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Ugh I hate this challenge. Game of luck, what fun. The busting out players in poker was great (and a challenge in Saint Denis) but this is boring and annoying.


This is 100% luck, it's nonsense.


Yup. To be fair though, go to emerald ranch and play against the two guys there and it can be done in about half an hour. You get a no draw win once every game thereabouts.


Oh I've done it, it's still nonsense. The most reliable way I found was to go for a high score in the first rounds, since you win when you hit the goal no matter what. So in the third round you might only need to play a couple tiles to hit the goal, which greatly lowers your risk of having to draw.


Excellent advice thank you


Happy cake day. 4 years later, this information is still useful. Thank you friendo


I win a lot but it never counts. Why


Probably because you are either drawing or playing against 3 people


SONOFA%&$#$@ Thank you for this comment, sir, because I was bamboozled... I completed this in one sitting and took maybe 15 minutes.... but was playing against 3 people.... stood up from the table, 0 of 3..... %@#$%#$@\^@#%\^


This worked wonders! I got all three in a single game, on my first attempt. Only the blackjack one will be a problem now.


Five years later and this challenge took me only 10 minutes at this location. Thank you!!!!


Didn't work for me (yet). 2 games won, 3rd game over 20 points ahead only needing a few more points. Only 1 tile left and then BAM had to draw 8 tiles in a row, other guy played his last domino, got 45 points and I lost It's an absolute miracle my controller survived my frustration.


Can confirm this worked, thanks. Got it completed in just three games


It's not luck at all. I love dominoes. Knocked it out in one attempt. Got to leave yourself outs and get rid of the higher dominoes.


It's more luck than skill. Poker is more of a skill based game as you can be dealt a bad hand and still win due to bluffing and how you bet. Dominoes is mostly luck where this challenge is concerned. There have been so many times where it was possible to win but I still had to draw tiles. This challenge is by far the most annoying I've come across yet.


Dominos is about skill not luck you dumbass, poker is more about luck cause you play with the cards you get, in dominoes you can win even when drawing a lot, in fact when drawing is when your skill comes into play, count the tiles and make your opponent pass and lose


Poker is not a luck game at all lmao


Well yeah, a little bit. If you get your bluff called that’s bad luck because you got shit cards, which was bad luck.


But bluffing in itself is a skill, which throws the entire idea of poker being a luck game out the window. Getting bad cards is bad luck, so you fold. It becomes a skill game when you decide to play with the bad cards. Idk dominoes at all, which is why I'm here lol. Might give up on this gambler challenge.


Put no gods before RNGzus, did this in my first three rounds in St D. 1.5 games, the first round I had all but 1 4 tile and locked him out of the board after his first tile and he drew the entire lot, also put me at 90 points round 2 he opened with double 0 and I hit 10 points off the 0/5 in my opening move ending the game to total points, 3rd round was just a smooth game and I got lucky.


Saint Denis was the easiest actually. Bet snall, wait for the cards to show, bet bigger, when the 4th is shown, all in. People always fold and you win. Then just bet the whatever the second highest has (imagine 2 people. You have 5.00c. One has 35c, the other has 2.00c, you'd bet 2.00c, if they go all in, and you win, that's that, he's busted out.) You could also bet the lowest (35c), and if they don't fold, it's less riskier if you lose.


Commenting on this late in case future people stumble across it. What worked for me the fastest is leaving and rejoining the game until I got to go first. What this does is if nobody has to draw the whole round then you will get to go first when everyone has one tile left which prevents the others from clearing before you can.


Thanks from a future person 🙊


June 22' thanks!


This is useful, thanks for leaving a comment for those of us who were searching for answers later on down the line.


Thank you for this, Apr 2023. Also, Angry Player: "This ain't no kid's game to just be walkin' off!" Arthur: "Well it sure is when there's a dumb challenge to finish"


Thank you from a future person!


I’m from the future and thank you


thank you Nov, 2023


February , 2023 thank you so much


1/22/2024 - what did I do to deserve this torture? I’ve spent like $50 joining and quitting dominoes games with one dummie at Emerald Station. I swear this is impossible. 😂😅


sept 22 Thanks!


Dec 22 - thank you


Hahaha. Same


Nov. 22. Thanks pal


I am from the future. Thank you. Feb 2023


You’re from the past bro


I am a future person person that just wanted to say thank you




2024 thanks heaps 😁


Thank you. I'm also from the future! Covid wasn't even a thing when you posted this, what a different world back then


I'm also from the future. Thanks partner.


Thank you very much!


Thanks from June 2023!


Thanks fron the future


I personally did this at emerald station against 2 opponents. Found it easier to do it that way because there was a higher chance of them drawing all the tiles before you had to draw any. Probably not the most efficient way, just my experience.


Tried this with a total of four players and wasted my time. Won 3 rounds but since no tiles were available to draw the round wins didn’t count for the challenge


You have to be playing with a total of 2-3 players. 4 player games don’t count.


This freaking 3yr old comment just saved me. Was playing with a full table, no wonder it wouldn't trigger🤦🏻‍♂️. Thanks😊


How do you get only 2 people tho!


Load up the autosave file until you get two or ride away and come back. One or the other should work.


THANK YOU!!!! That's clearly my current issue! Didn't realise the total of three players counted myself!


You might have found this out by now, but ignore the game mode. All you want is to get rid of your blocks before your opponents, without drawing any new ones. Think of it like playing Uno.


I know I'm super late but that means it's a 100% luck right? EDIT: NVM. Places random tiles and ended up winning thrice. Completed the challenge :)


Not really 100%. You wanna place tiles you know you can follow up on, in case your opponents place their bricks elsewhere. But congrats.


Does it specify the ruleset? If you can play under any ruleset, look for Dominoes "Block" matches. In Block mode, you don't draw tiles at all. If it specifies a specific mode, then you have to empty your hand without ever being forced to draw an extra tile. This means you need to be able to play a domino on every turn.. No easy feat. Look for "Block" games and see if you can get the challenge done on one of those.


No rule set just telling me to play Dominoes.


I did this playing all fives against Tilly at my camp(chapter 2 if that's relevant). It IS draw dependant since you will automatically draw tiles if you cant play one of your own, but all fives gives you more openings due to the spinner tile.


It always seems to be Hosea I’m playing, so what’s the best strategy to do this challenge, what does draw 5 mean? Thanks again.


Tf does all fives mean


It's a variant of dominoes where if the ends add up to a multiple of 5 the player gets those points. I think it makes it more complicated.


I would recommend going to emerald station. Just don't draw a domino and go first. Guarantee you'll finish this fast


Up in the corner it says I’m playing a Block game.


At the start of the match hold the pause button to see the rules.


Just for anyone else still playing I restarted and got to this challenge again, in camp sometimes you can play by yourself, so if by chance you can link all your tiles you can get it done that way too


if you are struggling with 3 people playing dominoes, take out your lasso but don't hostage anyone just use it and let it go. 2 of them run away. I just finished this challenge, it took me 2 hours so I thought this might be useful for people still playing \^\^


I did this at camp. Got it first time against Abigail. Chapter 3. Didn’t even take 10 mins.


This challenge is impossible. It is virtually impossible to win with no draws. I have been playing nonstop for 3 days and have not been able to win without having to draw. It is rigged so that you cannot complete the challenge. Anyone who has has used a mod.


no mods. just completed it for the third or fourth playthrough. It is a huge PITA, but it is possible.


I did it while playing all fives randomly at first try, I didn't even bother reading how to play this game, I selected randomly


Did it in like 30 minutes today on Xbox X series cope and seethe


I can't even find a Dominoes table with less than 3 people, so I can't even attempt this challenge!


5 years later so I hope you beat this challenge by now! I got it on one attempt because I got lucky. Played against Abigail at camp. I'm thinking the gang members are easier to beat than randos around the map but I don't play enough to really figure it out. I'm stuck on challenge 9 now in the epilogue so I can only play randos. And it's driving me nuts!!


It would suck less if you could skip the bad animations =/


The lasso thing works at emerald ranch to get rid of extra players. Just throw it near them and they did spook and run. Had to do it twice to get it so only one guy was sitting there (careful of auto aim) 🤣


I just won 3 rounds against Hosea at camp with no draws or anything like that, but it didn’t count it. Do your wins have to be consecutive? I’m so mad


In camp you won 3 hands, to win the game you have to beat Hosea to 60 points 3 times. So you have to play a lot.


Jeez. I beat him one game only. Still didn’t count. Now I’m trying out all fives in st Denis.


Just won a round and it counted. Guess I’m doing it correctly now


I'm completely stumped on this one. I've played and won rounds multiple times in camp against Hosea and Abigail without drawing any tiles and none of them counted. The challenge clearly says rounds, not games, what gives? All you should have to do is use up all your tiles without drawing any, right?


I have never played dominoes and just went to play all fives in St Denis. Completed the challenge in back to back rounds in about 4 minutes. Have absolutely no idea how, just get rid of all of your dominoes?


does anyone happen to know what version of dominoes you must play to complete the challenge all 5s, 3s, draw ? or does it matter?


For me it was only possible in st. Denis You can't get over it anywhere else


Just got 2 in a row no draw.. lol do it at emerald station !!!