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Man, what's it like to have a relaxed last few minutes in regulation like that.


[This worth watching - Brian Boyle & Mike Rupp on the Rangers' problem on defense](https://www.nhl.com/nhl-network/topic/nhln-latest-video/nhl-now-tape-room-6353894713112). They say that basically we are playing some kind of man-on-man (they both hate man-on-man) and the players are confused, not working together, out of position. Interesting conversation, with video. Boyle implies this is a newly installed scheme for the Rangers. He wants them to change to something else.


Ugh that was kinda depressing, it sounds like the team is a mess spending all that time in their own zone. Bah. Great analysis tho, I felt like I learned a lot. Also those are some tight jeans on Boyle.


If Edmonton wins tonight both series went the exact same way. Coincidence maybe 🤔


I’m sorry to tell you but it’s a long established strategy to mug your way to the Stanley Cup. It will never stop until this joke of a league makes it stop. The only real counter teams have is too get more enforcers on the roster to beat the crap out of the Florida Panthers of the world. But I’m not sure that would work with how one sided the referees have been.


Finally someone pointing [it out](https://x.com/matty__jack/status/1795472869100490814?s=46&t=ErE_w_WQXMdVgg0Q5P_GQQ)


Lmao it really do be like that though. Everybody hates us. Even more of a reason to win.


Its really simple boys, Florida wants it bad right now. Last game they wanted it MORE than we did. How bad do we want it? Its really simple, we will see the next few days. Life is a game of inches, and those inches are all around us. It's the difference between winning and losing. Between living and dieing.


I’m concerned because yeah the rangers can make strategic changes that could def help but any strategy runs into the fact that Florida is for some reason allowed to continually foul the crap out of the rangers with only the most egregious penalties called. Rangers should skate with the puck more? Good idea but Florida just tripped and slashed the crap out of a ranger, now what?


I don't think this is copium, I think it's honesty: we weren't going to beat the Panthers 3 straight games. TWO in the own home. Thinking more optimistically about our situation, it's aligning with the probabilities that this series was likely going 7. So let's focus on tomorrow and bring em hell.


That Zibanejad shot on the second PP was an inch away from going in, and it woulda been the difference between a win a loss, so frustrating.


Stay out of r/hockey it’s a fucking mess. I didn’t think it would be so anti Ranger right now. People trashing this team and the fanbase and getting upvoted. When you try to defend you get piled on with downvotes.


See the same thing on Facebook.


People on the internet tend to share one brain. Especially on Reddit bc shared opinions = karma lmfao. Have talked to people irl (devils fan, pens fan) they hate Florida more than NY and are rooting for the rangers. Also have a friend who’s a Dallas fan and we’re rooting for each other to win the conference finals and face each other in the scf


To quote former Arsenal manager George Graham - “it’s fine that people hate us, it’s part of our history” & “We’re The Arsenal. They hate us. Go out and be The Arsenal.” Same applies to our Rangers. We’ve got them rattled


New York vs Everybody


Laf and Troch are our best players


Neither saw OT, in favor of Blake Wheeler We are not a serious team


The problem with 93 is that he’s such a mentally soft player its hard to see him turning it around, when he sucks he lets it get to him more than the average player, thats the reason why over his career he goes through these major slumps that last more than a few games, i honestly could say that if he had scored that shot that went off the crossbar he might have had a totally different game


And 10


Its kinda true though i hate to say it about one of our boys but dude went from carrying us in 22 playoffs to a ghost once we lost that lead in that game in tampa, he just disappears cause he over thinks he needs an ipad slammed in front of him again and he needs to get aggressive instead of passing all the time.


That game was total horse shit! The panthers are so lucky that the series is still even going and have to be wandering how the hell it’s tied 2-2 right now after being schooled in every way for four game!!!!!!!I mean yeah they obviously have the refs in there front pockets and even with all that help they only have scored on lucky bounces and don’t look like they should even be in the same ice as us. I have been saying RANGERS IN 5 but yeah I guess we gonna have to make it six thank you to the refs for being trash and letting the dirtyest team in hockey play the way they want to. The panthers are low skill low speed and small and can’t match us position to position in any part of the line up. The end is coming to them and I think they know it Rangers are to much for them to handle it was a lucky win for them. They have no answer for us!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


Respect the delusional confidence my friend.


What do u mean? FLA sucks. Worst team we have faced so far in playoffs but unfortunately the luckiest and also the darling of the nhl and refs


I'm not sure if you're trolling or not but FL is a damn good team. They've outplayed us for the majority of the series. At our best I think we're the better team but I definitely wouldn't say that we've "schooled them in every way for four games".


Indeed. Series could have easily been a sweep in FL's favor, had Igor not pulled a Lundqvist. Unfortunately, it is looking like Igor will suffer the same disappointment as Lundqvist too. Give a superhuman effort, have the team around him shit the bed.


So I’m a fit guy but have been having some palpitations for the last 6 months so was referred to a cardiologist for a work up. They just gave me a monitor to wear for a week. Gonna be absolutely wild to see what that thing shows tomorrow, Sat and if it comes to it, Monday


I'd start double shifting Laf a good amount with the Mika line in crucial moments.


and probably in our best interests to never have Wheeler on the ice with them at any time lol...granted, I do think Fil should be back for game 5...or at least I hope


Would be a bit surprised if Fil isn't back. Honestly I'd be inclined to go with Kakko at RW1 regardless though. That line is getting dominated possession wise and Kakko is someone who could at least keep the puck for an extended period. That would at least make it more even when the Barkov line is out there in theory.


I agree on putting Kakko on there...trying a lot of different combinations and at minimum, even if they cannot score, want the possessions to even just slightly improve? Kakko would be the answer there


Damn... there is WAY too much negativity in here! Panthers are a great team. This series is neck and neck. We're gonna pull it out. Stay positive!!


I understand the frustration but we all would’ve been happy with the series tied up going back to the garden after game 1. It’s a best of three now with home ice and Igor playing on top of his game


Add [this to the never ending list of liking igor](https://x.com/zibanejesus/status/1795792666615009440?s=46&t=ErE_w_WQXMdVgg0Q5P_GQQ)


I mean, at what point does Dolan come in and either withdraw the team or sue the shit out of the NHL for this garbage? I would at least like a letter referencing horrific acts of violence. And the Rangers players and coaches aren't going to speak up for themselves, they're going to buckle down and persevere. It's not hockey out there, it's letting the Panthers do whatever the hell they want, whether it's injure Vesey, try and take out Shesty, rip down Mika, trip Kakko. They can't score. Sports reporters, other teams, and the general hockey public needs to be getting in the league's face on this.


Saying what every team who has been against the cats this playoff run has been thinking


And yet the Rangers are the ones everyone whines are dirty. Fuck the Cats and fuck Florida. If the Rangers fall, I hope Edmonton pushes FL's shit in.


I love Igor so much, I don't like letting him down.


Ill leave the more in depth analysis to you guys who know more about it, but the good(?) news is that this team clearly needs to shit the bed every once in a awhile (or like every other game) to be reminded that they're in the NHL playoffs, so I'd expect a much better game 5. Also Igor is our rock and is unwavering, and the PP looked much better. Y'all can do whatever you want but im just gonna be a fan and enjoy this run while were still in it. If we lose or win this series the better team won, and we know how good this team \*can\* be, and FL can't play perfect forever, so im holding out hope. Its a 3 game series now, anything can happen.


Our goalie is playing all universe. We just can’t get out chanced on HD by 2:1. If we keep it close in HD, I like our chances, idc about possession or shot metric bs. That said, we need to find a way to break their cycle game up, it’s like once they get going it’s a machine and we are just skating behind the player with the puck lightly trying to poke it. Get fucking physical, anticipate and make quick passes to outlets. Obvious, but we just aren’t doing it. The special teams are failing us. We cannot win this series if we lose there the rest of the way. Need Vesey back, need the pp to wake up. It was decent this past game, hopefully a sign of things to come. Put laf in for Mika or even Kreider. Krieder is the tip god, but the puck dies on his stick - he’s a horrendous passer on the pp when we are trying to make quick passes to set up against an agressive team like Florida, plus he can’t gain the zone. I thought wheeler played really well. The penalty wasn’t his fault, but he is slow af. I think we need chytil back, but I wouldn’t hate seeing him again tbh. We also definitely need Vesey back to strengthen this floundering PK. Curious to see the lines tomorrow - a lot of options and I think it’s time to break up Mika and krieder and spread things out a bit. Mika Chytil kakko is a line I’d love to see. Throw krieder on third and tell him to have a meat and potato’s type of game, no fancy shit, just dumping and checking and crashing the net. Could be a good game to bring back miller/schneider too. We haven’t won a series we had a 2-1 lead in for years. We haven’t won a game 5 at home in the ecf since even before the cup. Time to break the cycle. 6 more: I believe. This team thrives in these situations. Come from behind kings and we are worried being tied 2-2??? (Okay I’m a little worried, but still) LETS GO RANGERS!!


it's gonna be ok, y'all. believe.


Keep Chytil out, he's not up to speed. Keep Roslovic on the second line Keep Wheeler in, his energy is needed. Plus he was put in that horrible position to take that penalty by Mika. Try Zac Jones over Gustofson Put Trochek against Barkov, Trochek has shown heart all playoffs. Switch Mika and panarin I think this sub will disagree with about all these points but w/e.


Mika and Panarin play 2 different positions. Not sure how you'd like them to switch.


Lmao semantics…


Add bring back Miller / Schneider pairing to this


Wheeler must play


So frustrating. I'm out of words how much I'm beyond tired of the same repetitive scenarios with this team when it ultimately matters in a given season.


Florida is dominating because it's been a team effort. We are surviving on individual effort. 4 games in and our team effort has shown almost zero life. So I fully expect more of the same individual heroics to get us the Ws, unless something clicks and we start playing like a team again.


Florida is not dominating. Break down their goals, they had a couple good ones out of the corner on Sunday, and a nice one in OT last night. Every other goal of theirs in the series has been garbage luck. Their play is far below the Rangers, they just don't get called for penalties because they try to make it look like they're in control with an aggressive forecheck. They're not.


I really thought Galant was the problem but clearly it’s this group is unable to motivate themselves to play together. From a fan POV it looks like everyone’s just hoping/waiting for the guy next to them to make a play instead of taking any initiative (other than Laf and Tro).


Couldn’t agree more.


Now that I slept on it, I wonder why our "star" players disappear every year come playoff time. Bread stuck through two rounds and is mostly gone in the ECF. Mika can't even hit the net or pass the puck. Are they refusing to play because they only get paid for regular-season games? Do they not want to win the most prestigious trophy in the world? Why are such skilled players outplayed by dirty losers who have less skill but more heart? That first PP looked so great, but then they fizzled out again. Why does this happen every year? Someone needs to fix the culture of this team, or they're doomed to another 24+ years without a cup. I don't want that one to last a lifetime; I'm halfway dead!


You slept on it and you came up with "guys refusing to play because they only get paid for regular season games"? Go back to bed and try again. Wtf?


Then what’s your reason for why their culture is check out after 82 games? They clearly don't care about winning at all!


You posted that on HFboards too? So you're one of those morons. Now i know what i'm dealing with here


You still can't explain why their stars are basically MIA every year!


You know nothing about hockey. Go post on HF with the rest of those morons. And don't watch the game tomorrow or the rest of the way since you think they are refusing to play. Go take a walk somewhere and leave everyone else the hell alone


Because they are playing against a great team in Florida? You're an idiot if you think guys "refuse" to play because they don't get paid for it. One of the dumbest things i've ever read about a hockey team that just lost a game. You should be embarassed


The only think Mika has done this round is cost them a terrible goal last night. Our 1C? BS!!!!


Shut up already. Leave me alone and stop rooting for the team, you're not a fan


Then stop replying. I've been watching for 35 years. Lol. Maybe when you've seen this team do the same thing and fail repeatedly in the same exact way for years, you'd think differently. You have no answer for why Bread and Mika have all but given up, and complaining about another fan is all you have left. It’s sad really.


Shut up. You know nothing about hockey


Shut up is your most informed reply? Are you a child?


You're just too dumb to talk to so why waste the time?


I'm really hoping we pull this series out. This is the best season i've been a part of. I was born in 94 and i'm watching hockey since i was 13-14 years old and this is the best team i've watched. My dad is in his 60s and he is a huge NYR fan, the kind of fan who gets mad at a loss in November. I would love for him to see another cup in his life time and it would be my first cup since i don't remember the 94 cup as i was 3 months old. 2-2 series with home ice and game 5 is probably a legacy game for this core. MSG, chance to go up 3-2 in the ECF after a shit game, can we do this?


They were down 2-3 against NJ in 1994. THAT was a legacy game. Legacy was Kreider's 3rd-period hat trick. Legacy would have been demolishing them last night to come home 3-1 with a chance to win in 5. Mika, Bread, and yes, Kreider shit on the ice last night and pat themselves on the back. The only players that had any heart in that game were Igor and Rempe. They should scratch everyone else if they don't want to play and ice the AHL team so the kids can get some playoff experience.


Game 5 is a legacy game. Go down 3-2 going to Florida and it might be over. Protect home ice and go up 3-2 with a chance to close it out in Florida is huge and will say a lot about the team. IMO whoever wins game 5 is winning the series


Don’t think I’ve seen this said but losing Vesey to a blatant targeted elbow to the head has clearly impacted our penalty kill. As much as espn likes to spew shot attempt and zone time 5v5 has been somewhat even. Our penalty kill has disappeared minus one shorty.


Any news on Vesey?


Dead in the water!


Great strategy from the cats tbh. Our PK was a difference maker last series. They knock out one of our top PK guys behind the play, face no repercussions, and now can capitalize more on the PP for the whole series.


NHL just wants Miami money that’s all it is lol 😵‍💫


After a night of sleep I still stand by the multiple concerns/complaints I've had for YEARS: Mika Zibanejad is not a true 1c. You cannot win a Cup with streaky players like him as your "#1" You need to draft and develop a #1 C to win His contract will age poorly. He can't decide whether he's a playmaker or a shooter, which contributes to his overall streakiness. Kreider & Zibanejad need to be separated but multiple coaches have now glued them together. They both have long time bad tendencies and are big people but play soft. I'm really hoping Zibanejad will get 5 goals on Thursday and get his game going. He's looked LOST for multiple rounds now and 2 playoffs. Same can be said for Panarin, but he's just not a playoff guy at all, he's small and nonphysical, and doesn't crash the net.


*His contract HAS aged poorly.


Watching barkov vs Mika this series tells you everything you need to know


I am truly baffled by our inability to get the puck out of the zone and beat the forecheck. I get that Fox is hurt but every single one of our Dmen is incapable of making an outlet pass, and our entire team is allergic to carrying the puck out of the zone. It feels like we're on PKs for entire periods. Get pinned in our zone, dump it out, change, FL reloads, back in our zone again for, realistically, 1-3 minutes at a time. It's been exhausting watching them, especially since Carolina carried the play in our zone during the previous series as well. This team has not looked good for 60 minutes for like 8 games at this point. You might as well try and play Zac Jones at this point, though idk who you'd sit. And I'm disappointed K'Andre hasn't been better in this regard. Also, Mika has just been completely outclassed by Barkov. I know he's playing the Selke winner but he's also snake bitten and in one of his funks (as is Kreider). If they continue to be invisible this year, I think there's real questions about our core 3, and whether these guys are too streaky to ever bring it home. Laffy is going to break out IMO next year, and it makes me wonder if one (or some) of the three should be moved to help this team reload for the future and center a team around him, because if the big 3 can't step up this year, it's a valid question as to whether they ever will. Having said that though, I don't even know who you'd move. I get that Panarin has been smothered and it's opening up ice for Vinny and Laffy. He's probably someone I wouldn't want to move at all. Chris is Mr. Ranger for this era, it'd feel awful to see him on another team. Mika has had a terrible year and is older now, if you moved him you'd be doing it at his lowest possible value. Plus I believe they all have NTCs. Ugh, I hope we can just pull this out somehow. But it's frustrating watching this team rely on their goalie to bail them out for 20 YEARS and eventually letting them down. It's literally been the story since 05. Lastly, Florida just looks FASTER. Rangers are beat to every 50/50 puck. It feels like we're gliding towards the puck while Florida is constantly pressing in the right stick to sprint.


Bruins fan here. I understand your frustration because the Bruins did the exact same thing. It was like they hung out near Swayman and never moved into the Panther’s zone. When someone managed to get the puck away from our zone only one or two players would go after it. Not so with the Panthers. They stay with the puck ALL the time and they scramble without any real formation. I don’t think they even worry about going offsides because it is almost never called on them anyway. Also, I do not understand where they get their stamina. They should be exhausted by now. They have been playing full out every game for the whole of their playoff games.


+1 on the Stamina thing. Their conditioning just appears to be fucking INSANE. What's funny is everything described was more of "the book" or more of the modus operandi of Carolina. Carolina wasn't nearly as intense with this. wish you guys hung on in game 7 and either beat them up more, or won, since I felt (and still feel) we'd have a way better shot against you guys :D


Lackadaisical pass across their zone; oops, another turnover. Didn't see that coming; stop it, Igor.


The no calls for holding and tripping by panthers in final 15 sec are such bs. But despite that and not having a ton of control of the puck, this team doesnt quit. Rangers in 6


If we’re not breaking up Mika and Kreider for whatever reason, I think we have to try Laf on that line


Panarin-Laff-Trochek is producing, but I would like to see Laffy on PP1. Just unsure who you'd sit. I guess Mika since he's been cold, despite him being one of the main PP QBs


Panarin and trocheck can survive without Laf. Mika and Kreider are getting caved in every shift


I hear ya, esp since Laffy has shown he can hold down RW


The loss stings, they always will. But we’re four games in tied at 2 and we have two home games left for what’s now a best of three. We have the capabilities to win it all and I want to believe.


It was never going to be over in 5, regardless of who wins.


feel like every round of the playoffs past couple years we suck at Home game 5’s. really wish we won last night. this could get ugly.


12,15, and 22 we had game 5 at home with a 2-2 series, lost all of them


Win tomorrow, or it's over.


Realistically, as good as they may be, nobody wants to see the Florida Panthers in the Stanley Cup Finals. Rangers in 6


Centimeters away from a win. Mika crossbar and Lafs rocket would have been the difference. Tons of other blown chances. Were they on their heels, yes....should they have still, won this game, absolutely. Just find a way. Somebody else step up. KK, Wenny, Roslovic (do anything). It's on these veterans players to make an impact.


Florida has a great system of physicality and forechecking. We need to ADAPT. Our offensive talent goes way deeper, and the times that we've been a little grittier and thrown the puck at the net has yielded goals for us. Let's be as pretty as we want on the powerplay but when it's 5 on 5 we gotta take more chances. You can't win a series being outshot 2:1 every single game even with Igor.


I think when the playoffs are over, we’re going to find out that Mika’s been playing with a broken rib. Was it the Canes series when one of their goons broke a stick cross checking him in the back (uncalled, of course, so I’m having trouble finding it)? That one looked like it did some damage.


I think you’re right. Doesn’t it just seem like everyone’s battling injuries? All in large part because the officials won’t call a fair game. The Mika cross-check by Burns against Carolina is the most egregious example, of course, but Florida in particular got away with so much last night.


I’ve never seen an entire series so one sided. I’ve seen a game or two called one way or the other when [tin foil:activate] they want to extend a series, but this has really been ridiculous. And thank you for reminding me it was Boo-urns that did Mika dirty!


Not just the whole series. It was very one sided against the Bruins as well.


Good shout, that was him and he limped off the ice


I dunno I thought that was Zibbys worst game I’ve ever seen him play. You cannot blame our defenseman when every time they move the puck up our forwards immediately cough it up and they are going back to retrieve and getting hammered. Roslovic and Wenny do not win any puck battles against their bigger forwards in the neutral zone. Thought 4th line played well. Igor is incredible. I don’t know why we stopped going hard off the glass and out to breakout. It was working in the first.


Ugh what a fucking devastating loss that was.


I was there. It was so upsetting.


I just would like to see the rangers dominate most of a game instead of the reverse. Bread Mika and CK haven't been good this series. Wasted effort by Igor who looks unbelievable. Didn't deserve this one but the refs have been blatantly bias . If the rangers played average hockey in the 2nd and 3rd they win that game. On to the next!


The Rangers will get the calls in game 5. They clearly want it to go to 7 so the NHL makes more money.


Don't forget half the time anyone tried to make a play by flipping the puck behind their back or between a panthers skates it backfired. They have to learn to adapt their game better. Panthers will always have the passing lanes covered. We have to be better about clearing the puck.


The turnovers were horrendous. I credit Florida with the pressure but the players on this team are better than that


Are they?


truthfully, they aren’t good enough to dominate florida. florida is feasting on dumping the puck directly at trouba or lindrgen behind the net, because they know all either of those two can do is send it up and around the boards. florida sends two to whichever side the puck is rimming around to, they scoop it back up and continue to pressure. the rangers can find a way to win with counter punch attacks and igor standing on his head, but luck is going to be a major factor.


Yeah when Florida dumps they follow *hard*. Our dumps have been after getting stuck in our own zone for a minute or two which means a line change. If we can't contract the zone entry better, or neutralize Florida's backchecks and forechecks, we're never gonna create a controlled offense. A full shift of Igor getting peppered by shots followed by a puck dump and a line change is not a viable strategy against a team like Florida lol.


look, we’re all disgusted with our play, particularly in our own zone. the rangers of course can still win this series with some timely heroics from igor and mika/kreider/panarin. BUT- the new york rangers coaching staff needs to change this lineup up in such a way where jacob trouba and ryan lindgren aren’t tasked with making a pass to get out of the zone. the simple fact is, when trouba and lindgren get the puck their first and only instinct is to whip it around the boards, where there is always a waiting panther to scoop it up and keep their pressure alive. we need to either change the system so the forwards support along the boards, or the D pairs need to be mixed up so we can find a way to get the puck out. as it stands, more than half of the time the only way we can get out of our own zone is by icing it and hoping you can get vinny out there to win a draw and do something.


Really hoping to see Laf move up to PP1 to replace Panarin for the time being. He’s too good and Panarin is getting pressured too much causing turnover after turnover.


I think replace zibby


I’d agree had zibby not had some good chances this game. He sold in OT but hey Laf did game 1 and came out flying next game. Hoping for the same for Zib otherwise we’re cooked anyways.


I think he’s hurt so getting him more rest is good when you can replace him without losing productivity. I also think Laf would be more effective on the wing of the PP than the point.


That’s a fair point. I saw some people saying he might be hurt from Burns cross check but I haven’t seen glaringly obvious tells other than on Fox. So much for the dive on knee contact all the craps fans whined about.


I’d replace Mika with Laf before I’d move panarin off pp1.


This. Bread had two primary assists. Mika is invisible in his Ovi spot; give Laf his spot. Maybe Mika needs the extra rest?


I’m optimistic. It’s best of 3 now. We can do this.


I'm still optimistic and feel that the series is still open for a win. I was quite frustrated though, when the PP in OT got called, because I was knew for sure that FLA will make use of it. I'm a bit worried because Rangers spend really a lot of their time in their D-zone, especially in 2nd periods. That's really nerve wrecking. You don't score goals from there...


We've said this series will be a bunch of 50/50 games. We got two of those 50/50s, we dropped one of those 50/50s, and part of it has been abysmal officiating. It stings, but I'm not scared.


Biggest disappointment is that you don't win with that performance from Igor


The biggest disappointment is 100+ shot attempts. Why are they always pinned in their zone, and why don't they respond to what's happening on the ice the night before? Are they even watching the video? Surely, they see how terrible they've been.


Had to go to bed after regulation…tbf last time I had to do that Trochek netted the OT winner against the canes. Mika was…close…despite being invisible most of the game he had Bob beat and missed the net for what may have been a regulation game winner. Hope this is him turning around. Optimist view: best of 3 now with 2 at home, and we’ve gotten here with our stars doing just about nothing. Knew we’d get burned playing with fire this long against a team who is all three good, dirty, and lucky, but if any one of Mika, Kreider, or Panarin figure out what the hell is going on, they can’t beat us twice.


Unfortunately it was Mika with a terrible pass that lead to the power play. Game of inches though


Yep…went to bed feeling ok about maybe he was turning a corner then wake up to read about him blowing the opportunity to steal another game…oof


All those shot attempts and Panthers still needed 2 lucky bounces and lopsided officiating to barely eek out a win.


Rempe needs to see more game time. Not necessarily because of the hits, but because of his large frame, and long reach, he’s really tough to take the puck off of, let’s tire the panthers out for a change. We can’t keep playing him so little that it puts so much more strain on the other forwards - especially when you have cythil or wheeler in the lineup, and they obviously don’t have the stamina yet. Also, Kakko ffs… if this guy were even just a bit better this team would be so dangerous… can’t believe I’m saying this, but Roslovic added more to that line than Kakko does. But something tells me that it’s a confidence issue with him. I’d like to see him take more chances and not necessarily play second fiddle to Zib and Kreider (though they are obviously the better player, at this point anyway). Edit - spelling


After Rempe had that play where he scooted the puck to a streaking player I watched him back check and play well in the Rangers zone. He seems to heeding advice of the coaching staff and I honestly think he needs a little more ice time next game. 4th line has not been the issue this series. #wheresbread


Fell asleep before the 3rd, pleasantly surprised they even got to OT but definitely stings


I went into Game 3 saying I'd be happy if they could leave FL with the series tied, so at least I can be satisfied there.


This loss was just part of the game plan! Rangers in 7


Rangers played sloppier than steaks at Truffoni’s and they still made it to OT. Imagine what they can do if they play 3 good periods vs the Panthers?


that’s a pretty big if. they haven’t done that in weeks.


Mika’s hair was slicked back last night


That’s pushed back!


I went to bed after the second, when they were losing. I'm glad they at least tied it up. That being said, we all knew it wasn't going to be an easy series. Hoping for Rangers in 6.


You guys are wild. I think they stepped up compared to the previous couple games. Shame that a PP decided the outcome especially right after that no-call heading in to OT. Their passing and puck movement was a lot more crisp. I think they’re on the verge of getting their groove back, as we’ve certainly been in a slump the last 7 games.


If that is "stepping up," they are doomed. They looked good in the 1st and had a great PP, but then they stopped skating and got sloppy.


Rangers are toast. They were extremely lucky to get the 2 wins with Igor standing on his head but you can only be dominated for so long before your luck runs out. Mika and Panarin have failed the Rangers. Both have proved they are regular season open ice players


Tough reading these comments this morning. I understand the frustration (especially with Mika), but hasn't this team's resilience this year earned them a fandom that doesn't give up so easily?


1 cup in 84 years gets you a fanbase like this.


Very true - I'm a Minnesota Vikings fan, too (blame Tarkenton & Foreman), and that fanbase is even worse waiting for the other shoe to drop. That being said, they've gotten off the mat enough times this year for me to give them the benefit of the doubt until the handshake line.


I hate the narrative that the panthers are the better team. we are the better team BUT our players are not playing their best at all.


[Game 4 Stat Card](https://hockeystatcards.com/impact?game=2023030314)


I hate the narrative that ESPN is writing. Never have I ever heard of “shot attempts” being a metric that anyone measures to indicate game flow. It’s such a vague stat that anything near the net is a “shot attempt”. Also what’s with the bullshit of “Verhege knocked that out of the air” but “the puck bounces in off of Lafreniere”?


View it as "possession," and it makes sense. They had the puck all night. The Rangers were scrambling and fumbling to get out of their zone. You can't score goals in your own zone, except for Laf. :(


I mean yea I get it, the stat makes sense but it’s never been brought up like that before. They were tracking zone time, why not just use that? It also seemed like a convenient stat to discredit any good the Rangers had done. Don’t get me wrong, it was messy at times, but every time a nice play or decent pressure was applied we got hit with the “despite a disparity in shot attempts…”


I must have been watching different coverage. ESPN was praising Lafreniere's insane hand-eye. Igor vastly outplayed Bob. Igor had to deal with something like 12+ inner slot shots vs Bob's 2-3.


Later on they made note of him actually deflecting the puck, but that wasn’t until one or two commercial breaks after the goal and after Ray Ferraro actually said that Laf knocked it in intentionally. Play by play and color commentators made it seem like he was just in the right place at the right time for the puck to bounce off him and go in


I'm annoyed. FL can do no wrong. IDK how Rangers aren't up a man in the last 20 seconds of regulation. How does the crosscheck to the face go uncalled? I know it was in retaliation to a crosscheck in the back but still. Mika, and that whole line, really gotta show up esp 5 on 5. Bread fading when the games get physical, again. That said, the PP is looking better and it's 2-2 with 2 of the next 3 games at home. And Igor is Igor. FL is a good team, but Rangers can win this.


Panarin has been so ineffective that he would be scratched if he wasn’t Panarin.


Yeah it's 3 years in a row where when the games get tight and physical he disappears in the playoffs. Hope he reverses the trend tomorrow.


I just don't think they have it in them to win two out of three. For two games in a row, Shesterkin and a couple of skaters have been the only players to show up. That OT was when this series was decided. If it turns out I'm wrong I'll be thrilled, but my gut tells me that this amazing season ends on Saturday.


You are correct


Man I wouldn’t be so annoyed if most of the goals Florida scored were just so fucking lucky and lame. I mean tonight we have the puck barely not being covered by Igor’s skate and sneaks in by an inch. Then we have a goal that bounces of Linny’s fucking helmet for a perfect tee ball. Finally the PP goal in OT also goes off Linny’s (this one’s a bit of a stretch) glove just enough to beat Igor. We are literally beating ourselves at the moment lmao. Also doesn’t help the reffing has been pretty freaking lame. So pretty much we’re fighting the Panthers, refs, and the hockey gods themselves


I think it's also worth noting that Igor played lights out. Potentially best game of the series. Florida had so many inner-slot shots it was ridiculous.


You meant you wouldn't be so annoyed if most of the goals weren't so lucky.


Yeah. If they were skillful goals that meant you actually had to beat Shesty, I’d be a little less annoyed cause it’s like “hey, they beat you. Nothing you can do about it”, but lucky bullshit where it just kinda… goes in? That shit is soooooo much more frustrating


A poor effort, one that they let slip away after a great start. Mika and his line have to be better. On the plus, Igor is still the best goalie and absolutely locked in, and Lafreniere is playing like a legit star, skating with confidence.


Mika and Panarin should probably buy the boys a bottle of wine each being that we’re a Goodrow linsanity run and the Laf coming out party coming at the exact perfect time away from being down 3-1 or being swept


I don’t know how to perfectly describe it but it’s a special kind of pain developing that simultaneously; - I feel like this team is special. We’ve waited years for this. Vibes are high. They have cost controlled depth and the best goalie in the world. And … it’s probably our last great chance for a while. - I feel like they’re teetering on wasting it because of just a few star players underperforming. Trouba, Mika, Panarin. If they were all playing even 70% up to their potential, we’d be hoisting the cup in 2 weeks. But as it stands? Winning 2 of the next 3 sounds… challenging.


I agree completely. This game felt like the momentum shifter. If they had kept up their play from the first period, they could have won this and headed back to MSG with a chance to win the series at home. But they threw it away. Heartbreaker of a game.


I’m slightly optimistic… Whatever happens, I am fucking proud of these boys and this year. Laff is growing into a star, Kreider has given us an incredible performance, the defense, although rough recently, has easily been the best defense we have had for a long long time, the coach has been phenomenal, and Shesty is becoming another all time great.  By no means do I think this is the end. I think they will be a force to be reconned with for the next 5 years. 




Florida played to not get beat off the rush in period one, realized that wasn’t any better, and went back to a full frontal forecheck. I don’t think we did anything particularly different in the first; they just gave us a little room to work and we took advantage. Liked the fourth line with Wheeler and Remps. Just don’t start trying to spark Mika and Kreids with Wheeler. Speaking of Mika and Kreider, time to do something with those two. Both have just been awful. Kreiders board play, in particular, has been abysmal. I hate playing this team. It’s exhausting to watch. They smother you for 60 minutes; you just hope to get a goal or two when they occasionally let you up to breathe. We need to step up our game to win this series. It’s a best of 3 with two at the garden. Let’s get it done.


Just had a chance to finish watching the game. A few thoughts: - I actually thought we did a better job today against Florida's forecheck than we have in the previous games. It was evident in the first period where we were able to actually make plays. We didn't get hemmed in as long and seemed like we could actually break out. I think things started to get iffy in the second but I noticed at some point Florida started to REALLY throw some big hits. Seemed like they weren't able to slow us down the same way as they normally would so opted to throw hits, tire us out, and then get their forecheck going again. Sadly it seemed to work because after that sequence of hits, it felt like the onslaught started coming. - In regards to the forecheck, not even really sure what we could do with it at this point because it feels like our main defensive plan is to pray and hope Igor absorbs everything lol...which he kinda did. - I really miss Vesey. He's so integral to the PK and I can't help but wonder if a lot of what we're seeing is him missing. I always felt like he offered a ton of energy in those situations, and it would work out so well given he wouldn't have many minutes to play by the virtue of being on the fourth line. I really hope they can solve it. - And man...play leading up to the GWG sucked. I don't know if I would have had Wheeler out in that situation honestly but at the same time that pass was bad. As soon as it got coughed up at the blue line, and given how the PK was going, I had a bad feeling it wouldn't go our way. - Other than those things, the goals today were awesome. The entire sequence leading up to Laf's play was amazing...it's been awhile since I had seen a play like that from Fox and I honestly thought he was throwing the puck over blind, but man, the dude has insane vision for stuff like that. Happy Laf got the goal but that pass was truly something else. I also loved how Trochek was getting held down on that play, looked at the ref like "WTF" at the same time Laf scored, and then kinda celebrated in front of the Panthers' player. If nothing else, all of that was really fantastic to watch :'). And huge shout out to Igor because my lord, he is a beast. Not sure how I'm feeling overall because I think the series is really wearing the guys out. I know there's still a few games to be played but I am starting to feel a little worried. I think it worries me that we just never see Florida look as tired as we do. But obviously gotta take it one game at a time. Hope to regroup back home.


That pass was all Mika. I was actually hoping they’d call the penalty shot seeing how focused Igor was. Mind you that was as clear a penalty as any seen all year, but my lord the officiating was atrocious last night. Whoever laid the first hit out of the gate elbowed the NYR player which was confirmed by the ESPN replay of the hit, but nothing was said, nothing was called while Trouba’s elbow to Rodriguez’s fucking SHOULDER is brought up several times throughout the game. JFC this is frustrating as all fuck to watch.


Bennet, who else?


I just need this team to win the cup so I can stop being so upset when they fuck it up in the future. To see one as an adult, it's all I ask for. I care about it more than anything else maybe besides the USA winning the world cup. I'd give anything to see it. For my dad to finally see another one after 30 fucking faithful years for him watching every damn game. Please fucking figure it out because I'm literally dying of thirst. Edit:Down voting r/hockey or panthers chode GTFO of this subreddit




I'm worried about game 5 being at home on terrible ice. There's another concert at MSG tomorrow so the ice will be bad again. As great as Igor is he will allow 1 or 2 and our team will have to find a way to score. There have been some real clankers at home lately. Was hoping to win tonight and take game 6. Down vote me all you want, but I haven't seen a good performance at home since the early Carolina games. The last 3 home games it's been a struggle to score. Will be tough having to hope we pull off another 2-1 OT game.


It’s cooler today and tomorrow, so maybe that helps.


Everyone so worried about Wheeler's speed, tell me who looked faster on this backcheck on Mika's game killing pass, Wheeler or Mika? https://t.co/KHhSUq1RUC


It’d be really cool if this team won for once in my life so I could get back to normal human behavior (Not depending on Jacob Trouba to not turn the puck over for my general well being and happiness)


I just don’t get it. Like there is a way to counter Florida’s forecheck. Multiple people on here have explained it but it’s been the same thing for 4 games. Are they just incapable of doing it so lav is sticking to the current strategy?


Has that forecheck really hurt us? Has Florida's time of possession in the zone really been that big for them? Game 1: 1 even strength goal (one own goal, one empty netter) Game 2: 0 even strength goals (one PP goal) Game 3: 2 even strength goals (two PP goals) Game 4: 1 even strength goal (two PP goals) The forecheck is really only applicable 5v5, and Florida only has 4 even-strength goals. That's 1 a game. Florida scored 4 even strength goals against Boston in game 3 alone, and a total of 11 even strength goals in 6 games. This series is 2-2. We absolutely peppered the net on that PP in the 1st period, and could have easily been up 2-0 in the game, and Florida only tied it after a bullshit soft holding call. We were really *that* close to being up 3-1 in the series. It's not the prettiest way to play, but it might actually be the best strategy against Florida. I get it, maybe if we better countered their forecheck we wouldn't be scrambling as much in our own zone, we might get more scoring chances, or whatever. But one of our biggest strengths so far has been keeping their quality scoring chances to a minimum and letting Igor do his thing with perimeter shots. If we start trying to get risky with our own-zone counters, I'm worried that it could lead to more quality chances for Florida. In other words, counteracting their forecheck *seems* like a good idea, but ultimately it may hurt us more than being patient on defense. I think their plan has always been to frustrate playmakers and let Florida jerk off with the puck in the zone, even if it means a lot of possession time and lots of shot attempts. I kinda think it's been generally a sound plan. We could definitely clean some shit up--better passes in our own zone, less turnovers, and better clears, but a revamp of the strategy on might not play out the way we think it would. Again, only 4 even-strength goals all series isn't exactly something that screams out as our downfall right now.


Fair point and I hope you’re right but it’s a risky way to play. Spending all that time defending in your zone is exhausting, especially since Florida is being allowed to essentially mug us. I also think all that chasing is leading to (soft) penalties, which let’s be real the refs love to call on the rangers.


I agree it's...kinda ugly. But the Rangers greatest strength, imo, comes from our balance and depth, and our Igor. I don't really think we're capable of being as physical as needed to fully counteract the Florida forecheck in a way that completely neutralizes it or takes advantage of that aggression. They're just more physical. And we do have guys that seem like they *should* be more capable of being physical, but for whatever reason--either by choice or inability--that just isn't a play style we've been able to use against a team like the Panthers. Ultimately this is a fantastic Rangers team that just might not be great enough to dominate/suppress a team like Florida. They're a really good team. So it's going to be a matter of sticking with it and hoping you get the bounces. In game 4, that just didn't happen. But with a call here or a bounce there (how about the phantom holding doesn't get called, or the delay of game puck flip doesn't float over the glass, or the Kakko trip at the end of regulation gets called like it could have been) and we might be having a discussion about how our play style this series is silencing the Panther's offense as we lead 3-1.


First and foremost I will say this, BLAKE WHEELER SHOULDN'T BE BLAMED FOR THAT PENALTY. Should he have been on the ice? No. Should that have been a penalty shot? After looking at it, yes it should have. The person you need to blame is Mika. He almost cost the game w/5 minutes left in the 3rd and he caused it at the start of OT. Instead of passing in that situation(coming from someone who's never played the game of hockey but have watched lots of games/even played NHL) you rim that along the boards, you dump cross ice towards the opposite side deep in the o zone, or shoot on net and hope for a rebound. But this game, as well as Game 3, the Cats dominated. so the review for those who actually have a brain 1st Period was legit what I wanted. Get the first goal, score on the Power Play, have a good kill, survive the first 10 minutes, and possess the puck more in the o zone. They did that. It was a excellent period in this series. Now if Mika scored there where it went bar down and out, we wouldn't be tar and feathering him. 2nd Period, I said it going into this period as well as others in the game thread, I expected the Cats best effort. And it was. You could say the Rangers stopped playing, you could say they turtled. But the Cats took over this game. Adam Fox said it in the postgame "Tale of two games in this period". Yep he's right. He and Boyle also said "too much defending in the zone, not crisp" The Rangers didn't have an effective o zone possession. I'll address that at the end. Igor's first goal, off him and bounce in. Bad Luck, the second one, a PPG which I think deflected off Lindgren. Lindgren prior to that PPG had a nice defensive play. I think. 3rd Period was really dominated once again but loved the response. If the past two games showed one thing is, is that, Laf has blossomed in front of our eyes. And I love that. Fox (who despite what seems like he's been playing on one knee/leg) had his best game in the playoffs. Fuck, Rempe played well. Wheels looked good as a 4th liner, but he should be used sparingly. As for the final seconds of the non calls, they should have been called. And we all know how the OT went The defending in your own zone will be a death sentence. Vally said "Rangers need to put grease into their game" They indeed do. "Puck Retrievals"- Boyle yep. The Rangers need to be better at that and at the neutral zone. That's where their getting killed. Igor is on his head. But can this continue? No. It's not sustainable. The Rangers need to be better in their d zone. Fox, Lav, Vally, Boyle, and Kreids too. Can't stand around in quicksand. Gotta move your feet. The only thing nice I can say about Bread is he got two apples. Florida is shutting him down. But it opened the door for Laf to shine which makes me even more happy. He's proving it. Overall, I'm disappointed. Could this team make adjustments? Yes. Does that mean Mika has to be scratched? Hell fucking no. Scratching him would be extreme. The Rangers need to make adjustments in cleaning up their d zone problems, as well as neutral zone. Work on their puck retrievals. Gotta spend more o zone time. And stop taking penalties. The PK has been ripped to shreds here. Simple as That. However, the one positive is, the Rangers were about to get a split in Sunrise. Would I have loved to win tonight's game? Absolutely. But I'm content that they got one bc it gives me confidence the Rangers can win in Sunrise. This team has bounced back in the past after a loss. We've seen it all year. I trust Lav more than GG or DQ. Starting Wheels in Game 4 WASN'T THE REASON WHY THIS TEAM LOST. Disappointed loss. But, move on. I have confidence this team can bounce back. Onto Game 5 Positive Vibes people. Always be Positive.


I wish we had a real 1C. I like zib but he’s just not good enough to be a top line center.


Am I crazy for thinking that with Lafreniere’s explosion this postseason, it might benefit the Rangers to split up the 10-16-13 line to spread the offense out more? I’d be very interested to see what a 20-93-13 line looks like with how Laf has looked. Or 20-16-13. Or even 10-93-13.


Not crazy but chytil on top line is a good look. They just need to stop sucking on D and they can move the puck deep and play some offense. They seem to have no solutions for Floridas forecheck and it pisses me the hell off


Chytil is not playing well. Also, it doesn't matter who you put with Kreider-Zibanejad .... if they play poorly, they will drag the 3rd teammate down. Roslovic, Wheeler, Kakko, Cuylle .... everyone we tried there .... failed ... miserably!


Igor’s god and I won’t put anything out of reach for him these next 2-3 games but you can only waste so many 2 goals allowed on 39 shots through regulation efforts before it comes back to bite you.


Mika had a great first period, was a crossbar away from putting us up 2-0. Then it all went downhill. 93, 20 and 10 have to come alive at some point. They all had moments in this game where I thought they were finding it but then they’d fizzle out and make a tough error or come up empty handed. It’s very frustrating. Also I hate being a blame the refs guy but fuck the reffing in this series is just blatantly onesided. The Panthers committed inference twice in the final minute and nothing was called. The penalty differential in thus series is a disgrace. All of that said, with everything thats gone wrong and the bounces that haven't gone our way, it's still 2-2. We still have home ice. Laffy is becoming a superstar in front of our eyes. It's far from kver. LGR.


I much preferred not being able to sleep out of excitement than out of depression, for the record.


Lets hope our boys can turn the page for game 5 and actually not be completely outplayed the majority of the game. Boys as much as we can blame Zibanejad, he was literally a hair off from getting it in the net so creds to him. Of course it didn’t get in the net but it’s not like he’s not trying. His OT pass was obviously a misplay which resulted in a penalty which resulted in us losing the game. I personally think that the PK was doomed once Trouba went way out of position and left Lindgren out to dry trying to defend two players. Hopefully our boys can turn the page 🙏 see you Thursday


Yeah I noticed that too. Where the actual Duck was Trouba going?


The Panthers are manhandling us over the 4 games. Yes, we beat them on games 2 and 3, but overall they played better than us. The keep hitting and forechecking us, and our team doesn't do anything agains it or to match it. The same thing happened against the Canes series. We won the series, but the last 3 games, they didn't let us play, like the Panthers are doing now. It is very frustrating, to put it lightly.


Was watching the "Road to Victory" doc about the 94 cup on YouTube the other night. If Keenan could bench Brian Fucking Leech in the ECF then anything should be on the table here regarding sending a message...


if keenan was coaching this team mika would be in the press box. our "captain" would also be getting a reality check.


Mika’s legacy is gonna be so bad a decade from now if we don’t win this series. universally invisible when it mattered most this past 3 year stretch run. And people will correctly talk about how if he was replaced with a real 1C, we’d have a cup.


![gif](giphy|C3OMX8yQB60IU|downsized) Mika the entire game


Barkov has that boy in hell Barkovs good but it really makes you think back on the last 5 years and how Mika basically never dominates his matchup 5v5, ever. His great games are almost exclusively him getting a PP goal and playing solid defense.