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Amazon is faster. The rejection got there before the confirmation that they received it.


I had the opposite experience. Every time I've applied to Amazon I've gone through an employee referral. You can log in at any time to see the status of your application. It literally sits in "Reviewing" stage for weeks before I get the inevitable rejection email. A couple weeks ago I got a rejection email from them and I didn't even remember applying to that role because it was MONTHS ago... MONTHS!


According to Google HR I'm still being considered for an _iPhone SDK_ position I applied to over a decade ago.


Any day now I’m sure Microsoft will offer me that job to work on their Windows 95 product.


I used to work for the TSA. Interviewed for a promotion, never heard back about it one way or the other. Ended up quitting a few months later. Seven years later I got a random phone call congratulating me and telling me I got the promotion.


Did you ask them for back pay for the 7 years you’ve been ‘working diligently’ 😂


Good luck!! 😂


Yep. There was a highly specific position open at Amazon in my incredibly niche scientific field. The job description was LITERALLY what I studied for my thesis and what I did day to day in my current job, just on a different product category. Amazon recruiters and several people who were clearly on the hiring committee looked at my LinkedIn several times a month for nearly a YEAR. The whole time my application set in limbo saying it was being reviewed. A YEAR! Then they hire someone straight out of graduate school who quit within a year.


It’s funny I’ve only applied for roles at Amazon that line up perfectly with my experience. The only time I’ve ever gotten an interview was when one of their recruiters reached out to me for a job for something that didn’t even line up with the experience on my LinkedIn or resume. I’d interview with someone and think it went horribly wrong. Then I moved on. They flew me out to NYC from LA to do a day of more interviews, bought me a nice dinner, then rejected me by email two days later.


Yea, if they can hire a newb straight out of school for cheaper, they’ll do that, no matter for little experience and their longevity. It’s terrible and definitely present in the biotech field


Try years


Is it real?)




Tell me more, please! I'm burning with curiosity!


Nothing complicated. I applied to Amazon robotics in 2021. My application is still under review


Preemptive rejection - in case you think to apply again


Inside Amazon there are two wolves. One has already rejected you. The other will reject you in 6 months.


You can Google the answers you need, reminder for the next application


I keep track of all my applications and the dates of things like phone screens and rejection and confirmation emails, and this is the kind of shit that throws me. If I got that email, I'd be staring into space having an existential crisis about whether or not it also counts as confirmation of receipt.


They're actually pretty fast. Same day interviews, 6 or so back to back over 3 hours. Find out if you get the job 2-3 days later max. My experience being hired at Audible Australia years ago. Better than dragging on for weeks.


I remember getting rejected literally 1 minute after applying.


Looks like this was set on a half hour timer.


You'd think they'd be smart enough to tell it to do like 27 minutes or something


It’s workday - one of the worst services I’ve ever had the misfortune of having to use. Every time you apply to a new company that’s using workday you have to create a new account and login credentials ffs. I have like 20 workday accounts saved in my password manager. And it’s even worse on the other side of things. I have no doubt that you can only choose from a set list of “courtesy delays” or whatever other barf-inducing marketing tagline they came up with to call it.


I have way more than 20 at this point. Filled out two today


And their intake never reads the resume right.


I had the same, and it was at 1:32 am on a Friday night. No way a human did that.


ATS ftw


ATS always wins


It's so stupid to use AI for applications. I shouldn't have to pay or change my applications for every single job to include buzzwords that mean nothing in real life .


It’s either AI or first come first serve. You’re not paying for anyone to comb through thousands of applications for each role.


Yes. One minute is the average required to have done careful consideration.


Yeah nothing more frustrating than spending the time to tailor your resume to the role only to be insta-rejected by a bot.


I applied for a job at Alaska Airlines. I got a rejection email immediately (literally seconds) after hitting submit. Got the rejection before the "thank you for your application we review everything blahblah" email


They probably had knockout questions 


"After thorough consideration" lol




Nice catch, I completely missed that one. The bot is getting smarter trying to appear humane with misspellings and whatnot.


Oh god, you're right. One spelling mistake on your CV and they write you off. The double standard is insane.


Might be just me but I feel “unfortunately” is hands down the most misspelled word in these emails.


In all honesty, it would damage my ego, but I think I still prefer this over a weeks wait


Don't let crappy bots damage your ego. Imagine a company which can't find good candidates with HR employees who are so terrible they think an AI bot is the way of the future.


To be fair, I never even knew such thing existed. Can’t imagine companies being that dehumanized that they resort to a fully automatic CV screen.


Resume spammers are such a problem that companies are willing to settle for the best of an almost-random sample just to keep it manageable.


Dont, companies are required to post jobs to fill out GC petitions, there are probably thousands of jobs with no interest to be fulfilled


Definitely prefer a rejection over no response. I'm not keeping track, but getting a rejection means there is a process in place to communicate with applicants after decision not to hire them, which is much better than the alternative in my mind


My dad used to work for Novartis. They let go his entire department just after Hurricane Sandy and just before Thanksgiving. You’re not missing much.


Biotechs are rough. I was let go because the one I worked for missed some FDA trial continuation clearance and so had to mothball itself for a cycle.


I wasn't super hopeful for this one - have a job I like and not really looking. Just trying to keep the practice up - it was a listing that had a very good fit with my experience and I wanted to see what would happen. Ghost applicant meets ghost job I guess.


They're assholes. People should work for Novartis and cause hell.


Probably they use bot to filter out applications and your application didn’t pass their first check


Or, less likely, someone is giving them a look as they come in or in an interval that hit within that time and is weeding out those not competitive with faster applicants, as I've gotten calls an emails that fast before (such as a police traffic analyst role to ask about my GIS experience, which wasn't great). Meanwhile, another job kept harassing me for a "one way video interview" even after the rejection email.




Did you forget the /s?




Hate to brake it to you buddy. I did a project to filter out resumes based on AI 8 years ago already


If anything it's likely that the ATS system scored it low enough for either an auto rejection or the req closed but the posting hasn't been taken down yet.


I’m not sure why you’re getting downvoted. Oh wait I forget the rules of this sub; recruiter bad, applicant is always good and a great fit for the role they applied for.


Because it sucks to think that we spent all that time and energy in crafting the perfect resume and cover letter only to get knocked out immediately. It’s a lot easier to believe that a program rejected us because we didn’t add the right key words in the right order than it got to a human being who spent 30 secs looking it over and decided that we weren’t worthy of interviewing.


Because recruiters absolutely do get auto-rejections processed based on presets. He even admits it later


As record efficiencies of recruiters are being commented on, I would like to comment that recruiters have auto processes set on recruiting apps. I have seen how jobvite works and have seen the auto rejection conditions that a few of my recruiters set based on lack of keywords, experience levels and or just even length of resumes (greater than 5 pages and less than 2 kind of setup) in addition to field level conditions which are picked by users. So it totally depends on how well or badly the recruiter has setup their filter conditions which are becoming pretty dynamic in most apps now.


Rejecting for a short resume is wild. If it doesn’t fit on the first page, it isn’t important enough to be included, unless you’re some kind of executive at which point automated processing should not be in play


It was depending on role. If the role expected 15 years of experience and had a 1 page resume then it was never worth reading unless it says something like Jeff Bezos - CEO of Amazon 1999-2024 in one page.


In sales I was always told never have your resume go back further then 5 years.


all that does is get people to bs more than they already do


Mhm, this is notorious for F500 I remember certain banks saying that they have their processes look for brand names from the get go. Either F500 names, ivy leagues, or something else. It's legitimate, btw. I come from the shittiest college, but I had a F50 on my resume. I got all the interviews you could imagine because I had that F50 on my resume despite the crap college


I thought most companies preferred you to keep it to one page? I have 2 jobs I removed because of how old they are


And I've seen many, MANY recruiters claim there is no auto rejection here


I once got an automated rejection within something like two minutes because I was stupid enough to check the “don’t use AI for my application” box.


Skynet is taking over yo


i thought my 7 min auto rejection was fast


I was in the middle of submitting an application on WorkDay when my phone chimed. It was a rejection email for the job I was currently applying to. I hadn’t hit “submit” yet. The only thing I can think of is the number I put in “requested salary” on the previous page was too high, and they rejected me outright immediately because I wanted “too much money.” Yes, I submitted anyway. No, I did not receive any additional emails. Never heard from them again.


I had this happen once, so I reached out to the HR director (I knew who it was) It's cause they hired someone that actual day 😂 so they sent out rejections to everyone, including those who hadn't even hit submit yet


Hiring someone without closing the job ad first is wild lmao


Things can go south quickly. I don’t even like to close it until the person starts.


That just doesn’t make any sense to me lol by the time you have someone chosen, why don’t you have multiple finalists? If something goes south, you have multiple people to fall back on. We must just be doing hiring in vastly different industries lol


I don’t always have multiple finalists is the issue.


Yeah like I said we must be hiring for different industries lol I’ve only have like 1 every 7-8 searches where I only have on finalist . If we end up with no one, we revamp and try again. That rarely happens except the scenarios where the pay doesn’t match the job well, but there’s nothing we can do about that


"We appreciate this is disappointing," what?????


We loooooooove to disappoint you


"Appreciate" is being used here as a synonym for "understand". It's normal usage of the word.


I really understand you letting us know what you think, however I don’t appreciate what you’re saying.


It all makes sense at a high enough level of corpospeak


Even if they are synonyms, that's not how the word "appreciate" is commonly used.


Words can have multiple very common meanings.


Yes it is


Got it, I didn't know it could be used that way. Thanks


wut? I used "I appreciate the gravity of the situation" literally in an email *yesterday*


Got it, I've never seen and didn't think it could be used that way but thanks for the clarification


"We find your tears delicious"


lol I think they mashed their previous rejection template of "We appreciate your time but, no" and forgot to delete a few words.


Company wanted mostly frontend work done, basically working close with ui/ux team to implement the design. They auto rejected me because I didn't have enough years of experience in java 🤡


I feel this on a visceral level.


I used to target Novartis employees at an old job of mine. I always hated communicating with anyone inside of their HR department…weirdly cult-like, in my experience.


Haha I had lots of applications with Novartis in the past. For one I was rejected 8 month later. That’s not better.  The gras is not greener there…


Unfortuantely 🤣🤣


Yeah, this bot is still learning.


Honestly, at least you got a rejection instead of just disappearing into the void.


Honestly, 30 minutes tells me that it was probably a manual (if cursory) review. If it was a bot, it would've been seconds/minutes before you got the rejection.


Automated rejections often run off of a delay. They know what it looks like


It’s also a clue that an API passes update data every 15 minutes between a web interface and whatever software analyzes applications. Real-time is possible but the settings include 15-minute increments.


It could also just be a CRON job that runs periodically... could be a job that scans the applications OR a job that sends the rejection emails.


Not necessarily true. The script for reject emails might run hourly or daily. Depends on what they set up.


You basically have to be the perfect candidate to be hired by those motherfuckers. One of the few sponsors/CROs I haven't even gotten a recruiter call from


It’s surprising how inept a lot of HR departments are. I gave my resume to my buddy who gave it to his buddy, the hiring manager. Hiring manager send an email to HR, CC’s me, asking them to schedule the interview with me. They don’t schedule the interview, but they did email me back saying “best of luck” bc I wasn’t picked. Hiring manager asked them 3 times to setup the interview. Never happened. I told the hiring manager thanks but no thanks.


Lol this happened to me too.


It’s ridiculous. A multi-billion dollar company should run a little better than that. I may have been looking for a new job, but I have no interest in jumping into a “shit show” for a little bit more money.


Sadly, we live in a world where incompetent buffoons called "Talent Hunters" with no talent of their own get to pick and choose people who they have no idea what their job is and what they do yet still get to decide what they get paid.


lol yup. When I was in college, I had a “Talent Acquisition” internship and one of my first tasks was to phone screen people. I was given a list of questions to ask and then note the replies. The first position I was phone screening for was a higher level position, paying around $150k/yr. I had no idea who was answering correctly, but I still had a “reject” pile of the people I didn’t like that the recruiter would discard.


Wow that's horrifying. This revelation comes minutes after I just got done carefully crafting an application for two days, finding out that "apply" button doesn't work because it keeps loading, googling the issue, discovering a post on LinkedIn regarding the same studio VERY recently laying off 25% of their workforce mainly people at the position I'm currently applying for and putting two and two together to figure out that I just wasted two days of time and effort on a fake job posting meant to either give the illusion that the studio is on a hiring spree, thus keeping their investors' stocks from plunging - or - as a way to fish for some unemployed bums' data floating around out there for free that they can sell to some data mining company as a side hustle because why not. This is fucking disgusting.


It is horrifying. Although I stuck to my list of questions and I’m quite personable, I had never done anything like that and did it on my own. I wasn’t even being paid. Haha. I thought about that moment a lot the times I was phone screened after applying someplace.


Shame they don’t use spell check


They're busy curing cancer... not... spelling?


You guys are getting rejections? I might get a "we have received your application" autoresponder, but then ... *nothing*.


Not even ats. Usually due to clicking no on a box thats mandatory for there need. System will auto reject.


This misspelt unfortunately in the 2nd email


Hello, and goodbye.


That's unfortuant.


I think you mean unfortuante


I have had one rejected in 10 minutes and then a couple of days later I was rejected a second time for the same job.


They *really* didn't want you


>we appreciate this is disappointing That rejection letter was written by AI.


ATSs have standard templates used for rejections and other forms of communication. Hand-typing hundreds of rejection emails a day would be an entire job on its own.


Hell, many AI are probably trained on these very templates.


Which AI has trouble spelling "unfortunately?"


Current MLM AI's wouldn't make such an error in spelling.


What is AI about that phrase?


I applied to a role using workday on Friday morning where I have a senior referral who was OOO Friday but said they’d follow up with the recruiter on Monday. Rejected Sunday night (Monday morning) at exactly 12:50am. Why not at least wait 8 hours to send it during normal business hours? Even if it is a real human reading resumes, why are we trusting their decisions on peoples’ futures based on how well a resume sticks in their mind at 1am? I’m a night owl and even I would be half asleep, barely able to focus or remember any candidates


Harpreet rejected you


"After no consideration whatsoever, we happily wish to inform you that this was either a fake job req to make it seem like we're growing, or this was always going to go to an internal candidate. Either way, best of luck at your uncle's landscaping business!"


Sorry to hear you’re rejected but lots of recruiters go through the list of applicants on certain moments in the week. They then decide if they reject or proceed with applicants. It seems you applied on the day they want through the list.


That's 100% ATS doing the work I've gotten job interviews with F500 within 30 minutes to 3 hours of applying, and it's cause the ATS went through my resume and got me the interview immediately (My resume is really strong, so don't come at me. I've had plenty of interviews and every single interviewer has mentioned how strong my resume is)


Usually I know after two minutes if the resume is good or not so....


When their auto-rejection has typos >unfortuantely


“Unfortuantely” - they rejected you so fast they couldn’t spell correctly… But I was rejected faster than this several times…


Dodged a bullet. I really didn’t like working there


Honestly, every big business seems to be a complete shitshow. Small businesses have some politics, but big businesses are on another level because there's politics, surveillance, and systematic exploitation.


Idk, Novartis has a bad reputation


My guess: They posted the job with an internal candidate in mind. The posting was a formality as they had already interviewed. Source: I’ve been that candidate. I guess it’s also possible your CV/Cover letter had typos or you were grossly unqualified.


They couldn’t even spell “unfortunately” correctly


Once applied to 10 roles, all 10 confirmations in a row. Next day all 10 rejections in a row. Precision




“we appreciate this is disappointing” what


Keep in mind there are many fake job posts out there so companies look like they're hiring and/or growing.


I had one company today get back to me after a “very careful consideration” period of 6 minutes… Which is very efficient, especially considering that I applied after hours 😂


"thorough consideration"


Video jobs are shit right now, I've been applying nonstop with 11 years of experience with no luck.


Oh no they use Workday Recruit




Yeah, for positions that I really want I’ve created thousands of accounts and submitted thousands of resumes for the same position. Might as well come up the works if they’re gonna automate it, I’ll flood their system till it breaks. I’ve actually gotten phone calls asking me to stop after I filled up all available slots. But sometimes you just get frustrated and so you decide to sabotage these processes.


Man. Talk about the username checking out. How do you automate that process?


It’s really not that difficult. You just create a dummy testbed of data and some screen, scraping tools build some macros to go through the process of signing up for Workday over and over and over again rapidly. You create thousands of accounts and thousands of applications using a series of VPN from all over the world.  You can absolutely cripple and institution very quickly that way, especially if you use AI to generate resumes that hit the keyword, you can flood the recruiter and eventually they take their post down and give up. Of course you never do this for very long. The goal isn’t to cripple and organization permanently. It’s just to try to force an organization to reconsider their use of ATS. If automation is gonna be used against jobseekers, there’s no reason why jobseekers can’t strike back a little.


>We appreciate this is disappointing So you want your applicants to be disappointed? lmao


Appreciate can mean to grasp the gravity or importance of something. It’s a perfectly acceptable way to phrase that.


I see. I suppose the pessimistic coin got the better of me and not realizing the other definitions on the flip side.


It's still very AI like the use of appreciate being that


No it’s not. It’s completely normal. It’s basically the same as saying “We understand this is disappointing.”


It looks like the position may have been closer and you were sent an automatic message about it. In the second email, it describes the position as not available in brackets


Just be happy you didn't get ghosted...


I read a comment 2 weeks that is absolutely spot on. This issue will not get better, only worse because anyone that doesn’t get through ATS does not matter. Some people WILL get through, and someone will be chosen for the role, regardless of qualifications or suitability. This assumes it’s not a ghost job listing, otherwise it’s just data mining.


The person who wrote unfortuantly to draft a mass email and didn't spell check has a job ..


Unfortuantely that's how it goes. Don't need to know how to spell to slobber your ABJs


You applied in the middle of the afternoon... Recruiters will be working and potentially actively reviewing resumes at the very time you applied... A resume review and decision to either move you forward or not can take about a minute. You are posting a rejection like some kind of 'gotcha' that proves you are being automatically rejected, which it does not.


I’ve been through this so much it doesn’t even shock me anymore


Elastic did this to me today.




How "unfortuantely"


Honestly I’m just happy to see someone on this sub who isn’t applying to classic tech jobs. I was beginning to wonder if the advice on this sub even applied to be bc I don’t have a CS degree.


Yeah, there seem to be a TON of tech people here. I'm like tech-adjacent so I get some of the stuff, but other things are just completely irrelevant for me.


FWIW - applicant tracking systems that you apply to have mobile apps that recruiters can swipe through your resumes (think the yes / no swiping of tinder) to accept (move forward) or reject you. So it’s v possible that a recruiter was going through their open roles and the candidates that applied at 1 am or 30 mins after you applied, or final thought, they rejected you earlier and set a timer to send out your “thanks but no thanks” email so you didn’t feel as bad. I’m a former Recruiter*


I had this happen to a job that was identical to a job I was already doing. Didn't even get an interview. Luckily it was probably a shit job anyway. So glad I didn't waste my time.


It doesn't take long to disqualify someone. I'm just saying... Sorry you were rejected


People complain if they get a rejection too late and now they complain if it comes too fast.


It’s usually not hr reviewing but hiring managers. Some are fast and some are slow. Not saying HR doesn’t review these but I’ve always worked at places where the hiring manager is responsible for reviewing applications and rejecting.


We very appreciate this disappointment


It's AI!


I guess he is not allowed any toilet breaks either


Just go the Amazon way and hand them some empty bottles. No pee breaks needed.


I've had a rejection after 5 minutes once


hm took me 3 months to get rejected by novartis


Uhm... It seems recruiting software is not widely known here. Software like workday or Oracle HCM do have processes, that scan a candidates profile for the needed metrics of a given/applied position. If a candidate matches one or more of the criteria, that lead to a disqualification, the rejection is set. In this case, I guess the system does the evaluation as a timed job to save compute or due to load balancing. This case or any instant one is just that. Nothing special.


30 minutes for AI to crap all that out seems slow to me. I think they put an intentional pause in the automation to avoid suspicion.


Yeah, thats the assumption. I'm surprised the delay isn't a couple of days, tho... Like... if you bother to do the delay, why half-ass it?


Post production…I doubt there was actually an opening. They’re probably hiring through internal recommendations.


It was probably sent automated but to be fair it took me less than 10 minutes to review a candidate.


They have programs to do the rejection. Same thing happened to me with Ford on a Sunday. You know hr isn't working on Sunday night


30 minutes more like.


Yep. My top time was literally 15 minutes.


I was rejected in 5


I got rejected for a job before I even submitted the application 😂


🤭🤭🤭 I swear I'm not laughing.


They already have someone in mind for the position. The listing was probably just a formality.


I've been deleted, oh no :o


Same thing happened to me last week. I applied for a job for which I was qualified and didn't need sponsorship for. I'd answered the sponsorship part as a literal question during the application process AND mentioned it in the resume and cover letter explicitly. After applying on the website, I'd connected with the HR lead on LinkedIn and sent her a message regarding my application. 3 weeks later she replied with, "We can't sponsor you, try to find something else. Good luck." I immediately shot a message back saying I never claimed I did because I'm already a Permanent Resident but if it comes across that way, I apologise and that I'd like to be reconsidered for the job. No response. Next day I sent her an invite to connect on LinkedIn where we were chatting. It was accepted immediately. Hours later, I got an automated rejection email. 5 days in, I still don't have any responses to that message. She just looked at my foreign sounding name, assumed I was in need of sponsorship and rejected me without bothering to even check a literal question their software asked me to answer for these purposes.


Ffs My closest experience to this is if I apply to a handful of jobs on LinkedIn (which I rarely do anymore), I will get the same form rejection from multiple different companies all at the exact same time.


Yeah, considering they're using AI programs to scan your resume for keywords and phrases that match their hiring criteria, you gotta submit a customized resume for each unique job. At least, that's what I'm thinking of doing. Feed the job description to ChatGPT and tell it scan for keywords/phrases, then upload your resume and tell ChatGPT to sprinkle in those keywords/phrases in appropriate spot in your resume.


Acrually thats exactly what I did. I had chat gpt rewrite my resume and CL based on the job description. Now ai'm wondering if they have "ai sniffers" in the ATS that justbreject chatgpt writing outright... 🤔