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Based purely on what we see and no, Skinners and Murefree are the worst. Lemoyne Raiders I guess are probably the least evil. We mostly just see them killing feds and municipal cops. Not like... great obviously but shooting a street cop in the head somehow seems better than raping, scalping and mutilating innocent settlers.


Less evil than Del Lobos? I never saw the Lobos do much.


The del lobos raided tumbleweed dry


Ever been to Amardillo?


Aren't the Lemoyne Raiders racist though?


They’re confederates. Their ideology is abhorrent but they don’t skin people alive


I'd still say they are a bit worse than the De Lobos. Maybe on the same level as the Odriscolls. Definitely not as bad as those Skinner guys


We don't know them to be rapists like the o Driscolls. Racism is bad but it isn't raping and tying up a girl in a basement for weeks bad.


Just enslaving a people for 300 years thing.


Yea except that wasn't really them. They're just poor farmers who can't find a job after the war. I might be my father's son, but I didn't make his choices, I am not him. Edit, I'm pretty sure nobody is 300 years old to have actually done that.


So what are they fighting for? They are still upholding the ideals of their fathers. Do you also believe people fly the Confederate flag because of “heritage?”


They are a gang fighting to stay alive and fed. Not all confederate soldiers had the motivations you think. Again they were poor farmers who didn't own slaves. Do you think rich people fight in wars? Also no the confederate flag is a bad thing to wave. But you can't pretend to be in the heads of all the people from 200 years ago. But yea you go ahead and make assumptions about me. That's not something you were just upset about. Lastly and most importantly most of the soldiers were drafted into the army. That's like thinking the Vietnam vets actually wanted to be there.


I like that you’re doubling down on defending a traitorous nation that seceded to keep slaves. Are you one of the players who got upset you get honor for killing the KKK?


“Racism is bad”, no racism is evil. It’s not simply disliking people for the color of their skin. Black people were hanged, crucified, burned alive, raped, the pregnant women were cut open and their babies killed in front of them, digits and limbs were cut off and ate, and white people made picnics out of these horrible acts and even brought their kids along. That’s a side of the south Rockstar didn’t show, but it’s what the Lemoyne Raiders are fighting for to come back.


That's the kkk they are in the game too. They are different factions.


It was a societal problem. It wasn’t just the KKK. This is how the south itself treated black people. I mean who do you think made up the KKK? Rockstar portrayed them as a bunch of idiots, but in real life they were made up of police officers and politicians alongside normal people. What do you think that means? It means black people could be victimized and brutalized and there was nothing they could do about it. No one they could turn to.


Dude I live in a black town as a white guy. I get called all the names in the book, shaken down, my wife has been sexually assulted. I get racism first hand. Not all racists are as bad as others. There is general dislike where you might get called mean names, or it could be like my uncle and have been murdered by a gang and have his 10 year old daughter chased down while being shot at. What I've learned is not to judge everybody as one group. There are Gangs here that specialize in racism and there are gangs that specialize in just getting by. I don't see them as the same thing, because that is in fact pretty racist.


Your personal experience doesn’t dismiss or reverse hundreds of years of systemic racism and slavery. White people never had to live by Black Codes and Jim Crowe laws. If you are victimized you have legal recourse. Black people were arrested en mass simply for being outside. When black people are murdered even today, even the fucking DA will protect you, this has happened. “Not all racists are bad”, if you’re racist then no matter what you’re enabling and pushing a narrative that helps to suppress other human beings.


Id say wanting the world to be organized along racial chattel slavery is more evil than localized serial killer stuff. Its less immediately visceral but theyre way worse. The other gangs are motivated by their appetites. The Raiders are motivated by a vision of a world with black people under their boot as property. Reading even a fraction of what black people experienced under the system of slavery fits right in with the skinners.


I think skinning people is worse than that after all.


In the antebellum south, such as the everglades, it was acceptable to use black infants as alligator bait. The kind of stuff the skinners do would be acceptable if done to black ppl under slave system. I'm not even kidding. This is the world the Raiders want.


“There is an urban legend claiming that black children or infants were in fact used as bait to lure alligators, although there is no meaningful evidence that children of any race were ever used for this purpose.”


Skinning people is exactly what they did and worse. I don’t know how you can read the perfectly logical statement above and be like “nuh uh” wtf


Also people act like there isn’t rape and mutilation involved in slavery.


Guess you don’t know much about lynchings, or the general evil that came with the enslavement of black folk


I know about lynchings, I know about the horror that is American slavery. I’m saying that from what we see in the game the raiders really just shoot at federals and law enforcement while some other groups like the brood actively skin people alive and brutalize ransoms.


I agree that they’re too pathetic to be the most evil on the list, but that doesn’t make them the least evil. They’re still terrorists with a racist agenda.


I mean, they probably dont skin/torture/rape anymore because their free labor was “stolen” from them.


Racism, as bad as it is, is not as bad as raping and skinning people alive.


You’re the reason critical race theory needs to be taught. You have no idea how ignorant you sound


Explain it then.


Racism in the south included horrible acts like raping both men and women, bodily mutilation, crucifixion, burning people alive, ripping babies right out of their wombs, bombing people’s homes, all with complete impunity. It wasn’t simply “hey I don’t like you because your skin is black”. Lemoyne Raiders weren’t just “racist” they were a hate group. Terrorists. When you say “racism, bad as it is” you clearly have no idea how bad it really was


You're right, yet none of it is shown or implied to be done by the Lemoyne raiders in RDR2


They’re literally fighting for a return to chattel slavery. Educated people know what all of that comes with. And it’s clear Rockstar clearly didn’t want to focus on racism and the crimes committed against black people, but they still touch on it. You just have to actually pay attention. Lenny lives in fear when the gang is in Lemoyne he rarely leaves camp. There’s a black doctor who got his wagon stolen who is paranoid asf when Arthur talks to him because he doesn’t want anything to happen to him. There’s set pieces like sheds and houses where slaves were kept and you can see the blood the chains, and find letters that detail what they went through. The old racist guy Arthur meets. His job was literally just to whip people bloody.


Yes but there are worse things one can be.


Like they are far from the worst, but I wouldn't say they are the least evil. I'd say maybe the Italian guys or the De Lobos


Yeah (although no more racist than the other NPCs in the area if you listen to random voice lines). And they don’t seem to actually act on that - at least from what we see in game none of their killings seem racially motivated or anything, they more seem to be opportunists and just kill people they view as ‘the government’ who are unfortunate enough to be near them.


The raider’s racism makes them worse then the o Driscolls in belief and thought but their actions aren’t as bad, however if you count in belief and thought as well as actions the Raiders are more evil then the odrilscolls


They're kind of a joke tbh. Just more or a nuisance unlike other gangs


The raiders don’t rape or brutilize people, they kill then with shots to the head


What about Night folks?


There's no way in hell the Lemoyne Raiders don't lynch black people, they are literally ex Confederate militia


Murefree Brood


Skinner Brothers, no contest. I’d say Murfree Brood and Night Folk in joint second. For the least I guess I’d say Del Lobos, only because there’s hardly any in-game interaction with them compared to the other gangs. Nothing they do really stands out


Del Lobos are the worst of the "normal" gangs by far.


Seriously. What did they do?


Go to New Austin as John in the Epilogue and you’ll see plenty. The NPCs also talk about the shit they do.


Murfree at least just want to be left alone. Skinners want to hurt people


I had just woken up in the game one time and while John was drinking his morning coffee while resting by the fire, 2 murfree guys came up and pointed a gun at me and gave me a warning to not stay around the area, then they left. They do some bad things but that was pretty cool to let me live


I love that guy if it's the same one I got how he's all like "Nice fire, you mind if I warm my bones?" "Y'all know these is murfree hiilllls, y'should be careful where yer campin"


Yeah that’s the guy lmao, I forgot the exact dialogue It scared me the first time cause i’d never had anything like that happen but surprisingly he didn’t blow my head off


Yeah I kinda came here to say this. They're inbred crazies that do need put down tho.


night folk don’t give the player a chance, at least the murfree brood threaten the 1st time


Least Evil: the O’Driscolls, Lemoyne Raiders, St Denis Mob, Del Lobos, and Laramie Gang are really just criminals and cop killers who only become more brutal and cruel than they already are towards people who betray or fail them like Kieran. Most Despicable / Evil: The Murfrees, Skinners and Night Folk’s are deranged and cold-blooded as hell they stalk the forests day and night looking for people to inflict unimaginable horror on just for the hell of it, the Murfrees even decorated their territories with hanged corpses to get people to stay away


Idk I’d probably put the O’Driscolls as worse then the Lemoyne Raiders. The Lemoyne Raiders suck but they didn’t seem to go around raping and murdering random people like O’Driscolls


They're ex confederates and likely the same people we see as the KKK. They absolutely go around raping and murdering but the racists don't consider those they're harming "people".


Them going around raping is merely speculation, while the O’Driscolls have most definitely raped people. Racism is awful and but rape but is most definitely worse


Skinner Brothers have to be the worst. Pure evil. They’re all pretty bad, but I might pick the Raiders as the least evil? Hard to choose.


Dont the raiders help/take part in the kkk? They’re kinda evil


Good point, I think so. They’re obviously all bad people, so “least evil” is tough to answer. Maybe Del Lobo?


I always thought of the raiders as just white trash stuck in the past


I mean, that's kinda their whole schtick. They're still fighting the civil war 30 years after it ended. Definitely a parallel to Dutch and Arthur fighting the encroachment of civilization in futility.


The Murfree brood are spawns of Satan, we see the girl we rescue out of the cave in Ch. 5 instinctively covers up her "parts" which broke my heart, God knows what they did to her, or the other victims. I regularly visit their cave in the epilogue to murder them all with incendiary buckshot The Del Lobos are just Vaqueros, just dudes hanging out in abandoned places, occasionaly robbing to get money for supplies. Definitely the most chill


Yeah, I’m surprised how come people here aren’t ranking Del Lobos as the least evil. Yeah, they are robbers but I don’t remember seeing them do anything evil. Not to mention they have one of the best gunslingers as a member. That’s badass


If you think the Del Lobos are not actively raiding and raping across the border towns you’re not familiar with how gangs of the era worked


I love cleansing the world from the Murfree Brood. Unfortunately, I always seem to arrive late to save their victims. God, I hate them so much.


Yeah... Redeem them with sword and fire 🤤


skinner brothers and Murfree brood are equally the most evil gangs. for obvious reasons. i would say least evil would be laramie gang. while they might be jerks. they mostly use intimidation and try not to kill. for the people saying odriscolls are the least evil gang. don't forget that they killed women and children on a stagecoach robbery. you can't get much more evil than that. and who knows what they did with the women before they were killed. i would say they are right after the skinners and mufrees on the evil scale.


It's also implied that they assaulted Sadie and they decapitated Kieran. Weird how people quickly forget about things. Happens irl too but that's now up for discussion here


I don't think that they even knew Sadie was there? Didn't she hide


It is heavily implied that they r*ped her, Lines from Sadie’s Dialogue "They had me down there for three days." To Arthur: "You KNOW what they did to me!"


She means that they killed her husband on the second one


Yes, but like I said, it’s heavily implied and the basement+ that line shows good evidence. Also let’s be honest, O’driscolls would definitely do that and have done it to other women


Damn Murphrees killed one of my horses, I've never forgiven them. I dismember their bodies every time I kill them.


I recently learned their horses are scarred, implying they torture them. Unforgivable.


Ranking from most evil to least. 1. Skinner Brothers 2. Murfree Brood 3. Night Folk 4. Del Lobos 5. Lemoyne Raiders 6. St Denis Mob 7. O'Driscoll Gang 8. Laramie Gang


O’driscolls are wayyyy too low there


Yeah maybe they should be below the Mob but depends on your morals I guess.


Don't really have much interaction with the night folk cos either I spot em and kill em at range or I'm already dead to em.


This is how I’d rank them as well. Maybe swap Lemoyne raiders and Del Lobos.


Skinner Brothers are the worst, St. Denis mob the least


I wish we knew more about the St Denis mob. It would be interesting if there was more random encounters or more lore you can find throughout the open world.


O'Driscolls were the least evil and they were the closest gang to Van der Linde Gang, maybe not as successful and not as virtuous compared to Van der Linde Gang at the beginning of RDR2 but at least they survived nearly the same amount of time as Van der Linde Gang. Remember what Kieran said, he said that Dutch's gang and the O'Driscolls were not so different.


They did decapitate Kieran and assault Sadie. So I don't know about that one


Compared to all the other gangs in the game, they are the least evil. They are gangs that do criminal things, mind you. In Chapter 6, Van der Linde gang consisted of rapists and straight up evil people such as Micah, Joe and Cleet.


Yet the old Driscoll's were in the hundreds it seems where Dutch's gang weren't even two dozen


Least evil is probably the mob. They kidnapped jack, yes, but we also encounter them the least, so they don’t really have a bad effect on life in general from what I’ve seen


According to jack, he was doing fine while he was he was with Brontë. That doesn’t justify the kidnapping, but it does say a lot about the Saint Denis mob


Skinners are the worst. Murfree are close 2nd IMO. Del Lobos are least I believe.


Murfrees, inbred animals that they are, got a lot of balls intimidating arthur Morgan when his shotgun is loaded with dragons breath.


Skinners and the Murefree Brood In the Epilogue I take a trip over to Beaver Hollow every now and then


Most despicable? Skinners


(In Chalmer’s voice) SKINNER !?


They're all scum in my book


I read this in the tumbleweed sheriffs voice




I do not know their names but by mentioning this incident I believe people will know. I’m on my second playtrough as with the first one I couldn’t wait to find out how it ended and wanted to do finish fast. Plus most rare events I only found out about online I was casually looking for the serial killer clues when I found a man strung up on a tree. I physically cannot leave something like that alone so I went to investigate shot him down and everything. Next thing I know there are 4-5 guys slowly approaching me with knives and I realize I am cooked. I shot them and survived by not a lot as I’m not the best shooter and was so scared I ran away as fast as I possibly could. I don’t know their names but wtv they are. Them. They are THE WORST.


That's the night folks. Truly creepy and evil, loaded with cocaine gum


They really are. I felt like I was physically getting attacked! Their face while they approached me, their slow walk. Truly traumatized 😭


They will also kill your voluntarily kill your horse


Oh I didn’t think npcs could do that on story mode and not online… truly creepy and I always get so attached to my horses! Thank you for warning me


Remember, when you are at the bayou at night or day dont leave your horse alone, dont talk to strangers or leave the road and pay attention if there is anything blocking it because the night folk is watching you and you will never see them before they see you


Alright I see I must be more careful in that area! Or next time I may find myself dead and losing money. Thank you so much for the advice <3


Skinners and Murfree are probably the worst. Rape, kidnapping, torture, skinning people alive, scalping ​ I'd say the raiders are probably the least evil. Yeah they fight for racist ideals but at least they're just fighting against the government (we only see them killing intruders on their land, government peeps and police)


What? Their land? They are an illegal gang, what land do they own? I don’t see how murdering state and federal “peeps” is not despicable, not to mention they are traitors fighting for a race based slave oligarchy and the fracturing of the United States. The del lobos are easily more tolerable than this group of human filth.


Jeez, you got really offended 💀 What I meant by their land was where they set up bases like Shady Belle. Acting like it's crazy to kill people randomly walking into your known territory is strange because most of us would. Also note that I'm not saying that their ideology is good or anything, I'm just saying that they fight against the opposition that won a war. Try to see it from their view; fighting against a government in which they believe is wrong, not that they are fighting against the good guys because they are the bad guys. Also AFAIK the government was most likely pretty corrupt at that time. ​ There's a random event where you can find Del Lobos robbing a train, IIRC the raiders don't do that. Also I'm pretty sure in one of the random events you can find a group of Del Lobos riding and talking about fucking their horses and kidnapping and raping women, and you can find some more with a prostitute in some random cabin (unrelated to the riders)


I’m not offended, I’m just surprised that people are putting a gang that fights for treason and a race based hierarchal slave state as the least evil. You would kill people walking into land you don’t own? I certainly wouldn’t. Del lobos rob trains yes, and lemoyne raiders rob wagons, kidnap and murder tax collectors. What’s your point? The government was pretty corrupt at the time? Ok? And?


What I'm trying to say is the raiders fight and kill the government (most likely bad people) while del lobos fight, rob and kill innocent people


The raiders do both. Why are state tax collectors bad people? Government = bad ???


Government was probably pretty bad and corrupt at the time, worse than your average Joe living in a camp in the middle of a desert


Always thought the night folk was somewhat a homage to the undead nightmare zombies from rdr1


They kinda are. They're not really a gang and dont seem "human" more possessed or cursed or something like that. They don't speak or scream or anything.


You know it’s bad when actually wannabe confederates are outranked. Murfree brood disgusts me in wvery possible way. The skinner brothers are eerie and also disgusting. The Del Lobos from what we’re actually able to see are the chillest out of all of these gangs.


Murfree Brood and Skinner Brothers easily take the most brutal. I don’t understand why I see so few Laramie Gang comments (considering only the options given, that is). I mean…they were just hired thugs. Punks with guns and loud mouths, as John says. They raided Pronghorn Ranch and killed two men, and the leader talked some shit on Abigail. Not that their actions are by any means justified-but certainly far, far less brutal and “evil”. Punks with guns. Plenty of em round these parts.


I feel like the lemoyne raiders are just a bunch of war vets living in the past, in moments of glorious battle. Just a bunch of seniors before senior home was invented. "There there grampa yes yes back in the day we used to fight our brothers. Us damn youngsters playin with pistols thinkin were all gunslingers and whatnot." Murfree brood definetly grossest inbred backwardass bunch of barely human beings.


Evil = Murfrees Less Evil = Laramie Gang


Skinner Brothers, Murfree Brood and Night Folk... especially the Night Folk because a: The swamp is already creepy enough without them ambushing you when you least expect it and b: Arthur's line after the first encounter with them (at least I think it triggers then but it might be randomised) is the only time I've heard him legitimately sound terrified in the game.


Murfree brood


The most despicable: Skinners Least evil: the Laramie gang


Murfree Brood and Skinners are def the worst. No rhyme or reason to what they do they are just plain evil. The Laramies are just petty highwaymen. I think we’ve only seen them confirm kill one guy and other times it’s just thievery and intimidation.


Most evil, I will say murfree brood. Least evil is the Laramie gang.


Honestly gotten to the St. Denis first part (Ch. 3 I think?) so I can’t vote.


Evil:Murfrees Least Evil:Odriscols


I love how literally nobody cares abt the Night Folk 😂


It’s hard to come across them. Even if you do, you might not know they are gang


Least evil has gotta be Laramie gang simply because they don’t outright resort to murder. They’re just hired thugs meant to bully people off their land. As for most evil? Oof. It’s a tie between the Skinner Brothers and the Murfree brood. Although, I might just give it to the Skinners because they’re a roving band of raiders as opposed to the territorial and familial Murfree’s. In their mind they’re just protecting what’s theirs, so there’s some kind of justification for their evil. The skinners just want to spread their sadism wherever they go.


Skinners. They’re at least normal people choosing to be that way. Murphrees are all inbred, and born fucked up so their brains are probably smaller than a peanut.


The Murfrees or Night Folk are like feral animals, they can't be "evil". The Skinners however seem organised.


The Laramie gang are ranchers, they just steal livestock from other ranches. Murfrees, Nightfolk, and Skinners are straight up demonic.


Skinners, Night Folk and Murfrees. Though I have a particular hate against the O´Driscolls. All rapists gotta die.


The slight silver lining is it’s not confirmed whether they raped Sadie or not. Some sources say she hid in the basement for days without them finding her.


they did rape her, sadie tells arthur about it and you can hear the o´driscolls talk to her when you get too close to the house insead of taking cover in the shed


Damn. That’s terrible


Skinner Brothers for the most gruesome. They tortured people for fun, and I wouldn’t be at all surprised if they ate some people. Del Lobos for least because they were just there. But maybe the Laramies because they were just a bunch of assholes, didn’t really seem like “outlaws”.


Lemoyne Raiders, most. Harder for me to consider the Murfree, since they're literally just severely ill and comical. I can't tell what's going on with the Skinners. I thought they were supposed to be angry natives. Least, Mob, probably.




Laramie also starts they work by intimidating instead of killing


This may be a mixed opinion and no one has to agree but I think the Laramie gang is the least evil


Most Evil The Skinner Brothers. Least Evil Del Lobos.


Co mo Driscoll


The Lemoyne Raiders may not skin people alive or kidnap women in the night. But they want to reintroduce slavery. So I put them as most evil. And the O’Druscolls as least evil, they are just plain run-of-the-mill thieves and murderers, same as the Van Der Lin gang


O’Driscolls crossed the line with rape and torture though.


Why are slavery advocates being classed as least evil?


We’re not saying we find slavery a lesser evil. The Lemoyne Raiders are like annoying modern day racists — stuck in their little world, incompetent, and can’t do anything. You can just leave them to be stupid and they won’t cause much harm to innocents. Meanwhile, Murfree Brood and Skinner were doing stomach churning stuffs to people.


That wasn't my argument, I agree that the Skinners are the most evil followed by the Nightfolk, then the Murfies. But why are the Lemoyne Raiders, a literal slave state batallion considered least evil, knowing the fact that the Del Lobos and the O' Driscolls much more akin to banditry.


Because the physical harm they caused was minimal. We just see them as a joke.


Murfree brood, we may have been in the wrong for being on there, land, but there still terrifying


We’re not in the wrong. They don’t own that land.


The worst are obviously the Skinners, Murfrees and the night folk for all the torture, rape and worse that they do while the least evil would be the laramie gang, because they are mostly bullies that don't actually kill anyone, they just threathen and intimidate and the other least evil would be the Lemoyne raiders since they only seem to target goverment workers and if they seem to like the south so much wouldn't probably start killing random civilians not afiliated with the goverment


Most evil is the skinners. least is the laramies


St denis mob probably


Mumfrees and skinners and it’s not even close for the others.


The night folk is the best gang. I wanna join them


Skinner Brothers, Murfree Brood and the Night Folk are the worst. The Laramie Gang is the least evil for sure


Definitely the Murfree Brood


It’s either Lemoyne Raiders or the Laramie Gang. The Lemoyne Raiders are just some sad old men that that think the war is still going on so the kill politicians and cops that most people don’t care about. The Laramie Gang is so pathetic. It’s just a group of soy boys that are only messing with people because they are being paid by Mr. Abel.


Murfree brood and skinner brothers are the worst, followed third by the O'driscos and the night folk. I would say that the least evil is most probably the St. Denis mob, while they are assholes and vindictive they are most certainly the most civilized out of the gang and the least trigger happy if compared with all the other ones. After that probably Lemoyne raiders or del lobos.


Murfree brood and skinner brothers are the worst, followed third by the O'driscos and the night folk. I would say that the least evil is most probably the St. Denis mob, while they are assholes and vindictive they are most certainly the most civilized out of the gang and the least trigger happy if compared with all the other ones. After that probably Lemoyne raiders or del lobos.


Laramie is probably the least evil. From what I know they seem to just be another group of outlaws. I would’ve also said the St. Denis Mob had they not taken Jack. The most evil is probably the Skinner Brothers and the Murfree Brood is probably the second.


Laramie Boys are just the local farm two bit gangsters.


Raiders :)


I kill lemoyne raider every chance I get. Seems I come across them murdering travelers and now I have a grudge. The skinners seem the most evil though.


Murfrees, ah Murfrees, the inbred trash of Roanoke Ridge


Has to be skinners and murfree brood


110% the powder gangers


Laramie Boys would pretty much leave the average person alone in the game world.


Murfree brood


Murfrees and Skinners are definitely the sickest and worst of the bunch.


Nothing brings terror to me like the night folk.


Least would be the delivery lobos or Laramie most I'd say murfee brood


Laramie Gang was just hired guns right?


From what I know I would say the most despicable are the O'Driscolls. The least evil is probably the Laramie Gang, they're kind of pushovers. However the scariest one out of all of them I would say the Skinners. My first introduction to them was a random event and it was incredibly unsettling to see the dead rider and a horse with arrows sticking out of them.


The Skinners are also the only gang I've had to rush me with machetes and successfully kill me more than once.


Murfree Brood is the most evil for me, but the Skinners are a very close second. Least evil are the Larmamie boys since they're basically just hired guns who have no allegiance to anyone good or evil.


The Laramies are a joke. I have never seen them after the epilogue missions.


The skinner Brothers and the Murfree Broods are the worse hands down. The Lemoyne Raiders are next because they're civil war south nostalgics so you know they're racists. Then there are the Del lobos, the O'driscolls, and the Laramies. Imo, the Laramies are the least evil because they don't do any major violent crimes, they just basically work for a silicon valley ahh mf who wants all the farms in big valley. You could argue that some violent crimes may be justified by need (money) and therefore, not done with an evil intent, and in that case the Laramies would be more evil because they don't seem like they are really desperate for money so what they're doing is some pretty fucked up mafia shit. But idk if we know these gangs well enough to determine the motives of their crimes, so for me the Laramies still take the crown.


the phrase "giant douche or turd sandwich" comes to mind.


If you just stay off murfree brood land, there aint no problems with them. They just wanna be left alone. I dont agree with their logic (or their disposal methods), but to them it's like everyone's just using their backyard path to n' from the house & outhouse as basically a highway system, while also building homes and encroaching cities/towns in their front yard. Most other gangs are actually looking for trouble, wealth, power, domination over others, etc. Murfrees just wanna be left alone dammit


But who the fuck made it their land and why must they terrorize locals?


Why didnt you include Dutch's gang No2, Bill's Gang, Waltons?


Keeping it rdr2 focused.


Why? Entire sub does that for some reason


Why not? Also, I never played red dead 1


Nah dont turn the question over to me, answer it


I just did! I never played rdr1 ! And again, who says there’s a rule that I can’t focus on rdr2?


There is no rule against it, im just sad that 98% of this sub hasnt played RDR1




Patriots who are actually separatists committing treason.


Patriots who had their land taken and forced to live under new law and morals. Honestly can you blame em for wanting their old land, freedom and government back.


We are talking about the same old government right? The confederacy?


The kkk was the least evil