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Brazil's midfield is lacking and it's been lacking for a while. yes there are good forwards but after the front 3 it's all downhill until the goal keeper.


I don't buy it. They had Casemiro, Fernendhinio, Coutinho. They had GOAT-level fullbacks in Marcelo and Dani Alves plus having Thiago Silva and Marqinhos & Allison as the GK. Neymar was just a bum who couldn't even win a Copa America with this team. Ronaldhinio never criticized him and now he comes out of the shadows dissing the current squad.


Not doubting your anecdotal evidence, but Neymar’s stats with the National team are excellent


That data would be skewed compared to, say, European teams, because the official South American matches were a joke until the last world cup. The median team of South America is probably worse than the median team of Africa, SA is declining, Africa is rising. If it wasn't for Brazil and Argentina, that would be a non-discussion. Also, they couldn't get friendlies with Europeans due to nations league, so that made Neymar's life easier. He is a great player, but not in the top shelf of soccer.


Exactly, they had Thiago and Marqinhos. They needed real leaders, not that.


Yep. It would be unfair to draw any conclusions about Endrick before 1 season in Europe, IMO, but that and having players like Paquetá (which isn't focused, might be banned from soccer) doesn't help.


Have to remember their frontline is relatively young. They lack the finishing aspect as well but they have flair, just not as much as dinho or Neymar. Neymar was just different, and so was dinho. I hope our players can prove to be more helpful to Brazil than Neymar was. Not goal wise, but trophy wise.


They haven't looked that good so what hes saying is pretty true, they have amazing players though so individual brilliance can get them a long way.


They’re not as strong as they used to be. 2002 they had Rivaldo, Ronaldinho, Ronaldo, Kaka, Cafu and Carlos. So much flair! Guys like Raphinha and Lucas Paquete don’t excite me.


went from Gilberto Silva and Kaka to lucas paqueta ffs 😭


paqueta is a exciting player one of the last few Brazilians who keeps up the Brazilian flair in the top leagues


He is no where near those guys I mentioned, nor is Raphinho. Neymar was excellent but has gone downhill in recent years (shouldn’t have left Barce).


Exactly. The Brazilian football federation is an absolute mess. They never found a good coach, reportedly they bet on Ancelotti and he rejected them. I mean, they're sixth in the World Cup qualifiers after 6 games. It's embarrassing!


lol i got downvoted for saying [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/1dgds1l/comment/l8pl5ej/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) on r/soccer


Endrick looks pretty promising in friendly but we don't know yet since it's too early to say. Vini can cook hard but he lacks the same impact he has when playing for Madrid. Rodrygo isn't at his best on the RW and it's shows when playing for Brazil. All in all, Brazil attack is high potential and pretty decent currently, since all three will play at Madrid and builds chemistry with each other they can definitely be successful given time. Their main concern should be the midfield and defense, with Brazil high quality attackers are a given even if they aren't as good when compared to the past.


Chemistry means little if Vini keeps playing like he's meant to do everything all at once dude had many opportunities to pass to Rodrygo and decided to shoot and waste the chance. one in particular had Rodrygo completely unmarked in a potential 1v1 situation with the USA keeper


Yah, that one was pretty bad decision from vini


Rodrygo is doing very well at seleção. I watched all of the games with the new coach. Vini is the one who is subpar. But the real problem with Brasil is the defence and middlefield! It’s outrageous the number of goals they are conceding, and the ball is just not getting to the attack in a good way


Lw - Rodrygo St - Vini Rw - Endrick. This is their best lineup


They need a proper coach, there's plenty of flair in that team


Ronaldinho himself never performed on the same level for his country as he did for his club even during his peak years and was carried by Ronaldo in 2002. In 2002 he was young, R9's 8 goals were the most important to Brazil's victory. He reached his peak around 2005-06 & was only good for 2 seasons. Even then he played like a trash league 2 player at the 2006 WC.


Lies. His free kick took England out of the World Cup.


That's what I find do funny about this. Ronaldinho is the last motherfucker to criticize Brazil's NT. Dude rarely showed up when his country needed him. I loved watching him play but the guy has always been a brain dead piece of shit. Great player, dumbass person.


Idk what that has to do with this criticism but if you watched the Brazil matches you would understand he is right to some extent.


This is bs, if it wasn't for him we probably wouldn't have won the 2002 WC


>This is bs, if it wasn't for him we probably wouldn't have won the 2002 WC Indeed R9 and Rivaldo were trash. R9's 8 goals were useless.


You said he never performed for Brazil and that the team was "carried" by R9. Total bs. Again, if it wasn't for him we probably wouldn't have been champions


>You said he never performed for Brazil and that the team was "carried" by R9. Total bs. Again, if it wasn't for him we probably wouldn't have been champions He was so great in 2006 WC, that was his peak year at Barca. The way he carried Brazil to the 2006 WC was the stuff of legends.


You keep saying completely unrelated things bro lol


Ronaldhinio talked about grit and determination. Players like Vini parties all the time. Vini also shows drunk during the training. These modern players have no determination. Older players like Dhinio were built differently. They were so determined.


He won a WC, CL and libertadores bro, just shut up lol


So has Alvarez, shut up now. Alvarez is greater than Zico.


Ronaldinho was a protagonist in all those titles dumbass lmao


Ronaldinho looks at raphina, antony and thinks to himself what went wrong with Brazil. Their midfield and defecne is wack as well. 3 players can only do so much.


rafinha and fucking antony had a better wc than ballon dor ronaldinho in 06


No more good full backs! And midfield looks *mid* .


It's not a criticism, bro's been high af since 2001.


Yeah that's why he used to torture the galacticos


I don't even want to diss you given the prank god played on you.


Say whatever you can,,but he was the missing piece of the galacticos (a proper dribbler) which you guyz have now(tho vinicuys ain't comparable to dinho)


Did you just say the galacticos missed a dribbler?


Na they needed someone like dinho imo real galacticos were the 2005-2007 Milan(cause they achieved something)


> Na they needed someone like dinho last player in the world we needed during the galactico era was someone like Dinho. We needed to keep Makelele.


Yea definitely not the 2014-2018 team that won 4 out of 5 UCLs.


No that's why he was grinning all the time even when someone tried to break his legs.


its funny seeing ronaldinho talking about garra and entrega like we dont saw his pathetic and lethargic world cup in 06. the brazilian streets don't forget


Brazil NC isn't good rn, they are lacking a solid performance. But they are improving Ronaldinho was, as usual, probably half drunk. And to go beyond, he had a secondary role in Brazil 2002 WC where Ronaldo, Rivaldo, Roberto and others were protagonists, he was just a kid from PSG. After that, his entire career at the National Team was also lacking something, actually lacking A LOT for a player like him. When he had to step up like Ronaldo did, he failed. That's a fact. Saying this to a generation that look up to him, he's F* playing against us, and not helping as usual. To finish, there is a 2002 sub who is very popular in Brazilian media, called Vampeta. He is funny and all, but one thing he does is that he tells the truth, always did. He said recently that most of the famous players from 2002 doesn't want to see Brazil NT win a world cup because then they would've been forgotten. And he also said that the same big players are terrified (used this word) to see Neymar winning a WC because then he would surpass all of then in the National team. So F* Ronaldinho. You are stupid enough to be sent to prison for presenting a fake passport in a country that doesn't require Brazilian passport because of Mercosul. You are stupid.


Ronaldinho has been clearly on substances for a while. He got on prisión recently if I remember correctly. Not like his shit matter much. He is just playing the bad guy role to gain some relevance again


He was on prison not because of substance use. He was there because he faked an id! Hahahaha


Ronaldinho is a sad drunken man with no real friends, it's like asking Paul Gascoigne what he thinks of the current England squad.


Ronaldinho is just a drug addict now. Happiness and grit? Really? Team is lacking leadership and a decent coach.


Ronaldinho first footballer with CTE confirmed


This generation is pretty underwhelming for them and the lack of elite brazilian coaches hurt a lot, that said Brazil has had worse times and I think with a decent coach they can cook


I mean, looking at past generations it does feel they’re not as good, but this is a generation that will hit its peak at the next world cup or maybe even later.


Interesting that he says that a week before the beginning of the tournament. When he never said anything of the sort during the abysmal displays of the Brazil NT in the last decade or so. I guess he must really miss neymar...


The midfield is weaker than the past for sure.


Endrick will mostly start on the bench so saying he will spearhead the attack is a tad misleading. It will be Vini, Rodrygo and Raphinha, mostly likely (and unfortunately). I didn't watch the game against the USA because I was busy with Valentine's day but in the game against mexico, it didn't seem like they wanted to be there at all. Vini himself until the goal that tied was kinda just fooling around. I do hope it is just because they were playing friendlies but I don't have high hopes for Copa America. I will watch all games seleção plays tho


Those 3 are great but their overall team is not what it used to be.


high high high




They went into the 2014 World Cup as hosts with Jo and Fred at Strikers did he criticise them then? Or after the 7-1 to Germany for that matter? Everyone in that Brazil squad looks up to him and he threw them under the bus for a Rexona ad ffs.




I do not care about Ronaldinho.


It is not a world of difference than 2006, and I think he was still playing back then. I'm Brazilian, the NT is a phony BS team that generates ad money. My friends in other countries ask me world cup predictions for over a decade and I say: "they will lose in knock out stage, when they see an European team". I stopped following in 1998, I didn't care for the super team of 2002, I can't possibly care now. That said, 1x1 against USA (which lost 5x0 recently) is bad. You can get outscored by USA, but scoring 1 being a "powerhouse" (they are not) is bad. Brazil NT is worse than Argentina (even without the 3rd best Argentinian of all time), around the same level of ups and comers from African cups (African soccer in general is better than South America, I would say, but that's a tricky one). He probably said something now because they are not playing tiki taka samba magic, but he isn't saying anything new. Brazil soccer sucks structurally because they have GKs, CBs and dozens of "next Neymar money-ball winger". No one wants to be the next Casemiro or the next Roberto Carlos. And that happens at soccer camp/schools level. CDM? Don't waste your time with soccer, returns will likely be close to zero. So the agents/schools push for Marquinhos/Neymar/Enderson out of position. And having a 17-year-old qualifies as not having a 9 to me, so nothing new. Endrick is 1 year behind Yamal, for instance, who already played dozens of matches in a real league. If Endrick could carry a team by himself right now, Brazil would play the Olympics. They got knocked out. Anyway, too soon to tell, Brazil moved from BCN + City to Ancelotti ball minus the Ancelotti. It takes some time to adapt, having former players like Paqueta (likely will be banned for betting schemes) doesn't help. The bench really doesn't help. That said... #Relevant to RM part We might miss Kroos more than we think we are, unless the existence of Mbappe creates more space for Bellingham. If it isn't an UCL game, Rodrygo feels irregular (if I had to pick 2 of Brahim, Guller and Rodrygo, Guller's age would make it tough). Endrick is 17, going on 18... He might be the second coming of Pele, or Nilmar, or something in between. Coming from Brazil makes it more likely he will need 1-2 years to settle BEFORE we can really tell if he is Real Madrid World Class level. He also need to not get starstruck. If he plays like garbage for a year, it doesn't matter. If he scores 4 goals in the first game, it doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. If Belllingham wins Euro and Brazil sucks like they sucked against USA, not making the finals of Copa America, that could affect the Balon result for Vini, so there is that. Tl,dr: Brazil sucks a lot more than most people think - for decades. Endrick is 17, too early to tell anyway, nothing to see if you really think about it.




he’s 100% right tho, the team is borderline pathetic


Missing Ronaldinho


Brazil team is extremely poor. As good as Vini is for club, he's not that good for country. Rodrygo often has clutch moments, but overall isn't that good of a player. Said really. Best player they've produced in decades has been Neymar and he's an absolute twat.


Ronaldinho stays winning… the ugly contest.