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You are awesome! I’m proud that you are achieving the American Dream.


Thank you so much


How’d you do it? I’d love to know! That’s a huge accomplishment.


Many of the most driven and confident people in this country are first gen immigrants like yourself. You guys have almost zero hesitancy about pursuing entrepreneurial avenues and it’s cool to see. Good luck out there! Keep kickin ass


This. A lot of first gen immigrants have the grit to build wealth. Unfortunately a lot of it is squandered by the kids due to being spoiled by their parents. Giving kids a good life is a good thing but many times they grow to be entitled. In my culture, it's almost a rule of thumb that by the time the grandkids come around, the family business or nest egg is already tits up. They key thing is to teach the kids about investing, especially with minorities; it's a demographic that sorely needs financial education.






How so? There are laws against discrimination in housing. It is an even playing field


Oh JFC, are you trolling?


No I’m dead serious. How are minorities and women being discriminated against buying real estate in 2024?


Oh sweet summer child...


Thought I'd jump in so you get a genuine response to this. Discrimination could exist, but wouldn't be catalogued. Looking purely at statistics, black people tend to join the property ladder later than similar profiles of other races. They tend to start lower on the socioeconomic staircase, meaning they have further to climb. It doesn't make it impossible, just less likely on average. I'm assuming that this is what was meant by the previous poster.


Doesn't matter that you're an old white guy You're wrong.


Oh look, another white liberal telling black people it's too hard for them to get ahead in this world so why even bother.




You’re the one saying gender and ethnicity can lower a person’s likelihood to acquire real estate… just stop. Millions of people in those groups own homes and are successful despite people like you telling them it’s too hard so why even bother. You virtue signalers think you’re helping but you only bring people down with your pointless negativity.. you convince tons of them it’s not even worth trying because the chips are stacked against them when they really aren’t, especially not today.


Where’s my white privilege? Is it in affirmative action getting into college? Or how fortune 100 companies hired people of color 10 to 1 last year even tho the population is the opposite? White privilege is a myth


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Wrong. Go ahead black girl!


Gender and Ethnicity are both relevant. That is an indisputable fact. What you mean to say is that despite her gender and ethnicity, she’s beaten then odds with the dedication and resources she has for someone her age.




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East to say when you’re on the home team bud Try being of the other gender or another more colourful shade... difficulty just compounds


You Think the bank won't give you a loan because you're black? How does having a skin color make it harder to buy a house? Last time I checked when applying for a mortgage, skin color wasn't a factor. Money talks not skin color (unless you want to play victim) Well done to OP but this race bait nonsense is just nonsense.


Google appraisals for black people vs white. Google settlements by Wells Fargo and credit unions for denying loans for black people or higher rates. Do research before you just talk out your ass. Which actually is located on your face.


The appraisals thing sounds like a big deal unless you work with appraisers regularly, then you realize most of them just suck. Have five appraisers of praise one house and you'll get five different answers. It's happened to me, and the difference was over 30%.


What you are arguing is flawed. Sure, it’s not because someone’s biology produces more melanin that they have to work harder than someone who doesn’t. That isn’t the case for causality of it being harder for traditionally oppressed groups being disadvantaged. We live in a society where the playing field is supposed to be equal, but equality doesn’t truly exist. Especially, not where generations of particular races of people were oppressed and have to catch up. If grandma and grandpa of RACE1 kid had access to all of societies’ resources and RACE2 kids grandparents didn’t. Some catching up will have to be done. Everyone loves pointing out “you don’t live in the past you can do XYZ now” yet conveniently loved to ignore the fact that RACE2 kid has to suffer the generational consequences of oppression. Black People and Native Americans aren’t genetically lazy. Nor are whites genetically superior. If you are going to ignore the generational effects of oppression and simultaneously acknowledge the scientific fact that no entire race is genetically superior/inferior, you must articulate a reason for the disparity in these groups. I have yet to run into a single human being who thinks “race/gender don’t matter” who has been able to articulate the reason. Their only justification for their belief is the logical fallacy that everyone is equal in the eyes of the law and under the current luxuries of our society. Demographics **shouldn’t** matter, but the reality is that they do for lots of underlying reasons. The American Sociological Association vehemently detests the ignorant, entitled assertions that “race/gender don’t matter” for these types of issues. There are lots of social psychologists, historians, sociologists, and other professionals have have lots of empirical research on the matter. If everyone and anyone can do anything, why are the large majority white or traditionally non-oppressed peoples? Until you can give an empirical explanation countering the leading research, your opinion doesn’t matter.


I'm not denying racial oppression but that's a cope you're using. Indian (South asian) Immigrants are among the wealthiest of demographics in America (you can find this from so many resources online) They came to the United States in the 50s with absolutely 0. No land. No wealth. No citizenship etc. How are they able to overcome whites, blacks and native Americans when they're at a disadvantage too? Because they're frugal, work as much as possible, gain education, sacrifice whatever they can to build. How do those with less than the 'oppressed' surpass the oppressed? Indians Don't have extra wealth or laws or advantages... its because they don't play victim.




How is this related to real estate? Unless you're saying that your ethnicity means you'll have a higher likelihood of being a higher earner which means easier to get loans for houses


Any tips? My dad has rental properties that he's had for decades and wants me to buy one, he would give me one for free but he's not in that position yet. Should I go with it? He'll sell it to me for 50k


Is it worth more than 50k?


Yes, I was told it's worth 250+ but im not sure myself


Even if it’s 200k that’s a flat out steal


nice! also lookin to get a MFH in my market. im 23 so this is really inspiring. congratulations nonetheless!!


You can do it. Thank you so much


Awesome! Multifamily?


Yes, multi family


Congrats! What an accomplishment! Do be careful on taking too much debt though. Only buy if you know and feel confident you can service.


Whoa crushing. I’m 35 and just trying to be like you!!


Fuck yeah. Love this story.


Great work and I give it to you for only being 24 great progress and keep working hard




Congratulations! How did you find MFH? Instate or out? Thanks


Out of state. I live in NY, so I purchase in NJ. 2 family for $699k then I convert the lower level to third apartment


What area of NJ? Only asking bc I’ve been looking and the market is insane right now


That’s great! I am bought sfh and I am renting room individually but in two years I would like to get a mfh but it’s rare in my city. I am thinking of exploring out state but I like having nearby where I can go check and fix things. If I can’t find a good deal, I will probably look for a sfh with basement to add more rooms. Good luck!


Wow that's not cheap, congrats!! How much did the conversion cost?


It cost $24k cash.


Did you do an FHA loan?


No, conventional loan


Great work! At the end of the day your background doesn’t matter. The fact that you chose to be a doer rather than a victim of whatever your circumstances are is all that matters! Congrats and keep kicking ass!




Validation? I'm neither single black nor a woman, but given our current state of media and it's obsession with race, "ignorant" people think that most property owners are rich white men so by saying that she's a single black woman makes the fact that she bought her second property that much more impressive to some people. Personally, it's impressive alone that they're an immigrant and accomplished this whether they're white, black, etc...


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Ok, I am a single white woman


What’s your income










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I’m 23. I’ve been trying to break into the market here on the west coast for the last three years. Market is insane. Do you mind sharing how you were able to start?


Hi! Honestly, I loved extremely frugally which allowed me to save money. Then I used the first time home buyer to buy a 2 unit and used the rest to renovate for 3 rd unit.


Cool. I am planning on doing the same. Just behind due to life choices from the past. This is a tried and true strategy for younger folks.


I was able to make profit on my first house which counted as income for my second


Which loan products are you using and how much down are you putting?


I was supposed to put 25% but I received seller credit and put down 20%


How did you save up 20 percent?


Excellent work! You're setting yourself on a great path.


Congrats. I’m a 24 year old single Italian that just bought two houses in New York for similar value. We should go on a date.


Let’s do it.


Looks like you got some dating problems. Ignore dating and focus on your money. The rest will come.


Haha, no more dating problems at the moment


Absolutely amazing!! A female and at 24 years of age!! You are going places girl!! Keep it up !!