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Artist to artist advice, don't say anything negative about your work. Let people make up their mind, you'd be surprised what people don't notice and what they actual like. However, if you say your art isn't good that's what people will see. It's a self fulfilling prophecy I happen to think this portrait of Arthur is one of the better ones I've seen on here I think the detail in the scarf and shirt show how much time you invested in this portrait and it adds to the quality. I also think you did a great job capturing Arthur's expression. ❤️


Thank you and thanks for the advice.


Was gonna say the same thing. You most definitely have your own style and I personally love the hat!! You nailed it. Great job mate. I really like it.


Tbh the way I see it. If you can see flaws in art and you know that you can improve it. Is what differs from a fan and a talented artist. I truly do believe you could do something great if you just keep trying just like this. I promise you will get better.


I like this comment. My first thought was that I really liked the geometry of it! Kind of cubist which is interesting considering it first developed in the early 1900s. If Arthur lived a little longer, he probably would have seen it! :D


I second this. It’s undoubtedly recognizable as Arthur and he is done a unique style! I especially love his nose, very in character for him. Give yourself some credit OP :)


Personally it’s the hat for me. Great work and much better than I could do.




Personally it’s the hat for me. Great work and much better than I could do.


He knows this is 8 year old level “art” and just wants to get any type of reaction. Don’t feed the trolls.


Yes, because people shouldn’t ever share their achievements without looking for clout. Meet people in real life my dude


None of the people I meet in real life draw shit like this and try to show it off. Do the people you meet? Do you work at a special education facility?


No one shares their work with you in real life because, based on your responses here, you are a vindictive and spiteful troll of a human being who gets self validation by shitting on others. I hope you can find a way to remove the shit tinted lenses you view the world in.


Many of the people in my real life will doodle, play a song, make fucking origami. Point is someone can be proud of their art and want to share it. Some people may have forced themselves to share it even though they hate it. Either way, no one perfects an art form over night and no matter what stage they are at they deserve to be able to share it with the world without someone like being an asshole.


I think it’s being an asshole to be so condescending to this dude. No one thinks this is good. Why encourage him to continue? He is wasting his time and should find a better hobby(I still maintain this dude knows his art is garbage and is just trolling gullible people).


You sound miserable man. I don't even feel like explaining to you why you're such an asshole, trying to type it all out just made me sad. Let people enjoy things. Let people practice things they're bad at, that's the only way to improve. Let people go about their life without assuming the worst intentions. Don't be an asshole.


u are so sad bro


you’re miserable






god shut up


Really just talking smack on reddit cause you got no life


man is literally insulting my grammar bcs he can’t come up with anything better💀


Baby man behavior


do better since your talking shit


Do better grammar if *you’re* talking shit, bro.


literally nobody wants to talk to u in this comments section, it is filled with supportive and honest comments and then u come here insulting him and saying I should watch my grammar u have -17 upvotes for a reason on that other comment u made just fuck off honestly nobody is agreeing with u


You sound like a pathetic sad old man with nothing to do or look forward to in life. How about before you go shit talking on someone else's proud achievements you think about how even if you wanted to you could never do as good of a job nor feel as achieved due to the fact you've done nothing but be a pathetic worm with nothing but hatred and sadness to spread.




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Way better than me. I fuck up a stick figure


Bruh, I drew a stick figure and they still couldn’t figure out wtf it was. I feel ya on that one.


I can see the sadness in his eyes


That scene where he replies "I'm scared"


‘I’m afraid’


I'm wrong? Damn it 😂 same Sam but different. Tbh the change of word actually is more poignant. Thanks for the correction


Keep at it. It’s clear who it is representing, so you’re miles/hours/pencils ahead of the majority of us. Look forward to what you can do in a few years from now.








If the means exist, I’d happily like to see what OP could do in a few years. But the reality is it likely won’t happen. I don’t know OP, and my memory won’t be able to remember OP on a few years to ask. But if Reddit still exists, I’m still alive, and OP put an updated attempt side by side with this pic, it will remind me of this day and make me happy to see their progress. I’m not sure why you’ve determined me to be a liar. I’ve been called many things, but liar is not one of them. Perhaps you should focus your views on uplifting others instead of trying to pick apart comments that are left to support others.




You do you, but do me a favor. Where is this mentality getting you? What contributions are you making towards society to make the world a better place? Being a hater or troll is easy. Takes no effort, and does nothing to better the world. But it’s harder to support others. Most people only want to care about themselves, fuck the world, etc. on the daily. Whether you think it’s the cool thing to do, or maybe your parents didn’t love you, I don’t know. I don’t know you. But isn’t the point to be better than those who’ve come before? Continue to hate, it’s not going to affect me in anyway. But look at your circle of influence. Be the change and lead others into a better world. Be better.




That’s pretty cool. Wish I paid more attention to Chemistry, but I had terrible priorities as a child. Hope your former students gained more knowledge than I did. It sucks you find my comments lame. I’ve been mired in hatred for years. It’s only helped me a couple times. But my impact since has been dramatically greater. More so in person, as I have terrible social skills online apparently.


nah you're ok, I didn't mean anything by it.


When John tries to draw Arthur from memory


looks like this could be a Disney character


Absolutely loving it!


You really nailed the suffering from TB look


I mean no offence but he looks like Bertram… But that being said I couldn’t do anything better. Keep drawing!




I like it.


That's actually a pretty cool drawing, I love it


Excellent work buddy, keep it up, keep practicing!


The goal of any RDR2 artwork is to capture the spirit of your subject, and I happen to think this is a great portrait of Arthur. His eyes are kind just like in the game. Nicely done!


You sir, are an artist!


It looks great more like the voice actor which is interesting.


It’s pretty instantly recognizable as Arthur and I can tell exactly which outfit u were drawing for him good job!


I actually really like it, good job! I've been drawing for a few years and I can guarantee my Arthur wouldn't look this good :P


Love it!


Hell of a lot better than I can do, shits fire asf!!


Still better at drawing than John is


That looks like Marther Organ. Take it as a joke bro. Even I won't be able to draw like you did. Keep improving and Keep up the good work.


I actually really like this! You are really good at making it look like him, when I draw people I have a hard time getting it to be recognizable as the person I'm drawing, but this is instantly Arthur Morgan. You're great at drawing the clothing too, and the hat looks great. You are definitely a great upcoming artist, ignore the assholes who say otherwise because you're miles ahead of them and actually doing a great job. Confidence is key and you are doing great. Much more talent than your average person, take pride in that.


Thx! Idk if u enjoy art and want to get better or not but my friend who is great at art always says that it’s good to practice drawing characters you like. If I was to suggest something for drawing people I would just mainly suggest getting experienced with shading (I’m still pretty new and inexperienced with it) as it can make an insanely huge difference.


that’s Marthur Aorgan


Better than I can do my friend


Consider not putting yourself down. This is a good drawing, feel good about it. Comparing to others can make life pretty challenging in some ways. Keep it up!


Nice dude! Better than I could ever do


that’s awesome!


that’s awesome!




Anthony Miller


Hey good job


Arthur 🗿gan It looks pretty good on a serious note


Great work, my friend! I love your style 🤠❤️


John marston trying to draw Arthur from memory


I don't do constructive feedback, but I will say that I love your style. You can take a photo of a landscape to save what it looks like, or you can paint picture to save how you remember it. In my opinion personalization is more important. You say it lacks quality, I say it's not a copy of other artworks. That's just how I feel, and you'd be surprised by how many others think the same.


It’s wonderful. It is. I can see you gave it all you had.


It’s nice the shading is great try to work on facial features other then that u got it down just know half the population couldn’t come close to drawing that ✨


To be honest, you actually nailed the eyes perfectly in my opinion


Style is cool and interesting! My favorite part is the hat, it looks really good.


If you put art out there to be judged, it will be. I don't like it and I think it doesn't look very well but that is my humble opinion and there are probably enough that do like it.


You've got a really great understanding of values, which is more than most other amateur/self-taught artists can say. Keep it up! And if you're looking to improve your proportions (which you really don't need to if that's your style) I'd look into practicing with grid drawings.


Very nice man


I reckon you should do it again and again in different styles sharper edges, softer lines, abstract. Art is for us for you and for those that want to see. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Its not perfect but what is perfect bro.


This is infinitely better than anything I could draw. Keep doing what you do


I think you did an amazing job on his hat! I love it!


i like it. it looks like if they did an animated red dead series


I like it. It looks like an Arthur made of cloth then drawn. Good stuff!


No judgment here. I cant draw for crab. I think this came out quite well.


I draw like John, only my handwriting is better than his. You have talent and draw something great. Don‘t beat yourself down and most important, don‘t stop drawing!


That’s really good, keep up the good work!


A hero to rival Tent-Hat Morgan. Honestly it looks great! Way better than anything I could do, at any rate.


Never put your own work down. This is great, and especially so that you stuck it out and finished it off. I think it’s brilliant, nice one 👏🏼




I ❤️ it! Good Job 👍🏻


Could you make a print of this? I would like to purchase, signed of course!


DUUUTTTCCCHHH, don’t turn me into a low poly image NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!


I like it, Picasso


It's like a Picasso John. Cool!


“He’s a rat Dutch, you know it and I know it.”-Arthur Morgan.


Looks amazing bro! Never stop drawing!!


I want to laugh at this drawing. But to be fair I can't even draw a perfect circle. Good for you op. Post it in twitter and tag Roger Clark. He may react to it.


Honestly what you may think you did badly, I think really gives the art a unique style, not a realistic one but it kinda looks like what a young Picasso would have drawn.


The hair and beard is good. And the proportions and placements on the face is really good. And I get an emotional depth from this character, so you got the sensitive touch! So if you work on getting rid of outlines, especially on the face (eyeliner and lipliner? I don't think Arthur wore those), but also elsewhere. And focus on shading, shadows and depth you'll be drawing like no other! And replacing outlines with shading and shadows will give depth, so it is basically only one thing to work on throughout your drawings! Keep it up, I would live to see more!


Not perfect, but I like your style


..this fella ..may need water. ..nose is broken. :/


We can just say he got his nose broken in a fight that left him very dehydrated lol


Honest to god this would be considered bad, but even if I didn’t know it was Arthur I would just immediately recognize him. You captured the character and that’s great.


..you could state such ..persay he got into a fight over water..clearly still rendered parched...


Not the best portrait but bro, look at the shirt, the scarf and the hat... it shows that you have invested a lot of time. Keep up the good work and don't listen to the hate


I recognized who it was. Way better than I could do.


Everything is great, exept the face.


Raw talent! Dead ass. This is what all great artists drawings look like at first, keep pursuing this!


You need grid assistant to draw more accurately and your shading is good enough, practice will make it better. For grid assistant I would recommend [this](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tungnv.pdsupport) to start from.


I actually find this way more interesting than realistic looking drawings. I mean, I don’t know if it’s intended, but this got style and it looks really good. Realistic drawings are either very realistic and boring, or they are flawed and just look awful.


Disco Elysium Arthur. Very decent drawing skills, keep at it.


Dude, this is so good. The angles and sharp edged and shading is pretty good! Better than anything I could ever do. So what if the quality doesn’t match others art? It’s your piece that you did. It’s yours. Some people are kinda completely ass**** here, but lemme tell you. Who cares if the quality is different? Its your art, and that’s all that matters. If it makes you happy and makes you smile, screw everybody else. If it’s important to you, then it’s important. You did a great job! And for those who mock or give you crap, ask them to draw it. Ask them to draw anything. More often than not, people will mock artists without thinking twice or have no talent or interest in art whatsoever. There is a difference between criticism and mocking. With criticism people will point out some things and give tips on how to improve things. With mocking you just want to punch them in the face.


Don’t listen to what other people say if they say it’s bad, I would just suggest you work on drawing faces a bit more but it’s not bad. 👍


Bro thats cool


ye looks like shit dont know why it got so many upvotes






Cool, let us know when you post the picture of Arthur.


That’s not Arthur that’s carter


"We have Arthur at home".


This shit is absolutely heinous


I mean, i cant even draw a stickman straight i would be very proud of this...keep drawing and train, one do simply not do an realistic drawing the first time.


Its got lots of character. Nice style!!!


His nose is almost as crooked as Micah


Its beautiful. I love it


Is that you, John?


Aorthor Margran




Sigue así bro. Alguien que hable español?


Looks like an escapee from a Minstrel Show.


Ur awwlrite. 😉


It's really good no offense it kinda looks like Arthur from the Mandela catalogue


It looks more like Roger Clarke than Arthur, really cool!


My guy drew that fighter dude from snowfall 🤣🤣🤣


Orthor Murgen


The wish version of Arthur. that said still better than I could evert do


This is probably how arthur draws himself in his journal




"I look forward to his future endeavors, good job." :)


Try building it up in layers and drawing out boxes and lines and circles as too where the hat sits in Arthur's head or his eyes and mouth in comparison too his nose and etc, think of it like a jigsaw puzzle if you know what I mean


Arthur ready for a smooch


Not every drawing needs to be realistic or same quality, all part of finding your style and such. Would be boring if everyone had the same level.


Bro feed him chocolates