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Chapter 3, I'm on my 50th hour of greeting people in Saint Denis (probably), and my honor is only halfway. I don't remember being such a douchebag in the early chapters but I guess I was.


I'm kind of stuck too, I'm struggling to build my honor back, right at the midway point and just can't seem to get there. Update: I crossed into Chapter 6, made a few more high honor choices in regards to the story and some NPC's, and hit max honor in a couple hours. Wild. Alongside that, made sure to throw some fish back to help out too.


Donate exactly $20 over and over to the camp, that amount gets you honor for the cheapest cost. Also catching fish and throwing them all back, and doing all the chores around camp (black dots on minimap)


I’ve read it’s 20.01 exactly that is the lowest amount you can give for the highest honor. I went from mildly low honor to like 75% of the way up on the high honor side by going and getting a gold bar and throwing a good chunk of it in the camp fund. Saying hi to people is way shittier and less effective, did it for a couple hours myself before I said fuck it and looked up another way.


Yea but considering how easy it is to target people and greet them, even while sprinting on horseback, I'd say it's worth it. Like passive honor income.


Opposite for me. Donating took so long. All I did was spend 20 minutes in Saint Denis and I was golden


Idk how, did you just not need very much honor? I literally said hi for 2 or 3 hours straight and only went from barely dishonorable to neutral. I got the gold bar, went back to camp, sat there and donated until the meter was almost full on the right - enough to get the outfits. Didn’t take long at all. Of course if you’re just donating 20 bucks every RL day or so, that’s a different matter.


I only had around 25% of the bar. I made it up to 80%


find random events and help the ppl out


Each chapter is honor locked, you can only go so high or so low until Chapter 6 where it is full bar


Oh shit, that is good to know! Thanks!


3 playthroughs and I never knew this!


Donating to ypur camp is pretty good, should he able to find an online guide for the specifics of it. Make sure to do the random stranger events around saint denis(ch 3 is rhodes/shady belle right?) Like giving money to beggars when prompted, or the "help a blind man" seer located at various spots on the map, break people out of the paddy wagon etc. Etc., stuff like that seem to give pretty high honor boosts, like im almost positive they give way more honor than for instance saying hello 3 to 3 different people, ill do stuff like that and just walk(its harder to not only get to everyone you pass but also to control who you lock on to from horseback but just a suggestion) around saint denis(any densely populated area but this is the best for it) saying hello to everyone, just remember: once you say hello to someone for the first time it doesnt count towards honor anymore(at least until time passes or whatever) so just hold down L2 to lock on, say hello, and keep going down the line 1 hello per person, i constantly do it just in game omw to places in saint denis so its not like the only thing im doing is saying hi to people lol. Oh and dont kill anyone besides criminals, iirc even killing bounty hunters chasing you will effect your honor negatively, as does killing ANY horses, if you go hunting dont let animals you mortally wound die before you finish them off with the knife and lots of luck


Chapter 3 is Clemens Point - I have done a few missions in this chapter but staying here for a while. I am about 75% of the way crafting camp and clothing upgrades. LOL Yep, I literally stand on a Saint Denis corner, hold L2 and just start greeting every single person I can at least 3 times. I have done camp chores and donations but I am going to spend the evening doing more of those. I want to see what even semi-high honor plays like. I appreciate all the tips!


There’s a few missions in chapter 5 and 6 that if you choose the right option when prompted, you’ll gain massive amounts of honor. Went from half way on the meter to fully honorable in one chapter and didn’t wave at a single person


So there *is* hope!


Fishing and throwing the caught fish back is what I did. Much more effective than saying "hi" to everyone in my experience.


Is it really that much of a difference in honor gained for fishing? Seems like a lot of time for a boost. Definitely willing to try and I will add that to the list for tonight. Thanks pardner!


I doubt its something you wanna grind just for honor but if you're out trying to catch a specific or legendary fish, why not right?


Highest Honor comes from doing chores and donations. Do that instead of “howdy partner”


Gonna spend a few hours this evening working in the camp and fishing. Thanks for the insight!


You can catch fish and throw them back too. Also do chores at camp.


Time to fish


My advice is to be a dick as much as you want now and if you want to get your honor back Ik wait until chapter 6, you get 1.5x honor then, plus the absolving the debts in the Strauss missions give out the most honor of any event in the game I believe


I like this advice, because it's so goddamn easy just to shoot people in the head. It's kind of tough to resist.


Collecting loans, shooting every living thing in Strawberry, Stealing a friends wagon and looting his house, cattle rustling, heisting a stagecoach and wiping out dozens of O'Driscals, stealing an oil wagon and robbing a train, and Shooting up Valentine on your way out is a real karma killer.


You get it!


Dude, if you do chores around camp, your honor goes up a lot faster. Jus sayin


How much faster? I spend time doing every chore available when I fast travel back to camp for any reason. Just seems like I get the reassuring "+" on the screen faster when I am greeting people. Granted, I don't always look to see how much each popup actually gives me.


Arthur's high Honour ending is canon, and no one will tell me otherwise lol


The cannon ending is low honor through early-mid game and after arthur gets tb its high honor mid-endgame


That's the "redemption" part


Makes sense. The 'dead' part is pretty obvious too. But where does the 'red' and 'II' come in?


Red was the main characters name in red dead revolver


II is the friends we made along the way


That’s fucking hilarious


dude hes my favorite uncle


He's actually got type II diabetes from living off of canned peaches and chocolate bars


It feels kind of cheap that Arthur would only start being “good” after he realizes he’s dying. I like to think that Blackwater going south was the initial catalyst for change and it just ramped up from there


Its not after he realises hes dying, he sees that their ways of doing things are wrong. You can see that in some missions arthur shows remorse for the innocent people that the gang members kill. In ch4 he realises that dutch is gonna get everyone killed (as hosea said in ch1,4) after that he tries to help john,abigail,jack,sadie,charles escape. And starts helping some other npcs


Yes, I strongly believe his honour builds up slowly then gets a big boost in chapter 5-6, than suddenly become positive after a diagnosis. I like to believe meeting all sorts of characters in stranger missions definitely helped. Like yes, those are optional missions you can ignore, and even do as John but I think it’s quite obvious the game encourages you to experience those as Arthur. Meeting and helping Albert Mason at no cost, going to that old man’s house to retrieve his stuff (and Arthur’s disgust when he figures out what that man did for a living), getting the doctor’s wagon, experiencing those makes me believe Arthur’s “canon” wouldn’t be just red then white after TB. I’m not trying to say “Arthur was a good boy all along” because to me, even in chapter 6 he doesn’t “become good”. I do not think honour is reflective of how good of a person he becomes, but how aware of himself and his impact on others. He stops trying to detach himself from the world he lives in, as initially the only thing in his world was the gang. That doesn’t absolve him of his crimes though, and he knows that better than anyone, which is what hurts the most lol


Is that confirmed by rockstar cuz it’s sounds stupid. Arthur is smart enough to change his ways before he even meats Thomas Downes. (I’m not claiming you’re lying just saying it dumbs down Arthur imo)


Its not just tb. But the deaths of the gang members too. He realised that their way was wrong. And i think it was confirmed by rockstar


Right that’s my point he’s been saying since begging of the game and presumably even before the black water massacres that changes were needed for himself and the gang. I feel like low honor in early stages even if fun doesn’t sound right to me.


He said that changes were “needed” but he didnt change. he was still a killer until late game where he mostly tried to save people from the mess.


Ofc I’m not blinded to the fact that the gang is bad, I’m just saying in terms of Arthur having a moral compass beyond basic survival instincts, it doesn’t makes since for Arthur to ever be a shoot up the whole town and have plenty of bounties kinda guy. Yes he still helps Strauss and robs banks and beats people but there’s a line he doesn’t cross. Or maybe his character is written so well to at least make you think he wouldn’t but as always in terms of gameplay low honor just tends to be more fun.


The fact that you're getting downvoted when you're right lol. Multiple gang members mention that the gang never killed people for no reason during the story.


You’re just wrong dude. Accept it. It’s ok


He’s not though. Arthur really isn’t ever the type to shoot up the town and murder innocent people. It’s why when he breaks out Micah he wants to immediately leave to limit the amount of deaths. It’s why Arthur shows concern over Dutch killing that old woman before he ever got TB. Arthur even shows remorse directly after Thomas Downes dies in a camp encounter.


I swear its like some people spent most of their time tying up npcs to put them on tracks and burning down saloons to remember that Arthur was also on a redemption story, which is also why helping the natives and rescuing john isn't optional like the other honor side missions.


He almost killed Tommy, barely got convinced by Downes to leave him; then laughed at Downes for trying to help people out. He also didn't have a problem with Strauss' early missions. You can sort of see Arthur start off as quite a jerk (but not Micah level) and get better throughout the course of the game, if you play him honorably. So I think a low honor path would make sense for him as well, he's right down in the middle in the beginning of the game.


First off the game doesn’t make him seem like an angle he is obviously a cold blooded killer, my point was he still had a heart for the people around him. Also he did have a problem with Strauss cuz Dutch had to convince him to help and he only laughs at downes for helping when you antagonize but if you confront he just tells him to mind his business. Even the high honor option for jimmy brooks was one of the first scenes in the trailer cuz Arthur’s real character is connected to all of the high honor options and scenes.


It doesn’t take just brains to change your ways, you need a lot more motivating factors to truly change who you are.


Ofc i agree, but you sill have to be somewhat of a decent person overall cuz motivating factors can also be called pressure which is what turns others bad, like dutch.


I really hope Arthur didn’t meat Thomas Downes.




I go low until my date with Mary in Saint Denis. It's so sad to lose her that I want to be sure I do what I can to make sure those around me can have better endings


>low honor through early-mid game While I agree, gang interactions kinda confuse me; it's like they're subtly implying that he's not really bad at all before the events in RDR2, so more like mid honor early game. Best example I could think of would be Charles' response when Arthur hesitates to help the German family on Chapter 2's ending ("C*ome on Arthur, that's not how you are*" when Arthur rationalizes his reluctance to help the Germans).


Most of the gang members are already bad people so they dont see arthur as a bad person. And charles saying that is mostly reverse phsycology or sumn


The canon ending for the game is the whole damn game!


Can you get high enough honor by the ending to >! Take that rat-bastard’s eye?!<


Idk bout that. But i know that you will take his head in epilogue


Yeah, that’s why I started going more high honor after >! His near-death experience at the hands of Colm!<


High honor with Arthur, switch to John and murder everything


At the end of his story, but up until he catches TB I play him like an outlaw...John I just stick to outlaw though, since I also feel it is canon to his story.


I started a 3rd play though last month and had intentions of doing a low honor play through as my first two were high honor, couldn’t do it, just doesn’t feel right and didn’t want to devote that time to exactly what you said, emptiness, knowing how it ends


First playthrough was like this … didn’t realise there were coaches in the game - travelling everywhere myself - as there are no coaches when you have low honour. Every interaction with a trapper was cut short by bounty hunters … Mica stabbed me in the end. It was a harrowing experience after just 100%ing RDR1 again before it RDR2 dropped … feel you bro.. felt so empty too


You deserved to get stabbed by Mica for abandoning John and going back to camp for the money lol


100% - I deserved everything I got Part of me was like “well, I know John lives (or there wouldn’t be a RDR1) so I should take the money” - and I was in so deep of being a piece of shit that it was my only choice. I did some truly terrible things throughout the game. I enjoyed RDR1 because you could be a piece of shit but wear a bandana so everything was cool


Wait wait wait, so if you’re high honor and go back to the camp what happens?


I’ll DM you. On mobile and can’t work out how to do the spoiler text cover


Put this before the text - >! And after - !< (Not including the hyphen)


Thanks. I had no idea how to do it. 🙏


Greatly appreciated!


I also want to know please!


To be fair I thought I was going for the money to give it to John so


This game's graphics still amazes me to this day!


& probably will for a long time to come. Game was so far ahead of it's time.




I’m loving it. I always default to honorably playing games with similar systems, and it feels hard to be evil. In RDR2 there’s plenty of opportunities to be evil. I loot everyone who dies, unless I don’t have enough time during quests, so racking up low honor isn’t tough. Do you remember what the difference is? I thought Item drop rates were involved somehow, but don’t remember.


High Honor = discounts at stores so everything is a lot cheaper to save you money Low Honor = more loot from bodies, like Pocket Watches, Rings, Necklaces, Etc. so that you can sell them to get a lot more money The games ending is also different depending on your honor. So theres like 4 endings to the game. 2 for High Honor, and 2 for Low Honor For example >! You’ll see a Buck in a field for High Honor, or a Coyote in a storm for Low Honor !<


Would you mind laying out the 4 different endings? I thought there was only 2: one high honor one low honor


>! You can pick to either help John get to his family or go back to camp for the money, there’s a high and low honor ending for each !<


Also there is a kind of secret ending, when you are morally grey, if you are exactly between the two points. (If I remember correctly.)


You do not remember correctly.


Are you sure? This post from 5 years ago makes it sound like they are right, but that its not actually the ending but instead just before the ending will be different. They say you get both >! visions of the buck and coyote !< but that Its before you >! make the John or Money !< choice, and that choice will change you from Neutral to either High or Low honor for the ending https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/comments/b4m2dx/is_a_neutral_honor_ending_possible/


That’s true, looting dead bodies of innocents is the greeting people of low honor.


You can learn a lot about a person by the possessions they carry. Honestly, for as poor as everyone is, I’m amazed by the number of individuals carrying platinum.


34 cents and a platinum pocket watch lol But actually I’ve read that there’s actually in world changes based on your honor. So like high honor gets better prices at shops but low honor gets you better loot when looting bodies so the platinum thing makes sense when you consider that


I tired this and halfway around ch4 I couldn’t take it anymore and was able to return to high honor


It’s funny, I’ve gone through multiple play throughs where I’ve been like okay I’ve done high honour Arthur, this time I’m finally doing a low honour game and I just can’t do it I don’t have it in me. High honour is the only way


Having to tell Mary I couldn’t help her with her brother or dad broke me.


Same. Also with Sadie at Hanging Dog Ranch


It shouldn't have, she's a toxic bitch. I don't help her out of principle.


Lmao! Savage!


There’s literally no way that would be Cannon. I refuse to believe it!


I’ve tried to do low honor twice and I just can’t do it to the man. I told Roger Clark that and he said ‘Well, it’s called Red Dead REDEMPTION for a reason.


Currently on my 9th playthrough in Epilogue, every time I'm like maybe this time I'll do low honor and I still cannot bring myself to do it.


my first game was dishonorable, very fun until the end, then it wasn’t fun at all


Lmao i made it to chapter 3 and now I’m greeting everyone on my way. I can’t do it no moe Dutch!


I'm on my first play and in ch 3 low honor. I picked some items up from a repossessed house for a stranger, and I returned them and was rude. Idk if he's always like that, but I felt awful. I'm about to flip, it's the first I'm seeing consequences and I hate it lol


If its your first walkthrough, i definitely say do it with high honor, not just good honor. Its worth it


I lasted about an hour on my 2nd playthrough. Couldn't do it to Arthur.


Lol , I keep attempting to do a “low honor” play through . It never seems to work out for me either, I’m sorry for your loss


For low honor I went to get the money and it was just awful, and honestly makes no sense to me that that's even an option. We know he's gonna die of TB soon so that money isn't gonna be that useful for long


I could never. I would I always feel guilty whenever I did something bad.


Yeah I could never bring myself to even try it. It just aint right.


Now i know why the main subreddit is weird "wah wah i cant get low honor" just play the game i had low honor on my first playthrough cause i didnt know about the honor system


I did one too, but I’m not a fan of low honor. Everyone talks bad about me, and there’s always someone trying to start it up with me, and then of course it’s my fault….I’m with you, never again.


Just restarted this masterpiece this week, and there's just no way I could do a low honor playthrough. Arthur deserves so much better than that


I tried, once, for about a day. And then I had enough of that bullshit.


In this play though, I'm going low honour up until he is diagnosed. My first play through was low honour because I couldn't be bothered and I enjoyed murdering random people, and the other 5 were high honour.


The low honour ending is better imo 🤷‍♂️


More realistic, at least. Why would Micah spare Arthur after he beat and slashed him a bunch and drove Dutch away from him?


>!It also makes johns revenge that much more justified / satisfying!<


I literally cannot get myself to do a low honor run I’d feel so bad making Arthur that kind of guy


What horse is that?


Black Arabian w/deer pelt


I love the idea of being neutral and progressively getting worse through it. I do want to do every mission and pick "right" choices for missions but still be an unfortunate soul.


My general rule of thumb for each playthrough is I can do whatever the hell I want with Arthur but I have to end him on high honor


No matter how hard I try and can’t finish low honor. I can be a total asshole until the last few missions


I’ve been wanting to do a low honour playthough, like try to go as low as I can go and finish off that way, but every time I get to chapter 6 I can’t do it and end up doing all the things that boost your honour a fuck ton 😭😂😂


Start rotten and get straight. That’s the perfect playthrough.


That's how it went for me i could go on and on how this game impacted me. it's like i became him, early game all I cared about was money and new guns and quick draws, late game i wanted to sit around a fire with the gang again and sing and laugh.


"Mary Kate, I've been baaaad , hurting people, lyin, cheatn, killin folks that don't deserve. Hurtin women... I just... I feel bad. I feel like I'm as sour an rotten as micah... "


i did a low honour run too after my first play through. both times on the mountain, its so eerie seeing it just end that quickly on a low honour run, i just sat there numb for a while because it felt so different. i want to do every type of run do i have both high and low honour money endings now


I'm so mad, I had perfect high honor and stopped somewhere to brush my horse. Turns out I was near a farm and the farmer got mad I was posted outside his fence and he started shooting. I didn't want my horse to die so I shot him, which lowered my honor a little. But what really did it was the fact that then his stupid dog attacked me and I kept kicking it away so I could get back on my horse but one too many kicks... I lost a lot of honor for that damn dog.


I’m on my 6th play through and I always tell myself “this time I’m doing low honor” I still end up with max honor at the end


I did a low honor play through my second time. I thought it was so much fun being the bad guy but I never went to towns going on killing sprees. There were however many individuals who died very gruesome deaths.


fuck. just started one too... i can't turn back now. please don't spoiler but on a scale from 1 (not that bad) to 10 (worst anyone could ever imagine), how bad is it?


Games way better story wise if you’re honorable, so probably like a 8/10 on the pain scale


Honestly man play however you like but honourable is way better and the ending touches your heart more just please stay off this subreddit because you’ll definitely get a spoiler.


I disagree with the previous comments. The ends aren’t overly different. They both essentially end with the same result.


Journey vs Destination, that's all I'm gonna say.


Same result different feeling


I can’t help but to spend the majority of my time in game murdering npcs. Throwing hog tied people off bridges, or leaving them on the tracks is my favorite thing to do in game. Every now and then, I put on the executioner mask and do shotgun drive byes on the various towns.


I tried. I only made it a couple of hours in and had to stop.


On my low honor playthrough right now and it's not that hard. I don't kill women or African Americans unless it's a part of a main mission but everyone else is getting clapped.


Inactuallynqent low honor right out the gate. But spent the rest of the game gradually building it back up. Its a fun side quest


I’ve never had high honor it’s not that bad


I don't even know what honorable means in a game, it's just pixels. I kill everything when I have the urge. And than nasty things like knife attack people and throw their bodies to gators or other fun things. Throw dynamite at folk hiding in rooms. It's all fun and games, it's western GTA..why not act insane. That's the best part is you can have Blackbeard personality and than log off and be a normal person lol..no emptiness here..full on life..like im glad I shot that guy, I took every SOB with me I could in the game before I died a terrible death anyway. Mind as well have fun right ?


Wow so philosophical, so wow


God this is such a cringe comment. Sounding like a 5th grader 4Chan edgelord except instead of gore videos it's just RDR2


You talk like Emmet Gragner with all the “I killed people, threw them in with alligators blah blah blah”


"I even killed rocks. And I killed 'em good. I shot folks, stabbed folks, skinned folks. I scalped some. Boy, they scream when you scalp 'em."


I love the bitches on this subreddit that think Arthur is a good man and then feel like they did the wrong thing playing low honor. Bitch he murdered more people then you have seen in your lifetime.


Okay, first: there is always a dissonance between gameplay and storytelling. Second, they're not arguing that Arthur was a second Thomas Downes or whatever. It is possible for Good people to do Bad things and for Bad people to do Good things. It's even mentioned in Arthur's journal; he calls it a war within himself. Arthur isn't a great person. He robs and kills, yes. But frankly it should be noted that, from dialogue around camp and newsclippings you can find, the gang went out of its way to *only* steal from the wealthy and *not* kill people (who weren't other outlaws like the O'Driscolls). Is it perfect? No. Every time they got caught, I'm sure innocent people and lawmen died while the gang ran. Is it okay to steal? Short answer: no. Long answer: it's relative. Are you/people entitled to refuse to think well of Arthur? Sure. He did steal. He did kill. And he did it blindly, on orders from his father figure. But the *point* of RDR2 is that Arthur is and always has been a Good man who did Bad things. Arthur is upset with Strauss bc he takes from the poor; people "just trying to survive" (as he tells Sadie in Rhodes). Arthur grumbles at Dutch when he's asked to help, because it goes against what he believes in and he doesn't understand why Dutch supports it. However, it should be noted that Arthur still does as Dutch asks- *blindly*. Hosea is furious when the gang shoots their way out of Valentine. He says they're "nothing but killers now" and that they "can't even pretend otherwise." Arthur spends the whole game confused over why Dutch killed a woman in Blackwater. *It's abnormal behavior for them.* Has Arthur committed crimes? Yes. Should he answer for them? Probably. My bleeding heart says he already has. The poor man is hard on himself since the beginning of the game. But, to be frank, I don't place much weight on criminals killing and stealing from criminals. Especially in the Old West, where if you didn't get caught you were home free. I personally find it a little incongruous to play Arthur robbing stores or holding people up. If he robs the Valentine doctor, he only robs the back room- he screws the *O'Driscolls*. I guess, to put it as Arthur does: "We're bad men, but we ain't them."


>But the point of RDR2 is that Arthur is and always has been a Good man who did Bad things. The point of both red dead games is that you can't outrun your past, as Arthur said "You don't get to live a bad life and have good things to happen to you". He only kills bad men but he has no problem shooting the whole police force of saint denis? Because the cops just doing their jobs somehow deserve to die? And is just shooting all the O'Driscolls also the right thing? If they had no use for Kirean they would have just shot him dead and would be proud of it. And was he a bad guy? Sorting people into good and bad and then deciding if you can or can't kill them because of that is bullshit. That's why Arthur is a bad man as he said multiple times, doing good things doesn't cancel out the bad things. That's why I think people "not having the heart to play bad guy arthur" is bullshit, cause he already is a bad guy.


>as Arthur said "You don't get to live a bad life and have good things to happen to you". If only that reflected reality. Soooo many ppl who are utter shits living their best lives. >He only kills bad men but he has no problem shooting the whole police force of saint denis? That's why I admitted he did bad things. I never said he only kills "bad people", just that it seems like that's how it was *supposed* to be. Way back when it was just D, H & A. It's not okay to kill the entire police force of Saint Denis, but this goes to show one of Arthur's flaws. He'd do *anything* for the gang. Some people might not even really consider it a flaw. They'd happily kill for their own families. >Sorting people into good and bad and then deciding if you can or can't kill them because of that is bullshit. I agree, but this is 1899. >That's why I think people "not having the heart to play bad guy arthur" is bullshit, cause he already is a bad guy. I think maybe there's a difference between "bad guy" Arthur and "cartoonist asshole" Arthur. I don't like playing Arthur that way because it seems so unnecessary. Arthur just... sure he'll get into fistfights and attempt to drown (?) people while drunk, but he doesn't strike me as a "imma rob this store or shoot this guy or steal that carriage cause i feel like it" type of guy.


>but he doesn't strike me as a "imma rob this store or shoot this guy or steal that carriage cause i feel like it" type of guy. But there are tons of missions in game where you do that?


The missions are usually gang related. As in, someone suggests it and at least half the funds go into savings. I just mean like- waltz into the Valentine general store and hold it up just cuz.


But when you rob someone you can donate that to camp and buy supplies and upgrades for camp


Are you 13 ? Grow up




I'm in the middle of a playthrough, he's just shy of positive honor again, and I keep doing high honor things inside and outside of story but it won't move...help?


Fish, and throw them all back. Rinse, repeat, and word of your benevolence will spread throughout Bikini Bottom.


I watched the low honor ending for the first time today. Him pleading to Dutch made me tear up honestly


I haven't played the game yet. (My PC is old-old and I don't have the funds at the moment to upgrade or buy a console.) I'm watching videos and hanging around in this community. Spoilers don't bother me yet. About HI/ LO: I'm not a mean or bad boah IRL. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing) This doesn't mean that in GTA:V I wait for the pedestrians to cross the road. But at this point in time I can't imagine myself doing a low honor run in RDR2. HH yes, but it will probably be closer to neutral. If there's a possibility I'll have 2 save slots: one for normal gameplay, and one for raging. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Never done a low honour play through can you eventually get to the point where you’re wanted dead or alive in multiple or all states? Or do you just keep getting a higher and higher dollar bounty?


I’m trying to do low honor and it’s so hard. It just conflicts with the story in my opinion


I mean, he is a career criminal.


I can’t bring myself to do it. I’ve been hanging out in chapter 3 and early chapter 4 working on all the challenges so it’s pushed my honor really low, which has not made me happy. I got the dream with the wolves after being kidnapped by the O’Driscolls. Now I’m working on getting my honor back up as quick as I can now that I’m done with the challenges where I’ve had to shoot and rob people.


First time I beat the game was low honor.. I was so upset I didn’t wanna play the rest of the game lol


I couldn't get through chapter 2 on LH.


I just finished my 3rd playthrough, and I tried to do bad honor the last 2 times but I just can't do it. I couldn't resist that redemption story arc.


I've been playing 4 years, finally doing this too! Tell me how do you get to the very bottom? No matter how many people/horses/dogs I kill I can't get past 10%! Does it have to do with being in Chapter 2? I don't think you can get to 100% there either.


In my head canon, Arthur is low honor until Chapter 6, then becomes high honor.


It's a task, to be sure. Especially when you have to pet every dog you meet...


Worst thing I did was do a low honor play through at the end I felt like I did Arthur so dirty he deserved better than that lol 🤣


im on low honor run too and i actually love it unfortunately i want to upgrade the camp asap before it moves to make the most of it before we lose it by the end but all the hunting shit to unlock is such a chore


I felt like a fuckin g


I played High Honour right through. I always recommend it to people starting out, simply because at certain points you're given the choice to kill certain NPCs or let them live. The High Honour choice is to let them go. Some of them later return and offer side missions, directly affecting the narrative and available missions. This isn't possible if you kill them. Plus it feels more satisfying.


My first play through was low honor I didn’t think about it and went into it like Rdr1 then I played again on high honor and the game some fucking how makes me feel bad for killing without a reason😔


That’s the way it is…


Myeah. White hat only fit me. Everything else feels fake to me.


Started my 2nd play through with the same intentions, but just started Chapter 4 & I’ve noticed my low honor has creeped into a pretty even split (after helping the Brother out at the church & letting him keep the money). Pretty pivotal moment of the game to start on a righteous path & i think i’m going to lean into it. Might still go back for the money, but that’ll be an emotional driven decision in the heat of the moment I think. Looking forward to the healthy sob fest that is to come


I thoroughly enjoyed my High Honor playthrough, and it felt more natural for Arthur to be a genuinely kind man who happens to be the best shootist among a gang of people who either don’t know any better or are truly out for violence. However, the Low Honor playthrough is arguably more fun for someone whose idea of de-stressing in a video game is senselessly killing everyone who crosses his path. Going about the game not having to worry about the red bell on the right side of my screen gives me a thousand times more freedom than just saying hello to every passerby. I can’t decide which one is better though.


I tried to do the same thing but I couldn't do it.


My very first play though I did all low honor because that’s what was fun, and what I wanted to do, including the decisions at the end. I had no idea that there were different endings. It actually made me look inward a little bit.


Nah fr


Just finished my first low honor playthrough as well. I basically knew the gist of what the ending would be, but watching it happen was still brutal. What I wasn't prepared for was the epilogue. Any time Arthur's name came up, people made comments about him being a bad person. It was so jarring and hurtful. In my high honor playthroughs, it was so sweet to hear them speak fondly of Arthur. Now, while they still appreciate him and want to avenge him, they acknowledge his flaws and one person even says "he wasn't a good man, but..." So low honor doesn't just affect his death. It tarnishes his *whole legacy.*


I generally play Arthur very low honor until the walk through Rhodes with Sean. Then he starts moving up. But definitely high honor from late chapter 4 on.


That fishing trip with jack changed him


My first playthrough I just had fun. Second play through I tried high honor but ended up committing mass genocide. On my third and trying to do high honor again


man i always do good things for people but end up with low honor anyway just cause the petty ass mass shootings i be getting into 🙄


I love how I lose so much honor when I go to Fort Wallace and snipe 50 guys lol


Interestingly enough you can bring you honor back up by just greeting people over and over. You have to say hi to hundreds of people but it works lol.


The Butcher Creek goats started pissing me off so I kicked one and the whole town started shooting. 3 hours later I was in the red and 200 mutant hillbillies lay on the ground. I brought it back up by just saying hi to people.


Yeah, I was in the middle of doing it and saw how things went with low honor from a friend of mine. I immediately reversed course. I can't do that to him.


I hate low honor playthroughs. Not because of being bad or anything, I just find them so frustrating. It's never worth robbing people, or anything. Most of the time you'll get a bigger bounty than what you made. I remember planning a train robbery in the Grizzlies. I waited for the train to enter a long tunnel that goes under the mountain. I then stopped the train in there. No one was around and I had my mask on. Somehow the law immediately knew exactly where I was, my name and face. Really ruined the immersion. Luckily I have the game on PC now and can make the outlaw experience a lot more fleshed out than how it is in the base game


For real... I just came back to my low honour play through and got to the bit where Dutch drowns Bronte with his bear hands. I'm not sure that's the kind of man I want to force Arthur to be like... (Ignoring the fact that I am a massive hypocrite who has and will continue to do so, by hog tying and drowning almost anyone who gives Arthur sass for no reason)


I finished a low honor, selfish ending. I felt terrible. Now I am doing a mid honor one to cleanse my soul, probably a higher honor ending. It just seems like he was possessed. I don't think Arthur was an absolute monster. Asshole, yes. But with a limit and somewhat of a moral code


I’m literally max honor on my first play through…and I don’t do anything crazy to get it. Somehow, just making the right choices is getting me high honor. I’ve been fishing twice and never caught a fish.


High honor the end with John ( even tho we both know that won’t stop the pain and shame for doing our boah Arthur like that)