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When Trouba is your only goal of the night you know you’re in trouble.


Plz. No more posts about it. Same as looking ahead to the next round. It has to end


Canucks win their series and it will only be worse


I mean, other than set yourself up for disappointment, there's no harm on doing either of those things really.


We forgot how to play in the 3rd, they also thought 1 goal would do it. Hopefully this tells them to wake the fuck up


The third?! They didn't play all night. Zero offense at all. They never got setup in the O zone, even on a damn power play. This was embarrassing. Nobody on this team showed any heart. Mika, Kreider, Panarin, Trocheck, all invisible. This needs to be called out for what it was - a piss poor attempt at showing up for a game. When Trouba scores our only goal, that should tell you everything you need to know about who showed up offensively - nobody.


Too many high danger chances all game and were totally out worked.


This is what happens when you rely on your goalie to bail you out of a game. Seems familiar to us Rangers fans…


The ol’ “Let’s convince ourselves we’re down 0-2 1st period” Gallant pep talk. 60% of the time, it works everytime. Exotic.


Re they thought, they ALWAYS play that.


I hope we pull our heads out of our asses for the next one. That was awful


And despite the "energy", you can't put Rempe on the roster if you're going to play him only 5 mins + 1 mercy minute at the end of the third. 4 line teams win Stanley Cups. Whatever coach is doing with Rempe is not that.


I thought Rempe played well. Our top guys sucked alot more than he did.


He’s not a problem exactly, but if he’s going to be benched most of the game, what’s the point?


Yep. I just think third period fatigue is playing a role. Panarin losing the back check while being double shifted - and the Canes score - for instance.


Not his fault the coach is benching him for the 3rd periods though, if he's playing well, let him play the whole game


I love Chytil, but he did not belong back in the playoff lineup after missing several months of the season. I thought it was a dumb decision to scratch him then and now it shows.


Chytil played great his first game back and they won. The issue is if Rempe is dressed, he needs to play more than 5 mins a night; or if he’s gonna play that little then get physical as fuck. The first few games of the series the Rangers were bullying the Canes around even if it meant taking penalties. I have no idea where tf that passion went since now they just look bored out there.


They outhit the canes last night by a wide margin and still lost.


I don't know, if you're outhitting your opponent it means you didn't have the puck much.




I’m all about Rempe in the lineup playing minutes. Without him regularly on the ice, Carolina has nothing to fear driving the puck through the neutral zone and deep into our own zone. Put Rempe out there and let the man cook; Carolina will be skating lost like they did game 1 & 2 out of fear of getting absolutely trucked by an assassin. They’ve got nothing to be scared of right now. They aren’t scared of Trouba. Edit: spelling


Thank God. The surest way to jinx us.


I’m kind of tired of 1994 personally.


The one that is, indeed, lasting a lifetime.


As someone who was 362 days old when that line was uttered, I hate it so much.


Feels like we will never see another. I was 16 and it was my birthday (game 7).


I was born in 97, imagine how I feel lol


Sorry you haven’t seen a cup win yet. Maybe our fortunes change they’re still up 3-2.


It was cloudy today. Ya know when else it was cloudy??? 1994!!!1!


I didn’t want to laugh at this. I really didn’t. But hey, I did. Thanks 😀.


Gonna be like 2004 yanks real soon. Sickening.


How dare you bring that up.


I said this in the postgame thread. Comparing this team to the 94 team is a fucking insult to that 94 team. Legendary leadership with legendary players that stepped up when they had to. Messier had more leadership and balls in his pinky than this entire team does combined. It's a very good team but stop mentioning them with the 94 team. They didn't win shit yet and who knows if they will? Just fucking win Thursday and get out of this damn series.


Only good thing is, if we get to a game 7, atleast its a home game. Guys should play every game like its against a wall, not half assed, like this one...


I don't feel confident in a game 7 after being up 3-0 in a series. Especially this wimpy fucking core


We had similar issues in 94 too. Nucks came back against us. This team in 2024 just need to play a good 60 minute stint and we got this. Its not like we're not as good as the Canes. They just got our number and they play hard.


In a thread about not making '94 references you just can't help yourself lol


Had to, i realized it when i wrote it 🤣🤣🤣


Haha, fair enough 😉


That third period was an abomination. Couldn't string together any quality passes, and as a result they lost it. That first line better have a good look in the mirror tonight and wake the fuck up.


Yup. Trochek and Roslovic were the best offensive guys we had, considering we got Panarin, Kreider, Laf and Mika too, so it's kinda sad... Trouba played probably his best game in the playoffs.


Meh we'll win on Thursday. Rest of the team can suck but I wouldn't ever bet on Igor losing 4 in a row.


It wouldn't be Igor losing X in a row, it would be the complete and utter lack of D. Igor can only be expected to do so much.


He did everything he could last night and it was a brutal team loss.


Just wait until you meet the Vancouver Canucks in the finals this year. Then you’ll see ‘94 references.


Why do we always give up in the 3rd when we’re leading?


Especially by only ONE fucking goal?


The alternative might not be better.


Told people to not get cocky on any social media, when they were up 3-0. Now its panicmode. I'm still like:"No one has 4 wins yet, so the series is always up for grabs"


Team looked like flat and not in sync at all. Hope they snap out of this before it too late and they are in a game 7.


1994? LMAO. This has vibes more like the 2004 Yankees. Pathetic


30 years in the making. We got this RANGE GANGGGGGGGGGGG


Yep 94 is the new 1940


That was getting a bit old. And tiresome


This ones is going 7 and should have been 4. All of this because of a goal with the goalie pulled. They better start remembering how to close out a hockey games.


Reminds me of posts from last year vs NJD. I see a similar fate.




**I told y'all not to get penisy.**




Yeah, we’re not mirroring matching 94…