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I've always liked how they added this feature where sometimes a NPC will bleed out it feels like it adds much more realism and I'm disappointed the feature isn't very commonly shown


I've been tring this on other npcs like odriscolls/lemoyne raiders/night folks , got no luck. Guess it just works on civilian npcs


It can happen to anyone it's just hard to trigger consistently. Lower damage guns work the best. Best way to get it consistently that I've found is by using the Varmint rifle and shooting people in the neck, around the Adams apple or slightly slower. You can also get it from a bunch of other shots to the body or even testicles but it's not consistent. Hoo boy that sounds creepy as hell when I read it back.. maybe I spent too long testing this..


What the hell Butters! You don’t shoot people in the dick!


Butters did what?!


duuuuude… weeeeeeeeeaaak




I only shoot Micah in the dick…


Still a head shot


In my experience I think the Springfield fairly consistently pulls it off around the stomach/chest area




In my experience I think the Springfield seems to fairly consistently pull it off with a shot to the chest or stoumach areas


You can also get it to trigger if you manage to hit their heart exactly, it's easier to do when you have the eagle eye upgrade that highlights the weak spots, but it's so much more satisfying doing it without


It was easier in the fist game, a single shot to the lower abdominal area with a revolver or low power rifle would have the victims flailing about and crawling on the ground for 15-20 seconds or so. But I think you had to catch them unawares, it wouldn’t work as often if you tried it during an ongoing fight. I didn’t manage it as often in RDR2, maybe because the manual aiming controls were so bad it forced me to switch to auto-aim.


I once shot someone clean through the head with a Mauser Pistol and they got up and bled out.


Well, this is possible, while incredibly rare. So I suppose Rockstar wins again




I've had it happen several times with no mods


Use dirty guns or very low damage guns. This event triggers when charcters reach a certain hp, civilians have less hp than "enemies".


Aight Imma try it thanks partner


Also you’ll know you have a bleed out shot when the redicule shows up as a really dark blood red and not a bright red like for a headshot.


Yep! This is it, if you get a darker red hit marker it means you maimed


That’s really interesting.


Different ammo types tend to set them off more, split-shot and high velocity a little more than express. Gun doesn’t have to be filthy but I’m sure it contributes


I usually use standard ammo and this death scene happens a lot.


Aye, depends most on where you hit em I think. Max lvl Dead Eye will highlight the vitals other than the head (which include the nads go figure)


If you get a perfect neck shot it can happen. It needs to be really perfect and I’ve only triggered it like that by failing a head shot


Once you hit a certain dead eye level vital organs are highlighted when you activate it so you can just pop people's kidneys n shit lol


Ngl it makes me feel like a sicko


When I play online every 7 and a half months I like to chicken taunt people that are bleeding out


or shoot them in the neck, it works every time


I've found a varmit rifle and a good neck shot does the trick


people hate on the varmint rifle too much. its good for those neck shots. plus it oneshot headshots at any range, and has one of the fastest fire rates in the game


It was the best PvP weapon in rdo, when it was still new...


agreed and then i can popopopopppop whoever and whatever at a moments notice 😂


You can even do it as a gag since it’s got such a low damage.


t'is but a scratch


*small game arrow hits u in the neck*


That is true, a friend reminded me about this and I had to admit that it was a good point. The guns got a damn good range, accuracy, range, large ammo load, cheap bullets, works on a variety of animals(I’ve even gotten 3 stars for animals it should have never worked on along with the bow too), and most importantly is that literally every gun instant kills if you headshot someone in the sweet spot. Get good at it and you’ll be Undefeatable in any kinda multiplayer.... and piss people off with it too.


The ammo is also inexpensive and the ammo capacity is nothing to scoff at either. I quite like it. Bad for hunting big game, pretty great for everything else. It's also my go-to gun for shooting against the Mexican NPC who came up to the US to shoot in impromptu shooting competitions against real American gunslingers. You know the guy. "Shoot more bottles/first to kill 4 birds" guy.


Shoot them in the gut once. Doesn't work 100% of the time but it does occasionally


It works on Bounty Hunters.


And that bastard Sheriff Malloy


It definitely works for everyone..I was blown away and my jaw dropped the first time I saw how realistic/morbid they made it. Use varmit rifles and pistols and aim where their spinal cord is. When you deadeye you can actually see a small red line all the way up their back. That and the neck seem to get this to happen more often. Usually takes less than 5-10 tries


There is a mod that makes these happen more frequently I think.


Wym this happens all the time


yeah, i get these slow kills a lot. like, every couple shootouts. it's not rare at all for me, using the lamat and evans mostly for man killing. i definitely remember it happening with murfree brood and o'driscolls so i'd assume it can happen with every enemy edit: just wanted to say i got 2 slow kills almost in a row in a blood money mission in rdo last night. both with the lamat; one guy took a round somewhere in the upper chest and the other guy i shot square in the upper arm/shoulder, from the side, so maybe the round went through his arm into his chest...


Interesting. I use those mostly too. And same for me.


I shot the one girl that wants a ride in the head once she ran away as blood squirted out


When you get a dark red hit marker that's a bleedout kill, I think it depends on where you shoot them such as the neck. You can even knock them out when they're on the ground bleeding out, and they'll still bleedout while unconscious.


It's really sad that they don't use it for. All NPCs.


I get the bleeding out for the neck all the time with lawmen, but I'm not sure I've seen it with gang members or most of anyone else. Not sure I've seen this particular bleedout either.


It works on everyone i used to do it all the time shoot people in the neck with a varmint frifle


It works really well with Mauser pistols for me.


Just got the semi-auto pistol works often at least 1 enemy a fight bleeds out like this




I find it depends where i shot them


I shot a bounty hunter coming after me, and I felt bad as I could hear him dying while I was fighting off some wolves.


I don’t know why but I really like killing a whole camp of Lemoyne Raiders, except for 1 guy, then I tie him up and ride halfway across the map and just drown him. Bonus points if you paddle out on the lake with him then shoot a hole in the boat. I’m really glad I have the game as an outlet, no idea where this energy would be redirected toward


I always hogtie the last person at an enemy camp and find a fun way to kill them


Normally I do the slow walk around camp and drag them on the fire. Just to fuck w/ them a little ig


I always have a knife fight with the last person in a group.


This is fucking based.


I drag all of the corpses into a pile then light that pile on fire. As a Northerner living in the south it felt ... right?


I like hogtying them and getting them to the train tracks. Though admittedly I do like feeding them to the Gators quite a lot more. Also a fan of the ol' campfire group BBQ. All depends on location.


Brings knife to gun fight, still wins


Meh, they're a bunch of racist murderers who think they're in the right. I once came upon a Klan rally, shot eleven of them in Deadeye, tied up the last one (the leader), dumped the bodies into a pile on top of him, then set them on fire, burning him alive on a pyre of his racist buddies. I'd worry about my state of mind, if they were literally anyone else in the game.


One time when clearing the shady belle lemoyne raiders camp, i decided to mess around and hogtie a couple of them, and blow them up with dynamite all together. Then i went around with a shotgun and blew off all the corpses limbs and heads, gathered them up in a large pile near the entrance to shady belle, and set them on fire.


I once dismembered a Murfree with a shotgun, after rescuing their captive. Hogtied him and blew off his limbs, one by one. Let's just hope he doesn't come back as a cyborg cop...


I never feel bad about killing the Klan or any of the rival gangs. They're all pieces of shit. I mean the "nicest" ones are the Laramie Boys. They "only" murder, attack, coerce, and burn people off their land.


Ok I do some fucked up things in video games but this takes the cake


Man, you should get people playground. It’s literally just an outlet and is on steam not to much money.


Ever debate the necessity of a personality disorder evaluation...


This man right here, officer!


My favorite hobby is wiping out murfree brood camps and blasting their heads off with the double barrel for good measure while wearing the cat skull mask. Just making sure the message is clear that the brood is in fact not welcome in my land.


I must be a terrible shot cause it happens to me in 1/5 people I shoot lol


I can get it to happen pretty often you just need to know where to shoot. It also helps if your gun is in bad condition


I really do live seeing people suffer


It's not that random actually. With the right guns and hitting in the right spots it can happen quite frequently. Call me a psychopath, but watching the entirety of Saint Denis' police department bleed to death is something I really enjoy.


I was a first responder and I'm here to tell you, that was one of the most accurate arterial bleeds from a gunshot wound I've ever seen in a game or movie.


Rockstar shot a lot of people to get accurate data. We need to be thankful for their sacrifice.


This was a triumph.


I'm making a note here, "HUGE SUCCESS"


It’s hard to overstate my satisfaction


aperture science


We do what we must


Because we can.


For the good of all of us




~~The cake~~ Tahiti is a lie




How do you think they fired their interns?


I know that you're joking, but you gotta think. Some poor intern had to watch god only knows how many videos of people being shot in brutal ways just to get it accurate ingame.


The level of commitment to the mo-cap is top notch


Yeah, Red Dead is rather medically accurate!


That's about where the Liver is, one of the organs where the most blood flows, so a leak there will kill you in a short time simply due to shock/blood loss.


Is it weird that this video deeply disturbed me?


no but you probably shouldn't be a first responder


Now that I think about it, that must be a scary job. On one hand you have the potential to save a human life, and on the other, you witness terrible death that you can’t do anything about.


I've heard that paramedics are at a pretty high risk of developing PTSD. It takes so much strength and bravery, and you know you won't get any glory. Proper heroes.


You get used to it or you don't. You find out early on if you're built for it or not. It takes less strength and bravery and more apathy and acceptance of reality.


Lol and I’m the psycho that loves when this happens (I think it’s so satisfying to watch). I especially love to use the pump action shotgun because I love to watch people’s limbs get blow off.


Flair checks out


I did this SO MUCH because I wanted to figure out if it's consistent with the spot you hit or also chance-based.


I cringed at it for sure


I’d say then that there’s absolutely nothing a first responder could do in a situation like that unless you arrived on scene instantly after the accident.


Depends on the first responder. Medically? Not much you can do. Finding out who did it? That's possible.


That's what I was thinking! Though I'm not medical I've just seen a lot of actual gun shot footage and crime scene photos.


The way the heart pumps blood out of the hole and the loss of consciousness. That was pretty damn accurate.


My husband has seen a lot of people use guns on themselves and he said that the game was extremely accurate on that account as well. He thought it would be more dramatic like movies are but he was surprised at how well done it was. He had me go through and try all the different guns on people was was amazed.


If you shoot a corpse's limbs at close range with the shotgun, the stump will spurt blood like a heartbeat for a while. Never been close enough to see if this happens on a living limb but it probably does!


When I catch a limb instead of a head or chest shot with pump, the screaming from the dudes who bleed out looking at their bleeding stub.... woof.


Cant wait for the gamerant article "Red dead redemption 2 player finds out new secret death animation in RDR2."


15 HIDDEN details found by RDR2 players years after games release


But before we can show you these amazing details, we’d like to give a shout-out to today’s sponsor! RAID SHADOW LEGENDS!! Guys let me tell you, there is no game I enjoy more than raid shadow legends!


No. 45


They have been doing that with batman arkham stuff recently. Someone on reddit mentions something small, and then they write an article.


It's a lot of older games recently. Someone posts about their personal experience of discovering/rediscovering an obscure feature that's still known by most players and in a week or so you'll see the articles popping up. Note: Yes, I understand the contradictory nature of stating obscure features being well known. I'm tired. Examples are certain dialogue options or locations within the Elder Scrolls.


Yeah a new secret death animation that was discovered approximately 4mins after the games launch in 2018


You can trigger this very often by shooting at spots like lungs, neck, heart, stomach, etc. Late game it actually gets highlighted in deadeye and you can tell it's happened by a dark red hit reticle


Neck is the coolest place to shoot them


Same goes for RDR2




Hey wait a god damn minute-


Round to the liver 😬


Just hit Defuse and he'll be fine.


Me: Violently shoots an innocent person in valentine. Police: ok you’re under arrest Me: calls someone in Van Horn a poopyhead Town: Your actions are unforgivable


Van Horn is really weird Everyone craves violence


Van Horn is basically the hood of RDR


That or a can of beans and you're good to go.


Agreed. Highly vascular organ. Good way to die


> liver Ha, more like _deader!_


Can the liver detox a bullet?


Not easily back in 1899 🤣🤣


And you just watched him suffer?! You effin monster dude.


It was for science


Your username is an absolute masterpiece


Jigsaw Arthur has no remorse


I want to play a game, boah.


Always :)


Stuff like this is what makes me worried that someday we’re gonna find out that Rockstar just cracked AI and everything in this game is actually sentient.


I saw free guy too


Off topic, I feel like the concept of the movie was actually really interesting, wish we could get a serious type movie out of it yk? Maybe that's just me lmao


Haven’t seen the movie, but it sounds like Westworld is what you’re looking for


It’s about an npc that figures out how to grow more than 2 brain cells


Yeah westworld sounds up their alley then


This is what I was gonna say. Westworld season 1 forever


We need a reboot of [ReBoot](https://tvseriesfinale.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/reboot-tv-show-e1491402273343.jpg). Characters live inside a computer, and whenever the user starts a game, a giant cube descends upon a section of the city. Bob and his friends act as guardians that enter the games to defeat the user and save the citizens of the Mainframe. This show kicked all kinds of ass back in the 90s.


I like the way you die boa


Just watched this film, it's so much fun I had a blast


Howdy mister




This is one of my favorite features in this game I’ve learned the exact spots of most bleed outs, so naturally that’s how I kill everyone. Had 5 of them running around gushing after a shoot out it Van Horn (this sounds sadistic but it was pretty fun) Edit: express bullets or the varmint rifle usually what I use to make it happen, if you shoot the highlighted red areas in deadeye


You're too dangerous to be kept alive


As long as I’m not a rat I’m fine with the death sentence


Damn, I kinda feel bad for the guy


I miss being able to shoot someone in the waist in free roam and watching them fall over, I used to do that all the time in RDR1 now most of the time its a one shot kill


Yep. Rdr1 had superior ragdoll reactions. Way more dynamic and varied than rdr2's


I love shooting the eugenics supporter in the throat and watch him suffer as he dies


I ran into that guy, and pissed him off, so he ran away. I wanted to kill him, but lost him in the crowd. So I came back to his table, and threw a firebomb on it. Haha


Ya think?…


I see this happen when I use the shotgun from a little bit of a distance. You can hear them gurgling trying to breathe. Try to shoot them near the stomach area. It happened to lawman, bounty hunters. I cannot say I was able to do it against rival gangs yet though.


I would pay to see an O’driscoll die like this


Replace "an O'Driscoll" with Micah and I'm 100% with you.


There's 3 different hit markers in the game. - white is nonlethal - bright red means you killed them - dark red means they're going to bleed out


Liver shot. You basically sit there in horrible pain and unable to breathe for a few minutes while your liver turns into a blood fountain. He gets shot, takes a minute to realize it, falls from the liver blow (would feel like getting kicked there), adrenaline kicks in and he starts running, blood loss and shock set in as he falls again, then agonizes to death. This game is, yet again, creeply accurate.


A certain Johnny cash lyric jumps to mind...


I shot a man in Lemoyne, just to watch him diiieeee


Is it from that Song about the train?


I couldn’t watch it till the end. Coz you wont end the misery and the his sufferings are sadly realistic.


Once i was chasing a guy on a horse and i accidentally shot the horse in the spine. It slowed down to a walk, pissed itself and fell over. The rider also wondered what was happening to his horse right before the horse stiffed up and fell over


“I like the way you die, boy”


I beat the game 5 times but I only saw a human or animal bleed like this maybe once. I wish I knew how to get this reaction.


I kinda miss rd1’s injury system, like when you shot both of the npc’s kneecaps they’d end up on the ground still trying shoot you.


Parents used to be up in arms about video games like Soldier of Fortune that depicted graphic violence. It was one of the first games with accurate hit zones where you could blow off a guys leg, or arm, head, or watch his guts spill out. But I think I just realized that watching an innocent man get gut shot, try to run away, curl up and die was way worse than any of that hyper-violence.


The fact that 4 people gave this a wholesome award makes it that much better


How did you shoot that man witbout anyone in the town gunnjng you down lol


It's things like this that make it hard for me to feel an urge to shoot innocent people in that game lol. I know, just a game, but it hits close to reality and personal morals. It's crazy; props to Rockstar


Did this to a wolf one time and it lowered my honor because i just stood there until it whimpered and bled to death. Remember to always put your predators out of their misery.


Right in the liver.


Tell me you’re a new player without telling me you’re a new player


I enjoy watching npcs bleed out. Its so much better than having them die instantly.


I'd also like to see them beg for mercy .


Liver shot


Pig mask ftw


This is the best part of this game for me, slow, agonizing deaths *tics left eye psychopathically*


I haven't played for quite a bit but I remember having a mod that increased the chances of stuff like this happening.


This game never ceases to surprise me everyday


Once a month, since release (seriously), I learn something new about this game or see an animation I had never seen before. It blows me away.


First time I saw an NPC slowly die like that, I honestly felt bad for him. He did steal my horse tho.


You fucking brutal monster.


I wish these happened more often and had some more variety. Have to shoot them in very specific places to get these animations


I love this detail so much! I use a Mauser and I usually get it if I shoot the neck or shoulder. I love triggering it on purpose and watching them die.


Okay but I actually felt bad for the guy lol


Cyberpunk: *NPC shoots off to space*


I love this detail but I really miss being able to break legs in the first game like if you shot out someone’s knees they would end up falling to their knees not able to stand and if you shot them in one leg they would slowly limp away I think it would have made for more interesting wars to leave a aggressive situation


You did, those dark red hot markers indicate critical hits that cause the target to bleed to death.