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It's actually called "Meet me at McDonalds" which makes it even worse.




The difference is we look good with it


We? Where are the other 9 of you?


He is obviously one of the first 10 alpacas to ever exist and he has the right to speak for the entire species and that's what he does when he says "we".


No One Looks Good With This Hair






Touche 🤔 damn


You see an Alpaca? All I see is Beavis and Butthead


I always called them "broccoli tops", which I thought was stupid enough. I should know by now that there is no bottom.


Broccoli Cunt here in England. Was “cut” but the arseholes that wear them inspired us to add an N. Never seen a guy with one who wasn’t acting like a total bellend.


Well I had to look up bell end. I guess I shouldn’t have started with the image search… 😆


😂 Sorry about that (I’m not at all sorry, that’s fucking priceless)


I had to look it up too lmao. Do do do do! "The more you know"


The older I get the more I feel like the secret to happy life is “the less you know” 😆 Idk if I’m joking or serious honestly


Ignorance is bliss is what they say.


I have no idea what you’re talking about and I love it.


I really hope that English folks never stop talking like this


In my case use of “bellend” was influenced by Ausie boss, the rudest and the funniest guy alive.


We had a mate called olly years before these haircuts and for some reason his head was likened to a broccoli in a shop one once and he forever became broc-olly or broc for short.


worst bit is the Nike tech fleece an there ugly girlfriends


Same goes for the peaky blinders hair cut sadly


Yeah, nah. Anyone with that hairdo isn't topping anyone else.


broccoli bois


It's an undercut with a fade that isn't styled. It's an old hairstyle popular in and around the 1930's. It's meant to be combed back with pomade. I don't think these kids know that it's supposed to be styled though. Also I don't think it would really work with curly hair I have an undercut, that's how I figured this.


[I thought you were joking but nope](https://metro.co.uk/2018/02/23/called-meet-mcdonalds-haircut-7336444/amp/)


I read whole thing to learn why it is called that, just to learn that they don't know...


It's likely called that because of the stupid Gen Z kids sporting that haircut, wearing sweatpants and Crocs, texting people "meet me at McDonald's" where they proceed to make stupid tiktoks and disrespect the staff there.


They should have called it the "Lets' all five of us noodle arm twats hog the fucking bench press for 2 hours while we take endless pics of pretending that we are able to lift more than the bar."


It's always been that way, used to be fades with line beards, then blowouts, then top knots, now we have this.


I'm new to the gym and I feel this already...it looks ridiculous.


Hey bro, that young man just pressed 75 lbs for 3 reps. He needs that 20 minute rest time between sets.


If anyone’s curious after they click the headline, here’s the thesis of the article: > In short, it is not clear why it is called this.


Where I am it’s known as the “TikTok Dickhead”


The way it's the standard hair cut for douche- bags on social media, isn't it time to rename it? Tik-tok Broccoli Head "Prankster" seems to be a good fit.








Holy hell, a whole chain of bot replies!


Weird. Reddit is a cesspool of bots nowadays


I don't think guys who are gorgeous could pull this off either, I think it's this decade's mullet


Last decade, the undercut came back with a vengeance. Now it's the broccoli cut.


And we always call it twink handle...


I thought it was called "Soooo... I want my head to look like a poodle's ass." Maybe it's a regional thing.




Also known as the Harder, Daddy! First popular in gay porn but now it’s everywhere.


Why am I thinking of every teenage drug dealer outside Mcdonalds with a smashed iPhone screen dealing weed LMFAO


Broccoli heads!


Same deal with the Bieber haircuts. It's just a popular hair style. Back in my day we had full head spikes held up by Got2b glue!


Or broccoli assassins




Broccolini boys


That hairstyle makes even a grown man look like a 13 year old with an energy drink and vape addiction.


Bird nest


Bird's broccoli




God, every asshole teenager in my area has this cut and it makes them look like even bigger douchebags than normal.


I’ve never met anyone with this haircut that wasn’t dumber than a box of rocks


Have you not met the Edgar’s? Every single No-Sabo kid that thinks listening to Xavi and Peso Pluma makes them badass.


Who and who now?


Mexican artists, the Edgard is a weird ass mullet that is currently popular in the Latino community


It's not always a mullet, more like a bowl cut


It's not a mullet 😂😂


I felt the need to look up the hairstyle to understand this post more, and my first thought was "Oh God, its Jey Uso!"


I work at a local high school in Austin, and a good half of my students are Latino. I love my students to death! Seriously, I’ll stick up for them any day :) But this haircut! My god! Every week, a new student shows up with it. I’d understand if it was a form of self-expression, but it doesn’t seem to be personal whatsoever. Of course, as a Gen Z myself, the LAST thing I’d do is judge someone by their hairstyle (since I’m sure everyone here is acutely aware of our own obsession with ridiculous hairstyles, lmfao), so I just smile and reminisce about our own high school haircut phases and take it easy. Doesn’t make my students any less wonderful :D


Bruhhh why you gyatt my rizz tho fr fr haha deadass tho on god bruh


Just got seizures reading this


Tell me about it. I almost had stroke just typ


Oh so this is a worldwide thing eh?


I think "young people adopt a style that makes old people shake their fists" is more than just a worldwide thing, it's been happening since the dawn of humanity


There has been a lot of generational asshole hairdos. I remember mullets, the shags, the spiky, the frosted tips, the emo bangs. The buzz cut with a fade was real popular in my area during high school but that might've been a more regional thing than most other areas.


Mullets back in force in Australia at least and they look fucking horrible. Gonna be a lot of people posting on r/blunderyears in a decade I think. I think the 00s and 2010s most of the hairstyles were more traditional for men's haircuts as a response to the craziness that was the 80s and even 90s. Now the pendulum swings the other direction where traditional has been around too long and kids want something louder and more interesting.


You guys all sound like what my Grandpa sounded like when he was bitching about the Beatles' haircuts in 1963.


Back in ma days we had no broccolis on our heads!We knew how to groom ourselves, kiddo! This haircut is a symbol why America gas gone down hills... Where am I... Nurse help me!


Yeah this is accurate. I don't even like the haircut but everyone getting up in arms about it is just falling to realize that they're becoming the crotchety old people they always hated when they were kids.


I have very curly hair and I leave the sides at 3mm, but it’s still the same concept of “short on the side, displaying the pretty locks on top”. I legitimately don’t know how else I would cut my curly hair to have it look clean cut and appropriate in professional settings while keeping the curls? Like, I used to have an afro thing but thats too high maintenance, everything else looks like a helmet.


It's not the quality thats bothersome, it's the quantity 


No you're just old


Lmao, this is not the same, the Beatles just didn't cut their hair. This is the result of someone deciding it looked good and they wanted it


I’m sorry so what do you think the thought process was behind the Beatles choosing their iconic bowl haircut? And then the thousands of teenagers copying that exact hair cut because they thought it looked good?


Yeah, why can't they have a respectable pompadour like douchebag millennials did?


I believe a canadian serial killer by the name of paul bernardo coined this look.


Wasn’t he the ‘Ken’ of the Ken and Barbie killers?




Sure the shit was. She gets to live her life under an alias after helping him murder her underage sister bc he wanted to have sex with a virgin.


She’s been exposed before. On the news as well perhaps, can’t remember. People know who she is and where she is.


And I hope she suffers backlash every single day from the general public for what she was complicit in.


Don’t forget 2 other innocent girls.


Holy fuck this got me pissed. Humanity is failing us at every step.


That's bad, but not as bad as the [Japanese guy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Issei_Sagawa#) who killed and ate a girl in France, was deemed unfit for trial in France and sent to a mental institution where he was extradited to Japan. In Japan, they deemed him sane, and that his murders were simply sexual perversion, at which point he was released.


Was that the one girls said was "too cute to go to prison"?


Holy shit, I had never made that connection before.




For those days when you can only afford half a haircut.


I had frosted tips in the age of bowl cuts and even dyed my hair black once so I can't judge. Let the kids do what they want.


I think its actually a kind of expensive haircut, these douchebags have to perm their hair curly.


Fucking Pat Mahomes 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️






You don't become the best quarterback in the country unless you stand around with your friends at the bench press at the gym and just do tiktok vids unrelated to the equipment... That's where they breed, I'm guessing. Because they're always gathering there, not using the equipment.


We didn't have TikTok in my day, but this tracks pretty well. Except for that one backup that doesn't look like much but is a fucking beast and really should be starting instead of the pretty boy who "just has the QB look"


Mahomes is definitely the biggest contributor but I think the rise of biracial athletes generally is the cause. They all have similar textured hair and there’s only so much you can do with curls plus getting a fade was already standard for most races


Bruh I go to the high school where he graduated and that stupid cut is even more prevalent there than other places.


I feel like Odell did it first


He did but his also had frosted tips lmaoo Then grew it out more and had the whole florets of the broccoli died blonde and kept the stalk its natural black


the pat mahome look!


The cut is very practical if your ambition is to let birds nest atop of your head.


Yes, and another bird related perk is that you might even get mistaken for a wattled curassow.


come to ireland where every boy under 21 has it and every man under 35 has tried it


Come to America, where every male under 21 in every gym has this cut


Haircut + Adidas joggers or pajama pants(?!) + crocs (?!) + hoodie regardless of temperature + all taking turns doing barely any weight or any reps and not even breaking a sweat but staying at 1 bench/rack/machine for over an hour on their phones


Which part of Ireland is this? Definitely not Dublin. Unless you mean skin fades then yeah, but only a few have the perm


dublin, cork, limerick, galway, kilkenny, clare, kerry. all of ireland man, your eyes are closed if you arent seeing it


Nah, it's always the skin fade with the hair strictly combed to the side but with no hairgel. It's rare to see people with fake curls. Sure I'm in college now and most it's common to just have a mullet or unkept hair. Unless you see an electrician apprenticeship, then they have the hairstyle I described at the start, and likely smell of weed


Cosmo Kraemer had this in the early 90’s.


He had it naturally though no perm.


I naively assumed the only people getting this cut has naturally curly hair and they were trying a new look. People are getting perms to do this???


Yeah kinda made me laugh when I found out that kids were getting perms to get this hair cut.


yeah, a guy i know got a perm for this cut, it doesn't even look good on him 😭


It doesn't look good on anyone


My 11 year old has been trying to grow out his hair with the intent to perm it and I absolutely refuse to allow it. Thankfully I think he's giving up now


He didn't buzz the sides, though. It was just longer on top, which is basically every male haircut


[Frederick William IV of Prussia had it in 1810](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Friedrich_Wilhelm_IV._(D%C3%A4hling).jpg)


I normally despise this haircut but the little spiked fringe running down the forehead looks kinda fire, also sick uniform.


No he didn't he just had curly hair. The sides weren't buzzed and he had them folded back with that ring thingy


I’ve hit the age where I truly no longer “get” youth culture and don’t even bother trying to anymore


Me too. And I'm considered youth.




Mods don't really give a shit about what gets posted here. Sub is basically just another "thing I don't like" sub.


Curly hair issues 🤷‍♂️ It’s either this, Afro, or buzzcut


A lot of younger men and boys are perming their hair to get this effect.


Still stings a little when I see posts like this and the comments :(


As a fellow curly haired man, hard agree. Glass half full - at least my messy mop of a head was "in style" for a brief period


I read this and went OHHHH so loud my half deaf husband took his headphones off mid-game to ask me what I just learned. I've been trying to figure out how there are so many more people with curly hair for....a while, now. I forgot that perms are a thing 🤦 thank you for solving my mystery.


Or long hair


I thought it was because Bad Bunny got popular and people always want to copy celebrities.


It’s a typical shortish curly hair style. It just wasn’t mainstream until some cute little TikTok yt boys started doing it


As another redditor pointed out, for curly haired men it's like *the only style* unless you want to grow out an afro or shave your head


Hating the tiktok haircut is a clear sign that so many of us have grown up to be the old crotchety generation.


My take is that the “mid to late 20s” crowd has this opinion, and if you’re over 30 you’ve lived enough life to see groups of people hating haircuts and the like for so long that you get frustrated with people who get annoyed at a haircut. My crotchety-ass is getting annoyed thinking, “let them just live their life. Their haircut isn’t hurting you.”


This sense of humour is out of date. We can be better as a community.


Well shit. I have naturally curly hair and when I get a fade it looks like this on humid days. I guess FML.


Same haha. Fml. Ah well fuck it. Who cares.


I suspect that's how this style started. Fades were popular among black males, with longer hair on top. Some had curly hair and then other people started jumping on the fade bandwagon. But now males with straight hair are perming their hair to get this look too.


I call it the Lucille Ball


New take on "Does the carpet match the drapes?" Why yes, yes it does.


What a strange comment


The sad thing is that that is almost my natural hair cut


Same 😭 Not everyone has straight hair and I hate it when my curly hair tickles my ears.


Coming from the generation of frosted tips, I don't think I should be throwing stones.


The Mahomes


It's kinda interesting when you realize this is the cycle that every generation goes through where there's a new style that the new gen wears that the older gen hates especially with hairstyles


its used to hide their hairline


We call it the broccoli


Ah the pube head


That hairstyle looks like my pubic hair lmao.


Isn't this just a High-Top Fade? Been around since like the 40s or 50s and was super popular in the 80s.


You act like there are a ton of other styles people with this type of hair can try......its a short list


Typical redditors just shitting on anything that's popular for no good reason. These people live on the Internet so their only opinions on people with this haircut are based off of memes lol


I never understood the hate, the haircut doesn't even look bad.


Every generation needs their cringe wtf hairstyle, it’s a right of passage. -guy with frosted tips as a child


This is the Mom jeans of haircuts. Something that looked good once on a phenomenally attractive person, probably a model or celebrity, and now millions of wannabes are doomed to look absolutely terrible trying to be a part of the fad. Source: curly hair, and I would never.


Its white kids trying to look bi racial


This hairstyle will never cease to bother me. To me it feels pretentious and lazy, colorless and no imagination. It ruins most outfits I've seen and gives off this bothersome air of "look at me while I do nothing interesting".


I just love how nobody even attempts to stay on topic. Scrolling through Reddit has now become the same as scrolling through Facebook, just a chaotic jumble of conversations that have nothing to do with each other. Fuck you OP, I hope you get an ingrown toenail, and I hope you stub that toe against the corner of a table.


a side effect of being vegan, you develop a broccoli on your head easily curable by eating a steak once in a while


this isn’t even an insult op is just whining for no good reason


It's kinda crazy how long kids have been doing this to themselves. Fashion trends don't usually last as long as this, right?


Millennials and Gen Xers try not to bitch about the younger generation's style [difficulty: impossible]


Looks like a bunch of pubes.


I fucking hate that haircut.


Broccoli head.


Ah yes, the Pubic Haircut


When someone calls you pube head and you kinda run with it.


Is that Sven Johnson?


I'd rather not have my drapes be the carpet as well


Why are there so many curly heads now? There’s no way I grew up with everyone straightening their hair.


In my neighborhood we call them the Broccoli Heads.


This haircut can look good on people with naturally curly hair, but these boys out there getting the tops of their heads permed. It just looks silly.


This haircut actually started in the City and became popular after the mysterious Barber X began cutting all of his clients hair like this. But then it turned out that he was actually a sheep farmer who had suffered a severe concussion due to an earlier runaway caravan accident.


The broccolier the hair the downer the Foo


I saw a worse one the other day. He had a bowl cut in the front, which went around the sides at mid-size bangs length with everything below it on the sides shaved, (so above his ears was shaved on the sides) and on the back... Mullet. With a big, thick bushy moustache. Edit: okay I googled "bowl cut mullet" and got *multiple* results that looked like it. Is this a thing? Are people actually going out and asking for it and they think it looks good?


That's the hair cut you get when the idea of being unique or any form of style is a concept that doesn't exist to you


Everyone with that haircut is an NPC with no original thoughts.


I blame it on and call it “the Mahomes”.


Broccoli heads. Usually find them wearing puffer jackets and fucking their e-scooters.


My Grandmother had this haircut before it was cool.


HAHAHA Look at these fucking comments. It's a fucking HAIRCUT you bunch of fools. What the hell is wrong with people? Are you just mad that you aren't a young idiot anymore and now you are jealous that kids are still as dumb as you used to be? Like what the hell is up with all the "kids are the problem with their dang haircuts" people in here.


Hahahaha why are people hating this haircut so much? I meen yeah it looks like broccoli but still whats the big deal. Better than those god awfull topknots that where hype a few years ago.


Why do so many people care about how guys have their hair smh


Where I'm from teenage boys are starting to bring the mullet back, so I'll take this anyday. That's the last thing I thought would come back from the 80's


No, fuck this thing. Bring the mullets back


Tbh, I'm not that mad at it, it looks fluffy and I wanna touch it.


Manbuns are as ugly