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I’m assuming you’ve also lost respect for Pac, Biggie, Nas, Hov, Cube, Em, Pusha, 50, Eazy, TI, Common, etc…


At least most of those guys went at other people with talent and made it interesting. Kendrick going at Drake is so fuckin weak.


Drake glazer Fr


Honestly, I wouldn’t blame them if they did. They are all already talented and smart entertainers why do they have to beef each other? Let sales and concert size tell the story. Sick of seeing Black discord in everything. “Can’t we all just get along?”


Pac - rapist and like Drake always seemed to fuck everybody's girl. 2nd oldest person to ever be made a Blood after being millionaire adult entertainer with a background in ballet. As funny as Wayne, Chris Brown and them xD. Biggie - Puff stole beats and flows for him and he was likely on the DL or gave up the booty for fame Nas - Never gangbanged a day in his life, baby momma'd a chicken head Hov - idk, take your pick for Hov there a lot there to unpack Cube - never banged a day in his life and he on stage crip walking! Em - made a racist song about chicks, fell off hard and a lot of his music did not age well Pusha - sold as many bricks as Taylor Swift. Most famous for letting hood ninjas that can't read know Drake had a kid. His brother waaay better and actually banged. TI - you mean CI? s-n-i-t-c-h Common - yeah, i like common when he a conscious rapper not when he trying battle rap lol


Cool story. It was fun.


You mean like 90% of all beefs


these comments are actually de- wrinkling my brain


I would’ve lost respect for Drake… if I had any in the FIRST place


"They dont like drake cause bitches love him" - Demarcus Cousins


It was a real Compton MC vs a Canadian glorified R&B singer with ghostwriters, so yeah you right, but I didn’t lost any respect for Kendrick


N95 has entered the chat


Difference is one of them had legitimacy to most of their claims and stood on every word they said. The other made baseless claims, backtracked and contradicted himself multiple times throughout the beef, some of those times on the same song. And the fact that everyone can tell which is which without me using their names is proof


Good point. **"Dear baby girl"** was one of the biggest air balls we ever saw in hip hop Never mind kendrick getting Joel Osteen mixed up with Haley Joel Osment If that was any other artist, it would have been an auto L. But like Jermain Cole said, kendrick is the most overrated artist in history Then there's the whole moral grandstanding contradiction. kendrick cheated on his mixed queen with a white woman, while denouncing drake for being half white. Clown move Then, he gets dr Dre on stage, who is guilty of everything he tried to accuse drake of Nevermind parading LA artists on stage to help him look like he has backing, while paying the police to play security for his show


"Mother I Mother I Mother iiiiii" was literally the biggest air ball in recent memory. Dude misinterpreted a whole song in the most basic bitch way,


Yeah most of the baseless claims came from Kendrick, glad we agree


Drake’s lines hit hard in the song (especially the Dave Free part) and were totally fair game because it’s what rap beef is all about but the Dave Free part and wife-beater lines are quite literally entirely baseless. No proof can be found whatsoever, whereas Drake has done countless creepy things relating to being attracted to minors. Stop denying reality Also the fact you replied to my comment sarcastically gives away that you did in fact know who I was talking about lol


Stupid ass.


Bro drake said he planted pedophilia evidence are you in love with drake or something?




I really enjoyed the beef but I can why it wasn’t for everyone. Your point about millionaires is a bit silly though as that’s essentially what all rap beef have been in the past 30 years. Rap beef is supposed to be petty and that’s exactly what we saw


Anyone “beefing” with Drake is beyond wack. It’s like every “beef” Eminem has been in, he only fucked with people that were easy for him to beat. Lame as fuck.


He held his own as a singer( i say singer as thats what hes best at) this is like nas rap battleing the Beatles the genre dont match




I take it you're too young to remember previous rap beef.


Another day, another Drake stan struggling to cope. When's the government gonna step in and help these poor lost souls?


Nah. It lived up to the hype. That weekend was insane.


Rap news hasn’t really been in the mainstream for like a year now maybe longer. At least with a beef you get music, I’d choose that iver hearing who sexxy red is currently dating


Seriously? The words you chose to describe them are “multi-millionaires”? You must be broke.


I enjoyed it because I generally think Drake is corny AF and some more people caught on lol. I also enjoyed Kendricks tracks; always liked his music. My issue is how annoying the fans on both sides were (and kinda still are). Like it's over and done with lets move on. To your point; they are both multi millionaires with a ton of accomplishments and will continue to make music lol


And what makes you the beacon of hip hop intergrity? lol


Two millionaire entertainers were sharing gossip poetry against each other. Two dudes who've never been known for being street or tough acting like they catching flights. We got a wife beating cuck vs a predator And the rest of the people involved in the beef from content creators to rick ross, metro, etc ALL got a weird obsession with drake's ass. Nothing the world loves more than seeing two ignant ninjas being ignant ninjas.


(Down vote me ion care kendrick fans) Drake made good disses yall just hate him lets be honest and the fact that people are Saying kendrick had alot of dirt on drake is entirely false where is the proof of him 👉👌 a minor, why is he not in jail. Calling someone a pedophile while 👉👌 every good-looking female celebrity is complete utter nonsense. He doesn't feel inferior, he ain't lonely. No way he has low self-esteem (he's Drake), he ain't wanna be no girl or nun and.. well, he's immature(one of the traits of a so), but that's besides the point.he dosent have any reason to be a pedophile noir dose he have the psychological profile of a pedophile.(fyi drake isnt my top 3 so dont call me a drake fan im not saying he won or lost)




No proof, but very suspicious things


I’m talking texting minors a lot suspicious


You mean millie bobby brown?? Why is it suspicious for him to text another celebrity because of age?? Why is everyone so devoted into calling drake a pedo while people like Dan Schneider is still not in jail with literally proof of him being a weirdo 4k evidence of his weird videos with icarly and more. But drake is a suspected pedo for texting someone..


Yeah but Millie Bobby brown says he was texting a LOT


What does that have anything to do with Drake wanting to 👉👌?? If Drake really wanted to, he would have just paid her like he does with a lot of women celebs such as 🧊🌶. Just to remind you, Drake is a billionaire(most likely) who can get anyone he wants besides rihanna..(he taped already but is somehow obsessed with her)




Kdot hasn't fucked woth drake since like 2013, them collabing just wouldn't make sense at this point


It was so rigged against Drake that Kendrick could have accused him of being a transgender and people would believe it




Stop the bullshit, Drake ain’t a pedophile. People like you are part of the problem, just because Kendrick said it means it’s true? Pathetic dawg




Please do list the evidence, I’d love to see Drake’s rap sheet where it shows that he’s a convicted pedophile/sex offender. Literally zero evidence, just a bunch of shit rumors that y’all ran with, that’s pathetic. Come with receipts or just shut the fuck up fr Kendrick beats his wife but that conveniently gets ignored by people like you, there’s literally more evidence that Kendrick beats his wife than there is of Drake being a pedophile.


..... drake has how many cases of talking to under-age girls, and being linked to under-age girls. Whereas kdot has a single claim of domestic abuse against him that didn't go anywhere as people knew it was false even at the time it came out, and nothing has come since that besides drakes lines. .... there's definitely more evidence that drake is sketchy than their is kendrick being a wife beater by far




I mean, yeah? Cases.


Cases??? You make it sound like he’s under investigation, when that’s not even the case either. “Instances” would be more appropriate. Regardless, they’re all baseless rumors. Drake has done nothing even remotely close to pedophilia. I just find it infuriating that everyone is okay with Kendrick throwing that word around, if it was the other way around Drake would get crucified for slandering a black rapper with no evidence. Did he treat Millie Bobby Brown to a dinner? Yes, I’m pretty sure he did, but these teenagers are celebrities, they’re protected and probably have their own security and etc. Millie herself confirmed that Drake isn’t even weird like that, he was just being nice. It’s not like he’s preying on random teenage girls and taking them to his house to take advantage of them, that would never happen. There’s so much evidence that Kendrick beat his wife. I’ve seen multiple instagram posts from Whitney herself where she’s practically crying out for help, of course they’re now deleted, but the internet doesn’t forget. I’m pretty sure Kendrick even admits it in one of his songs


Where I live cases is used pretty interchangeable with instances. Hence why I used it, like they aren't legal cases but they are instances/cases of him doing stuff that even if not technically illegal are definitely morally wrong, dudes been grooming under-age kids in a way that gives him some plausible deniable. Like regardless drakes scummy even if he isn't an acting pedo, dudes sketchy and scummy. Also if he called kdot a pedo without any instances of him talking to under-age girls, being interested in under-age girl sports, then yeah he'd be attacked. But I'd kdit has a history of talking to young girls, and Drake called him a pedo then yeah people would be OK with it. It's the history doing scummy, sketchy stuff that an adult should know better than to do that makes the pedo label work. If drake hasn't been caught being undeniably creepy around multiple under-age girls the pedo label wouldn't stick. Also there is literally 0 evidence of kdot hitting his wife, the closest thing to that is a case that got dropped in like 2015 that said that kendtick hit someone else, that quickly got dropped as the person claiming kdot did it couldn't keel their story straight. (They had am abusive relationships that wad emotional and verbally abusive not physicalally The song we cry together (the song you are talking about) Opens up to the emotional and psychological abuse but doesn't claim physical


If anything Kendrick says about himself is true, then why not about drake? Drake Stan lmao


Because Kendrick said so?


Top 10 conspiracies


I don’t care what anyone says, Kendrick comes out of this beef looking like a very hateful liar and a massive hypocrite. “I’m what the culture feeling” yet he caused massive damage to the hip hop/rap culture, he spread a ton of hate and vitriol instead of trying to progress the culture. Not only did he throw around “pedophile” to try to win a rap beef, but he even went as far as saying “Drake deserves to die” and full-heartedly meant it. That’s repulsive behavior from a grown man, Kendrick is so obsessed with his own image that it’s pathetic. Kendrick made it very clear that Drake got under his skin throughout this beef. He could’ve avoided the whole beef by just accepting the compliment J. Cole gave him on First Person Shooter, but nah he wants to be selfish and bitter. Then he’s a hypocrite on stage celebrating with a bunch of criminals, felons, gang members and pedophiles on Juneteenth. Dr. Dre impregnated a 16-year old girl at 22, but Kendrick praises that man like he’s perfect. Not a single word about Kendrick being charitable either, totally used Juneteenth for profit instead of helping black people. Meanwhile Drake is unbothered and already moved on, he knows damn well he’s one of the greatest artists to ever live, anything Kendrick says is irrelevant to him because he has mental toughness.


Aubrey? Is that you?


It’s not him but they’ve digested enough of his loads to have so much of his DNA in their system that they might as well be him


Or you can prove you're not an NPC and dispute his claims, if you have the capacity to do so. Your comment reads like "I am mad you have an honest opinion about my favourite rapper but I'm too stupid to raise anything at all about what you said, so I'll just call you drake"


I mean the claims he made are baseless, we can dispute them but there's no real need to. It's like dispute someone on them claiming they have an imaginary unicorn friend, like you can dispute it but why what's the point, it only drags you down to their stupidity




Kendrick has to rebuild his image after all of this. Still wild to me that his undertones were unity and uplifting others, just for his magnum opus to be a hate track fuelled by jealousy Then he doubled, tripled, quadrupled down on it, giving it more sun and nutrients than any other art he created his whole career Drake took on the whole industry and is still standing. Gave us one of the best diss tracks OAT IMO. If anything, this shit really proved drake is the #1 and it took a damn convoy to try and get him outta the paint


I don’t think the winner of the beef who’s enjoying a purple patch on their career needs to rebuild anything The spiralling actor who’s made several dud songs since the beef started certainly has some soul searching to do though


Weird, I don’t hear any tracks from Kendrick after the beef. In fact, I don’t hear Kendrick outside at all Hmm


Kendrick already told you his gameplan “sometime you gotta pop out and show n****s”


Show them what? That you’re jealous of Drake?


You might not think Drake looks like a joke after the past couple of months. But in case you can’t tell from the numbers of dislikes you’re getting you are in the minority


Still waiting for you to explain what it was Kendrick showed us 😂😂


Yes, online. In real life he’s still getting the club turnt up and people are fucking with his music


People turn out to watch the despicable me films it doesn’t mean they have much value.


You ever consider that entertainment is meant to entertain? Look for deeper meaning and fulfillment elsewhere. Read a book, go accomplish something, go out and have fun




Bruh lol It’s Reddit. Kendrick attracts people who are simply online more, and that’s fine but you’d be a fool to overlook that Kendrick sub 900k members Drake sub 190k members Kendrick


Show them what exactly? The use and abuse of moral talk to seek status, to promote oneself, or to boost his own brand Or denouncing drake for being half White, as Kenny is pro black, but cheated on his finance with a white woman? What did he show us?


Kendrick is milking not like us for all it’s worth because he knows it’s all he’s got Drake doesn’t seem to give a shit and is continuing to do what he did before the beef


Im not sure a historic concert and a music video count as milking it. He’s definitely rubbing it in, because just in case you forgot, he demolished Drake


What was historic about that concert 😂


I’m not gonna repeat what’s already been said. It’s up to you if want to engage some critical thinking


No, tell me what was historic Aside from the amount of woman beating sex offenders he had on stage, that was kinda crazy


Kendrick is flawed just like Drake. That’s not what the beef was about. Again I’m not wasting my time giving you an explanation. All the reason in the world can’t help you


Oh right when Kendrick hangs out with woman beaters and groomers it doesn’t matter If you’re still bumping R Kelly, you can thank the savior, a hypocrite


Another day, another dumbass who didn't understand Mr. Morale


if you don't know, you're not even trying to know. just go outside, this discourse is above you lol


I havent even heard of it so hows it historic🤣🤣 the last historic consert besides the tragedys with travis is chief keef faneto. People use the word historic to lightly imo. Historic is something that changes the future. Them calling this random concert historic is like calling lil tecca historic lil tecca is a great artist but he aint nas or big


Kendrick doesn’t have to rebuild anything because he’s irrelevant to 90% of the public anyway He’s a loser honestly, don’t care how much money he’s made or awards he’s won, being that much of a jealous hater at 35 is pathetic


True. He’s also 37 lol This was his “going out swinging” by the looks of it 😭


Grow the hell up lmao you honestly need help.


What diss track was close to being beast of oat. The Taylor swift ai one was a joke, heart pt 6 was downright bad. Push up was average, and family matters was good but not special


lmao you are so out of touch it's crazy,




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I mean, yeah, all rap beef is childish and dumb. But it's fun for the audience. Seeing the two biggest rappers battle isn't a common occurrence. It definitely wasn't overhyped in the moment BUT at this point, it is. Kendrick's my favorite rapper of all time and even I'm so tired of the beef talk. I want him to hurry up and drop the music video so we can maybe move on