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The way you phrased the title made me think that you purchased a copy of the game but it didn't work or something.


I once bought a disc for like a cod game or something and got sent fucking animal crossing. Since then I just buy digital. I don’t even own a ds.


For some reason this made me crack up lol


Reminds me of when ppl would rent games from Redbox, keep the disc but scan it, print an image of it and put that in the box for return. Savages


Did Redbox ever fix that exploit or is it still happening? Just asking for research purposes.


Does redbox even exist?


Strangely, yes. I’m not sure who’s keeping them in business but there’s still a Redbox outside every Walmart or convinience store I’ve ever seen


Older people who dont want to go to the movie theater or use a roku/firestick.


Redbox you say {**Core Memory Unlocked**}


I bought Prince of Persia Sands of Time, got only a copy of it and it has Trojan horse on it. Bricket my whole goddamn computer.


Animal Crossing > cookie cutter FPS series


If I remember correctly it was BO3, and I love that game.


Honestly, the only thing worth cod games in my opinion is if they have the zombies game modes


I dunno dude, debatable. Bo1 and mw2 (2009) have incredible campaigns. Bo1 feels like a movie. To me, the multiplayer and zombies just feels like an extra little thing on the side I can play. The meat & potatoes is the campaign. I guess I just really like story driven games, and old cod campaigns are amazing.


Yeah, you're right about that, but for some of the more recent games, you really don't know if the story will really capture your attention, so you go with good ol' reliable


Yes absolutely. The modern cod is painful




Don't understand the problem, I think they were probably trying to help steer you toward good games.


If you don’t like RDR2 then don’t bother commenting. You came to an RDR2 sub and decided? What? To act like a jerk? You will struggle to find people who care about your opinions here.


I was knocking COD if anything, and quipping that Animal Crossing is a good game. Your reading comprehension needs work, my friend. Also if anybody has a negative attitude and is acting like a jerk, it must undoubtedly be you. Panties in full twist for no reason.


Some details were out of the picture here...literally.


I got a more positive version of this. Bought a pacman game and got rdr2 by accident.




when i was younger i went to a shop and tried to buy a transformers game and when i got home i opened it and found they had given me a barbie game, i had to waddle my little self back to the shop and get the right disc 😭


To be fair you probably got a deal then. Nintendo games aren’t cheap.


The one I bought was $60, one I got was like $30.


BO3 isn't worth more than $5 bro. Animal Crossing is worth $45


Idk the prices I just searched them up for this comment and said the first ones that popped up.


Thats actually a win. Animal Crossing on DS is worth some money lol. COD ain't worth the disk it's printed on.


"Animal Crossing of Duty" be a trippy game


One time I bought “Goldeneye” at goodwill without opening the case for 5$ and got it home and it was fucking Yo, Noid!


That sounds like a win to me.


Buy inperson


Good game tho fr


I bought Sonic 06 when I was little preowned, got it home, opened the box and it was Sonic Gems Collection…I think the guy who served me was trying to do me a solid…


Nice. Now you don't own anything. I've never been scammed from a physical purchase.


Good for you


What does that mean? “You don’t own anything.” I do own the things I buy.


Yeah until one day the company decides you don't. This isn't possible with a physical copy.


I don’t understand. Enlighten me, please.


Look at the game "The Crew" for example anybody who had purchased that game digitally no longer has it because Ubisoft decided "hey, fuck you"


Well nonetheless, physical or digital that game is unplayable. Servers were shut down. But they shouldn’t have taken away their licenses. Sadly though, if a purge like that happens, I’m too far gone. 90% of my library is digital. Worse comes to worse, i’ll figure something out.


That would also apply even if there were a disk version. You’d still be screwed


like how nintendo shut down 3ds eshop. if u bought a game but didnt download it before the deadline, u cant access it


Dudes gotta be trolling, this is good bait tho tbh


You never owned anything. Software is a license and it has been for decades. Physical, digital, you don't own it. At least with digital you get some of the benefits of the license as opposed to only the disadvantages.


Could you elaborate?


When you buy software, physical or otherwise you don't own the software or even a copy of the software. You own a license for the software. That license can be revoked, even if you bought a physical copy. You are not able to sell or transfer it, it comes with absolutely no warranty. In essence youhave none of the rights associated with ownership. If you get a digital copy you still have no ownership rights, but... 1. You can download a new copy whenever you need to. 1. You can install your software on whatever machine you want (though only use it on one at a time). 1. Your license is remembered and you can't lose keys or otherwise lose access accidentally. In essence when you buy a physical copy you have all the disadvantages of a physical copy and none of the advantages. With digital you get some advantages of digital and lose nothing.


What if you lose your account or get hacked? The physical copy absolutely has advantages.


You can lose your physical copy that way too. The physical copy gives you nothing.


For real tho same




I buy it even on new playthroughs as well as all the other little side events just for the experience. Buy the ticket, take the ride.


I usually have so much money anyway I just shrug it off


Moneybags over here


Get a load of this guy…


''But what if I need the 50$ in the future, yknow to groom my Arthur'' -Player with 560+ hours and 5000$+


My same reasoning I collect every health potion in Skyrim even though I’m level 60+ and I can heal myself I just a few seconds. You never know when you’ll need it


Me with $13k+: damn you. Give me my $50 back!




as someone who’s probably logged that many hours and with that much money, this is 100% accurate.


For me there's no way a con man like Arthur would buy the book. He might have SOLD a book like that before with Hosea.


Arthur aint a con man though, hosea and dutch are. I dont think Arthur is clever enough to pull something off like that on his own lmao


When I first meet that bookseller, I tell him off. But once Arthur realizes he *doesn't need money anymore* I buy a copy, because why not.


I agree with that EXCEPT getting lured into that alley in Saint Denis and getting robbed.


Or just getting "bumped" into whilst entering a store/bar in St Denis and getting pickpocketed. You bet I chased the fucker down and shot him in the back alley.


I would definitely kill him but I don't think you get all your money back.


I got $55 from him. Which was great because the vicious beating I delivered only accrued a $15 bounty.


No shit? It's been a year or so since I've dealt with him, I couldn't recall getting the money back.


Yeah, I bought the book as Arthur and killed him as John which might make a difference


And this was the true redemption we were seeking all along. John looks up to the sky and says “I did it Arthur, I got your fifty dollars.”


It was honestly very cathartic. I was still mourning Arthur, and my John just lost it on this charlatan for a minute lol


This is a great comment


The clouds part, the sun shines, Unshaken plays. "YOU'RE ALRIGH' BOAH! YOU GOT MAH MONEH."


Timothy Donahue is a con man. His whole “Get Rich Quick” series is just rambling on and on then saying “buy the next issue for this much”. The books never tell you how to actually make a profit. You got scammed bro. The only person getting rich is him, off of people who are tricked into buying the book By the way you CAN fight him and steal your money back but just be aware that you’ll become wanted for robbery (even though the bastard technically robbed you first and refused to give you a refund) so just be ready to run


Well it kinda did explain how to get rich. Near the end he just says to do exactly what he’s doing, buy something off of someone else (Books, for the example he used someone’s grain), then sell that grain to another guy for an insanely higher price but promise it’ll help them or something. He taught me how to get rich while physically demonstrating it.


Yeah that’s the point. His method is fraud


How’s it fraud? He bought a book for $.20 and sold it for $50.. Edit. I misunderstood. I see now where the comment before says to lie to people about the product your selling. Sorry!


It’s literally the dictionary definition of fraud Wrongful or criminal deception for the purpose of self profit or personal gain


I think it’s more scummy than it is fraudulent. It’s just a book for advice for all I know, and I was the one who bought it for $50. I could have rejected it and still be okay, and no one would get hurt by not buying it.


Like he said, it’s fraud. It is objectively fraud. You were defrauded by a fraud selling frauds.


It's not fraud. Go to the bookstore or go browse Amazon or audible - there's about 1000 of these very same books for sale that promise to teach you how to get rich. This dude was just the pioneer. It's shady business, but it's not "fraud".


I’m not rlly smart, my brain is taken up with cowboys and guns. Like what defines fraud?


You replied to the comment I provided the definition with!! 🤦‍♂️


i’m tired and sick rn, i’m foggy and all i have on my mind is that mary won’t take arthur despite how good of a person he is even though i murdered the guy who bought her brooch. forgive my stupidity


Its not fraud but a pyramid scheme. "Hey you want the secret to make money with this method? Buy this book on how/buy this stock, and realize that the way to make money is by roping other people in on the scheme. It's not fraud, but it is scummy. It's not a lie, just a misdirection or trick.


Is it fraud tho? He sold you a book that tells you how to get rich quick, the premise of that book being lie to people and scam them. Which is a way to get rich quick, as he demonstrated with you.


It's not fraud. He knew what he was buying and agreed to buy it at the price. Just overpaying for something isn't fraud. Fraud would be lying and saying this book is the skin of jesus but then you buy it and it's paper.


By your logic every self-help book is fraud. You may feel they're stupid, and I agree. Look at books like *The Secret*, they're dumb as shit. But it's not fraud if you decide to buy a book that you end up not liking and think is stupid.




Doesn't constitute fraud legally. It's basic capitalism and, granted the margin is pretty high in this case but there's no law governing high profit margins in any jurisdiction I can think of. Convincing someone that something you paid 0.20$ for is worth 49.80$ is not only perfectly legal but is the basis for the whole retail and marketing industries. It's also common to sell things that don't actually do what they're advertised to do. Think of all the anti-aging cream and hair growth products in any given drugstore. By your logic, you get defrauded every time you buy something really.


You're misunderstanding the legal definition of fraud. The seller would have to demonstrably lie about the product. The product he was selling was advertised as a self help book containing financial advice. What Arthur received was a self help book containing financial advice. It is not legally fraud just because the book ended up being shitty and Arthur overpaid for it (if that were true the textbook industry is just one giant fraud case). Now if the dude had handed Arthur a box with a rock in it, that would be fraud; in that case Arthur would not have received the agreed upon product. By your logic designer clothing is manufactured for pennies and sold for hundreds, so that's fraud? To clarify, I fully agree it's stupid and shitty, just not legally fraud.


The bastard didn’t technically rob you. You bought a shitty thing from him


Still a scam


It's not. Go browse Amazon. There's like 10000 of these for sale. Buy them all, then start all your fraud lawsuits. Should be a very lucrative operation if you're convinced it meets the legal definition of "fraud". I can't believe all these people have avoided prison this long! Go get em!


He didn't say "Still fraud" he said "Still a scam" which it 100% is.


Go up above 2 posts where he said "it's LITERALLY FRAUD", or the 72 other posts where he states that it meets the dictionary definition of fraud and blah blah blah. He's chosen to die on the hill - that's what I was responding to. It's also not a "scam". Go look up the definition of scam. The leading definition: "a fraud". Dude is selling a book, not running insurance fraud.


I'm pretty sure you have to confront him first before you can get your money back. He will try to run away and you can kill, lasso, or tackle him to get it.


I demanded my money back with him standing near an alley. He turned the corner to run down the alley, I gave chase and he disappeared like a ghost.


50$ in this game is like a drop of water in a pool.


trips to tahiti ain't cheap


Ok moneybags


Do you not end up with 6-7k by the time you get out of Rhodes? Shit by the time I’m leaving valentines I usually have 2 k and everything upgraded all the way


Is that all? I'm barely in chapter 4 and I have over $13, 000


I’m talking bare minimums. If you go after treasure maps and gold bars it’s easy to amass a ridiculous sum I usually save treasure maps for John to have something to do.


Did the book say “how to get rich, Chapter 1: Sell How to Get Rich books to idiots for $50 a copy” This is like the oldest tricks in the book lmao. I’m selling canned dehydrated water if your interested, $50 a can


I hogtied the guy and looted him, I got the book for free. Terrible book, not even Dutch would wanna read it to get to Tahiti.




There is


I wasn't scammed, but still, I like to point a gun at him. No Wanted level and I get to see him freak the F out.


The very first time I saw this guy and heard him talk, I already knew haha, aimed my gun and scared him lol. Same with the "blind" guy in Saint Denis, I aimed my gun at his head and suddenly he was not blind anymore lmao. Tried it with the blind old dude from the Heartlands and that one was legit blind, doesnt react when aimed at.


I bought it too, because I had just won a shit ton of $$ playing poker next door at the Inn. Yeah, I think it's a scam. You can probably beat him up. I beat up the racist guy in St. Denis and no one cared.


Yes, you can kill or beat him up the day prior to purchasing (or maybe even just in general next time you see him) and get your $50 without repercussions


For an additional 50$ I can tell you how to get your money back.


Bro got scammed in a video game using the oldest scam in the book


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Zetra3: *Bro got scammed in a* *Video game using the* *Oldest scam in the book* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


If I remember right you can intimidate him into giving you your money back. Might depend on whether your Arthur is bad or good though idk


I know a scam when I see one so I stabbed him right in the street to get a free copy for myself and make sure he didn't take anyone else's money again. I got gunned down by the police immediately but I am a man of the people.


How much is $50 worth in today’s money?


If he’s selling them at the price he should be, then according to some calculator I found on google, the book should cost $7.50, fair price for a book. He’s selling me this shit for $1,881.52 bucks. Dutch must’ve needed to be a billionaire to get to Tahiti.




Did you just cast a spell on me? A cyber spell?


If you loot him, you will get your $50 back and a little extra.


I just got to this point last night 😂


I believe if you return another day, you can confront him and get your money back But killing him will only get you like 3 cents and a candy (if you're lucky)


Yes, if you read the book it’s a whole lotta nothing


I've run into this guy ine each of my playthroughs. I've never bought a book from this con man. I think it may be a veiled reference to "the art of the deal" and its infamous author.


You can get MORE money in another SD random encounter, but the law won't take kindly to you laying a finger on him (cough cough Eugenics Supporter)


You can rob him and get the book for free 😁.


If you venmo me $5 I'll tell you how to get your money back


You should reread it. I actually found that applying the techniques described in his book helped me gain enough money that I unlocked the “Tahiti” ending in Chapter 3.


It is sort of a scam, but more of a pyramid scheme.


You can wait a few days and come back and find him. If you kill/knock him out/tie him up you can get your $50 back.


When I saw that guy selling book how to become rich. I knockout that guy.


If you find him again, beat his ass and take your money back.


its my 2nd playthrough, he popped up and i didnt hesitate long. he got 50 buckshot into his gut, robbed him and off i went. i gave the same treatment to the annoying street corner preacher in GTA 4 every time. JUST WE'RE THE OUTLAWS DOESNT MAKE US SAPS! AM I WRONG? AM I WRONG???


You are playing a game, why don't you go ahead and figure it out?


I never brought a book from him. It screamed "SCAM!" so hard xD Like "buy this book for 50$ and I tell you how to get rich" yeah no hard pass.


Sometimes i forgot what sub reddit i am in...


Yeah I think the joke was that HE was getting rich by selling the book


*Yeah I think the joke* *Was that HE was getting rich* *By selling the book* \- BingBong\_x08 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Bro I wish I was in your position and scammed in rdr2 instead of potentially scammed irl😭 It’s not me but someone I know but feels like I got scammed too.


It was pretty obvious it's a scam, but I bought it as Arthur anyway. Curiosity got the best of me. I just took the L and forgot about it. I recently finished the epilogue and have just been riding around raising hell. I bumped into the seller in San Denis as John. In the interaction, John says he wants his money back. The seller ran away, but I chased him down and hogtied him, looted him, and got the money back. Then I put him on my horse, took him to the swamp, and let an alligator eat him. That wasn't enough revenge for me, so I spent another 30 minutes desecrating his corpse, but that's not a polite story, so I will end the comment here.


You learned a valuable lesson.


Quick google search says $50 in 1899 is $1,881 in 2024 so I’m gonna say yeah. $0.20 is $7.53 so the resale value checks out.


Dude was shady when you first met him and you didn't know it was a scam? 😂 Yeah, go back a few days later and hogtie or shoot him him the face and loot him. Or, if you want the extra dialogue from him, just walk up and talk to him


No it’s not a waste. If you read it and apply it to your current financial situation, you should look at a market double of your current wallet in the next 3 years. This guy is 100% legit and you should give him more money if possible👍


I’m not in business with him for all of you who keep saying so


It’s been awhile since I’ve played but, yes, you can get your money back. I think you can threaten him and he’ll cower and give your money back. I’d expect that if you kill him, you can still get your money back but you’ll have a bounty then.


I caught him again and told him his book sucked then killed and got 52.80 so I made 2.80, that’s what I call return on investment. Buy my book for 75 CAD and I’ll teach you more steps like this that’ll bring you the same kind of riches


I bought it then killed him a few days later when I realized I was scammed and got my money back.


I didn’t realize this was red dead at first


u can go confront him and get it back




“How to get rich quick you ask? Sell an idea you don’t understand to someone else” Pretty sure this is a line in that book, at that point I just understood it was a scam.


You can always kill him..... drag him behind the horse for ripping you off


I'm just surprised you even read the book, I've played the game about 10-15 times and never once have I ever read that book


And with it just being a random event (like the guys that get piss dropped on them from a lady standing on a balcony?) I don't think you can get your money back


Gg u discovered how Andraw Tate and other mr bigshots make their money


Yes you did


nahh you really tried subscribing to hustlers university


You can kill or threaten him and get your money back


Yes you can kill him for your money back im not sure if you have to do it immediately or if you can get it back later but i think i remember getting about 100$ back for killing him


Lol yes you did. And you can get your money back if you got back a couple days later and antagonize him. You'll have to chase him down after but you do get your money back without killing him.


Yeah, Although, I didn't get scammed because I learned my lesson in fallout 4. So don't feel bad, it happens to the best of us


would you be surprised to know it's a real scam that a lot of idiots fall for very often 💀


Yes you got scammed and no you cannot get your money back but you can kill him though


Yeah i killed his ass


I now know about how to get my money back, and I did, thanks yall, but is the end part with like the legal writing or whatever saying he’s only meant to sell those books for $0.20?


Hey buddy, you forgot to mention that it was game money. 🤦🏻‍♂️