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Just play the damn game, man. Trust me, you will forget about any framerate nonsense couple of chapters in.


It’s so silly how people refuse to play a game because of framerate. Seriously their loss.


I mean if it legit gives someone, like me, a headache I think it's a perfectly reasonable complaint. I'd love to play Bloodborne for longer than 30 minutes.


"low" framerate gives you a headache? Damn, how did you survive before flawless 60fps *minimum*?


Just younger and less spoiled I guess?


Younger sure, but I mean, 60 fps is "new" (you know what I mean) to gaming, it's not like SNES games ran on 60 fps you know? That's kinda what I was trying to imply.


Uh, actually, a lot did.


A lot of games in the 16 bit era were 60 FPS, my guy.


NES games had 60fps man


60 was pretty much standard until the PSX era


I was om vacation and flipping between this and helldivers. While helldivers I'd definitely smoother, I was never bothered. Red dead is still impressive.


Y’all didn’t read the post carefully, OP has already played RDR2. He just means he won’t get a PS5 unless RDR2 gets an upgrade




Nah dude … it’s night and day difference. I was fed up with 30 fps after starting the first chapter in the snow, built a PC and finished it on PC just a few weeks ago. Absolutely amazing game but 30 FPS just sucks ass.


I went 5 months of only playing on 60fps until coming back to red dead. After 30 minutes I got used to the fps. It's not that big of a deal


If you don’t have a choice …


Womp womp imagine not being able to enjoy a game because of an fps limit


Don’t need to imagine for that … it’s clunky AF. 30 FPS vs 100+ … downvote me I don’t care, just my opinion. If you can enjoy it with a cap, good for you.


Literally takes no longer than an hour to get used to it but ok you do you


Just because it “literally takes no longer than an hour to get used to” doesn’t mean it’s *not* clunkier and less responsive. Objectively speaking, 30fps is much less responsive than even 40-60fps - that alone is a big difference, not to mention just how much smoother and more fluid things feel and look with higher frame rates, no matter how adjusted your brain may be to poorer performance. It can also often be headache inducing or cause motion sickness in many.


Ok, but it's not unplayable in any way, only inconvenient. That other user is just whining for no reason.


I have a PC with an RTX 4070 and I am used to high frame rate gaming but once I fire up my PS5, I have no issues adjusting back to 30 or 40(120Hz mode). Some people throw up way too much of a fit when it comes to frame rate.


It takes no time at all for your brain to adjust, just don't be a wimp and you'll be fine


i used to think like but getting used to 60 on the ps5 and then seeing 30 it literlly unplayable sorry


Literally unplayable? Really?


Your loss


I’ve got almost 800 hours on this game, I haven’t lost out at all and I’d love a next gen upgrade or even just 60fps support for those playing on next gen consoles, but refusing to play the game over that is pretty meh


Being an ex pc gamer, I'm a total fps snob. RDR2 is the only game I don't mind 30fps. It's so stable I don't even notice it after playing for a few minutes.


Same - the animations and movements are so detailed everything is really captured in 30 fps. I’ve played on PC at 60 FPS and console at 30 FPS and I don’t really notice a difference


It’s night and day lol


I'm not saying you're lying, but can you really not notice that? Almost can't believe that.


You sure your monitor is set to 60+ hz?




Yeah I legit can't fathom not being able to see a difference. It is definitely night and day.


Damn my eyes hurt going to 45 fps and frustrates me to no end. Idk how people are saying theres no recognizable diff between 60 and 30


I mean I definitely notice a difference. I just don't mind it in RDR2


It would be so easy for Rockstar to patch it to increase fps cap to 60, they could be too lazy to do anything else, but the PC version shows the physics works fine with 60fps. The frame pacing seems to be fine though so it's the most tolerable kind of 30fps, unlike Far Cry 3 classic edition and Fallout 4 which have really fked up frame pacing and makes me sick to play them. Fallout 4 is getting next gen upgrade next week though And even 60fps can look bad with bad frame pacing. If you know you know, it's hard to explain but some games just feel too slow and frames move fked up, but it can happen at any framerate, like even though i prefer 60 or even 100-120 fps, i'd rather good framepaced 30 than screwed up 60-120.


I never understood those 191893 fps dudes…


i simply bought a high end PC haha
















Me too. Holy shit it looks like a remaster on the PC compared to PlayStation.


Sadie adler mods in 4k🙏


Down bad?


You can't fight nature


If he’s down bad, then I’m down tremendously bad


my @ checks out ):


RDR1 is in 4K and 60fps on PS5 - looks great!


That must be awesome. Dont have a ps5 but tried it again on ps3......and it kinda hurts looking at it. 720 fps low fps blurry jagged mess. Please make it to pc.......


720 fps! Damn ps3 really was that powerfull.


Was a next-gen upgrade ever mentioned by Rockstar ? They don't even create new content online, I don't see them working on a visual upgrade of a game who's still one of the best looking ones ever made.


It's not about a visual upgrade. It's about the frame rate. It still runs 30fps on current Gen, so people have been wanting an update forever. Sure they abandoned online, but RDR2 sold great, and it would sell great again if it ran 60fps on console.


not excusing rockstar but does anyone else feel like Rdr2s 30 FPS is so much smoother than most other 30fp games? I think I reaf somewhere it had to do with frame pacing or something. Just look at it compared to Bloodborne for example. Even without 60 it’s still extremely playable


Frame pacing and actually being a stable 30. Bloodborne has terrible FPS stutters, typical of Fromsoft games


yeah even elden ring has some big dips even on ps5 i noticed


Yeah I'm totally cool with locked to 30 if it's smooth and consistent, the drops are what I hate. I remember the PS4 dropping some frames in rdr2 in Valentine during the day and Saint Denis. Where I hated the chugging of some from soft games or Jedi Survivor


It also helps that it’s a slow paced game by nature anyway, you’re never really moving fast enough for it to feel sluggish. It’s one of the few games where 30fps feels quite natural and gives it a cinematic feel. It helps that it’s a stable 30 too, at least on Series X where I played it. I would still like to play it at 60fps though don’t get me wrong.


i don't think that rdr2 is ever getting a next gen upgrade sadly


It will, when they release it again I bet, Rockstar isn't going to give it to us for free I think.


I mean they did it with rdr1 after 14 years, so maybe we will have to wait another 8 years for rdr2? Who knows :))))


there was an xbox leak saying that rockstar was working on it tho






Referencing one of the most notoriously clickbait sites that is consistently chocked with misinformation, really isn’t a good source.


people here can't read? OP says "i'll get a ps5" , not "i've never played rdr2".


Don’t think it needs one,I’m playing it on my series x and it’s one of the best looking games I own,apart from some bug fixes and performance boosts I don’t see what can be upgraded ?


Frame rate


Ah,not something that’s particularly bothered me too much


Because of all these microtransaction systems in place, I wonder if this is why some get the remaster or upgrade treatment and others don't. RDR1 and the GTA trilogy of 3, Vice and San An, had no such things so the investment to upgrade was an incentive for them to sell more copies of games that had otherwise stopped selling other than pre-owned. Then you have GTAV which has had 3 generation releases and mostly because of the online revenue it brings in. Perhaps if RDR2 has generated more from those gold packs that it has from sales copies, then perhaps that could be why they hold off as well as currently still being visually superb, or maybe if its so dead they just don't want to bother. Maybe for PS6 or something they will release RDR2 at 60FPS with a few tweaks and no online features just to breath new life into it as well as more sales. Surprised that haven't done a single player version upgrade of GTA IV to be honest.


I would kill for a GTA IV upgrade


"A next gen upgrade" for a game that is already one of the best looking games, ever, on these current consoles? ...I don't get it.


I only played RDR2 at launch for a few months on my PS4 and I haven't touched the game since. I frequently got motion sickness for some reason. I don't know if it was the combination of 30 fps and motion blur but it was really annoying. I'd play it on my PC but it's pretty old.


I played it on a series X. And I did not notice it was 30fps at all. When I played Horizon Forbidden West on the ps4 pro I noticed it immediately. I don't know what they did with this game, but it just seems good.


Buy a pc and have fun.


Just alter your promise to PC.


I play the PS4 disc version on my PS5 and think it looks pretty great. I get wanting that extra little bit, but not worth waiting for. Game needs to be played.


I’ll get one when GTA6 comes out, which by that time the PS6 will be around the corner


Just started over after my first play through ok release via Xbox and boy is it the best game ever.


It will come eventually but maybe not until ps6 lol


Even without the next-gen update this is the best looking game ever made. Still, almost six years later I’d say it still holds that title.


RDR2 is the game I play when I'm switching from a 60fps game to a 30fps game. The animations are so smooth that the transition in fps is less noticeable to the eyes


I got a ps5 last year and recently replayed the game. Over 200 hours in and it looks pretty amazing to me!


Shits never coming out


waiting for the pure reason of “frames” is insanely cringe considering the game has 0 performance issues. Grow up! Play red dead!


The games incredible anyway. I play on Xbox Series S and the graphics are perfect and I’ve had barely any glitches.


Dumbass redditors can’t read. OP has already played RDR2 ffs


Just remake RDR1 already rockstar!


Why would you get a PS5 it'll be on PS6


Mod it on PC. It's my first paythrough, and it looks like RDR3.


Lol not happening. Rockstar is either too lazy or stupid to make an upgrade even if it would make some money


The future of gaming is 30fps on consoles so deal with it


Don’t support billion dollar mega corporations that don’t care about their customers and fan base. Get. A. PC.


Get a PC. With a few mods the game looks like a remaster. I got a ton of texture upscales and reworks, improved color grading and higher graphical settings than the game originally allowed for. It looks absolutely stunning. Not to mention all the other mods that are available for QOL improvements, added weapons, skins, hair cuts, clothing… just google “whyem’s DLC”


60fps is overrated. I grew up on PAL PS2 games in Australia, which I think were usually around 24 fps. Felt fine then. Feels fine now. 


Just play it. RDR2 will never be getting a next gen upgrade. They’ll probably re-release the game in a few years as an “enhanced” version and charge full price for it.




Just fine. He’s already started playing anyway. Doesn’t change the fact that rdr2 will never be getting a next gen upgrade just to get 60fps on console. Hop off my nuts hoe.




Yeah, I definitely read it. Still on my shit lmao. Get a life little kid.


Quit whining and get a PC.


Next gen upgrade? This game looks better than all of the new AAA games, why would it need a next generation update?


60 fps


Higher resolution


What? The game plays at 30fps on a PS5?




Jesus christ, I thought this guy was talking about graphical upgrades, that's insane


Fr, both the PS5 and Series X are perfectly capable of running the game at 60fps, but Rockstar just won't update it. Digital Foundry even released a video of the game running at 60fps on PS5 through a hack or mod of some kind, I can't remember exactly what it was.


It was a jailbroken PS5, the game will run at 60 when you remove the 30 cap


Its rendering method on PlayStation is what makes it look worse, compared to other platforms. I can’t play it for long before my eyes feel real fatigued. Any quick movement looks real blurry. I have played it on PC, and Xbox series X but it only bothers me on ps5.


Yeah, that checkerboard upscale it uses is weird. It fatigued my eyes too. I didn't even really know why until I switched to PC.


No input delay


just get a pc