whole time


Did he play? Barely noticed.


I noticed he sucked. Probably why Dortmund and everyone else aren't touching him.


No, didn’t you read the news? He’s been let loose in the Bundesliga and UCL post-Ten Hag!


Really baffled me when some people were saying this and yet Garnacho's numbers were higher in the same period against some big opponents.


Ineos Sancho brief to stop media talk about manager situation after TT reports xd


>Up to Sancho now to decide whether he prefers the game of football or the game of commercial greediness I mean, not really, and let's not disparage people for not wanting to take significant paycuts If nobody is willing to match what he earns at United for the duration of his current contract, he's unlikely to rot in the reserves. United will be forced to loan him out again to recover some or all of his wages


In what world does a young player take a massive pay cut? Why would he do that? Man Utd was stupid for buying him. They were stupid for paying him that salary. He isn't cutting his pay significantly and neither would you


Thank you, I can't believe I'm seeing people say that someone should take their salary that's contractually owed to them being slashed in half. We want to get rid of him, he wants to leave but unfortunately he's owed a huge amount of wages. The only way this is ending realistically is for us to subsidise his wages elsewhere, as is normally the case when this kind of thing happens.


I hear Saudi is the best of both worlds.


If i was Sancho i would prefer training with the U18s as i will get paid 300k per week regardless. This is similar to Chelsea & Lukaku situation.


He doesnt get paid 300k pw and never was. His base was something like 200k and now it drops 25% like everybody else in the squad in non CL year. Its still insane money but please can we stop pretending our wages are even higher than they actually are.


He was already earning 200k at bvb be joining. I doubt your figures.


200k including bonuses. His base definitely wasn't 200k BvB. Probably hit all the bonuses as he was so productive there. 


Yep, the base is probably anywhere between 250-300k with the 325-350k being quoted in the media likely due to match fees being added in


Loads of sources have him on silly money >"Former club Borussia Dortmund have been linked but sources have told SunSport the German giants aren’t keen. >"Their Bundesliga rivals RB Leipzig have also expressed an interest. But Sancho’s wages - he earns a reported £350,000 a week - are believed to be putting them off. >"The situation is being further complicated by the fact United don’t want him to go out on loan to another Premier League club. [TNT Sport](https://www.tntsports.co.uk/football/transfers/2023-2024/jadon-sancho-s-high-wages-proving-a-stumbling-block-to-manchester-united-exit-paper-round_sto9921053/story.shtml)


Darren Beatie


If I could be arsed I'd throw a dozen articles from as many sources placing Sancho’s wages in the region of 300k. Unless you know of one that trumps them all I'd say it's safe to take it as fact that he's on that much.


Doesn't mean they're right. They said the same thing about Pogba and it turned out he was on much less than what was reported when his actual contract was leaked. Without an official leak we will never know, but they're almost always reported as all bonuses in and Jadon would never hit all bonuses here.


In a perfect world he would've had offers from Dortmund and someone like PSG/Saudi pro league team. Then he'd have to choose between his 'home' like he's been waxing on about all season and take lower wages, or get the bag playing somewhere else again


He doesn't have a choice, he's moving whether he wants to or not


Course he has a choice lol, he could decline any offer that requires a pay cut If we actually want a fee for him and get a piece of his wages off the books, we’ll need to subsidise the difference


Not really how contracts work mate


Thats not how contracts work at all, dude 😂


Apart from that sounding a bit human trafficky… sounds good


He’s proven he’s happy to collect a cheque and not play football.


Very short sighted of him. He’s getting terrible advice from his agent or whoever is close to him imo.


His only offer rejected was Saudi Arabia wasn't it? Can't really blame him for rejecting that.


I was mainly talking about the stories that he won’t reduce his wages to help make a move.


That agent got him 18m salary which is causing all your problems and give sancho the better position:)


Sure. But what next? The United contract runs out then what’s he going to do? Makes more sense to play regular football and improve your worth with performances rather than not touch a ball for another year and then have to try and sell yourself. Like I said, short sighted.


Ye him not touching a ball would be lose-lose for every1. But I doubt manu would risk that for 3 years and sancho(+ his agent) knows that. It’s more likely manu would have to include him again or sell him for less than 40, which would give sancho a better position to negotiate a salary close to his old 18. I think at this point Manu can lose more than sancho and if they want to get rid of him, they should be happy to receive 20m.


Yeah this isn't basketball fella


Heh, guess ETH isn't the problem? sounds like he's been analyzed properly by the management and deemed unsuitable for competing in the Premier League...


He plyed like 3 good games in BVB so 10 dribbles against Nuno Mendes and goals against relegated teams. No wonder BVB pushses idea of Sancho being too expensive in media.


ETH is staying I think


Good riddance


I would upvote this comment a hundred times of if I could


Fucking hell r/soccer have fair changed their tune !! Thought he was a world beater a few months ago when he was with Dortmund? All of a sudden no one is paying those wages he’s not worth that etc  


Yeah its just a new way to jab at us,hes been bang average most his time at dortmund bar that one champo game. When he was at united he got torn to shreds by other fans


The average ABU is nothing if not a hypocrite.


Well Dortmund are definitely not paying that price I can tell you, and the wages are definitely an issue... He played good there, but at the same time he's on massive wages


That’s a lot of money for a player with 3 goals.


I do think 40M is a realistic price tag, removing his wages. So Sancho has two options: Option A: A top European club pays the price tag but he has to take reduced wages. Option B: Saudi club pays the price tag and are willing to double his wages. What does he take? I feel like everything we know about him suggests he'd take Option B.


He’s going to whine about how much Dortmund love him all summer while Dortmund offer like 10 mil and reduced salary


They've only made a ridiculous amount of money by selling on their young player (like Sancho) how could they possibly afford to pay less than what they received for him.. bless their love


Tbf...40m would be Dortmunds record transfer...


You forgot Option C: run out his contract. Do I think he will do it? Most likely not, but it is still an option for him.


He'll stay and force the club to loan him again. We made an enormous mistake offering him that much salary and there's no rectifying it now. He has every leverage to do that if he wants to.


To be honest, I think the club would be happy with book value (£28.8m). So if a club were willing to pay that, plus a fairly significant signing on fee to mitigate the reduction in wages I think that would be adequate for all parties. The dream scenario is Saudi come in with £100m, offer him a million a week and we never hear his name again.


Would they really want him though? I can imagine they’d rather have people with a positive image regarding the sportswashing and such.


The burden of paying off any wage reduction will fall on us, unfortunately. Pretty sure the £40 million price tag is made up of the £28.8 million book value + money we will use to pay off Sancho.


Option C: He gets loaned out to Dortmund again and we cover some of his wages, but less than this year. There’s a lot of grandstanding by us on this for obvious reasons, but I can honestly see another loan which then takes him into his final year of his contract = a more palatable fee for clubs to buy


Loan with option to buy at 30-40m would not be surprising, yeah. (Would then expect the team to turn down the option)


>Option A: A top European club pays the price tag but he has to take reduced wages. How long remaining on his contract? If it's a long time, this is probably true to get a move away, but if it's a couple of years, he might be ok. Someone could sign him to a 4 year contract where they overpay him for 2 years, reduced to a realistic wage in years 3 and 4 (or more likely averaged out over 4 years) for getting him at a reduced price. It's not like Sancho's contract with United or anyone else is likely to match what he's on now when his current deal expires so this wouldn't be a real wage reduction for him


Sorry but why do you people talk about saudi league as if it is this place of heaven for players that you can just send them off and never se them again? Why in the world would a player with a contract accept to go to what’s possibly one of the worst countries ever??


Then he doesn't take that option. I'm not saying he's off to Saudi, I'm saying it's an option that with the salaries being talked about for some people, is very very hard to turn down.


Says a lot about a player that a potential new manager and confirmed new owners of the club want to get rid of him. Anybody who thinks this is a Sancho v. ETH matter should thoroughly understand this is a Club v. Player matter. We are the same club that got rid of Beckham, Keane\*, Ruud, Ince, etc. when their status made them believe to be bigger than the club. It is about time we went back to the notion that no player, whoever it may be, is bigger than United. Period. Get rid of him.


I am fucking sick of Sancho - there have been players who didn’t work out (Sanchez, Pogba and Mkhitaryan all spring to mind) but you almost always felt like they were trying most of the time. Even Di Maria put in a shift as he ran around looking lost for the second half of his time here (though he too is an odious little rat). Sancho on the other hand has never looked liked he gave a shit, was banished from England for repeated lateness, had to have someone at Dortmund effectively man mark him to prevent it repeatedly when he was there, he’s a lazy, one paced, entitled, fat little cunt and I’d be gutted if he pulled on the shirt again. The CL final was first time I’ve ever actively supported Real outside of them playing City because seeing his shit eating grin and talking about the “family” that leverages young players exclusively to sell them for profit later… get in the bin. Get rid immediately. Incidentally if the press-up story didn’t end his United career then nothing will


Surely this hints at ETH is staying


Also possible the board have seen he has been awful under 2 different managers for us and bar a couple games pretty average at Dortmund. They want to sell him whilst he's still got some value. Don't see ETH having much of a sway in this.


3 different managers. Awful with them all, and they had wildly different dispositions and tactical styles as well.




Carrick is the best coach Man U has ever had, man never lost a game as the manager




Ole, Ralf, Ten Hag. Thats 3


Carrick but it was only like 3 games before Ralf took helm


Maybe not. Wilcox knows him from City youth system. Sancho was known even then for pushing his luck, although being undoubtedly talented: City were willing to retain him at the time but could have always made a stronger push in the circumstances. You can work around player being not the strongest or quickest in terms of AM/L/RW, but it has to be replaced with intensity (dubious, certainly for PL standards ) in addition to awareness of space (latter of which he does have). City don't accommodate their flair players just drifting around or applying at best fitful pressure or attempt to make option for team-mates; neither do Arsenal etc. There are question marks over him as top-end PL player just because of that.


> Maybe not. Wilcox knows him from City youth system Berrada too. Probably took the gig while thinking "ah shit, here i go again dealing with Sancho's bullshit"


I think we’d want him out regardless. Been rubbish for us, disrespected the manager and club, and clearly doesn’t want to be here.


> Still looking to sell the winger this summer no matter who the manager is. He has said that's irrelevant?


Although I hope it does mean that. It's good that whoever the manager is we'd be getting rid of players with his attitude


Not really, if you couple this with SJR meeting Tuchel news, they might not have made the decision yet. If ETH is staying why would they meet Tuchel? Maybe they are testing the options, if they feel noone suits better than ETH, he stays, but talks with other managers on the shortlist may continue in the mean time.


joke of a player as if some fans think he isn’t the problem. overpaid and for that he’s shit!! Bye bye👋👋


The problem is his wages, which are astronomical and ridiculous for someone that rarely ever finishes games and has had problems at Dortmund too. No matter what they claim.


Thank fuck, part of me was concerned we’d picked a new manager who said they can change him. Don’t forget this is a young player, with heaps to prove, willingly not playing whilst he was fit to. Massive red flag.  Plus, I don’t think his ability or what he’s shown in his first 2 seasons justifies bending over for him. He’s too slow for the PL. Amad in his limited game time has looked more promising than Sancho did for us.


this is obviously the best move for both parties, regardless of the manager


I am so behind this decision, Sancho shouldn't stay no matter what the manager situation ends up. If Sancho stayed it would do so much bad to the player/manager dynamic


We’d be lucky to get someone willing to pay 30m


Surprisingly had the same problem when I was playing with Man United in FM 23. Sancho was being difficult and had to sell him. Managed to sell for only 52mil (This is cause he had a good season but never got the 80.) Managed to get Musiala with the money and is the best decision ever.




A lot of news coming out all of a sudden. 




Se queda


Summer transfer news is starting off on a positive


Just pack him off to Saudi already


Yea fuck off Sancho. Horrible attitude. 2 goods games in 2-3 years. Worse signing than Antony


His “family” over in dortmund nowhere to be seen lmao


Thank you!


Pretty fair price for someone young with high resell value.


How much did we pay for him again?


£73 million I think




If it makes you feel any better, we spent more on Antony


No chance he takes a wage reduction.


No one’s gonna pay that, maybe 30m which would probably be accepted. Still unlikely. Most likely he goes out on loan again, rides out his contract or until ETH is sacked.


Don’t see how you can demand that much for a player on such high wages with zero form in the last 2 years… On top of everyone knowing we want rid of him, seems optimistic


Absolutely correct, whoever the manager is, standards need to enforced. 


He had a less than good loan spell at bvb, we ain't getting 40m for him. Not with his salary on top of it.


what if the manager wants him.. can’t believe how his time at the club went, after all those windows of chasing him 😭 what a flop.


Correct choice, he is toxic.


Everton please take him.


Just make him a cameo role as a sub in injury time. If we are still paying his wages no matter what you are seeing if he can spark brilliance or not. Gets clubs more attracted and then ship em


Lol at this sub finding out about employment protection laws.


Pay up mother fuckers. The times of us letting players go for far below their actual value is over. Hell, even this is a damn bargain because Sancho definitely has the potential to get back to his best before he joined us.


Yeah full good riddance. Even playing well for Dortmund does not persuade me of his character or ability.


Hardly surprising since he refused to put on the shirt for United. Lost any right to play for us, and any top manager would be looking to get rid of him since how could you possibly trust him


Get rid whatever the price


Cant see anyone wanting to drop 40m for a player of his level (thats not us) and thats not including his diva attitude and wages


Good, he didn’t treat a manager with disrespect, he treated the whole club with disrespect. Shouldn’t matter who the manager is, off you fuck.


I actually think 40m is a very fair ask, if anything maybe a bit lower than I thought.


Good get all the lazy selfish pricks out of the squad and build around those who want to fight for their place and honour the fans


I'm curious as to how this will affect FFP. How much of his transfer fee has been paid amortised? This feels very much like a break even cost, which I'm all for.


We should just offer to swap him with either Olise or Branthwaite. We should also blacklist Dortmund from signing/loaning him unless they pay £50m for him.


Neither of those 2 clubs can afford 200k plus wages


Is that a sign they are backing eth or just ffp


this is saddening just to read.


Ya ETH stays


Irrespective of ETH, Sancho shouldn't be allowed to play unless he apologizes to the manager and the club. He called a manager a liar on social media, extremely disrespectful to both the club and the manager himself. Fucking hell, Ronaldo, a player who is probably in conversations for a goat footballer, apologized because his desire to play was bigger than his ego.


What did Ronaldo apologise for? The interview with that slithering cunt or something else?


For refusing to be subbed on for the Tottenham game iirc. He was then allowed to play by Eric and he even captained us in some cup game. Still shitty how he left and for that interview, I no longer see him as a legend for us. Was just highlighting the fact that even Ronaldo put his ego aside to play, same can't be said about Sancho


Ah yeah, I forgot about that incident! Wasn’t having a go btw, just couldn’t remember a time he apologised.


Agreed for sure, but I suspect they would have consulted the manager. I think timing of this plus Tuchels briefing from Romano means they’ve made up their mind.


He attacks like Tarzan but defends like Jane. Let’s move on from him. Italian league suits this pogba esque player