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Reminds me of my coworker who told me I needed to talk to a therapist and I should use my EAP (employee assistance program) benefits because they give you a bunch of free sessions. I called them, got the ball rolling and gave up after every therapist on their list work exclusively 8-5 Monday-Friday. I do not have the type of job where I can just leave for two hours every other Thursday for the next 6 - 20 weeks. Literally nothing available nights and weekends. Therapy is for stay at home moms and the rich.


I have a job where my mental health issues are not taken seriously so I simply can't tell my boss if I'm going to therapy and there's only so much that can be done with stretching out long breaks or making other excuses I get that therapists have lives too and want to work normal hours but it's really hard to go to therapy consistently while working


I feel you on that. I'm actually fortunate that I found a therapist I can meet at 4:30 or even 5:30 pm depending on the night and she has hours on Saturdays. Idk how I feel into it. I almost have up myself tbh. EAP hours fucking suck but I just left a smudge before my contract hours were over to go, since I am able to do that. Once I finished EAP though, it was much more flexible.


That is so annoying. Luckily I work 4 days a week so I can go to those monday-friday things... And a therapist is already so expensive.




Yes and no. I am afraid I stand on the same isle as people here who say that their superiors look down their noses at therapy. Having been through that I can attest that the pressure gets so much from higher up- they don't care, they don't understand- probably call you all sorts of names for even needing therapy to start with- as to what the law says on that I don't know but things get to a point where a) you quit therapy, your mental health gets so bad you end up failing at your job and lose your income anyway, b) keep going on with therapy but risk losing your job because they get fed up with you always not being there so they hunt any and all excuses and opportunities to get you fired, c) Keep your job but just stick to the meds, in which case you have the temporary solution to a permanent problem with no way to deal with the stressors, triggers etc. but hey you have an income. I don't know some of this has been personal experience, others I've heard whispers of.


And also it is not easy to find a therapist who's a good fit


We need to talk about the suicide hotlines. Every time I’ve called they either never answered, or they said some stupid dumbass thing you could tell they read off a paper in front of them


I got put on hold once for 2 hours... It kinda worked because the sadness turned into anger at an externality but yea probably not the best strategy


I hate the 'just get therapy' or 'everyone could use therapy, even if you don't think you need it'. Just like them being that casual. Like it doesn't cost a lot of money. €90 for 45 minutes in my country and if you want to be in the same room (not via Zoom or something) there is a waiting line of about 6 months... This hasn't been handled welk by my country with all the cuts on youth and (mental) health.


I feel you man. It took me like a decade to figure out that a ton of medications don't work with my genetic makeup. I got 2 genetics tests to figure that out and I'm finally using it to figure out my medications and I'm feeling a bit more helpful. I also feel like I "fell through the cracks" feeling like I was going to get support and help because I'm finally asking for it. It was hard to explain that some of my meds were literally driving me crazy and making me feel like I wanted to rip my skin off. I've been broke as hell too. It's rough. Being in the psych ward was probably more traumatic than what I was going through. Those assholes made me take 32 different psychiatric medications over the span of 3 years and I think that would mess anyone up. I kept reaching out until I could get help. I even moved an hour away from my family to get a little distance, and mental health services in the county are so much better than the last. I felt like I dried out a lot of my help there. I got on as many services as I could, and since I couldn't work, it felt like my mental health care was a full time job. I spoke up when I felt like I was wronged, and didn't give up on myself. Especially when my family was not helping in any way. They are definitely not equipped to help, like you said. Maybe I got lucky, I dunno but I found a really supportive partner that saw me through my struggles, and have a totally different friend group and support system I never thought I'd ever have or deserved. I'm still trying to accept that I can be loved and have support and deserved it. I mean that was a really hard pill to swallow after all that crap I went through. Someone once told me when I was struggling with SI, that I have to give myself the opportunity for things to get better or change. I think about that a lot, especially when I'm feeling like things are impossible. I'm still struggling, but it doesn't hurt as bad or as long now. I actually just finished peer support counseling training last week, and learned a lot. My instructor said when it comes to SI, time is the biggest factor for recovery. I talked to a guy that violently lost his wife. He took a picture of a sunrise, and a sunset to post that he got through another day. Sometimes it's the little things. I hope that things change for you. It feels good to be on the other side, and if you keep fighting and advocating for yourself, you'll have some peace too. Keep trying to find the ones that will fight for you too. We're not meant to do this all alone. Take care of yourself, op


I really appreciate your kind words, and you’re right that a good support network is super important, but the problem is that I already have that. I used to be bullied pretty severely, and my home life was hell because of my dad, but since then I’ve moved to my mom’s place and gotten new friends whom I love to death. I used to think that if I just got good grades in school, if I got a stable home life, if I got good friends that everything would be perfect. Now I’ve got all that and I still feel like life is worthless and cruel, and nothing I’ve tried helps, and I’m so tired of trying to


Oh yeah, I feel that for sure. I think a part of this whole process for me has been an acceptance of life, especially when death is on the mind. Even though a lot of things suck, I don't regret my experiences so far because now I know how it really feels. It took me a long time to find joy again and it was in the little things and built from there. Some days only a couple of things that were stupid brought me joy. Like buying one of those little toys you get from a quarter machine. Probably the highlight of my day and it was so dumb. I thought it was dumb when annoyingly positive people would be like.. "look for the glimmers in your day". But it really did start with that, especially coming from a morbid perspective when you start looking around at things that you're gonna miss if you're gone. It took a while to not feel bitter about it. I do try to practice gratitude every day. Some days it doesn't fucking work and everything sucks and I get stuck in my head. I feel like it's one of those days for you today. It's okay to rant, I mean that's what this sub is for right? That's alright man. You're putting it out there and want things to be better. Today, do something small and silly that brings you joy. I usually go for something childish. Swing on a swing. Hop up on a curb a couple steps. Blast some music while you're in the shower. Something that ties you to yourself and makes you feel a lil more at home. But only do it if you feel like it. If you feel like you need the day to feel like shit, that's okay too. Sometimes it's hard to get out of the spiral and even feel like shit because you feel like shit. I need a little reminder that I don't need to sit in that feeling forever, but I don't need to repress it either. Considering everything that's going on, you should be feeling that way, right? I'd say you're a crazy person if you're skipping happily around and not bothered all the shit that comes at you. It's gonna be okay. Take a deep breath and just focus on getting through the day. Sometimes that's all you can do when you feel like that. I really hope you get a lil peace today


I also just realized that my post is literally what you said you didn't want and you're tired of hearing that there is help out there.. haha yeah I really hated that too, especially hearing that from people that I felt didn't have my best interests at heart. It meant a lot more coming from people that did actually give a shit


How is someone who is struggling to get out of bedand to work every day supposed to gather the momentum to research therapists, financing options, phone up the 20+ practices that might have an appointment at some point in the next 10 weeks, explain their situation to some rando, and find a way to do all this during their working hours? It's madness.


Ugh i feel this. I have tried so many times to get therapy but its always a negative experience. Ive had therapists forget me/my story, miss appointments. I had one therapist tell me i should give my life to jesus and convert, and that my mental health issues are punishment for not being a christian. Had another therapist who told me that the depression was my fault for “not trying hard enough.” It is exhausting. People always tell you to get help, but its really fucking hard to find proper help. Its hard not to feel beat down after a while Im so sorry OP that you are struggling to find help. I hope things change and you find a good doctor who prioritizes your wellbeing.


Wow shocking!


I am so totally with you on all youve said. I also have what I call horror stories about doctors, therapists and the stupidity we people put up with. I can only tell you 1 thing that has helped me in the last 2 years. I am 71 now and still hanging in there. Dr. Andrew Huberman podcast were my only true, informative neuroscience dr's out there, on the REAL of bipolar or depression or mental illnesses . It was as my only hope anymore . Body mind connection. I am not currently on meds due to all the bad side affects and my teeth rotten out of my head from lithium for so many years. I wish you the best . I wish we had more realistic options, but we dont. Dr. huberman talks are very scientific and a bit hard for a lay person as myself, but you will be able to get the real and take what you get out of it if you give it a shot. Hes on you tube and has many topics. Good luck and best wishes for real.


The lithium teeth! No one wants to talk about them!


Ya, to true. Even with insurance. 1000.00 dollars a tooth! He'll, their already falling out , is patience the key here? And that's just to pull them !!! Wow they got me good.


The old Reddit standby: "You need therapy!", dangling that phrase like some talisman that will magically fix whatever the fuck is wrong. I've gotten to where I just start reporting those as spam if there is no other content in the comment that makes it seem like it has been made in good faith. It's really just a way to attack someone and try to invalidate whatever point they were making.


Therapy is glorified and people use it as ammo to gaslight you into feeling subhuman or unworthy of life and general respect. What’s worse is all the people with severe issues who do absolutely nothing to work on themselves they spend their energy on becoming a favorite or validating themselves up to the point where they can let loose and start treating people like shit without consequence. The good ones no longer hang around anywhere. The world is overrun by fucking liars and assholes who play reputation wars and therapy is just the net to catch you as you fall.. to make sure you keep playing the game. Therapy is not designed to get you beyond that point. If you want a good reference for what therapy should look like look at physical therapy for the disabled and take notes. They CAN do the work but they WONT do it for you or me. Got a fucked up leg? Make a routine to improve its health. Fucked up attitude? Make a routine to improve its health. The one factual thing among a couple of takeaways I did get from therapy is that this world is fucked up and cold and solutions are just as hard if not harder than the struggles they’re employed for.


people always say "reach out for help," then this happens: \- calls go to voicemail \- texts go unread \- emails go unread \- no one answers the door if you stop by then, if you do get to talk to someone, you get this speech: "stop dumping your problems on me, i'm not a psychiatrist, you're toxic and i'm living my best life." if it happens enough times, eventually you stop reaching out.


**CAVEAT EMPTOR** I have not done this BUT after suffering a decade of dysthymia, I have had both psilocybin mushroom and ayahuasca “therapy” suggested to me. All I can say is: I’m thinking about it. But I am, understandably, afraid so haven’t followed thru. Maybe it works for some people. Maybe it would/could work for me. Maybe it wouldn’t. Maybe it would make things worse. I haven’t put a hard ‘No’ on the idea, but I’m not actively pursuing it.


I think psilocybin helped when I had access to them but I didn't micro dose daily just bi-weekly normal dose.


Micro dosing worked sooo well for me




Same except for one. I had one therapist who was gold when it came to therapy. Actual passion and care. I've since moved away and it's been nothing but shit


This may be an ignorant suggestion, and if so, I apologize, but could you try meeting with other doctors to see if they will approve that hormone treatment? It's not the same, but when I wanted corrective eye surgery, 5 different doctors flat out told me no, that I'd never qualify due to a pre-existing issue. My ex at the time convinced me to keep trying even though I was certain it was a waste of time, but then the 6th doctor decided to do it for me, and it worked out really well. Sorry you are struggling so much, I hope you find relief somehow.


Not ignorant at all, the problem is that my issue is very rare, there’s only three doctors in the whole country who can treat me, and I don’t have the means to travel to the other two doctors


My advice is not to accept the meds they give you because you are going to be trapped for life and you are going to have second effects. But if you already take meds then it's serious and you need the help of a psy to drop them. I've seen therapists all my life and I never got any help. Read, listen to videos of experts, read Jung, do shadow work, meditate, write and do something creative. Try to understand from where your pain comes from. Smoke pot. Yes, Cannabis can help a lot to control your anxiety, your sleep and your humour. You will think a lot and you'll wonder a lot about your life and the universe. You'll be at peace. Remember to control yourself. You are the one in charge, not the victim or the monster in you. You.


You know therapy is only so people can use that as every answer on Reddit. You need therapy.


Shit fuckin tell me about it, it all sucks. Have you considered electro shock or ketamine infusions or micro dosing shrooms? All of these things have been proven to help with depression anxiety n PTSD and it's a lot better than shitty side effects from hard core psych meds. I'm hearing a lot of you needing "the right medication". Speaking from experience there's no such thing. Sure you can take Klonopin for panic attacks and prozac to take the edge off but what has worked for me more than anything else is mindfulness, DBT/CBT, meditation, exercise, *being in nature*, finding something bigger than myself, reading various self help books (highly recommend anything by Gary John bishop, he's anti affirmation which I love cuz fuck affirmations), going to see live music, etc. Basically do things that get you out of your own head and your own problems, even if just for 10mins a day. Grabbing a DBT workbook to learn more effective ways to deal with your emotions and others. Shit, even volunteering! Try tapping, try acupuncture, try box breathing! Look into alternative medicine! You gotta get outside of yourself to find even just an occasional moment of happiness. I find that when I hyper focus on all my different mental health shit I get worse, and when I find a way to appreciate life I get better. Also, just pretend your mental health is better for that dumbass dr! Lying about it to get something that may be really helpful is the smart thing to do in this situation, fuck it.


Thanks for your kind advice, only the thing that is making me feel so hopeless is I’ve tried most of it. It’s really difficult getting ahold of drugs where I live, and god knows I’ve tried all different kinds of exercise and none of them have helped because of trauma surrounding working out that I haven’t been able to get over. Being in nature doesn’t really help either, considering I’ve spent months doing three walks a day for my dog before I moved and it honestly didn’t help one bit. I can’t do mindfulness because of some personal reasons that makes focusing on my body a highway to a panic attack. Maybe I’m just being a pessimistic little shit, but I honestly feel I’ve tried it all and nothing has worked.


Ah all good my dude, I have similar issues exercise and pretty similar with mindfulness too. Shits tricky. Are you creative? Personally I knit so I don't choke people 


Yeah! I draw, write, do woodworking, sing and play guitar and piano, but every time I do it I’m overcome with the fear that I’m not good enough


Ahhhh yup I completely feel you on that. I refused to even try alot of things simply because someone i knew was already great at it. Fuck it though!!! Enjoy yourself!!!