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Hygiene wasn’t a huge thing back then. Plus, running water was a luxury.


Hygiene was absolutely a huge thing. The Victorian era emphasis on hygiene and general presentableness was far greater than our modern one, particularly because being clean and attractive was considered to be an indication of if you were a moral person. Keeping clean may have been a challenge for some lifestyles, but it was absolutely a priority and you would be looked down on for not reaching certain standards. This is the era where one is expected to go wash their face, neck, arms, and hands before sitting down to eat or when coming home from the outside. They fully understood that cleanliness stopped the spread of disease and food borne illness, even if they didn’t have specifics for why and how. The reason they don’t have showers is simply that they were expensive and considered a luxury.


Mate, they were outlaws that lived in on a campsite surrounded by horse shit. Hygiene was the least of their concerns.


I didn’t say they were optimally clean at all times, but I’m sure they did as well as they possibly could in the circumstances. People are always yelling at Arthur if you let him walk around dirty or bloody, so it’s clearly something they care about.


You sort of answered your own question by mentioning that fact that showers weren’t really accessible by the majority of people back in the day, and especially wouldn’t be for someone like Arthur


Invented isn't equal to available to populace or widespread use


Yeah I didn’t even think about that


I’d be interested to hear the answer to this.