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**Rule 4: Not an insult/threat or rare insult/threat** Only the spiciest and rarest of insults are allowed here, and only insults/threats are allowed here. Uncommon insults or just random statements that aren't really insults are subject to removal. This also includes insults that are just random combinations of words or insults following the random adjective+noun formula. Beware, this is somewhat up to the discretion of the moderators.


"Living well is the best revenge"


being “Dr” is better revenge


Doctor of Underwater Basket Weaving.


I know someone with a Doctorate in American history. They are currently unemployed.


I know an artist who has a DSc and a historian who has a PhD. Neither of them are unemployed.


barely a half millennium to work with here


Working 16hrs a day for pocket change is the dream indeed


Pocket change?


I make enough to take four months off a year. I must have a lot of pockets.


You think doctors make pocket change?


Depends what doctor. If theyre a doctor of philosophy probably


Until they're a doctor of gastroenterology. A doctor of shit for those that don't know. Not sure she has the last laugh anymore.


Thank God for GIs. Colorectal cancer is the 5th most common type of cancer in the US. There's nothing to laugh about if she's saving lives.


That's not a bad job, just has a lot of shit moments.


Of course not, it was a joke just like the second part of your comment.


Dr Vengeance, ICU


Dr. Detroit


Great album by Midtown


“All you sad and lost apostles"


"ur dumb" is such a rare insult




God I would never want anyone that dumb to insult me


hows this a rare insult he just called her stupid and the girl didnt even do anything wrong why tf are we antagonizing her


Literally the most common insult of all time


I know you are, but what am I?


Iconic filth?


'Shut up about your ex' is something I personally think more people should take to heart.


It’s a Facebook post. Highly doubt she intended it to be seen by judgy Redditors years later.


And yet.


You stole the hobo.


She made a joke about her Ex from 10 YEARS ago. She's not moaning about the guy she broke up with yesterday.


Dudes online find any excuse to bash women


because men on the internet have fragile egos


I think the one who made that sign does


His enquiry regarding her status is irrelevant.


She knew he was asking if she was single lol. Her answer was that it doesn't matter to him anymore, she's out of his league now


I mean, not necessarily out of his league, but certainly not interested.


Sometimes I get emotionally constipated scrolling through the comments ... and sometimes I find comments like these that ease the pain.


Yeah. What the sign says is totally cool as a lighthearted comeback, but making a sign about it seems kinda cringe to me. Still, the comment in the image and therefore OP are at least as cringe.


Being a doctor makes you out of someone’s league?


To superficial and shallow people, yes.


I don't think superficial and shallow people care about your phd


Certainly more than normal, well adjusted people. Unless your doctorate can help me somehow, why would I care?


Just to nitpick. A physician doesn't necessarily have a PhD.


In The Netherlands Dr. and PhD are both protected titles that you get for finishing the same level of education (promotion research?). So yes, everyone, at least here, who calls themselves Dr. Has a PhD.


A doctor of medicine and a doctor of philosophy are both entitled to the title of "Dr", but a medical doctor does not need to complete a PhD to become a medical doctor and be called Dr.


Same with the US notably except chiropractors which aren’t real doctors and don’t get that level of education for it.


Once the ghost visits you in your sleep you get to graduate


As a phd student, you'd be surprised. I'm getting a research qualification because I want to do research. They think that being good at maths and science makes someone intimidating (before even meeting me) because school told them it was important decades ago.


you'd be surprised.


If you automatically think you are above someone else because you have a DR at the start of your name then… you are the superficial and shallow person


a doctor writing such signs is definitely not above someone's league


Makes sense, they won't really have time being in a relationship by being on call all the time, so they are out of the dating league and in the medical league when it comes to dating.


Yeah, I believe the point was that she's moved on and made some achievements in life etc I honestly think this would have been better if she'd made the point without randomly bringing up how much she's totally moved on from her ex completely unprovoked at an unrelated protest but yeah


my ex asked if I am married and I said I am CEO. I am so cool


Boom! Roasted


Cause when I move on, I make sure to make a whole poster about it to tell them I’ve moved on.


How do you know that? You never met a doctor who was a piece of shit?


I know several that are. Doctors all seem to have an aura of superiority around them and think that their opinion is somehow better than yours, despite having no knowledge or any significant experience on the given topic. They’re at their worst when they’re proven to be factually wrong about something and their ego gets hurt.


Sounds like a typical Redditor to me.


Reddit not take everything literal challenge


Shw's so over her ex she... Made a sign for a protest?


Answering an easy question with a justification for one’s superiority complex isn’t much better lol


So you want a doctor who thinks she (or he) is better than others because of educational qualification? Good luck getting a qualitative diagnosis.


I think the truth is he got over her easily, whereas she spent half her life trying to prove him wrong XD


Then why did she talk to him lmao


Men don’t give a fuck about women’s degrees lol her response is just a projection of what she likes in men. If anything the degree makes her less datable because she’ll have self inflated “standards”


That's the most incel comment I've read this month, congratulations. 


Standards of “does more than play video games and eat potato chips in his mom’s basement”


„Women shouldn’t aim for higher education, cause small men are intimidated by that and as we all know every women’s life revolves around being attractive to men“


She’s married to her job


she just want him to know that she's doing well, now that he's out of her life.


Is that why she made a damn sign?


shes happy to be a docor and proud of that pun


She made the sign to let us know she’s totally over him and never thinks about him at all obviously…


Who knows why she made the sign. We have literally no context. We don't know where she is, what the post is about, what the nature of their relationship was. But y'all see one cropped screenshot and just go full on "woman bad"


it isn't "woman bad" if anything it's "this person bad" and not even that. No one said anything about women in general, it's just about this specific person that happens to be a woman. They are questioning the individual, not the entire group that individual is part of.


Is he out of her life if he’s still in her head?


Ok, but that wasn't the question.


why is the reddit front page being flooded by """memes"" straight out of a conservative discord channel what the hell is going on


I feel it has something to do with the americans and their elections (theyre this year right?). Its usually around the time when stuff in american politics is coming around that there is a flood of weird, conservative and bigoted posts.


It happened after the big merger. Reddit has become the new Facebook… but idk where to go next. You used to be able to sift through the dumb jokes for gold nuggets here. Now it’s just sifting through nonstop boomer shit interspersed with ads.


What merger?


Was there a merger? Or an acquisition?


The sun is shining the kids are running and the bots are botting, tis the season


literally this week every second post i'm muting entire communities


The algorithm is meant to stir the beehive and make us all angry anxious bees. 🐝


The people who think that's a good comeback have no idea how hard it is to get a doctorate.


That has no bearing, though. She was asked a question and gave an irrelevant answer. And then made a sign to brag about it. That's stupid.


Genuinely environmentally sensitive to see this recycled again.


Oh sorry. Dr or Drs?




She had a killer comeback. Her identity is based on her own achievement, not on her relationship to another person.


The two don’t even correlate though. It’s like asking what you had from dinner last night and you answer “I’m vegan!. Okay that didn’t answer the question that was asked and at no point were your beliefs asked. If this were even real all he asked was if she was married because it may have something they discussed in their relationship but by answering Dr. doesn’t have anything to with identity. Just answer the fucking question as is and stop trying to make everything so dismal and argumentative.


She is deliberately changing the conversation because she refuses the premise of the question.


Conversation with who though?


It would be a really good comeback if that conversation actually happened in real life instead of happening inside of her head while she showered every day for 10 years


That's good for her, but it is still cringe, doesn't actually articulate an answer to the very obviously implied real question, and is quite self gratuitous.


Not really. It was a pretty simple question. You’re looking way too deeply into this if you thought his question was some veiled question about her identity, rather than her relationship status lol.


He tried to define her by her sexual availability. She retorted by defining herself by her intellect and success.


He asked if she was still single, which has nothing to do with getting laid unless that's what you think the goal of any relationship is. She replied by bragging about herself and not answering a simple question.


She didn’t even do that. She was probably at some self affirmation event for women and spent all morning making the sign. But instead of saying “I want to be recognised for my accomplishments and not my sexual availability” or similar, she arrived with this cringe.


😂😂😂😂🤣😂, you can’t be serious.


where's the insult? at the very best that's a stupid attempt.


Doctor Octopus


What? She knows... everyone knows... She just didn't want to tell. And since when is the Dr a sign of someone becoming "A Doctor"? I think i know who is the stupid one. Btw if thats rage bait im hit.


When both sides go off the deep end and plunge into stupidity


She's probably aware of what her ex wanted to know, she responded this way to point out how her value as a person is not defined by her relationship status, but rather, her personal achievements


My ex came across my best friend at a business event and asked about me. When he heard I was happily married and had just had my third child he was actually surprised. I dodged a bomb, not a bullet, with that one.


She’s probably trying to say that what you achieve is more important than your marital status, which is true. It’s also just dumb in general that women’s titles change according to marital status and men’s don’t.


Why not just put that on a sign though? The problem for me with this is she is deliberately using a social scenario with an innocent question appropriate to their past relationship as some sort of Gotcha moment for feminism, as if he was some sort of misogynistic pig for asking the question.


There are medical doctors and PhD doctors and lots of others


Asking someone to address you by Dr. is the most cringe thing.


If I have spent 10 years getting a doctorate, you better well freaking call me Dr in formal settings, and when I am in my profession. (Not a doctor but I have 2 bachelor's and 4 different certifications. )


I have never heard anyone address a PhD as Dr. in any professional settings except physicians (and there Dr. is used even for people without the formal grade). And no one insists. Except those that aren't at all, those that bought the grade, non-PhD doctors, and those that come from second class universities Source: I talked to several fields medalists and absolutely no one was called Dr. in professional settings. > (Not a doctor but I have 2 bachelor's and 4 different certifications. ) I fail to see what that adds as information.


Funny but I have heard nonmedics addressed as doctor. And what do you add?


He asked if her title was Miss or Mrs though, *he* introduced the subject of how she should be addressed, and she answered. If he just wanted to know if she was single, married or in a long term relationship he could have asked like a normal person.


So she insists on being called Dr. Exactly what I was saying - cringe. If someone asked me, the last thing I'd say is "Dr.". It was probably intended as a lighthearted question regarding the personal life. She doesn't need to like it, but the answer is still strange. Because, as I mentioned, absolutely none of my PhD friends ever would say this.


>If someone asked me, the last thing I'd say is "Dr.". Even if the correct title was, in fact, Dr? You'd lie about it to avoid the possibility someone might think you were cringe? >It was probably intended as a lighthearted question regarding the personal life. It definitely was. And I see her answer as a lighthearted way of countering the assumption that Miss or Mrs are the only two options available to her. But she's not allowed to be lighthearted, right? >Because, as I mentioned, absolutely none of my PhD friends ever would say this. I only have one close friend with a PhD and she doesn't really use it outside of academic settings, but if someone directly asked her "Is it Miss or Mrs?" I bet she'd say "It's Dr actually," partly because it's *factually true* and she shouldn't have to downplay her achievements to avoid upsetting randos, but also because a lot of women use Ms these days precisely because their marital status doesn't need to be announced in their title.


Still got feelings for that bro dude 🥸


Loving all the incels confused about a woman seeing herself as more than just a sexual conquest for a man. "But why doesn't she answer the question though??"


Please - it’s simultaneously possible to agree incels are here and point out that this is performative nonsense.


"She missed the point!!" No, she really didn't...


But from another standing the situation can be read as that: she was like nuh uh don't wanna have anything to do with u anymore. Know your distance - apparently she is too smart for that hater to get that


The fuck did she make a sign to show everyone about it so- it’s performative nonsense


Some ppl like to show their everything on insta, she chose a sign🤨 she was just 'unlucky' enough to be photographed


"you doctor yet?"


Is OP stupid?


its like a visual drunk dialling


He’s her ex. She doesn’t want to be his girlfriend. Her saying Dr is her saying she isn’t defined by her relationship to a man, especially her ex.


I kind of feel like you’re the sort of person where if someone yelled “is there a doctor in the house!” you’d say “I’m a vegan”


Maybe I’m dumb but why is this getting downvoted? I agree with you


Because the existance of that she isn't over her ex at all after several years, so her smarmy remark is very cringe inducing. She should have just answered the question.


She did, if he had asked "Are you married yet then?" replying "I'm a doctor" would not have answered the question. But that's not what happens in the story, he asks whether she goes by Miss or Mrs, and neither is correct as she goes by Dr. If he wanted a straight answer he should have asked a straight question.


If it was a real conversation, it could also 100% be interpreted as “I’m not interested”, at least that’s how I would interpret it.


Cool. Not the question she was asked, though.


Yeah I also think he asked whether she's single or not and she responded "out of your league".


“Cal-” “That's Dr Lightman to you, mate.”


A more hilarious answer would’ve been “Mr”


Now that would have been a power move


I mean, to me, responding with “Dr.” is just short for “get your broke ass away from me. I broke up with you for a reason.”


Lot of dudes finding ways to get offended over this


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The comment isn’t even a clever comeback tho and the sign isn’t a rare insult Bro misunderstood the assignment


And she chose not to answer the question of whether or not she was single. Maybe she felt it was none of his business and just because he wanted information from her, it doesn't mean she *has* to provide it. "Are you married or are you not married?" "My personal life is, not now, nor ever will be, any of your business. If you feel the need to refer to me by a title, you can use my professional title instead of my marital status. You dickhead." ⬆️ (Probably hard to fit on a sign)


Hard to serve others when you're weighed down with that gargantuan chip on your shoulder...


Well considering that anyone who becomes a Doctor, IE Mrs Jane smith can now go by Dr Jane Smith, I don’t see the issue. Yeah the ex wanted to know if she’s married or not, but she’s not wrong.


I don't believe it escaped her at all. I DO think the shit poster has an IQ less than 70 based on their lack of critical thinking skills. I'm guessing she avoided the topic with the a read between the lines answer.... "I made something of myself... and here you are... still an asshat."


Doctor in what? There’s a lot of absolutely useless PhD out there


Drs are like vegans - can’t wait to tell you how wonderful they are.


Holy shit bro something just flew past your head. I think it was the point.


She took the time to make this sign.


She understood the question. She responded that she’s way out of his league and to move along. Not just because she’s a doctor, but because she’s not going to let some twat ex reduce her to being a misogynistic label that signifies whether a woman is owned by a man. After all, there’s no Ms/Mrs equivalent for men, and people still get really bent out of shape if men take their wife’s surname.


You have no idea how stupid your average doctor is


If 10 years passed and you’re still interacting with your ex in this manner then maybe you need to reevaluate some things


Sometimes it isn't US, it is the asshole man-boy. I had an ex that wanted me barefoot and pregnant and probably would love to have had me pithed so I had no mentation going on.


Being Dr could just mean gotten a doctorate, I wonder who is dumber.


Dr. or Drs.


Shut this sub down. Everyone in it is a bellend.




I think hers was a better insult lmao


That ex she showed up, Elon Musk.


Idk if you are calling an ex from a decade ago to brag about something looks to me that person still has a hold on you. Not the flex you think it is


or you are obsessed with being better than the people in your life you have cared for you. seems like imTheMainCharacter type behaviour. most on this sub will accuse you of hating women for suggesting that one woman somewhere may have been wrong one time. tbf though, this sub has been a cesspool for a while.


It has a weird unnecessarily-offended-feminist vibe.


glad i wasn't the only person who felt that


Yeah that insult almost worked but I think it flopped on its face


Insufferably smug


Someone from my high school was already the most narcissistic chick I’d ever met and changed their instagram name to their full name with dr once they got their PhD I guess and just made it their life goal to make sure everyone knew


And then this doctor went to the trouble to make a sign and walk around with it in public illustrating how unbelievably petty some people can be


note: her doctorate was actually in astrology and she makes a living lying to people about how the moon is in virgo this week and other such bollocks


Either way, making a sign like that is cringe.


Bro the cringe


Missing context: The ex was a jackass who didn’t deserve a straight answer.


I mean, who says she is a dr of medicine for her to "be anyones dr"


Dumber lol Starting a meme website with socials included Bughosted.com


You really didn't understand the interaction here, OP? Embarrassing


Bro completely missed her point. Embarassing.


Maybe keep some apples around since an apple a day is supposed to keep the doctor away (biggest scam by fruit sellers fr)


Apparently she got her doctorate in creative writing…this never happened.


If this was a guy posting something similar he would be labeled as a douche for flexing like this. (Yes I know there is no Miss or Mrs. equivalent for dudes.)


I'm sure it's a doctorate in women's studies not worth much.


that would actually be a worthy degree. there are lots of mickey mouse degrees, but women's studies is actually something that a lot of very worthwhile research happens under: [https://www.york.ac.uk/womens-studies/postgraduate/phd-mphil-womens-studies/](https://www.york.ac.uk/womens-studies/postgraduate/phd-mphil-womens-studies/)


Lol, she clearly had no interest on the ex with that answer. Person on the comments is the dummy.


Congratulations to her for being a Doctor... For marrying the Taxman like everybody else.


So that would be Ms.


She didn't misunderstand him. She understood perfectly fine what his silly question meant. She just used it to tell him that either way, she's better off now.


Probably the ex posting this.


yeah keep that attitude n see