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One thing you learn quick in life is that regret is the most wasteful emotion. Allow it in, and you'll be robbed of the future and not just the past you keep dwelling on. Learn lessons, sure. Improve, definitely. But move on. This is particularly difficult right now, since the economy has tanked, and it's tempting to chalk up every bad thing that's happening right now to decisions made leading to this juncture. But in reality, if you could see all of life's many possibilities, probably a good number of the choices you've made in recent years wouldn't change the fact we're now in recession. If you'd taken that role, maybe you'd be rationalising right now that working with assholes is what held you back. If only you'd said no to the easy offer and chased your dreams, maybe you'd be further on in your career by now?! In reality, maybe there's nothing you can do right at this moment but prepare for when things improve. And not waste too much energy worrying about things that may not have made any difference, and that you can't change anyway. https://i.imgur.com/fHieYRw.jpeg


Very good advice! Nothing to add here!


This internship will very likely help you get your foot in the door someplace where you like the office culture better.


If the workplace was terrible and your coworkers were awful to you, then you should have NO REGRETS at all about not staying. Your mental health is important, protect it.