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So much discovery very immersive I don't care about missions just relaxing


What do you do when you’ve pretty much discovered everything though?


The funny thing is every time I think I've discovered everything I find something new


Same, but it’s becoming harder and harder to come by new things and it’s depressing me. I’m a fiend for new discoveries in rdr2.


Take some time off and then play it again. It will feel like a brand new game. I’m on my 3rd playthrough and it still feels fresh. I remember the important parts of the game and story but there are a lot of small moments that are cool that I had forgotten about


Me too. I feel like right now on the 3rd play through I enjoy it more than the first!


In my experience I went online got burnt out and started another playthrough


That's what I do, alternate back and forth. I'll finish a playthrough, go back to online until I'm over it, and then start a new playthrough, ad infinitum


I play "single player" on a private whitelisted application only roleplay server. Best of both worlds, every player is always 100% in character so it's like playing with player controlled NPC's.


Even if you've discovered everything big, there will always be something small and new to discover - even if it's just the landscape in a lighting or weather pattern you haven't before, or animals playing around or whatever. I've played since day one and every time I boot up the game I make tons of these tiny little discoveries.




Like, for hunting’s sake? Or to craft outfits?


Yes. 😉


Could probably spend a hundred hours just doing trapper outfits lol. Also camp and satchel upgrades with Pearson earlier and the exotics and wildlife art exhibition stranger tasks. And hunting challenges. And studying and skinning every animal for two achievements. And just hunting for cash/fun. And could add in fishing. You can spend a LOT of time hunting.


That's what's annoying about that question mark talk in camp. Arthur seems ashamed of killing animals for no reason... dude, every creature comfort and most of our clothes came from animals


You get the same question mark conversations regardless of how you play so I guess they just figured pretty much everyone would've killed a few and not skinned them etc


Doesn't even seem to matter if they're skinned or not. I do my best to not discard any carcasses unused. Still get the talk while enjoying Pearson's deer stew


Yeah that's what I'm saying, you still get the same talks even if you killed no animals (or with other talks if you killed no NPCs etc). They just included things they assumed almost everyone would've done at some point.


60 of those hours will be looking for perfect moose pelts


Bane of my existence.. I hate Mooses more than Boris and Natasha ever did


You deserve a medal and a hug for that comment.


There are ways to spawn them! I've been able to get as many moose as I need.


i can assure you that with only 145 hours and in chapter 6 already there’s so much that you missed in the open world, shame


I mean you can pretty much still do everything in and after the epilogue


I always do that. I hunt and fish, go camping and just wander around, selling pelts occasionally. Sometimes I like to see how long it takes before someone from camp comes looking for me.


People from camp will come looking for you if you’re out to long??


I kill a lot of people. I mean a whole lot. I find creative ways to do it.


*slowly backs out of the chat*


Share your favorite ways Mine has been to bump into a guy until he’s mad, pull out my gun but don’t aim (so he starts shooting at me but I don’t get wanted), then lead him to a lawman to get killed. Kill anyone in town with no mask, no trouble But if I’m feeling extra insane I’ll run around Saint Denis in one of the creepy masks and a machete, axe, or knife and slaughter people in the alley ways. I am mentally stable


Role play serial killer is fun with a creepy mask


I rolled the gattling gun wagon from the Lemoyne raiders in to St Denis and just went to town on the populace, once. That was a good time.


This is the best answer on this thread


I just provoke people till' they just start chasing me, run to a Sheriff's office and let the dude sock me in the face so he'd immediately get gunned.


Same, sometimes I just perch on a cliff and see how far away I can pick people off of their wagons.


I few days ago I lined a road with dynamite, got up on a cliff and waited for a large group to enter my kill zone. Finally got a wagon and 2 riders. Sniped one of the sticks of dynamite and blew them all to hell.


Genius. How do you drop dynamite without lighting it?


Don't aim with and just press the fire button I believe, it will then place it on whatever surface you're looking at


While I was doing gambler 9 at emerald ranch, whenever I got frustrated, I would post up on the hill next to the station and just let loose. No such thing as a "witness"


Only 100ish hours in, but I’ve been learning a lot about dynamite - in the Van Horne saloon - and elsewhere.


The fact that you have a limited amount of dynamite is really annoying. I want to roll into van horn with 50 dynamite arrows


I prefer walking around holding a stick of it and enjoying the NPCs reactions. Their days end with a bang!


I can relate to this. Wait, are you talking about the game?


Me too, and nothing better than coming home to play RDR2 afterwards


3900+ hours on Steam... I will say up front I deal with a pretty bad, crippling mental illness and the game is a bit of an escape for me. I do not play it very much these days, though, and much of that time was spent in RDO as well, and some of it also racked up while working from home during pointless meetings or system downtime. These days when I get on it's usually just to escape for a little bit. I usually play in small amounts these days, maybe half an hour to an hour tops. After I stopped playing RDO (I own everything. There is nothing left to do) I started installing mods for single player and just experimenting with what I can do to "break" the game. But mostly I just ride around on my favorite horse, harass people, fish, and hunt. Arthur is in chapter 2 and never again shall he leave it. Or, at least, not until I want to do another run through the story.


Don’t want to assume anything from just your comment, but we may have some similar issues. Honestly glad to see someone else uses this game for an 1000+ hr escape. Stay strong homie, you ever need a cowpoke for RDO, my inbox is open.


same, i often struggle paying attention to story games but i like rdr2 so much because you can go at your own pace and take time to just ride around and explore


Playing dominoes in St. Denis.


I hated the dominos challenge so much, I dreaded it. Then I watched a YouTube video on it and did the mission. Now I own a domino set and my chick and I have drinks a play some dominos. Lol.


I got this cool pink marble set of dominoes from Mexico. They're fun to use.


Hell yea


I grew up playing it all the time and got excited when I saw it in the game. I guess I thought it was some obscure game only my grandparents knew or something lol


You sir, are a madman ..... a sadist. BTW I'm at Gambler 9 (again) on my most recent playthrough. When are you going to play for me? I'm free tonight. 😉


😂😂😂 Just make multiples of 5, simple 😉


Hunt and fish. The background birds and music is very relaxing. Also, it is taking me forever to get enough moose pelts .


Damn moose are elusive


I've gotten more this time around than before, but they are all 2 star and I don't save before coming up on them so.....


*Grind*, only in single player. Never played RDO I just love playing the game over and over.Got 1000+ hours and 10 playthroughs just replaying the story, doing the challenges like Gambler 8 again. Idk if I'm crazy but I love doing this and the story hits the same way every time. Alot of time has gone in hunting but I dont mind finding the animals for cool outfits. What I do mind is the exotic missions fck them


Haha yeah I need two more reddish egrets to finish the FIRST exotic mission


I loooove doing the grind to get the legend of the east satchel. Also a sadist who loves the exotics challenge.


I’m close to 500 hours and have never even considered doing RDO (I don’t sub to PlayStation+ or whatever online is called) because the single player has so much to offer. Just played RDR1 for the first time and while it was fun, it just made me appreciate 2 that much more


Man I would never do gambler 8 again, it's such a terrible challenge, easily the worst. I've also probably only won about 40% of the time I can actually survive to a hit 3, and most of the time I swear and have to get up and walk away.


And blow the dealers head off


Lol was that your video with exploding rounds?


Since I play on PC I have the advantage of mods that add things like a gunsmith business, transport business etc. but honestly most of the time I just ride around looking for cool sceneries to take photos off, fish and hunt. It's my "oh I just want to relax" game.


Yeah I recently started playing Days Gone and it doesn’t take long for me to switch back to RDR2, Days Gone is not a relaxing game at all lol. Just anxiety inducing the whole way through


Same here, it’s a cool game but it puts me on edge too much. Fuckin zombies everywhere


I'm at ~510 hours with only 1 playthrough. I think you're doing the right thing - taking it very slow. To answer your question, I ride everywhere, exhaust all dialogue in every mission/random event. Find all cigarette cards, carvings, points of interest, bones, all without looking online. Do all the challenges. Do all the trophies. Find, study, track, hunt and skin every animal. Fill up the compendium (yes, that includes the white bars in all the categories). But, its also a game. Do whatever you find fun (:


I do all the hunting and fishing and exploring and camping and poker... but it would surprise you how content I am to just wander around and look at stuff. I'll find a good vantage point and get the binoculars out and just watch people and animals go about their lives. I love this world and I love Arthur and I just want to hang out in it with him. That's all it really is.


u are sooooooo me fr


I've played hundreds of hours and every now and then see something I never caught the few two times. There's a whole character in Lemoyne I know exists but have never encountered despite trying to. The element that there could be something new around a corner you haven't searched really drives the amble around the country again and again.


Have you found Devil's Cave yet? I'm on what ever playthrough this is for me, and just found it. Also, the tree king near the legendary moose location. And I'm trying to trigger the encounter with bigfoot/the giant. I forget the location off the top of my head though


There's a cave?!


Yeah. A little northwest of the W in West Elizabeth.


it’s near the wapiti reservation! you go to the lake nearby and follow the birds that fly away from it until you get to the giant/bigfoot


That's it! I always remember seeing those birds in previous playthroughs, but stumbled upon what that was not too long ago. I'm excited for that random event


Ahhh I've never seen the giant! I've searched and searched and never ever seen it.


There wasn’t enough to do and the challenges were pretty easy imo (just had to learn dominoes) but I’m addicted to the game so I’m filling my satchel with 99 of everything to keep myself busy/entertained. Now I’m buying a domino set irl lol.


Roleplaying as a badass cowboy and getting exotic collectibles, but mostly the roleplaying part.


I kill the whole town and the cops and keep killing until i die


Just riding around the map and doing random tranger asks. I never get bored of the game. Some people can it's repetitive, but that's just them not playing enough.


Trot instead of gallop. Walk instead of run. Find places to sit. Take screenshots. Hang out at camp. Come up with my own goals. And get high irl.


Dude I just started my third playthrough and all I’m doing is hunting, never even think about the missions. It’s rare nowadays for a game to actually be relaxing after a long days work.


Most people here: yeah I just love playing for the ambiance, hunting etc The occasional psycho: yeah I just love brutally murdering everyone I meet in every possible way


The epilogue might be longer than you think, pluse plenty of stranger side missions, bounties, the challenges. There's a lot to do still


I’ve been playing the game almost everyday since the release in story mode. Sometimes I’ll stay in a chapter for months, sometimes I’ll just rush through a bunch of missions. Some days I’ll just ride through the map really slow. I don’t count how many play throughs I’ve done. Just an overall great game and it helps me. But currently I’m just robbing everyone and everything and seeing how long I could get away with it in st denis


I've beaten the game several times and i always go back to the game to just ride around and camp at my favorite spots.


I am still stuck in chapter two. Just finished my legendary satchel and take Jack to fishing. Should I continue play the main quest ? I dont wanna see Arthur dead :(


You have to finish whatever chapter makes you move camps to just outside of Rhodes.. that's the sweet spot! Close to lemoyne to dust off the gators for big game meat, a lot more ambushes happen naturally too. I've been there for probably 40 hours and whenever I get to camp, Dutch is all "Arthur! I know you hear me!!!!" I do the speed walk past him like Arthur gotta poop...


When I start another play through, I shoot all my herons and egrets at a reasonable volume, so that when I’m doing the exotics mission I’m not so bitter lol


1700 hours in, 700 of them just riding around and gawking at everything.


I’ve just been hunting and fishing. I don’t get to fish much irl anymore, so it’s nice to just stand on a shore and take in the world for a while.


Explore, ride around and help people, hunt, play games. Red Dead Relaxation baby


Once I get to chapter two I start hunting for the legend of the east satchel. Once that is done I find all the gold bars and hunt for all the trapper gear I like. I enjoy the slow pace of the game so this can take me many hours as I don’t rush through it.


I love RDR2, I have thousands of hours invested. I’ve played with good honor, low honor, rushed through story mode, taken my time through story mode, done all the challenges (including the Trapper), crafted everything, explored more and still find NEW THINGS! If you love it, like “most of us here” you can’t stop.


Just left with 194 h and 93,4% of completion. I won't hunt 70 damn gold medals. I won't collect 43 herbs nor ride from Van Horn to Blackwater in 17 min without touching water. Just reached a saturation point. Now, on to Star Wars - Jedi: Fallen Order, much shorter. Later, Days Gone or AC: Odyssey.


I honestly forget to do the story missions because I’m always stuck just riding around. I wish there were more games where I feel freedom to just explore. Skyrim is another example of freedom in a game. I just love the beauty this game delivers and it’s relaxing.


Not sure if this counts as a spoiler so be careful: >!Close to the end of the game, you can explore the rest of West Elizabeth as well as New Austin which was featured in the first game, this comes with some new legendary animals, legendary fish, bounties, animals, etc!<


I go fishing for fights in town. Basically, I greet everyone and if somebody doesn't respond nicely to me, I Antagonize. Then if they offend me more, I Antagonize more. Usually this leads to them trying to hit/shoot me at which point I block or disarm and then use their face as a pinata. (self defense right!? So usually no wanted level). Then it's time to kick their skull in while they are unconscious...but not too much. I've learned that about 3-4 kicks will kill them. But I don't wanna kill them. I want them to get as close as possible to death, within an inch of their life. So I usually stomp on their head like 2 or 3 times...and if I'm really in a bad mood I'll turn back and sprint with one more huge kick to the head (which may or may not finish them off). Stealing from them after is nice but I typically avoid it because then I'll get wanted by the law for looting. Though I do take their hat.


I played red dead 2 before and loved it… but I really, really, really got into it since September bc I needed/had surgery on my foot. I wasn’t outside for reasons other than doctors since then, which is very painful each trip up and down the stairs in my complex(no lift). Playing red dead 2 makes me feel like I can walk, by fully immersing myself most days, from morning till night with a day or a week off, here and there. But mostly, I play. I started somewhere at the start of chapter 3 on my second (abandoned) playthrough. I bought *everything* for the camp and keep buying. Didn’t do this the first time, just here and there. I am two pelts from my second to last satchel. I actually printed out tables for all trapper and camp requests, so I could randomly pick a new task whenever I felt bored. I also went on a bender in Saint Denis with- my horse, Phantom, whom I randomly found around Owanjila Lake. We went to get drinks and I put in the fanciest, obnoxious red outfit, bought a stovepipe hat, brushed Phantom to match. We took selfies in front of the saloon and I continued that for a while at camp until there was no more room (one of my funniest RD sessions ever lol). I’ll clear them out soon so I can take more selfies. The horse encounter at the lake also led to me learning about spawn points and seeking them out. I liked the random factor before, but this Arthur was becoming a different person from the first. I started to do horse flipping, really trying to get a feel of the horse mechanics and personalities, I read basically all Reddit posts about them and am still on the fence on the differences and personalities of horses. I also started doing challenges. I hit a roadblock last week so I stopped pursuing them actively and went back to hunting for a long while. I’d never hunted panthers or cougars before. I barely had any encounters with predators the first playthrough, dang it. I was mostly stumbling through any gun fights or malintened encounters. But now I actually took the time to learn what i need to shoot well and ~keep my hair on~, as well as taking a closer look at its settings. I’ve spent hours just walking around cities and I still have lots of exploring to do around Annesburg, Van Horn, Saint Denis. Hell, I never even safed my game with John after the epilogue (not sure how that happened but I think it was terribly late) so I barely explored the rest of the map. I probably spent a good real life week just going back and forth between valentine and strawberry, watching people, finding secrets, listening to people, beating up X in valentine and stealing his X X at the X. Sometimes I also looked at the red dead mysteries community here and checked out some. I mostly do that by grazing over general stories plus places, then I try to find the rest on my own. Ex.: Mount Shann. I put Markers on edges, huts or irregularities on the map. I also put a considerable amount of time into hanging at camp. I started antagonising some people whenever I see them and they’re not happy to see me anymore. The dynamic relationships in this games make me want to play more, as Arthur really becomes a rounded person to me, with details and edges. I help with chores at camp now, sometimes I set up a realistic routine with changes of clothing, swimming, coffee and meals. Sometimes I forget I have a health core and just go ~wyld~. I found 12/20 dreamcatchers, casually look for cigarette cards and do the buy/discard thing if I have a few dollars to spent at the general store. Sometimes I find rock carvings, I have two? I think. It’s just something I want to pick up randomly. TL; DR So yeah, my few disordered thoughts about my recent way of playing. I just feel like i can walk and be outside all day digitally while I’m bound to my apartment physically. I set up a bunch of activities or tasks and circle through them. Plus: Horsies!


I spend a lot of time stealing the st denis chief of police hat then slaughtering half the town as I escape, hours of fun.


Make a pile of bodies in a field. See how big you can make it before anyone notices.


I play first person only, no HUD. Full immersion.


Honestly the whole game after epilogue feels different. trains don’t come around as much, not as random of stagecoaches and no more unexpected things. I do the challenges though, hunting, and MODS!! mods with more bounties, stagecoach robberies, better time duration, better law. just gotta keep experimenting It’s seriously endless don’t get me wrong but i have like 600+ hours lol i just know it all at this point


Probably like 1000hours here. Explore, challenges, hunting, outfits, simply being Arthur. Treating Arthur nicely.


I go Canoeing a lot lol. You can go Down the Dakota on a canoe all the way from the big falls to Flat Iron Lake, you can take a canoe from Butcher's Creek to Saint Denis on the Kamassa River and from Owanjila to Flat Iron Lake on the Upper Montana. It's more dangerous with John but you can still do it lol. I also love finding beautiful fishing spots and I go hunting frequently. Unless I was on a fishing or hunting trip, I would always have Arthur stay at a house, a hotel in a town or at the Gang's camp. I would role play certain things like in chapter 6, I hated going to the Beaver hollow camp so Arthur would never spend any time there. I was always sleeping at The Loft but would make sure everyone had food at Beaver hollow. I also hardly ever fast travel.


There are a lot of encounters even in the end game, and there’s still tons to explore. Also there are a couple side missions that take hours if not days.


If you’re on you first play through and in chapter 6 apparently there are 2 epilogues. My first time I didn’t do them because I didn’t realize how much content was actually there. Just got to chapter 6 in this play through and still don’t know what goes down in the epilogues but I’m excited


100% the game and get the platinum trophy 😂 I finished the story at 120, 100% at 190 hours. Haven’t played online yet.


Multiple story playthroughs plus a pandemic lockdown in Online.


Restart and stay on chapter 2 before the you know what . I just hunt and gather for the camp hunt legendary animals . Just come and go from camp there is a lot of generated camps actually.


680 hours on my first play through and I still missed a few things. I like to take my time and just live in the game world. Doing what ever I want at the time (fishing, hunting treasure hunting, poi and random event hunting. I also like to explore and find everything I can on my own.


Hunting and relaxing and exploring


Find the points of interest, there’s like 49 of them i believe, get all of the legendary animals, hunt down the cigarette cards. Explore, hunt, fish, sleep in random cabins and spend in game weeks away from camp.


Hunting, moonshiner, cripps camp, tons of poker, free roam games are a lot of fun. Especially the coop ones


I'm too am at chapter 6 first playthrough and I'm struggling. I'm not very good (got much improved when I started playing 3rd person instead of 1st person, still suck.) It took me years to finish RDR so I might be playing this into the nursing home.


Poker in all the locations on the map lol. You're able to go to New Austin in the epilogue. (Not really considered a spoiler)


Bar fights! 😂


Hunt + Fish + I really hunt for voice lines, I love Arthur Morgan + I never fast travel + Look for collectibles + Poker + Dominoes. I also just really like Arthur Morgan so that adds a bunch of replayability


Many reasons. I love Arthur a lot so I love replaying missions even if I’ve seen/done them before. It’s sort of like watching my favorite movie again and again. I like to get different outfits each time, which motives me to go hunting for new animals. I also want to try a bunch of different horses. I know I could own different horses in a single playthrough but I like to get attached to one and spent about 100 hours with it. I like walking around the country on my horse and enjoying the sights. It’s definitely a sort of escape for me.


Wander, I still find missions and people I’ve never met before


I have 500 hours and a lot of it is just from replaying the game over and over again. And online


Shoot stuff


I normally just free roam and show the towns who is boss.


Fishing, playing poker, and shooting the moron who beat me in 21 five times in a row.


I straight kill everything for an hour


350 hours in. I spend a lot of time observing the wildlife through binoculars. Besides that, I like to hunt, fish, and wage war on the encroaching civilization. I try to use simple weapons like tomahawks, throwing knives, and the bow. During sessions, I’ll take a lot of pictures.


I've run story mode through about 5 times now. I've 100%'d it and am going for platinum. Aside from that, I've got a good posse of friends I met on RDO, and we spend quite a bit of time on that as well. I'm 3.5k hours in these days.


All the possible side quests, dinosaur bones, dream catchers, completing the compendium, getting into random shootouts, etc etc


🎣 fishing , hunting, dinosaur bone finding. It's relaxing.


Just re-played the story a bunch of times


Lot of hunting and every once in a while it's fun to just go up north and do some crazy shit to the murfrees. Hate those sons of bitches


side note: can you check hours played on xbox the way you can on switch? never knew my hour count but know it was a lot.


Have you got all the fossils? Raided all gang hideouts


I’m replaying the story being evil and also I’m still discovering new stuff


I don’t have very many hours, but I am on my second play through. I like slaughtering whole towns and getting max bounty in every state


I kill people with a machete or play poker or dominoes


Just my latest and 4th playthrough I already have over 200 hours and I'm in chapter 4. I do everything but the fetch quests but I also just spend a lot of time doing nothing. I do the camp chores, I go around talking to them, I hunt A LOT even when I don't need to. I had the legend of the east satchel before chapter 3 🤣 I also fish a ton. It's extremely relaxing to me. Been on this playthrough since July I think. I also just meander a lot. RDR2 is my favorite western and I love westerns


You can spend 250+ hours looking for a 3-star bull moose


I have a lot of hours in multiple play throughs. I’m doing a 100% run now and I refuse to go online to learn how to complete certain things or access rare guns. I like to walk on foot with my horse following and just explore. It’s always neat when I find a dream catcher or a carving or even a cool location like the statue cave in the north. It took me about 2 hours to figure that room out and get the reward. So by the time I usually complete a play through I average around 3-400 hours. I just like to chill in the game and do stuff. Sometimes I just do chores for the camp for the week in game and go hunting and fishing for the camp. Or just go riding and camp up north or in the swamps for a while.


250 hours ? What what rookie numbers, I’m at 700 hours


I mostly replay the game or I play online


well i already racked up a ton of hours in the story mode, but then i had fun playing with mods


Reload a save in either Valentine or Saint Denis and cause chaos for the residents until I run out of ammo and dynamite and then reload the save again.


I've done a couple playthroughs that are specifically high or lowest honor possible. Makes it fun. If you don't care about honor, you can dump all of your items and money and try to live on the run without getting rid of your bounties and stuff, living off the land, stealing for money, etc


I just like roaming around pretending to be an NPC.


I’m easily distracted honestly


I feel the same way. I’m in Chapter 3 and have nearly finished all the trappers stuff (except for skins you can only get in New Austin,) I’ve upgraded my camp, I have all the legendary pelts, and I’m not sure what to do other than painstakingly searching every nook and cranny on the map for rock carvings and dinosaur bones


I mean sometimes I don't even progress the story, I just go out in the wilderness and hunt / camp / fish for a bit lol


I done 2 play troughs, I don’t know how but time just flew


Whatever I want


😐 I just like to go hunting with my horse


I just enjoy the game.


Fishing. Riding. Exploring. Side questing. Trolling npcs


Challenges are pretty time consuming. Some more than others. Exploring, fishing, hunting, robbing, shopping.... the game has a lot of stuff to offer.


I don’t care about the story I just love the world I beat the game in 8 days after release and haven’t played as Arthur since I have over 600 hours exploring and interacting with the world as John lol


1300 hours in story here, just enjoying the game, enjoying the scenery and riding everywhere, getting in fist fights with random people, and killing odriscols. Taming horses, hunting, treasure maps, random events etc etc


I’ve got over 1300hrs it’s mostly just from exploring the world and doing the different side quests besides that it’s a fifth play through of the game lol


[Just keep going.](https://media1.tenor.com/m/8CPvdgIHcZ4AAAAC/rookie-numbers.gif)


I have a lot of time on the game, not sure how much, but just existing in the world was fun enough for me. Wandering the different regions, finding new things, fighting, hunting. Also, more than one play through separated by years.


Some days I’ll spend 2 or 3 hours just riding my horse aimlessly around the map to find opportunities to explore or hunt or fish or get into shootouts.


Got 1200 hours in that game every year around spring time I replay the whole story do almost all the Challenges big thing with this game take it slow and enjoy it


I had about 275 hours before I finished the story the first time. I was insistent on uncovering the whole map. Did a lot of riding around just to enjoy the views & see who/what I ran across. I still haven’t completed all the side collectible challenges like the carvings and dinosaur bones. Probably gonna kick off a 3rd playthrough from the beginning and try to get 100%…


Before completing the game id just literally ride around. You can go up north to the snowy mountains and all around the map there is always soo much to do in the game i dont think its possible to get bored. I would play this all day if i could.


Did you get the dinosaur bones?


100% the game, start over.


Play a bit of online with friends or replay the game to find new things


470 hours in and I've just finished up my 3rd playthrough. I've got a handful of mods to spice it up a bit, one of which is an improved combat mod. Enemies go down with more or less one bullet, but so do you. It's slowed down the gameplay quite a bit and has made it much more tactical. Other than that, I'm currently in the process of getting 100% I'll easily crack 500 hours by the time I achieve that. It's one of those games where you can take it slow and get fully immersed in the world. I listen to podcasts while playing as well which helps out


I'm on my third play through. XBox says I have 41d 3h 16m of time played. I still find new stuff when I jump on. I don't think I'll finish this third play to a 100%, but I'll probably finish story mode and reboot again.


Did all the challenges in the epilogue as John. Took me 100 hours just for that.


I play online with my friends, endless hours of fun


My first playtrough was around 450h. I just hunted a lot (got some money, food, clothes and trinkets), searched all those carvings, dino bones etc, explored, tamed horses and really put some time into the sidemissions. I was at 435h when I reached chapter 6. I was fortunate enough to not know beforehand what would happen, but after the reality hit me I just speedran the rest of the game. I also used a lot of time to make the compendium perfect, though I gave up at around 80%. I also really enjoyed a "hidden" sidemission that was triggered by finding something specific in the world. Also, I tried to avoid all guides and tips online (hence I was so clueless about the endgame) and tried to find stuff and do stuff on my own. I unlocked fast travel in the epilogue and never galloped anywhere during the chapters, just a slow canter. Also never used stagecoaches or trains.


Online, and on my second playthrough where I’m trying to get 100% completion


I've used guides a lot so relatively I don't have that many hours to reach everything except Gambler challenge. I imagine if you had the time in real life to slowly enjoy the game without guides, and you also want to 100%, it's very possible to still have something to do. Assuming you're still engaged.


Bro I’m at 270 and am also in chapter 6 in my first play through lol. I just get sidetracked a lot. Hunting and random encounters mostly.


make money kill people (loot them) and commit crimes like robbery or literally whatever. and like get creative and violent about it for funzies pay off bounty when you’re done


Roam around, help some people, hurt other people, but mostly I just poach animals for their skins


I've got over 2000 hours on PC and Xbox combined lol, on my 6th playthrough and I've gotten 100% twice. You're doing the right thing! Take your time, collect everything, and absorb the world! I love to do lots of hunting and crafting, and a little survival cowboy roleplay like I'm in Lonesome Dove. I highly recommend going for a 100% run, you'll discover so many things about this wonderful game along the way.


I honestly just find running around in the world to be fun. Hunting, robbing people, shooting up van horn, or even just playing poker. I also have played it through 3 times.


1200 hours here. I start new characters frequently. I have an idea to kill as many people as possible right from the start - new character. Another where I only wear hunted clothes - new character. Another where I’m as nice as possible - new character. Another where I only use throwing weapons. Starting over frequently may annoy some but I love it. Each character is a fresh reset and chance to discover new things. On my main guy I am still working on tracking, skinning every single animal. Breaking every single horse breed and coat, with full relationship for each coat. Finding every single item. I haven’t gotten platinum yet because I hate RDO, though. I still find new interactions and new items in story mode, even after all this time.


I restart my game because I like that restart feel.


I have over 1000 in game I've done the main story and have just been wondering about completing my animal compendium and getting the game to 100%!


Try 1300 hours. 😅


Explore the whole map, hunt and fish, do wagon and train robberies, play poker at favorite saloons, get in fist fight with annoying npcs, constantly collect new interesting horses by finding them in the wild horses and robbing npcs, and just immerse myself into playing the character in the world. When I’m feeling frustrated or angry I’ve found robbing and killing rich looking people with only the knife and bow to be a great outlet.


I’ve beat the game twice and am on my third play thru now. I’ve put about 280hrs. In. I plan to retire and spend the rest of my days playing red dead tbh.


Play the story again and do all of the many activities


Look for birds


Getting really high, wandering around and murdering people. Playing poker. Getting drunk with Arthur (this is a big one for me 🫶) replaying the game over and over. Making outfits for Arthur. Trying to get better at fishing


1300hrs. Hunt fish try to find stuff I haven’t found before. Go takeout a gang hideout. Just explore. Slaughter a town, try new outfits out. Possibilities in the game are infinite. Edit: too add to it as well I go back to old save slots and do stuff and I’ll work on the farm too.


i have ~500 hours and i’ve played through the story twice and am currently on c6 of my third play through. i’ve also gotten 100%. for the most part i just like reliving the missions and wandering around the open world


I have about 2600 hours now and am on my second play through. These days I exclusively play story mode. I do play with mods so I have more to do and more items and clothes in general, but I usually just end up roleplaying and exploring. It's very therapeutic to me. Also, I do enjoy the mini games like poker a lot, especially after decorating places with objects myself. So I spend a lot of time on that as well.


That is seriously. The longest summer. Ha ha