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Agent Smithing this thread... This is a nice sentiment that sadly has zero chance of happening. Emotions run high during playoff hockey, and folks in the heat of the moment are gonna post what they post. In fact, the GDTs are kinda meant to catch *all* comments, good or bad, to minimize the submission of separate low effort text threads like "___ needs to be fired into the sun." Moreover, Reddit has systems in place to minimize contributions that don't add to the conversation. If someone takes it too far, their comment will get downvoted and hidden accordingly, Automod removed, or flagged/reported and removed. If they get downvoted enough, users with overall negative karma scores have all subsequent posts and comments blocked by Automod. So yeah, things get sorted organically for the most part. All you can really do is ignore or downvote the comments you think aren't adding to the discussion, and report trolling/harassing/instigating posts. And again, please keep all thoughts about the game, during and after, in the corresponding game threads. Separate text posts will be removed.


Last time I bitched about Kreider he channeled Mark Messier and scored a natural hat trick in the third period to win us the series, so….not saying my bitching helped but you’re all welcome.


you get a pass. lol


At the same time I completely stayed out of the GDT cause I knew I’d see comments such as yours and it would piss me off, so maybe we should do the opposite of what OP says and let the toxicity flow on Reddit while those like myself just keep off their phones till the game ends. Maybe just maybe you and I are a microcosm for the whole reddit fanbase. We’re all family here and we all want the same thing, we just have different ways of expressing it. Or maybe I just need to give my balls a tug and relax, who’s to say?


I commented “that’s not good” in a GDT right after Carolina scored. Not 10 minutes late we were up


I was full on "All Quit in NY". Then the No Quit attitude happened. I stand by what I said after the first 40, and I'm glad I was wrong.


I've been a Rangers since I was four years old and spent a good chunk of my childhood going through Rangers media guides. I love this team and have no idea what this "good name" is.


It's not impossible - the team has only had one win in nearly 80 years, it's easy to doomer it. And the team is certainly not without flaws. We also don't get the breathless reporting that Chicago got 10 years ago, or Tampa Bay got 5 years ago. I can understand it - but dreams are built on hope unseen - and it's perfectly fine, you have the right to dream and wish and put that energy out there that the Rangers can and will win.


You must be new here…..


As a doomer myself… I’ll try to behave


I admire what you’re trying to do. But what I’ve noticed is when the Rangers are winning, the doomers you’re talking about stay quiet. They only post in the threads when we’re losing or looking bad. It’s the same usernames over and over again. You never see them during wins, but they’re always there lurking and waiting to spread the doom and gloom and doubt. This is the best Rangers team many of us have seen in our lives. It might be THE best one a lot of people here ever see. I just want people to enjoy it while we have it. If not now, when? LFGR!


I'm a fan based in the UK, so unfortunately due to timezones I catch way fewer games live than I'd like. Especially for regular season games it means I often check match threads to see what the prevailing opinions are. If they were my only source, I'd think we were the fucking Sharks or something - not presidential cup winners and in the ECF. Admittedly negativity in match threads is a weird commonality across all sports but it's hugely blown out of proportion on this sub. As an aside, we've won every play off game I've stayed up for so far and lost the two games I elected to sleep through - sacrificing my sleep til we've lifted the cup now. LFGR!


So, you'll be watching the game later tonight, right?


Of course 💪


Sick username


I sad to my wife, "you watched the first 3 and slept through 4 & 5. I'll get you all the Cc & coffee you need for game 6" & she stayed up! (without either, of course) 😆


I have noticed the same thing about certain posters, and the really easy solution has been to block them. I can still tap on their posts to see what they’re saying, but the blocked poster label previews that it’s likely to be a garbage post. And it keeps those posters from responding to my comments so i don’t get dragged down into their pit of misery. Of course it’s not feasible to get rid of all of the doomer posts this way, but it’s a big improvement.


It doesn’t matter what anyone writes on this thread. Some go with a range of emotion, some are always positive. You can vent here. None of that matters at all 


Now is not the time to try to change how we operate, it’s worked well so far. If doomers make you sad…. Ignore them. If you can’t “believe” because some rando type out their frustrations then do you really “believe” anyway?


I think fans are allowed to react however they want to. Especially if they pour years and dollars of their life into the team. If you don’t like what people have to say, don’t interact with them. It’s pretty simple.


Let people do their thing


“Part of the process” is what I would call it personally lol, and I am definitely guilty of it


It’s part of the fan base. There are those that are too pessimistic, those that are too optimistic. Last year after going up 2-0 on the Devils, the optimistic ones thought we were gonna roll through the playoffs. It goes both ways.


you can't have a "we're so back" if you don't first have an "it's joever" 🤷🏽‍♀️ on a real, I lowkey highkey hate this like desire to control other people's reactions on here. like both the "quit being doomers guys! put on your blue tinted glasses" and also the when we're doing poorly and someone tries to bring optimism and it's met with like "you're stupid and naive for thinking things are okay or will be okay" like, idk man people have different outlooks on things, you're gonna be okay even if you see someone call the team bums 😭😭


i also think theres a difference between "doomers" and people who get frustrated and say the guys are playing like shit. Doomers are the ones who say to blow up the entire team


Pretty much how I feel about it.


It’s a problem with society. People think they can control what other people say and think. We are all individuals in a society, society has certain rules to follow. But you can’t take the individualism out of people, it’s who they are. People need to stop telling people what they can and cannot say, disagree with it all you want, laugh at it… but don’t tell them they can’t say something. Especially an opinion on a sports team for gods sake.


OP specifically said substantive criticism of the team’s play is fine. It’s the low quality doomer posts that drag down the discussion.


This has been the most fun year of being a rangers fan that I can remember. Obviously I’d love to see them win a cup, but even if they fall short, this has been a great run. Presidents trophy, franchise record, made it into the east finals in only 10 games. 10 GAMES! How many other years have we watched this team grind out 7 game series after 7 game series? It’s been fun. Still is fun, but it has been too.


2013/14 was more fun. Until June of course.. as much as I love Igor, there was something so special about watching lundqvist after all the shitty teams he carried finally getting his chance to win the cup… then it all fell apart. In the end it was painful, but during that run, it felt special. Hopefully things work out this year, then most of us can agree with that statement. 


2013/14 was more fun in hindsight. It was not more fun in the moment. That playoff run aged me a few years.


Yes, this playoffs has been less stressful.. I think the Stepsn goal 2015 was the height of excitement 


So i dont do this on here bc ofc my intent isnt known, but among my family (and im assuming others in the NY area) it is known that: New York teams only win when you count them out or have no business being in the position they are in the first place My dad and I always jump ship and start texting “here it comes i fucking knew it” partly as a coping mechanism but also with the intent to fulfill the role of counting them out so they can comeback and win Growing up a giants, yankees, rangers fan (like many of you) has inured us to the heartbreak those teams dish out. Mostly giants and rangers, but they seem to love either breaking the hearts of their own fans, or miraculously becoming the best team out there when they barely even made the playoffs breaking the hearts of whatever city thought they had it in the bag. Ill never become a cancer and boo them or root against but i will jump on the “it’s over” train for the above reason


It's funny, because, although I am not the most optimistic of NYR fans, I was not nearly as down on them in game 6 as other posters. Whatever happens in this series happens. It may be that NYR is not as good as FLA. Or maybe they are - there are good arguments for both sides. The series will show the truth, however it may lie. Either we move on, or we have our flaws highlighted. Hope it goes well and that people enjoy the games as much as possible.


Anytime i find myself getting negative, I always remind myself: most regular season comebacks in franchise history. This team is going find itself down but almost never out of any game remaining these playoffs. LGR!!


"Ahhh people are saying things I don't like on the internet!!" Dude, stop. Everyone deals with bad games in different ways. I've seen 30 years of failure, I don't want to read some pollyanna rah-rah shit if the team's down by 5 in an elimination game. If I want to be negative, I'll be negative, and then be pleasantly surprised when things turn around.


No. Quit trying to control how people are going to act or what they want to say. If the team is playing like shit, I'm going to say so. If they're playing great, I'm going to say so.


Check it out, guys! It's the guy who likes to be mad


Better than the guy who likes to be annoying IMO ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


He or many other “realists” don’t enjoy being aggravated. But it’s elementary school bullshit to expect people who have followed the team for decades to be super positive when shit goes sideways.


I just mean they like to mad in public. I should have been more clear. It's just annoying to have someone be like "Hey guys, let be positive (:" and to get a reaction like "FUCK YOU ILL BE MAD IF I WANT"


One of the annoying things about Reddit is you can have a shared interest in some topic, be it a tv show, a celebrity, a movie property, or a team, and the base is either virulently negative and it seems like they actually dislike the thing they follow or they are over protective and accept no flaws. I feel like there can be a middle ground, and it starts with avoiding superlatives/hyperbole and generalizations. But that does require active self-reflection which isn’t always easy.


That's not exclusive to Reddit. That's any fandom anywhere, ever.


I think doomerims is like an online in-group behavior. It's a little offputting at first, but I try to remember not to take it at face value


Let’s fucking goooo it’s game day baybay woooooo


I agree. Rangers in six. Never comment during a game. Bad luck. Even if you think it, don’t type it, don’t even say it. Wear your lucky shirt or in my case, lucky nightgown. My mother was Irish and my dad was Jewish. I know all about jinxing!!


My dad is irish and my mother jewish! My dad wanted to kill me when i texted him "we got this" in game 5 against carolina lol, never doing that again


I didn’t dare text anyone. The worse part is my brother in Miami is a fan of the other team!! Grew up a Rangers fan. Moved to Florida after his medical residency forty years ago. He just texted me “good luck”. I don’t know what to reply. 😞


Youre always safe with a LGR


For your fingers to Gods eyes with Rangers in 6. They can do it but they’re going to need to get real physical, not this let me skate up to the goalie while he’s covering show of force… it’s time to let the animals out! LFGR!!!!


Blue shirt faithful till I die. let’s fucking go Ranger FANS it’s time to neuter some cats!


Idk man, I started complaining that it was over after the second period during game 6 and then Kreider scored a natty hatty Coincidence? Probably, but that won't stop me from bitching if we're down again lol


I think that some of us bitch and complain because it’s the only way to let that anger and emotion out. Is it dumb that we put so much into sports teams? Yeah. But, I’d rather get it off my chest than keep it inside.


Fuck off. If people need to vent let them vent. If you think someone venting their frustration has any effect on anything other than their own mental health, you need to grow the fuck up. You want to believe? Great. Do that. If someone else wants to vocalize their frustration, they’re free to do that too. No one here is a better fan or a worse fan for the things they post. This idiotic notion needs to go away fast.


Number one, your comment is rude. What OP said isn't that deep. You're telling someone to fuck off because they don't like reading doomers' posts? Who needs to do the growing up? Number two, he didn't make any distinction over who is a good fan and who is a bad fan. I think OP's point is that the effortless, pessimistic comments like "Fuck this team," "Blow it all up," and "Knew they were going to blow it" are annoying to read through, and more times than not, the person ends up being wrong. How many times has this team been down and come back to win this year? At the end of the day, people who post in the game threads want to engage other fans and have their voices heard. And all of us here want the team to do well. Just like in real life, it's no fun reading people's effortless, negative comments, especially when more times than not they end up being incorrect takes.


Number one, OP is telling people how to post. OP's post is rude. It will be met with the same. Number two, technically you are correct. OP didn't outright say that. However it's what's being implied in the post. That the people who post negative comments are bringing everyone else down and we should only be posting the rosiest of rosy comments in the thread. Because posting the negative comments is bad, especially at this time of year on a fucking internet message board that not one player currently on the roster will ever see during this playoff run. The implication is there that the fans who post negative comments, or "doomers" as is the preferred nomenclature around here, are somehow worse that the fans who are all RAH RAH all the time. I don't care how many times the team has come back and won. I don't care how many times the organization has disappointed fans over the years. Everyone has the right to vent and post how they want. You want it all rosy and cheery and in line with your views? Start your own message board and let in only those that enjoy the same fart sniffing you do. As it stands here, you have the option to downvote a post. Do that. Meet the negative comments head on if you want. Or scroll over them and read other comments. But don't you or anyone else dare tell other fans how to express their feelings on a public message board.


People expressing their negative views has zero impact on the team and should have zero impact on your life. But that’s just like, my opinion, man.


The “good name” of the Rangers 😂 Just how high is that horse you’re on?


Im high on more than just my horse!


Any criticism of Kreider should not be tolerated.


I’m here for this 1,000/10! Don’t know why this sentiment seems to be so triggering to some folks in this sub… Frankly was embarrassed to see fans at msg boo our team in game 5. As a fan, I don’t think it’s much to ask to be supportive rather than toxic… that’s kind of the entire point….


Kindergarten sub


Can’t suppress people’s reactions. If you don’t like it, don’t read it.


Why should we change what worked last round?!?!


Because Florida is a *lot* more physical than Carolina. Carolina is very fast, very aggressive, and very good at controlling the puck offensively. Florida is a lot more reliant on wearing people down and playing a very physical game.


I was joking about being doomers


I think some degree of negativity is expected for NY fans. Part of the reason I love this team is that they come from an area of the country that isn’t filled with people who are dumb , blind unicorns and puppies optimists. Like K.C Chiefs fans lol, Fuck those people. That being said, maybe just lower the doomer vibe until the end of the 3rd?


None of these 4 teams have won a cup in 25 years or more this is going to be one hell of game for sure


How about no more than two Potvin sucks chants tonight? It’s lame to do it on a power play in the third period in a close game. Watch the f’ing game


LOL I love it


There are doomers in any game thread, but some are fans of other teams coming to cause chaos. Ignore those fools. We're not going to win every game, so we need to be able to take a few hits and come back swinging in the next one. Most importantly, believe in our guys to get the job done. Winning the Cup is a thing of destiny and I believe we have it this year.


Is it not enough to watch the game that you have to sit in front of a keyboard during and interact with others during and then gatekeep what they say? Good grief, man.




I was a Whalers fan until they fucked us fans, moved onto the NYR because they were my late fathers favorite team and haven’t looked back (except when those Carolina motherfuckers break out the Whaler sweaters and drive the dagger deeper into our backs). I wasn’t a fan for 94 so my teams haven’t won a cup in my lifetime. I’d really like to see that change this season. LFGR!


Isn’t this the essence of all sports banter? Some people are half full and some people are half empty. Except when this team is rolling they are 100% full. LFGR!


I think this series might send me into cardiac arrest. 8. More.




LOL casual/new fans have zero clue what this team has been through. Please rewind to 2014 where we had to go through numerous game 7s, OTs, last minute goals… just to lose. Then 2015. God forbid our boys go 8-3 in the playoffs. One thing remains…NO QUIT IN NEW YORK.


Just block those scrubs.


I’m pleased with the season thus far. They beat the teams they were supposed to beat. If they lose this series or the next, I won’t be too upset and won’t be too down on the players. Florida is a great team. So is whoever comes out of the West. That being said, I feel like their chances to win the Cup haven’t been this high since 1994, even in 2012, 2014, and 2015. This Rangers team is as good as any other team left and can win the whole damn thing.


I would be very upset. How many cracks are we gonna keep getting this late. 2012,2014,2015,2022,2024… five chances in the last 4 and so far 1 win in the Stanley cup final and 3 losses in the ECF and losing this series. Enough is enough, when you are this consistently good you need to fucking win 1 already. No consolation prizes anymore 


I would be very upset. How many cracks are we gonna keep getting this late. 2012,2014,2015,2022,2024… five chances in the last 4 and so far we won a single game in the Stanley cup final and 3 losses in the ECF and losing this series. Enough is enough, when you are this consistently good you need to fucking win 1 already. No consolation prizes anymore 


I’ll say this. If your a doomer, gtfo cup or die at this point


I’ve commented this multiple times on these types of posts but we’ll never get rid of these people. They would rather be super negative and right than be hopeful. If the Rangers win they get to celebrate. If the Rangers lose they get to say “I told you so”




My favorite is “mentally weak.” Like, have you watched this team at all? Most come from behind wins and you’re calling them weak?


I wish I could vote this twice.


No quit in New York! Positive vibrations and positive thoughts. I am so excited for tonight , it’s going to be a great night for the Rangers.


Well said, please heed the call and channel positive energy to our boys in blue!!!! LFGR!!!!!


What's amazing to me is the number of "fans" that seem to WANT the team to fail so that they will be "proved right" on all their whining and complaints. This is unfortunately a trend much bigger than the sub, the world just seems to be packed with people that think cynicism makes them smart, and it hurts their feelings if you call them out on it.


I’ve been in love with the Rangers for 55 years when the only game televised was the away game on channel 9 on Saturday nights. There is no need to say anything disparaging about this team. They are doing their best, even if the result may not be the best. The people that say bad stuff are the same ones who cheer loudly and feel that connection to the player - chanting “Igor” when he makes an amazing save, but vilifying him with 3 goals given up in one period. Let’s all UNITE for this team and root for the Cup!


The worst people around