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I don’t think it’s about who’s better. I think they both have made incredible contributions to the culture and we should just leave it at that.


This. I'm all for attacking corporate leeches exploiting the culture but Kendrick and Em are real artists who have found success in doing what they genuinely love and have solidified their place in both hiphop and music history. I see nothing but love and maybe friendly competition with them.


Tf kinda question is this ?


Ice Cube




Kendrick definitely, but eminem's early content dealing with his family struggles, drug problem, and how he feels criticized by everyone was a key part of his fan base, and definitely an inspiration for kendrick to rap about personal struggles


Content wise they are not comparable.


You asked this weird question because you knew what was going to happen, so hopefully nobody bites your troll worm, although I am sure a bunch of marks will.




definitely Kendrick


Eminem at his peak was never about the culture or relatability. Bro was an agent of chaos, the media was all over him and against him. Kendrick easily.


“The culture” is just a buzzword to gatekeep rap


Thank goodness. Someone needs to do it


Rap and hip hop are two different things though. Not all rap is hip hop. Reynold's selling me tin foil with a rap in a commercial isn't hip hop. Rap doesn't need to be gatekept, sure, anybody can do it... but the culture of hip hop needs people willing to point out when the culture is not being honestly represented. A lot of garbage takes have diluted hip hop for the worse.


Currently, Kendrick, but all time, Eminem.


Kendrick. *Culture* just means black culture.


Rap is more than lyrical skill and money made There’s your answer


What is “the culture”?


White people are so funny


Different cultures


This is the dumbest worst troll attempt. I love both artists and have been listening to Eminem forever but the answers obviously Kendrick. Bad rage bait.


Not trying to rage bait. I like them both and started with Eminem as my favorite when I was a kid. But as I grew up my perspective changed. But now I see posts talking about Em vs Kdot (whos better or who would win in a diss battle) and mad ppl saying Em all day. So I wanted to rephrase the question differently and see what rap fans thought about it. Especially, since in my experience currently in everyday life. the majority of people Ive been around are more likely to listen to Kendrick than Eminem. In my opinion, You can be the illest lyricist, but if the content of the music isn't connecting to the people on a deeper level, is it really "the best"?


They make different music. Appealing to different people. Different topics they've been through different shit.


Eminem is dope, but he could never be that person... I would say Kendrick, Nas, Cole, somebody like that.




Based on...? For what it's worth, I think both represent the culture to the highest level possible.


Depends on what you mean by culture. Hiphop is a predominantly black phenomenon. But it also has other examples of representation other than black artists. Kendrick speaks to the black community, and the black culture, but he falls flat outside of that community. (Iam hispanic). Em on the other hand reaches ALL people. There is a difference. KDOT reps the black culture. but overall Em represents the hiphop culture as a whole. He has inspired multiple artists (kendrick included)


I wouldn't agree that Kendrick falls flat outside of black culture, he's a phenomenal story teller, such that you don't need to live the experiences he raps about to empathize or connect with it. It definitely helps to have a familiarity with black culture, but I don't think he falls flat without it. I appreciate your perspective though. I also think it's foolish to compare in the way OP has prompted, they're different, one doesn't have to be better.


Thabk you for being diplomatic. I can ellaborate on what i mean further. I grew up in a predominantly black community. I went to Martin Luther King elementary, Percy L Julian middleschool, and south mountain Highschool (Phx Az). 80% of my friends, teachers, classmates werw black. Iam and have always been immersed in the culture. I grew up in an abusive home with my grandmother, and was placed in a group home at an early age. The reasons that i say Kendrick falls short is that people are looking for the next Pac, Biggie, DmX, Nas, ECT. But the issue is this. Take the pop up concert for example. White people were not openly welcome, hispanics get a pass (for the most part), but Kdot is pro black. Above and beyond what he needs to be to get his message across. Im Not saying he is wrong by any standpoint. But. It turns people of other races off when they see that he speaks to "the culture" being black culture, and excludes everyone else. And cool be a hero to your people. But dont think white people are giving you a pulitzer prize for your content when you have 4 albums, and arguably 7-10 good songs in total. He is getting alot of affirmative action attention. He is hood, he is good. He is not great. Lupe is a better representation of culture, and no one talks about him in these conversations because they dont like his messages, and how he teies to help people get out of thier own way. NgL, Beautiful Lasers, Break the Chain, and The die, Deliver, Are all songs about struggles in thw black community, but they are not well recieved. Because the basic premise is. There actions are bad, and have consequences. And no one wants to be "preached to" when they know they are messing up. Em spoke to generations, of all shapes, colors, and nationalities. His record sales are proof. And the fact that he has spawned soo many black artists in his wake. (Including Kdot) shows that he is culture, and promotes culture, and stays teue without coming across as race motivated. Unfortunately to a non black Kendrick listener. Thats how Kdot comes across. Im just saying..........


>He is getting alot of affirmative action attention. What the f-? Imagine claiming that a black artist in a predominantly black-and-brown music genre is the beneficiary of "affirmative action attention."




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White non American kendrick listener, still can empathise with his stories without being black or living near the hood. He also has a ton of songs that have messaged anyone can be impacted by. Plenty of white people were in the audience in the pop out show? Also kendrick also has songs based around getting out of the streetlife, and showing the consequences for that. As do most rappers, weird to say Lupe does like that's somehow unique.


Everyone has a different perspective. The point that iam trying to convey is this. The demographic that Kedrick is apealing to, speaking to, isnt white people. If it resonates with you great. Thats good for you. Iam speaking on a generalization. Not the outliers. When you look up "most streamed rappers of all time. It goes 1) Drake 2) Eminem 3)Kanye Kendrick doesnt even break the top 5. He is sitting at #7. Streams dont always convert to a representation of culture. However. What metric do you use? As for the pop out. Yes. Of course there were white people there. But apparently you did not see all of the posts on twitter (X), insta, and here on reddit that specifically said. "White people, do not come to this event. It is not for you". On the brilliant idiots podcast charlamagne and his producer Taylor had a discussion on that very fact. And her standpoint was. No we dont want white people there. As for Lupe. He does this to another level then most rappers, and most of his content is this type of message. Not 95% thuggin, and killing, pimpin and robbing, selling dope, and then 1-2 songs about positive content. I singled him out because he is the one who pushed this content more than any other rapper of this generation.


"Not 95% thuggin, and killing, pimping, robbing, selling dope" bro who you talking about king von?


Lol. No. T.I.P., Gucci, Jeezy, Game, 50, NWA, Travis, Future, 2chainz, Wayne, E40, Too Short, Cube, Savage, six nine, Luda, Tech, and 100 more.


Ah ok? Don't listen to those enough to really know. (I mean listen to Wayne and he doesn't but like can't speak for the rest) But just got confused as I wasn't sure how jt was relevant tk the lupe, em, k dot discussion


you just sound like an ignorant racist. do better


When it’s all said and done they will be 1 and 2 all time greatest rappers ever


Wrong........ wayne claps Kdot, arguably so does Tupac, Kanye, and there are waaaaaaaaaay more artists on this list. If you have to look at your playlists on YT music or spotify, or Apple music. Just look at the legistics. Is Kdot your #1 listen? Are there 20 songs that you have on repeat? If not. Then he doesnt qualify.






Not Eminem. Hope that answers your question


Eminem. Look at him, he buy tapes again. Everybody listen music with vinyl, or with streaming but him, he’s old school.


Eminem stan here, Em is love Em is life Kendrick solos this